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Hey Look ! There’s Still A North !!

DATE : 27th ~ 30th July `23 LEVEL : Epic
CAMPAIGN AREA : The Great Battlefield

The war in Eloria is still ongoing. The enemy takes ground, Sanctuary and allied
forces take it back. It is very draining on resources and has almost become a way of life for
many involved. No significant changes or events have been reported for years. There is a
growing sense of impatience or concern about the war from some in Sanctuary. There is also
a growing sense of unrest upon the Plains, due to dark rumours of what may be occurring in
Fox Clan lands or where their allegiances may now lie. Either way, the fear is spreading and
other clansmen are speaking sympathetically of the Fox Clans point of view. It is not through
lack of effort that decisive victories have not been achieved in the war. Daring missions have
been attempted, some thwarted, some successful, but whatever territorial advantage that had
been gained from such, is usually overturned in time by the enemy. The current battle lines
are very similar to how they were nine years ago. If it wasn’t for the heroics of the Wolf Clan
and Sanctuary allies thwarting the plots of the enemy regarding the Obelisk of the Frozen
Damned things may be much worse. We continue to trade with our allies for resources to
provide for the army, some speculate that if the food coming in on barges from the Sultan of
the Southern Sands had been alternatively heading to the Dark Nation, we may have already
lost the war.
For those of you who have travelled the road south out of Sanctuary, or north from
the Clansland Trading Post, you will have noticed that the Waystation has gradually grown
more fortified over the last ten years and indeed walls now run away from it either side into
the woods, forming some level of defence for the farmlands that lie closer to Sanctuary. This
level of construction for defence is visible in general in and around Sanctuary. This however,
is not helping with moral and leading to speculation that resources are getting stretched.

On a brighter note, you have received invitation from Shalarn Koral to gather and
attend a meeting at Outpost 12, which lies towards the centre of The Great Battlefield.
Approximately half way between Outpost 7 (which lies just north of the River of Endless
Tides and to the east) and the Crystal Caverns (almost dead centre of the Battlefield) home to
the faerie folk of the north. We have included so much detail in the directions, as not many
people have been there for a while and we don’t want you to get lost.
It is known that the Northlands have been relatively quiet for many years now. The
Drox Ban rarely venture from their borders and the Zincarn are largely divided, without
leadership and organisation. What is left of the unliving in the area known as the Graveyards,
have an agreement with Sanctuary and cause no trouble for us. Nothing has been heard of the
Blacklords from beyond the mountains since the warding went back up. It is happy news that
the Northlands are quite, as Sanctuary is pouring all resources into the war in the south.

Sanctuary are willing to pay the standard rate for adventuring companies out in the
field, to cover any expenses you may incur to attend this meeting. Several notable members of
the Wolf Clan have also been invited to attend the meeting. We are unsure who they will
send, but you should ensure their safe arrival to Outpost 12. It is believed that Shalarn Koral
wishes to discuss the encounters the Wolf Clan have had, with Spring? and Jack Frost, which
may be relevant in maintaining our ongoing good relations with the folk of the Crystal
Please assemble at the Blue School of Magic for transportation, on the 27 th day of this
month. Please try to maintain a low profile in the north and keep the relative peace.

We hope you have a lovely time!

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