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Curinaya Huiracocha is a creator of Peruvian territory. It’s believed that

it is de entity that intervenes in time of crisis. He’s also regarded as
cultural hero. The story was located in Pachacamac.

It’s said that Huiracocha turned into a por man . He walk the streets
with torn clothes and people treated him like a beggar. He was a God
of the fields. There is a beutifull girls called Cahuillaca. There a lot of
Huacas that pretended her but she always reject them.One day that
womas was knitting under the Lucumo tree. Cuniraya was looking for
her. He was thinking an idea to talk with her, so he turned into a bird
and flew to the tree. Here he found a mature lúcuma where hi put his
semen.He did the lúcuma fell dawn next to Cahuillaca. She ate it and
got pregnant.

Nine month after she gave birth her baby. She took care her baby alone
but all people asked her who was the baby’s father. They did a meeting
with all the Huacas to know who was the father.Unfortunately all of
them refused to be baby’s father. It’s said that the woman placed her
baby on the floor and let her move to where her father was.The baby
approached and hugged Curinaya.

When the scence was seen by Cahuillca.

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