Eol 4

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Saim Umair

January 25 , 2024

Independent Career Study

EOL 4 : Article - “ Should You Become a Real Estate Agent”

Article Assessment

The article discusses the recent rise in interest in real estate careers, particularly in the

U.S., where there has been a 60% increase in people getting their real estate licenses from 2020

to 2021. The author, an experienced realtor, suggests that this trend is likely due to the job's

flexibility and autonomy, which have become more appealing in the aftermath of the global

pandemic and during the Great Resignation period. The article offers advice for those

considering a career in real estate, emphasizing the need to obtain a license, be financially

prepared for upfront costs, build strong relationships within the industry, develop a sales-oriented

mindset, and continuously upskill for long-term success. It concludes with guidance for

prospective real estate professionals, urging them to plan carefully and set realistic goals as they

enter the industry.

For me this article gives me more of a motive. I feel indecisive as a person and little

motivation to keep me in line for my choice. Real estate has its pros and cons, similar to any

career, and I love getting along with others, introducing them, but most importantly helping

them. The article highlights the rise in agents, which raises a bit of a career but provides a

motive, in what impact am I going to make, that will give me my rep in the real estate industry.

Connections are so vital, and I have started that already, but reading the true reasons of the article

push me to make even more connections. One of my first concerns of the career was, why would
someone choose me. If someone knows me, If i put myself out there, why would they not choose

me. It's not just about the connections of people, but the connection you maintain with the

industry. As stated and known prior, the field is designed to give you what you put into it, as it's a

very free will career.

In conclusion, real estate is something that I want to pursue deep down, I have second

thoughts but I don't see the downsides of my choices. I would love to have real estate as a

backbone throughout my life.

Work Cited

Lapp, Tina. “Should You Become a Real Estate Agent?” Harvard Business Review, 7 October

2022, https://hbr.org/2022/10/should-you-become-a-real-estate-agent. Accessed 25

January 2024.

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