EFIS-85B Electronic Flight Instrument System

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EFIS-85B(14)/86B(14) Electronic Flight Instrument System Includes TWR-850 Turbulence Weather Radar System operation) pilot’s guide (3-tube version) (© Copyright 1998 Rockwell Coling, ne. All rights reserved isiness and Regional il ii ii iil NCUA Collins COLLINS EFIS-85B(14)/86B(14) ELECTRONIC FLIGHT INSTRUMENT SYSTEM PILOT’S GUIDE (3-TUBE VERSION) The following lists specify the Collins part numbers for the equipment used in the EFIS-858(14)/86B(14) tubo systom. Verify that these part numbers are the same as specified in the airplane's list of equipment. EFIS-85B(14) SYSTEM EQUIPMENT TYPE | _ COLLINS PART NUMBER FDS (@ reqs) (622-6620-011, 012, -021, 121, or 122 EFD-SA @2 req) \eaa-6464.011, 012. 021, 022 a /MFD-858 (1 reqa) [e22-7876-011, -012,-211, or 212 MED-B5C (tread) \s22-9849.001, 02, 011, -012, -201, 1-202 __ JOPU-BSN (treats) (s22-8678-001, -002,-008, -004, 008, -006, 007, 008, -014, or O24 IMPU-8EN (1 req'd) ~_[e22-8679-001,-002, 009, 004, -005,-006, -007, -008, 014, of -024 [DcP-B5e (1 reqs) (s22-€794-001, -002, -20t, or 202 JOCP-856 11 reqs) {s22-8600-001,-002, 201, 07-202 [cHP-868 (1 reais} [s22-6899-001, 002, 201, 202 - |ROP-200 (1 req'd) jez2-st10-001 ICEU-85 (1 req) s22-7877-001 [CEUAASA Ut rect@) je2z-9a90-001 [FSwxP-2508 |*622-8289-001, 002, -008, 004, -011, -012, 019, or-014 1 [2 SwxP.0508, [ea2-8094-001,-002,-003, | Notes: Used in installations tht show TOAS tratic onthe MED. [Fatnough not par of the EF1S-858(14) system, the WXP.850() Weather Radar Panel contols the play of weather radar informationon EF'S ceplays This plot's guide includes « deseipon ol the WXP-850() operation. Fone or wo may be instaled Instllatere wih saved rade operation require two WPS. 901, -002, 008, and-O08 Verio of WXP-BSOA and -2608 are sed in nstaliatons weh 001-002-003, and 04 versions of DPU-8SN and MPU-8SN. -011, 012, -013, and .014 versions of WXP-850A and 0B ae used in linstaaionswith-006 and lator versione of DPU-SSN and MPU-N. (Equipment list for the EFIS-86B(14) Is on the following page) 2nd Edition 523-0775919-002117 22 May 98 - EFIS-868(14) SYSTEM EQUIPMENT TYPE ‘COLLINS PART NUMBER FO (rea) EFD-004 reas, /MFD-858 (1 req) 'MFD-85C (1 req'd) IMPU-BBN (1 reg — lecaeriacn, DOP-8se (vend) '22-6794-001, [pop.25a (1 rea (CHP-968 (oe) FROP-300 (1 reas) iszzst10-001 evs (trea) ls22 7577-001 CEU95A ne) ___lez29000001 [Saaz asna Fea ane-o01 a8, 208,008, OF, 012-018 on Oe i SE xp-e508 tez2:9994:001,-002,-009,-004,.011,-012,-013.0r-018 Notes: Used in inatalaions that show TCAS trafic onthe MFO. Although not part ofthe EFIS-200(14) system, te WXP.850( ) Wosther Radar Panel conics the splay of lweethe radar infomation on EFISckplaye. Tis plots que includes a descrpton ofthe WXP-850( operation. Fone of to may be intaod Installation wit slaved radar operation require two WXPS, 1. 092,008, and -008 versione of WP-B50A and “2508 ate used In installations with -001, 002,009, and 004 versione of DPU-B6N and MPU-BEN. 011, -012, 013, and -014 versions of WXP-B50A and 2508 are usedin nstalatons with -005 a tater versions of DPU-BEN and MPU-BEN. SOFTWARE COPYRIGHT NOTICE Copyright, 1982—1998 Rockwell Collins, Inc. {Al software resident in the equipment covered in this book is protected by copyright. Copyright © Rockwall Collins, Inc., 1998. All rights reserved, Printed in the USA. EFIS-858(14)/86B(14)[3-tube version] Electronic Flight Instrument System List of Effective Pages Page No Tito. Record of Re’ ‘List of Eifective Pages’ 22 May 98 22May98 zeNay 98 2eMay98 RETAIN THIS RECORD IN THE FRONT OF THE PILOTS GUIDE. ON RECEIPT OF REVISIONS, INSERT REVISED PAGES IN THE MANUAL, AND ENTER DATE, INSERTED AND INMTALS, Pilot's Guide “The aster ndcalze pages changed, added, o° deleted bythe current change REV REVISION INSERTION REV REVISON INSERTION NO. DATE DATERY NO DATE DATERY sted 15 Aug 89 22 May 96 EFIS-858(14)/868(14)[3-tube version] Pilot's Guide Electronic Flight Instrument System This page intentionally left blank. EFIS-856(14)/86B(14)[3-tube version} ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS Electronic Flight Instrument System Pilot's Guide TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION .. ‘SYSTEM DESCRIPTION . EFD-85( 8 ) Electronic Fight Displays EADI (Electronic Attitude Director Indicator) EHS! (Electronic Horizontal Stuaton Inceaton MFD (Multifunction Display) .-.. DOP (Display Control Panel) CHP (Course Heading Panel) PU (Display Processor Unit) MPU (Multifunction Processor Unit) WXP (Weather Radar Panel). . OPERATING CONTROLS... DGP-85E/85G Display Control Panel Operation CHP-868 Course Heading Panel Operation : WXP-850() Weather Radar Panel..-.....-2.se0eeee ‘MF0-85() Muttunction Display Operation MFD-858 Controls . : MFD-85C Controls. EADI DISPLAY FORMATS . Attitude Displays and Annunciators .... Airplane Symbol... ‘Command Bar Display. Attitude Display Attitude Sensor Annunciation ‘Attitude Sensor Test Annunciation Inclinometer.....- [Autopiot, Yaw Damper, and Flight Control Mode Annunclators ‘Autopilot and Yaw Damper Annunciation .....++ +++. ‘Trim and Vertical Syne Annunciation Flight Control Mode Annunciation...» Radio Altitude and DH Displays and Annunciators Radio Altitude Display . . Radio Altitude Test Decision Height Read-out Display Decision Height Annunciator . Navigation Displays and Annunciators: Lateral Deviation Display... Vertical Deviation Display Marker Beacon Display ........ 1+. Airspeed Displays and Annunciators - Inccated Arepeed Display. eee Airspeed Trend ..... 3 — ‘Speed Deviation Display . . cag aa SY Exoaeohe Attude Display... i ‘ Warning Flags ...-- Attude Flag. Display or Muttiunction Processor Unit (OP or wri) Flag Vertical Deviation Flags...... 2nd Edition 22 May 98 TABLE OF CONTENTS EFIS-858(14)'86B(14)[3-tube version} Pilot's Guide Electronic Flight Instrument System Radio Altimeter Flag . ceeeeteeee ceeeeeeeeee 88 Display Control Panel Flag --..0 ecco : cone 86 Lateral Deviation Flags ......... ceveeeee ceetteeree ee 88 Cross-Side Data Flag .. een : 36 Speed Deviation Flags Flight Director Flag Air Data Flag... ‘Comparator Flags and Master Watn Annunciat Comparator Reset . ceeteerenee Master Warn Reset fees cecceeee 198 Attitude Comparators and Flags... 139 Pitch and Roll Comparators cicctsseeestenenees feeceeeeeeen es 88 Category I! Comparators and Flags, : : Ditters 40 ILS Localizer or MLS Azimuth cootetetecseeens 40 ILS Glidestope, or MLS Glidepath |... 42 Radio Altitude Comparator 42 Category I! Outputs . a4 Category II Excessive Deviation Warnings... 94 tetiiene sane SIT 4s: ILS Localizer or MLS Azimuth ... 45 ILS Glideslope or MLS Glidepath 46 EHSI DISPLAY FORMATS . sesearva cess MT HSI Format Displays and Annunciators Bearing Pointer Display. LINAV Annunciation... Compass Display and Heading Sensor Type | Selected Heading Display . Active Selected Course Display TolFrom Arrow . TGT and TRB Weather Annunciation - Data Display Preset Course Display. Vertical Deviation Display . Lateral Deviation Display. _ LIN/ANGIXTK and BIC (Back Course) Annunciations Waypoint or DME Identifier and Waypoint Alert Distance Display . ARC Format Displays and Annunciators .. Compass Sector Display. bese Selected Heading Display... css Active Selected Course Display Bearing Pointer Display. . ... Vertical Deviation Display Lateral Deviation Bar And Scale Display. Range Display. : . To/From Display Weather Radar Display... Preset Course Display. . Peripheral Displays : MAP Format Displays and Annunciators . ‘Compass Sector Display. Active Selected Course Display . Preset Course Display. . Bad Edition ii 22 May 98 EFIS-858(14)/86B(14)[3-tube version] ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS Electronic Flight Instrument System Pliot's Guide Ober MAP Forma spb «o.oo oso ssssossesesesosssesoosstentts 270 Warning Flags ......+ . Vir Distance Flag ur Heading Flag... 7 Display or Muitilunction Processor Unit oro or MPU) Flag. 172 Data Fiags . : EPs 2 72 Vertical Deviation Flags... Display Control Panel Fiag - ‘Cross-Side Data Flag 72 Bearing Pointer Flag ...... w72 Active Selected Course Sensor Flag. wT Preset Course Sensor Flag (HSI Format)... o iiit4 Preset Course Sensor Flag (ARC and MAP Formats). 74 Comparator Flags and Master Warn Annunciators “75: Comparator Reset - .75: ‘Master Warn Reset y 75 Heading Comparator and Flag. :78 Category II Comparators and Flags 7 ILS Localizer or MLS Azimuth . ILS Glideslope, or MLS Glidepath Category Il Outputs ...... Category I Excessive Deviation Wamnings. ILS Localizer or MLS Azimuth... 20002000005 o ILS Glideslope or MLS Glidepath. ceceereeees “77 79 80 8i 181 182, MFD-858 DISPLAY FORMATS. Overview of Standard Functions Weather Radar ......+ Navigation Information. . . Page Data DI Overview of Additonal Functions Waypoint Definition .. Remote Data.....- - ‘Weather Radar (RDA) Display Mode... +. Navigation (NAV) Display Mode. Display Features and Elements . NAV MENU Display... Heading Up Map Display pe North Up With Aircraft Centored Map Display Not Up Masimum View Map Dispay.-----.- Plan View Map Display ...... Remote Data MT) Dispay Mode RMT # oo... Extended Data... 3 Page (PGE) and Emergency (EMG) Bispay Modes « Y (Line Advance) A (Line Reverse) SKP (Skpp).. RCL (Recall) CLR (Clear). Joystick Warning Flags and Comparators NAV Flags «+++ 2nd Edition 22 May 98 iit ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS EFIS-85B(14)/868(14)(3-tube version] Pilot's Guide Electronic Flight Instrument System Heading Flag... = 120 Heading Comparator: = 120 MPU FAIL Flag . : 120 MFD-85C DISPLAY FORMATS « - 123 Overview .... 123 TCAS Tratfc Display. 123 ADR and NAV Displays... 123, RMT. PGE, and EMG Displays. 123 ‘Traffic (TFC) Dispiay Mode 124 Traffic Display ; + 124 ‘TFC Line Key Menu. é - 126 Annunciators and Flags. 2128 Composite Display. 2134 TTCAS System Diagnostic Display . 135 Controls... 2136 Radar (RDR) and Navigation way Dispay Modes 2138 ROR Display + 138 NAV Display. . 2140 NAV MENU Display. 140 Remote Data (RMT) Display Mode : 2142 REVERSIONARY MODES OF OPERATION . 21143 Electronic Flight Display Failure 2143 Display Processor Unit Failure 145, Display Control Pane! Failure, 2145 Mulitunction Processor Unit Fallure +145 Multifunction Display Failure... . 2145: Fn re a 2 147 EFIS Sel-Test .. 2147 Sensor Self-Test 2147 Heading Sensors... - 2147 Navigation Sensors . - 148, Radio Altitude Sensors ........ccccceesseeeeveeees 148 Air Data Sensors 148, PROGRAMMING MFD PGE AND EMG DATA PAGES. - 148 Programming With The CEU-85/85A Checklist Entry Unit. 149 Programming With The RDP-300 Remote Data Programmer. . 150 Programming Preparations . 2 180 Operating The ADP-300 Remote Data Programmer. 154 Keyboard Description 184 Operation 2 156 Programming a New MFD Multtunction Display... ji 158 Changing an Already Programmed MFD Mutifunction Display - 161 EFIS SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM .... ssertarra tess 162 2rd Edition 22 May 98 EFIS-858(14)/86B(14)[3-tube version] INTRODUCTION Electronic Flight instrument System Pilot's Gi INTRODUCTION This pilot's guide presents general information about the EFIS-858(14)/86B(14) Electronic Flight Instrument System. Its not intended to be a training manual. It is a guide to understanding the general operation of the system as designed by Collin General Aviation Division. ‘This pilot's guide describes all variations of the EFIS-858(14)/96B(14) -tube systems that consist of the equipment listed on the title page of this book. This includes descriptions of system components, typical operating procedures, annunciators, and warning flags. The specific information shown on the displays in any given aircraft installation is determined by the equipment installed in the aircraft and the aircraft's wiring. Occasionally references to a specific version of equipment are made in order to show and describe system or display variations. When this occurs, the status number for a specific unit may be given so that you can refer to your aircraft manuals to determine which version of the unit is installed in your aircraft. Not all of the elements and/or annunciators shown in the figures and described in this pilot's guide show on any given system installation, Some display elements and/or annunciators may not show on the displays at the same time as other elements andlor annunclators as shovin in the figures. Also, some display information can be selected or deselected depending on the regime of flight. You must refer to the appropriate aircraft flight manuals for specific information for your aircraft's EFIS installation. ‘Supplemental information deseribing the EFIS-858(14)/86B(14) in considerable technical depth is available in the form of manuals and brochures, as wall as formal training courses. Contact your local Collins General Aviation Division sales office for cost and availabilty information, The EFIS-858(14)/86B(14) 3-tube systems use color CRTs to display a pilot's ADI and HSI; and a conveniently mounted muttitunetion display. The CRT displays are called EADI (Electronic ADI), EHS! (Electronic HSI), and MFD (Multifunction Display) respectively. The 858(14) system uses 5-inch by S-inch CRTs for the EADI and EHSI and the 868(14) system uses 5-Inch by 6-inch CRTs for the EADI and EHS!. Both systems use @ 4-Inch by 5-inch CRT for the MFD. The figures and descriptions throughout this pilot's guide show and refer to the 885(14) system. The 85B(14) system is the same as the 868(14) except for the S:inch by S-Inch CRTs. EFIS-858(14)/868(14) Electronic Flight Instrument Systems use input data from the following sources: + VOR, localizer, glideslope, TACAN, and microwave landing system (MLS) receivers (MLS consists of microwave azimuth (MAZ) and microwave glidepath (MGP)) ' Pitch, rol, heading, rate, and acceleration data from an AHS (attitude heading system) or conventional vertical gyro, compass system, and longitudinal accelerometers + Radio altimeters Air data systems Angle of attack systems Distance measuring systems Flight control system Long range navigation systems (LNAVs)(RNV, INS, VLF, LRN, LNV, FMS, GPS, etc.) Vertical navigation systems Weather radar systems ‘Automatic direction finding systerns Input data from the above sources is used by EFIS-858(14)/86B(14) systems to show V-bar or crosspointer steering commands and other navigational data for fight control purposes as well as information of an advisory nature. Extensive monitoring and comparator circuits in the system give warning flags and other types of data flagging techniques to indicate possible equipment malfunctions. ad Edition 22 May 98 1 INTRODUCTION EFIS-855(14)/86B(14)[3-tube version] t's Guide Electronic Flight Instrument System WARNING THE EFIS-858(14)/868(14) ELECTRONIC FLIGHT INSTRUMENT SYSTEMS AND RELATED COMPONENTS EXHIBIT A VERY HIGH DEGREE OF FUNCTIONAL INTEGRITY. NEVERTHELESS, USERS MUST RECOGNIZE THAT IT IS NOT PRACTICAL TO PROVIDE MONITORING FOR ALL CONCEIVABLE SYSTEM FAILURES AND THAT, HOWEVER UNLIKELY, IT IS POSSIBLE THAT ERRONEOUS OPERATION COULD OCCUR WITHOUT A FAULT INDICATION, THE PILOT HAS THE RESPONSIBILITY TO DETECT SUCH AN OCCURRENCE. BY MEANS OF CROSS-CHECKS WITH REDUNDANT OR CORRELATED INFORMATION AVAILABLE IN THE COCKPIT. WARNING SUNGLASSES WITH POLARIZED LENSES OR LENSES THAT ARE DESIGNED TO FILTER SPECIFIC COLORS/FREQUENCIES OF LIGHT MAY ADVERSELY AFFECT A PILOT'S ABILITY ‘TO SEE SOME COLORS SHOWN ON EFIS DISPLAYS. SOME ELEMENTS ON THE DISPLAY CAN BE COMPLETELY INVISIBLE WHILE WEARING THESE TYPES OF SUNGLASSES. ALSO, THE COLOR OF SOME ELEMENTS MAY BE CHANGED. FOR EXAMPLE, SOME BLUE LIGHT FILTERING LENSES CAN CHANGE MAGENTA TO RED. ‘2nd Edition 2 22 May 98 EFIS-85B(14)/86B(14)[3-tube version] ‘SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Electronic Flight Instrument System Pilot's Guide SYSTEM DESCRIPTION SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Collins EFIS-858(14)/86B(14) Electronic Flight Instrument Systems can be installed in a variety of configurations. Normally, the 3-tube version has dual CRTs on the pilot's side for EAD! and EHS! displays, and a center mounted MFD, The system may be installed as a stand-alone fight instrument system although, itis normally installed with a fight control system such as the Collins FCS-B0, APS-65, or FOS-85. EFIS-858(14) and EFIS-868(14) 3-tube systems consist of the equipment listed in the following table. To assist in a clearer understanding of the relationships of the equipment, a simplified functional block diagram, section, at the back ofthis pilot's guide, shows how a typical system is interconnected. CC EFIS-856(14) ary | EFIS-868(14) ‘ary |EFD-85() Electronic Flight Display 2__|EFD-66( ) Electronic Fight Display 2 | MFD-858 Mutfunction Display 1 |MFD-858 Mutiftunction Display 1 or or MFD-85C Multifunction Display 4__|MFD-85¢ Multifunction Display 1 DGP-85E Display Control Panel 1 |DOP-85E Display Control Panel 1 DCP-856 Display Control Panel 1_|DOP-856 Display Control Panel | CCHP-868 Course Heading Panel 1 |CHP-868 Course Heading Panel 1 DPU-B5N Display Processor Unit __|DPU-88N Display Processor Unit 1 MPU-85N Multifunction Processor Unit] _1 _|MPU-86N Multifunction Processor Unit| 1 ‘Atthough not part of the EFIS system, the WXP-850( ) Weather Radar Pane! controls the operation of the ‘TWR-850 Turbulence Weather Radar System which shows weather radar information on the EHS! and MFD displays, This pilot's guide includes a description of the operation of the WXP-850( ). ‘An EFIS-858(14)/868(14) system receives data from the following sources: +» VORIlocalizeriglideslope/TACAN/microwave landing system receivers « Pitch, rll, heading, rate, and acceleration data from an AHS (attitude heading system) or ‘+ Conventional vertical gyro, compass system, and longitudinal accelerometers '* Radio altimeters = Airdata systems + Angle of attack systems Distance measuring systems Flight contro! systems Long range navigation systems (RNY, INS, VLF, LRN, LNV, FMS, GPS, etc.) Vertical navigation systems Weather radar systems Automatic direction finding systems 2nd Edition 22 May 98 a SYSTEM DESCRIPTION EFIS-858(14/86B(14)[3-tube version] Pilot's Guide Electronic Flight Instrument System EFIS uses the data to show: Altitude and heading information ‘+ V-bar or cross-pointer steering commands Navigational data for fight control purposes Weather radar NAVAID/waypoint locations Airspeed and mach speed Wind vectors Up to four formats of moving map displays. FOS mode annuncletion Autopilot/yaw damper engage status Attitude, heading, and CAT Il comparator warnings CAT Il excessive deviation Decision height TCAS traffic displays Checklists Diagnostic messages In addition, extensive monitoring and comparator circuits provide warming flags and other types of data flagging techniques to indicate possible equipment matfunctions. ‘An EFIS-85B(14)/86B(14) system interfaces with various sensors, flight control systems and other devices. Aireraft wiring straps, connected when the EFIS system is installed in the aircraft, identify the devices connected to the EFIS system for proper display of the data provided by each device. Refer to the appropriate aircraft manuals for your aircraft to determine the sensors and other systems installed NOTE EFIS-85B(14)/868(14) Electronic Flight Instrument Systems operate normally until the +27.5 V de ower bus voltage drops to less than 18 V de. Below +18 V dc, the EADI, EHSI, and MFD displays tum off. They autornatically turn back on when the voltage rises above +18 V de. “The following paragraphs give a brief description of the equipment in the EFIS-85B(14)/86B(14) system. EFD-85( )/86( ) Electronic Flight Displays EFD-85( )/86() Electronic Flight Displays are used as ADI (EAD!) and HS! (EHS!) displays. In 3-tube systems, two EFDs are required. EFIS-858(14) systems use the EFD-85( ) which has 5-inch by 5-inch color CRTs and EFIS-B6B(14) systems use the EFD-86( ) which has 5-inch by 6-inch color CRTs. Following is a description ofthe information shown on the EFD in both the EADI and EHS! positions. EADI (Electronic Attitude Director Indicator) EADI display shows: + Aircratt attitude information ‘* Flight control system mode annunciation ‘Bnd Edition 4 (22 May 98 EFIS-858(14/86B(14)[3-tube version] SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Electronic Flight Instrument System Pilot's Guide Lateral deviation (VOR, localizer, TACAN, MAZ, or LNAV) Vertical deviation (glideslope, MGP, or VNAV) ‘Autopilot engage and mode annunciations Attitude comparator warnings Decision height set and annunciation In addition, an EAD! shows pilot selected information for speci functions or operating modes such as: Flight control system steering commands Attitude sensor source annunciation Marker beacon annunciation Radio attitude Fast/slow or angle-ot-attack deviation Indicated airspeed with reference airspeed and an airspeed trend vector Mach speed Attitude deviation » Approach mode comparator warnings » Cat Il excessive deviation for ILS or MLS Wiring straps, connected when the system is installed in the aircraft, select display functions such as: + Cross-pointer or V-bar command bars. + Enable or inhibit of fast/slow or angle of attack display ‘ Enable or inhibit arising runway lateral deviation symbol ‘+ Enable or inhibit a composite mode display format for reversion display modes ‘© Enable or inhibit the display of digital alr data trend vector information EHSI (Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator) EHS! displays show the aircratt’s horizontal navigation situation. in the EFIS-858(14)/868(14) systems, an EHSI has three display modes: HSI, ARC, and MAP. In the HSI display format the EHS! shows: + Compass heading and sensor type (true, magnetic, or DG mode) annunciation © Selected heading bug ++ Active course arrow sensor annunciation and digital read-out ++ Lateral deviation and sensor annunciation| Toffrom information Distance to station/waypoint Approach mode and VNAV vertical deviation NAV data for ground speed, time-to-go, elapsed time; and wind direction and speed Preset course arrow sensor annunciation and digital read-out from a second navigation sensor ‘Weather radar target alert, turbulence alert with TWR-850 Waypoint or DME identifier and waypoint alert “DR, “XTK", and message (‘MSG’) alert from an LNAV or RNAV set as the active navigation sensor Heading comparator warn flag ‘Approach mode comparator warn flags (when Cat Il approach mode is selected) Excessive deviation (when in Cat Il approach mode) Back course localizer, alternate heading, and DME hold ancunciations Bearing pointers and sensor annunciations ‘2rd Edition 22 May 98 5 ‘SYSTEM DESCRIPTION EFIS-858(14)/86B(14)[3-tube version] Pilot's Guide Electronic Flight Instrument System ‘Tha ARG format shows all the samne information as the HSI format with the following differences: ‘= An expanded compass segment shows in place of the compass rose (shows approximately 80 degrees, 40 on each side of the lubber line) ‘+ The airplane symbol is located at the bottom center of the display «= Preset course NAV source shows as a symbol on the display in place of or with a preset course arrow (depends on the version of DPU/MPU installed) ‘+ Shows weather radar information superimposed on the ARC format MAP mode shows the same information as the ARC format with the following ditferences: Navaids and waypoint symbols show on the display for the active and preset courses + Course lines show to and from VOR symbols + DME Ident shows next to VOR symbols Waypoint strings connected with desired track lines No lateral or vertical deviations displayed EFD-85( ) and EFD-86( ) displays also have an output for a cockpit mounted, installer supplied high temperature warning annunciator, This annunciator tums on when the intemal temperature of the EFD reaches +95°C (+203°F) in stil air. MED (Multifunction Display) (One MFD-85B or MFD-85C is mounted in the center of the panel. The information shown on an MFD depends on the associated equipment (LINAV, sensors, etc.) installed in the aircraft, the version of MPU installed and the version of MFD installed. Typically the MFD-858 display shows: «Weather radar ‘+ Three selections of pictorial navigation maps: heading up, north up aircraft centered, and north up max view (a fourth map, plan view, is available from a compatible LNAV in some installations) Remote data (up to three remote inputs for data from a compatible LNAV source) Extended data pages (for information trom a compatible LNAV source) Page and emergency data ‘The MFD-85C shows all the same information as the MFD-858 with the added abilty to show a TCAS traffic display and the associated TCAS traffic cisplay options. The TCAS traffic display can show on the MFD with ff without both the radar and navigation displays. Also shown on the MFD-85C in place of AMT 3 on the remote data page Is a flight information summary page for additional information from a compatible LNAV source. Installations with an MFD-85C use the -005 and later versions of MPU and DPU to drive the BFIS displays and -011, -012, -013, or -014 versions of WXP-850A/858 to control the TWR-850. Both the MFD-858 and MFD-85C have a high temperature waming output that can be connected to a cockpit ‘mounted, installer supplied annunclator. This annunciator turns on if the internal temperature of the MFD reaches +78°C (+172°F) in sil air. DCP (Display Control Panel) ‘The DCP-85E/85G controls the EAD! and EHS! displays and the information that shows on them. The DGP-85G control is the same as the DCP-85E except for the added selection for MLS sensors. In 3-tube systems, one DCP is required. ‘2nd Edition 6 22 May 98 EFIS-858(14)'868(14)(3-tube version] ‘SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Electronic Flight Instrument System Pilot's Guide ‘On an EHS! the DOP controls: * Display format selection (HSI, ARC, or MAP) * Display range selection (when radar is not shown on the display) * Active course and navigation sensor selection '* Bearing pointer selection ‘© Weather radar ‘+ Transfer of preselect course to the active course ‘= Preselect course information from a second navigation sensor * Display brightness ‘On an EADI the DOP controls: + Decision height set + Radio altimeter test ‘* Display brightness CAUTION Operating EFIS system displays at maximum brightness (OCP DIM controls fully clockwise) for extended periods of time may eventually result in a condition known as ‘imprinting’ on the displays. Imprinting is evidenced by the ability to "see" an Image on the display when the display is turned off, or by “seeing” an image other than the one desired. This last condition occurs when, for example, a display that was used as a EAD! Is removed from service and reinstalled as an EHSI, or vice versa. Proper management of the DCP-85E/85G DIM controls minimizes imprinting and helps to maximize the service life of EFD and MFO displays. Collins recommends that the intensity controls not be sot tothe maximum bright ful clockwise) position unless cockpit conditions (such as direct sunlight, etc.) require maximum brightness. Also, when maximum brightness is no longer required, adjust the DIM Controls to lower the brightnass of the displays to a comfortable viewing level. “There are other steps pilots can take to contribute greatly to extending the life of the displays and minimize the chances of imprinting. For example, adjust the DIM controls for minimum brightness (fully counterclockwise) while at the terminal or waiting for passengers or during other periods of activity on the ground when the EFIS Is not being used. CHP (Course Heading Panel ‘The CHP-86B control panel selects, or sets, information that shows on the EADI and EHS! displays. It has a single course (CRS) knob and a single heading (HOG) knob. The 3-tube system installations require only ‘one CHP-868 for control of: ‘= Course arrows and heading cursors * Course direct to and heading syne + NAV data (ground speed, time-to-go, elapsed time, or wind direction arrow and speed) # NAV data timing functions 2nd Edition 22 May 98 7 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION EFIS-85B(14)/86B(14)[3-tube version] Pilot's Guide Electronic Flight Instrument System DPU (Display Processor Ut ADPU-85N/86N procosses sensor and contro! inputs and gives the necessary deflection, video signals, and power to the EFDs. A single DPU is capable of driving two EFDs with different deflection and video signals. ‘Typically this includes one EADI and one EHSI on one side of the cockpit. DPUs also have a high temperature warning output that can be connected to a cockpit mounted, installer supplied annunciator. This annunciator turns on if the internal temperature of the DPU reaches +100°C (+212°F) in stil air. ‘There are a number of versions of the DPU that are used in the EFIS-858(14)/86B(14) 3-tube system. Each later version includes a general update of the previously existing software in the unit. Many of the changes are very subtle and may not be seen visually while some vary the information that shows on the EAOI, EHSI, or MFD. A very brie description of a visually identifiable feature for each version is listed below: '» The -001 version is the first version and the basis for all of the subsequent versions. * For the -002 version, the readily identifiable features are: the arrangement of the weather radar annunciators shown on the EHS! at the ends of the haif range arc, the addition of the FMS and pseudo localizer and glideslope annunciators and their associated flags; and an FMS (LNAV) HDG bug. + For the -008 version the most easily identifiable change can be seen on the MFD. The VOR and VOR2 selected course lines show on the MFD only when the respective sensors are selected as an active or preselected course on the respective on-side EHS! display. * For the -00¢ version the easiest identifiable feature is the preselect numerical course read-out. The ‘annunciator PRE and the associated numerical read-out show in cyan in place of the CRS annunciator and read-out when the course control symbol is set to the preselect sensor and a sensor is selected. '» The -005 (TCAS only) version includes the ability to show TCAS traffic on an MFD-85C display. '* The -008 (TCAS+GPS) version adds GPS with lataral deviation “scaling annunciation to the -005, version. The annunciation is located in the same position as “APPR' in the EFDs, ‘+ The -007 (GPS only) version adds the above lateral scaling identification to the -004 (no TCAS) version. ‘+ The -008 (TCAS+GPS) version Incorporates GPS with vertical deviation "scaling" annunciation to the -006 version for full GPS capability. A separate “scaling” annunciator is provided above the EFD "APPR". As always, refer to the appropriate aircraft flight manuals for a complete list of the equipment installed in your aircraft (MPU (Multitunction Processor Unit) ‘The MPU-85N/B6N processes sensor and control inputs and gives the necessary deflection and video signals tothe MED. The MPU can also give deflection and video signals to EADI and EHS! displays in cross-side data reversion modes in the event of failures to either or both DPUs. The MPU is similar to the DPU except the MPU has expanded input/output capabilities for a second set of aircraft sensors. The MPU also has a high temperature warning output that can be connected to a cockpit mounted, installer supplied, annunciator. This annunciator turns on ifthe intemal temperature of the MPU reaches +136°C (+275°F) in stil air. ‘As with the DPU there are a number of versions of the MPU that are used in the EFIS-85B(14/868(14) 3-tube system. Each version includes a general update of the previously existing software in the unit which includes many changes. The version number for the MPU and DPU are always the same for a given installation. The features that identify the version of DPU installed in a system also identify the version of MPU. Refer to the description of the DPU above and to the appropriate aircraft fight manuals to determine the version of MPU installed in your airerait WXP (Weather Radar Panel) ‘The WXP-850( )s not part ofthe EFIS system but does provide the mode contro, range selection, and other system operating controls to display weather radar information on the MD and the EHS! cisplays. Bad Edition 8 22 May 98 EFIS-85B(14)/86B(14)(3-tube version] OPERATING CONTROLS Electronic Flight Instrument System Pilot's Guide OPERATING CONTROLS DCP-85E/85G Display Control Panel Operation “The controls on the DCP-85( ) Display Control Panel select the information that shows on the EADI and EHS! displays. For the EHSI, the DCP selects the display format and various operating functions. For the EADI, the DCP controls set the decision height and operate the RA TST (radio altimeter test). The DCP also controls display dimming for both the EADI and EHSI. Each of the controls on the DCP-85( ) are described in the shaded boxes below and on the following pages. An example of the associated information that shows on the display Is also shown. The DCP-85E and -85G are the same except that the -85G has an additional sensor selection for an MLS sensor. ‘To initialize the EFIS system in the same configuration with the same sensors selected as when power was turned off to the system, the DCP stores mode status information in its memory. The information stored includes: * EHS! display format ‘¢ Selected course, heading, and NAV data from the CHP ‘= Course (active/prese!), and bearing navigation sensor selection «Display range ‘¢ EADI decision height setting DCP-85E/85G Display Control Panel el 2rd Editon 22 May 98 ° OPERATING CONTROLS EFIS-858(14)/868(14)[3-tube version] Pilot's Guide Electronic Flight instrument System (ORS AGT. (Course Active) Button ACTIVE COURSE ARROW PRESET COURSE ANOLE DEVIION BAA ARB Push the CRS ACT button to select the navigation ‘sensor for the active selected course arrow and letra deviaton ber shown of the EHS), acrve course ; tavgarion The CRB ACT ton ls Undine SEL AWG bn wh | SENSON aa he saan ef saaton sors cfmmed te he | ANENCATOR Sere npacl cane trove dl ace Fu he Gn Ac tion onto aie amor aga “hala ec paso cone ve seating is helontapageimtsatettcaG smeee! | presercouRse on 'no SEURNe no tw acar mscagn ie avainse | Rawereoe Teaieiecarion: ‘te namso malas ones the | SNe" Cobieet trom nitancatarsipenmeameawins | SeesCaToR Cieithierla * oR, L061, ices pLoct * RIN! ING1, “VUFY, LANG, UNV, FIRST, of TON. ve ae '* VOR2, LOG2, FLOG2, oriPLOC? Ne eae pene + ive nsa, "Vr, Line Liva, Fe of TM Ga cee ee oe t navigation sensor for the preset course PRINS: Sere faa: si, FES, or TONG, arrow and lateral deviation shown on the: AVL swlecbone ‘oplaced wih “GPS” fo GPS versions. HSI. ie M.S oe 2 vali ny tanto ih The CAS PE bul ane wh pe SELAWNG DPS. | kno tp contro! the selection of navigation sahsors: i ee ‘connected to the EHS! preset course dapiay: The, |: When the desired serssor shows on the display, push the CRS ‘ovise display dan be a course. arrow and "ACT button again to select that sensor a8, the active course. deviation bar or map poiat depending on the | navigat Bor, ite box is replaced by the ‘display mode of the EHS! and/or the LNAV ean ‘nonflashing arnunciator. ‘approach mode selection. The CAS PRE x ‘selsetion procedufa is similar tc an mer ‘Push the CRS ACT button twice without turping the SEUNG: selection procedure except foe w recelactne prevous nauton sone. a ie pushes cero urn ‘ere enema rs ghey st sige a Iho oes PRE Bun to ono okie [ho ous om ae Sao oe 3 i oon Tie orate a “The | rae cenrso ala is Yor reference onlyang O Ebene enya {eecersre ea i ha om STE cavi somerateres aero Be aaa ote a meee =, EHS! immediately below the active course are Feel ces eae DIM Knobs ‘Tum the DIM knobs to change the display brightness of the EADI and/or EHSI. ‘he cent ae a alt oncnté eb acorn of Bs EAD rs ES depen One tes cs Labi hear eo ne HEL The hobs con ov umes enor raupmrouoyocaaree empires tren epee {Ger UTON onbaie uel pug Sopleye aetinue higiase) ‘and Edition 10 22 May 98 EFIS-858(14)/86B(14)[3-tube version] Electronic Flight Instrument System OPERATING CONTROLS: Pilot's Guide DH SET (Decision Height Sel) Knob Turn the DH SET knob to set the Gecision height shown in the lower right of the EADI. ‘Turn the knob clockwise to Increase and countatoleckwise to decrease tne decision height ting. The maka helht e998 fost, RA TEST (Radio Altimeter Test) Button Push the AA TEST button to start the radio altimeter test function, nen the RA TEST button Ie pushed, the EAD! splays the rao aude fate ouput hy the fad trator Wien isin selitost (0 for ALT-50/58) ‘The OH annundlaor shows on the EADI display during tho racto ameter fst H the OH seting is ‘eater than hotest tudo, DECISION HEIGHT ANNUNCIATOR ser BEARING POINTER [ANNUNGIATOR, RADIO ALTITUDE, DECISION HEIGHT i BRG (Bearing) Button Push the BRG button to select the navigation ‘sensor for the bearing pointer shown on the EHSI. ‘Tho BRG button is used with the SEL/AING knob to control the seleeton of navigation sensofe connected to ‘he EHS! bearing pointar, Solocting a sono forthe bearing pointers the sam as ascribed for slacing the procet course naigation sensor. Push me FG burton one to show # magenta baarng pointer and a navigation sensor annuncalor forthe Bearing pointer on the EHSI display, Tho sensor farnunclaon shows he lower ah camar otha EHS! ‘with ltrs BAG. In magenta, above the sercor type. Omaide VOR and ADF sans annurclaters show in ‘gfton and LNAV, RNAV, and TON sensors show in Wht Below the BAG snnunciator. Al eross-side sensor antuneiators show in yelow. “Tun the SELIRNG kod 10 scan through the avaliable ‘navigation sensors. The sensors avaiable depends on tha equigmant installed in the aircraft and the. leteceonnget wing. ‘The possible slactons a ADF vor! NVI INST, °VLFI, LANT, LAV, FMS, or TON AOF2 vor NV, INS2, VUF2, LAN2, LAV, FRIS2. or TON IVa, INS, "VLFB, LRNS, LVS, FMS, or TONS painter oft “AVL selections replaced with “GPS' for GPS versions, eh the BRG bution aga to conoeet the sersar sawn under tha magenta BAG anaunclatar tothe beeing print. Push fia SAG button twco without tuning the EVRNG kneb to tu of he pont ard annuniatr. ‘ADF! BEARING POWTER 2nd Eaton 22 May 98 n OPERATING CONTROLS: Pilot's Guide EFIS-856(14/868(14)[3-tube version] Electronic Flight Instrument System, AIDA (Weather Radar) Button Push the ROR button to turn on or off the display of weather radar information on the EHS! when itis in the ARC or MAP display mode and Wx, WX+T, or ‘TURB is selected on the WXP:850( ). “The ROR bution operates.as a push onlpush of toggle or he splay of weathe aca infornaton ‘nthe EHS|. When weather radar shows on the EHS! depay. the cspay rango fs se by the RANGE contol on tha WAP. Onerhal of the colcted Sisplayrango is annuriated at ha rght ond lof he sos oyan halt rango arc and a woator radar models annunciatod a od of a 2, Di ser On © 0s Om OSS a RS XFR (Course Transter) Button Push the CRS XFR button to exchange the preset ‘course with the active selected course. \Wihon tho CAS XPA button is pushed, the curent active couse ‘arrow and anniureiator shown of tho EHS| are replaced vith urrently shown preset course display and annunciator. The ‘roviously aciva course bocomes the preset cource, but is not ‘Shown en the deplay unl solcteby pushing the CRS PRE bution. SEL/ANG (Select/Range) Knob “Tum this knob to select navigation sensors for the active Course, preset course, and bearing pointers on the EHS! (SEL function) oF to set the display range (ANG. function) of the EHSL in the ARC or MAP. display formats with radar not selected to show on the display, SSEL— when 2 NAV ‘menu is selociod va tho CRS AGT, CRS PRE, or 8AG buttons, turing the SELIANG knob scans through the available favigtion sensors forthe butlen that was pushed. [RNG Whon he ARG oF MAP formats seiociod and Wwaathor radar made ig rot solcted, via the ROR. btn, turing the SEL/FING knob selects Pe display rangootthe EHS! Hn-scalerenge is annunciated at ‘ho hight nares ena of shal argo groan the EHS! ‘Avalablo ful alo ranges are: 6, 10, 25, $0, 100, 200, $00, and'600 ni HALF-RANGE ANNUNCIATOR HALF-RANGE [ANNUNCIATOR, wearin AoAM MOE sou aurhanoe ARC oasieo nal eamwseanc Dod Eaton 2 22 May 98 EFIS-858(14)/868(14)[3-tube version] OPERATING CONTROLS Electronic Flight Instrument System Pilot's Guide CHP-868 Course Heading Panel Operation, ‘The CHP-86B Course Heading Panel provides contol of the selected course and selected heading functions for various configurations of the EFIS-858(14)/86B(14) systems. In the G-tube version, the single required CHP also provides the selection of course direct to, heading syne, and navigation data (time-to-go, ground speed, elapsed time, or wind information). An ET button for initiating and completing timing functions is also provided. Each of the control elements of the CHP is described in the shaded boxes on the following pages, ACTIVE COURSE ARROW AND PRESET COURSE LATERAL DEVIATION BAR, ARROW PUSH GAS DIRECT (Course Dirt To) Button Push and release the PUSH CRS DIRECT button to automatically center the deviation bar with the ‘active coutse atrow pointing directly to the station ‘Os the EHS) display, he selected active or preset couse ‘eva (slated by the CRS CTL buton) rotates to point tothe Stor and the deviation bar captors. (NOTE: no active 4 LOC or LNAV.s navigation source) KNOB SHAPED ‘COURSE ‘CONTROL INDICATOR CHP-86B Course Heading Panel = GRS CTL (Course Contro) Button | "GAS (Course Select) Knob Turn the CRS knob to position the active ‘selected colifse arrow or the preset course arrow the preset couree'anow, = on the EHS! and the course lines shown on the 3 : MFO. : | ono EHS! cisay assole wit he OFS CTL buon, a : fi appropiate exerod arched symbst stays | | The-couree control knob rlates continuously In either the right oF the active ot proset navigation sensor | | directo to got th pasiion ofthe acive Curso and preset ‘This “koab-apapea symbol noeates 5 (and MFO course ines) for tho salecta course arow (active er prose als connec to tre | | hvigaton gezsota. The GAS CTL Buton cole he acto | associled course ob. Eaen pushotihe CHS CTL bution | |r preeet course arow and ne GAS PRE and CRS ACT. ‘moves the symootbawesn Me acbve ard preset éouses | | urlons ond SELIANG Koh on fhe DOP elect ihe sensors. ‘ontbeaseodatod BAS) : nd Eaton 22 May 98 2B ‘OPERATING CONTROLS: Pilot's Guide HEADING CURSOR (ous) ~||_ nme-r0-60, GROUND SPEED, ELAPSED TIME (OR SPECIAL WIND DISPLAY) PUSH HDG SYNC (Heading Sync) Button Push and release the PUSH HDG SYNC button to set the heading cursor to the aircraft's current heading shown under the uber line on the EHSI_and MFD displays. EFIS-858(14)/86B(14)[3-tube version] Electronic Flight Instrument System NAV DTA (Navigation Data) Button Push the NAV DTA button to sequentially select tinie-o-go, ground speed, elapsed time; of wind information to_show'in the! upper right ‘corner of the EHSI. ‘ ach push ofthe NAV OTA button selects ho ox data ype. Type avalane we: © Terra #» GsPor Fase *er * ‘ind infogonion (speedciracton play) ‘FIG and GSP are taken from te navigatlon ‘sonar ving the activa selsetod course arom, Eris tem an olapaed time in Boe CHP ao wind Iolormation comes tori an LNAV. FITC and FFOSP come ftom an LNAV but. a avaiable cenly tthe active sensor te FLOC aa ta DME baaniot exept tha distance dia. Intaigions wih -G01 version DPU and MPU do not shou FTTG and FGSP. LNAV ganeratod data, HDG (Heading Select Knob) ‘Tum the HDG knob te set the position of | the magenta selected heading cursors on both the EHSI and the MFD at the same time and:to the same setting The knob alates continuovsiy in ether rection to set the postion. \e intaations with Iner versions 002 and tater) DPUMMPL and a compatible LNAY sot fo the eadiig mode, te HOG knob can alep contol en LENAV heading cursor. The LNAV headiig cursor (a ‘white Box open on ane sie) and the magants ‘Hoang euteor move togater wen the HOG kre tuned ET (Elapsed Timer) Button Push the ET button to operate the: elapsed timer functions of the NAV Data display. “The tinar has thee modes: sia, stop, and reset Each time the ET button is pushed. the timer fdvenoas to Bie rast mede'n he seclence. The timer stays Inthe last selected mode und! the ET butt is pushod again to change the mode. Aer starting the timer, GSP. T7G, or wind may be solcted withthe NAV OTA button and ho ter wil conte to count Ein 0.00 wren power etna on EFiseysiem, 14 ‘2nd Edition 22 May 98 EFIS-858(14)/96B(14)[3-tube version] OPERATING CONTROLS Electronic Flight Instrument System Pilot's Guide WXP-850( ) Weather Radar Pane! ‘The WXP-850( ) Weather Radar Panel controls the weather radar display information shown on the MFD display when itis set to the ROR display mode. The same information also shows on EHSI displays that are setto the ARC or MAP display formats and the RDR mode is selected on the DCP. Radar information shown on the displays include: any precipitation detected by the radar (in four colors: green, yellow, red, and magenta), a halt-range are, radar operating mode annunciators, and PAC alerts. The WXP also controls the range selection for the displays when they are set to a radar display mode. Each of the controls for the WXP-850A/8508 are described in the shaded boxes below and on the following pages. Also shown, is an example of the radar information as it shows on an MFD-858. The MFD-85C shows the same radar information as the MFD-858, but includes a TCAS trattic display mode. ‘The WXP-850A shown has @ SLV button. Units with a SLV button are used in installations with dual WXP controls. Installations with only one WXP use a version that does not have a SLV button. The WXP-850B (not shown) has the same controls as the WXP-850A, but some of them are positioned in slightly different locations on the panel. MODE Controt MFD-85B Turn the MODE knob to select the ‘operating mode of the TWR-B50 radar. (OFF-—Turs ofthe TWA:850 system, ‘STBY—Turns on me FWALASO sytem butdoos not alow io vanemit “TEST—Twins on tho racarsetiost play ‘TGT—Turris on the radar recolvervansimiies to detect precipitation, bu dogs not show any dlacted \Woather on the csplays 'MAP—Tams gn recevefansmitsr Ii the ground. mapping mode. (NOTE: PAC alert and GCS automaticaly disabled) RADAR MODE HALF-RANGE — FULLRANGE W-—Tums on the recoivertzansmitt nthe basi re oe nearer ANNUNGIATOR. ANNUNGIATOR —ANNUNCIATOR ‘ray show as gaan, yoow, rad, cr manera target. ‘wxeT_—Tumns on the (eceietansmiter in the basic Weather detection mode and also tuts onthe preaiptatin cited turbulence detection mode, Precipitation rlated turbulence Is detaclablo of ‘ly ho 5, 10,25, and Bo mite

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