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Tools for

Brainstorming is a creative group or
individual technique for generating a large
quantity of ideas on a specific topic or
problem. It encourages participants to share
their thoughts and suggestions without
immediate criticism, allowing for a free flow
of ideas. Afterward, these ideas can be
evaluated, refined, and developed.

Mind Map
A mind map is a visual representation of
ideas, concepts, or information in a
hierarchical and interconnected format. It
typically starts with a central idea or topic
and branches out to subtopics, creating a
graphical and structured representation
that aids in organizing, visualizing, and
brainstorming ideas.

Creativity is the ability to generate novel,
valuable, and innovative ideas, solutions, or
expressions. It involves thinking divergently,
making unique connections, and approaching
problems or tasks in original ways. Creativity
is not limited to the arts; it is a crucial aspect
of problem-solving and innovation in various

Six Thinking
Six Thinking Hats is a creative thinking technique
developed by Edward de Bono. It involves six
metaphorical "hats," each representing a different
thinking style or perspective. Participants put on
one hat at a time to focus on a particular aspect of
a problem or idea, which can help in generating a
variety of ideas and viewpoints.

Lateral thinking is an approach to
problem-solving and creativity that
encourages thinking outside the box.
It involves breaking away from
traditional thought patterns and
considering unconventional or
unexpected ideas and solutions.
Lateral thinking often seeks to find
novel and indirect approaches to

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