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Presented to the Faculty
College of Arts and Sciences
Guimaras State University - Salvador Campus
McLain, Buenavista, Guimaras

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Public Administration


Sarah M. Abrot
Dave Q. Gallo
Aries Dave Aguilar
Jasper rafil

November 2023

Chapter 1

Background of the Study

“Work performance” is a broad term describing your

ability to do your job well.

The prevalent work performance among employees is

an ongoing concern faced by almost all government

agencies. Employees dissatisfied with their job will likely

lose their dedication, innovation, and efficiency. In most

cases, this is the average explanation for every end of the

calendar year's departure of employees. Job satisfaction and

work performance are a worldwide phenomenon (Panes, Gempes,

and Genuba, 2017).

A productive work performance is often confused with

the effort that refers to energy expended. It is the

accomplishment of an employee or head manager’s assigned

duties and outcomes produced on a specified job function or

activity during a specified time period. An employee is

considered as the heart of the company and his/her attitude

can affect the direction of the business. Managing

performance is done with the employees because it gave an

advantage to the employees, manager and the organization. It


is done in a collaborative way. Yearly performance

evaluation in job satisfaction is one of the most formative

ways to influence morale. It could justify reward decisions

such as promotions, merits and other forms of rewards. This

also allows both the supervisors and subordinates to develop

a plan for correcting any deficiencies that appraisal might

have reinforce and the feedback clarifies the employees job

expectations held by their specific supervisors. Performance

appraisal helps evaluate the individual share, relative to

the team’s contribution in achieving the organization’s


According to Daniel Gilbert, Professor of Psychology at

Harvard University. Life satisfaction is not only more

stable and long-lived than happiness; it is also broader in

scope. It is our general feeling about our life and how

pleased we are with how it’s going.

“Motivation is a set of forces that causes people to

engage in one’s behavior rather than some alternative

behavior.” The objective of each company is to motivate its

employees to perform in different ways that will lead to the

company’s productivity. (Griffin and Moorhead (2012).


The researchers intended to know the life satisfaction

and work performance of government workers of the

Municipality of Buenavista, Guimaras.


This study aims to determine the life satisfaction and

work performance of government workers.

Specifically, this study sought answers to the

following questions;

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of age,

sex, civil status, educational attainment and length of


2. What is the level of life satisfaction of the

government workers when taken as a whole and when

classified according to age, sex, civil status,

educational attainment and length of service?

3. What is the level of work performance of the government

workers when taken as a whole and when classified

according to age, sex, civil status, educational

attainment and length of service?

4. Are there significant differences in the level of life

satisfaction when classified according to age, sex,


civil status, educational attainment and length of


5. Are there significant differences in the level of work

performance of government workers when classified

according to age, sex, civil status, educational

attainment and length of service?

6. Are there significant relationship between the level of

life satisfaction and the work performance of

government workers?

Null Hypotheses

The following hypotheses in this study are hereby advance:

1. There are no significant differences in the level of

life satisfaction of the government workers when

classified according to age, sex, civil status,

educational attainment and length of service?

2. There are no significant differences in the level of

work performance of the government workers when

classified according to age, sex, civil status,

educational attainment and length of service?

3. There is no significant relationship between the level

of life satisfaction and the work performance of

government workers?

Theoretical Framework

This study is anchored on the theory of “bottom-up

processing” introduced by psychologist E. J. Gibson, who

took a direct approach to the understanding of perception.

Rather than being dependent upon learning and context,

Gibson felt that perception was a “what you see is what you

get” process. He argued that sensation and perception are

the same things.

Bottom-up theories hold that we experience satisfaction

in many domains of life, like work, relationships, family

and friends, personal development, and health and fitness.

Our satisfaction with our lives in these areas combines to

create our overall life satisfaction.

Bottom-up processing can be defined as sensory analysis

that begins at the entry level with what our senses can

detect. This form of processing begins with sensory data and

goes up to the brain's integration of this sensory

information. Information is carried in one direction,

starting with the retina and proceeding to the visual


This process suggests that processing begins with a

perception of the stimuli and is fueled by basic mechanisms

developed through evolution. Bottom-up processing takes

place as it happens.( Khendra Cherry, 2023).

Conceptual Framework of the Study

This study aims to determine the level of life
satisfaction and work performance of government workers in
the Municipality of Buenavista, Guimaras, for year 2023-
The interplay of the relationship among variables are
reflected in the schematic diagram of the study found in
figure 1.

Schematic Diagram of the Study

Independent Variables Dependent Variables

Job satisfaction
Profile of the

Educational Attainment
Civil Status Work performance
Length of Service

Figure 1 Shows the schematic diagram of the study.


Significance of the Study

This study will add knowledge to the expanding
literature regarding the life satisfaction and work
performance of government workers at Buenavista, Guimaras,
for the Year 2023-2024.

This will also provide valuable insights to the

different groups of people.

HRMO. This study may serve as guide in improving their

responsibilities. The findings may add knowledge for the
HRMO to create a conducive working environment for
government workers.

Government workers. This study may serve as guide in

identifying oneself. The findings may provide useful
information regarding their life satisfaction and work
Researchers. The different aspects of this study will
enable the researcher to include the emotional and physical
well-being of the government workers.

Future Researchers. The result of this study may serve

as a reference for future studies. It will also encourage
future researchers to conduct further or similar studies for
the improvement of work performance of every government

Definition of Terms

The following terms will be defined conceptually and

operationally for clarity, precision and better
understanding of the study.

Life satisfaction. Life satisfaction is the degree to which

a person positively evaluates the overall quality of his/her

life as a whole. (Positive Psychology, 2018)

In this study, it refers to the factors that affect the

individual’s thoughts and feelings especially in their work.

Work Performance. Work Performance defines as how well a

person executes their job duties and responsibilities.

In this study, it refers to how accurate, neat,

attentive to detail, consistent, thorough, high standards,

follows procedures an employee can be.

Government Workers. Government workers refer to those

employed by the national Government.

In this study, it refers to people who performs their

duties with utmost responsibility.

Scope and Limitations of the Study


This Study will determine the level of life

satisfaction and work performance of government workers of
the Municipality of Buenavista, Guimaras for the year 2023-
The respondents will be the government workers of the
Municipality of Buenavista, Guimaras, 2023-2024. The
respondents will be taken from the employees in the
municipal hall. The researchers will randomly select the
respondents in different offices in the municipal hall of
Buenavista, Guimaras.
The researcher made instrument will be used to gather
the needed data. It will be composed of two parts, wherein
part 1 will be about the personal information of the
respondents; Part 2 will be about the life satisfaction and
work performance of government workers.
The study will be done through the utilization of
questionnaire to the respondents. After which it will be
gathered, tabulated and analyzed throught Statistical
Package for Social Sciences (SPSS).
The statistical tools used will be the frequency count,
mean, and one way analysis of variance (ANOVA).



This chapter presents the literatures which have

bearing on the study, as well as related research studies
which are considered relevant to the present investigation.

Conceptual Literature

On Life satisfaction of Government Workers

Life satisfaction is a measure of a person's overall

well-being. The concept of life satisfaction is employed in

philosophical and psychological accounts of happiness well

and well-being. “Life satisfaction” is regularly used as a

synonym for “happiness” and is often either identified with or

seen as a significant component of well-being. However, there

are two distinct senses of “satisfaction” at use in these

various accounts: in some accounts, “satisfaction” refers to

the perceived fulfillment of expectations or standards; in

other accounts, “satisfaction” refers to a feeling of being

pleased with something. Because of these different senses of

the term “satisfaction,” there are broadly two different

conceptions of life satisfaction at use in life satisfaction

accounts.ing, assessed in terms of mood, relationship

satisfaction, achieved goals, self-concepts, and self-


perceived ability to cope with life. Life satisfaction

involves a favorable attitude towards one's life—rather than

an assessment of current feelings.

On Work Performance of Government Workers

Work performance is a complex construct, taking into

account the changing nature of work and the organizations

themselves. It speaks of work performance in terms of

quantity and quality expected from each employee. Thorndike

cited by Labadia (2018) started the process of defining work

performance by articulating the ultimate criterion. This

ultimate criterion is a specification of everything that

defines work success across the full domain of specific job.

He further explains that the ultimate criterion is

conceptual in nature and cannot be measured. Therefore,

researchers and practitioners use the ultimate criterion as

a guide to choosing indicators of work performance, with the

knowledge that they will never fully capture the entire

performance domain.

Kesseler (2017) conceptualized the criteria in

assessing work performance by choosing between subjective

and objective methods of appraisal. Subjective methods refer


to “soft” criteria such as peer, self, or supervisory

ratings. Employment preparation must target improvement of

work performance in future employees, as well as the design

and delivery of work supports (Brady & Rosenberg, 2002a;

Rogan, Banks, & Howard, 2018). In addition, employment

assessment systems need to target these two separate, but

related dimensions (Brady, Rosenberg, & amp; Frain, 2018).

Related Literature
Foreign Studies

According to the study of Diamantidis and Chatzoglou

(2018) , entitled “Factors affecting employee performance:

an empirical approach “ stated that Nowadays, the phenomenon

of increased competition between firms and their need to

respond effectively to rapidly changing operational

conditions, as well as to personnel requirements, has

escalated the necessity to identify those factors that

affect employee performance (EP). The paper examine the

interrelations between firm/environment-related factors

(training culture, management support, environmental

dynamism and organizational climate), job-related factors

(job environment, job autonomy, job communication) and

employee-related factors (intrinsic motivation, skill


flexibility, skill level, pro activity, adaptability,

commitment) and their impact on EP. The results indicate

that job environment and management support have the

strongest impacts (direct and indirect) on job performance,

while adaptability and intrinsic motivation directly affect

job performance.

In the study of Kavya (2022), entitled “Life

Satisfaction: The Role of Happiness and Optimism Among Young

Adults”, stated that The concept of life satisfaction (LS)

refers to how people express their emotions, sentiments

(moods), and perspectives on their foreseeable futures

(Ritter, 2003). A typical definition of optimism is the

propensity to hope for the best and see the positive side of

situations (Schneider & Carver, 1985). Happiness is

described as the perception of advancing toward important

life objectives and having good emotional feelings more

frequently than unhappy ones (Tkach & Lyubomirsky, 2006).

This study attempted to assess young persons' levels of life

satisfaction, optimism, and happiness. Through the use of

purposive sampling approaches, the study involved 120 young

individuals between the ages of 18 and 24, 60 of whom were

female and 60 of whom were male. Data were gathered using


the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire (Michael Agryel & Peter

Hills.The one-way ANOVA, mean, standard deviation, and

Pearson product-moment correlation were used to evaluate the

data. The study's findings indicate that young people'

levels of life satisfaction, optimism, and happiness are

similar regardless of gender. Happiness and life

satisfaction among young adults have a substantial positive

correlation, while optimism and life satisfaction among

young adults also have a large positive correlation.

“Relationship between Self-Esteem and Life

Satisfaction: A Meta-Analysis Study” was the study of Kurnaz

et.al (2020), states that the studies were examined and

those that fit the criteria were included in the study.

Accordingly, 74 articles including numerical data, which

were published in refereed scientific journals, in Turkish

and English between 2010 and 2020, were included in the

study. The effect sizes of the research were done using the

Comprehensive Meta-Analysis software. 111 effect sizes were

obtained from 74 different studies included in the study. A

heterogeneous distribution was determined in the included

studies (Q = 1835.56> 135.48). The effect size value

according to the sample group as a result of the moderator


analysis was calculated as 0.39 for adolescents and 0.43 for

adults. Although the strength of the relationship between

variables was higher in adults, it was observed that it did

not change significantly (p>0.05). The average of effect

sizes in the study was calculated as 0.42. These data

indicate that there is a positive, moderately effective and

significant (p <0.05) effect between life satisfaction and

self-esteem. Results were discussed in the light of the


According to Haryono and Pamungkas, in their study

entitled “Effect of Quality of Work Life on Performance: The

Role of Satisfaction and Work Discipline”, (2020)states that

to study the influence of the Quality of Work Life on Job

Performance of Statistic Bureau of Yogyakarta Special

Province with Job Satisfaction and Work Discipline as an

intervening variable. The data collection is by distributing

questionnaires to all Statistic Bureau of Yogyakarta Special

Province employees as respondents. The analysis used is

descriptive and inferential. The descriptive analysis

provides information on the characteristics of useful

research data on demographic data. Meanwhile, the

inferential study examines the research hypothesis by using

Structural Equation Model (SEM) Partial Least Square (PLS)


using Smart PLS 3 software. Seventy-six employees of the

Statistics Bureau of Yogyakarta Special Province could be as

many as 74 respondents because one person is Task Learning.

One more person has to move the region assignments. The

results showed a significant positive effect of

Quality of Work Life on employees' Job Satisfaction and Work

Discipline. However, it turns out that the impact of job

satisfaction on employee performance is not significant. The

influence of Work Discipline on Performance is

significantly positive. Thus Work Discipline is an

intervening variable on the effect of Quality of Work Life

on Performance. Job Satisfaction is not an intervening

variable on the impact of Quality of Work Life on employee


Local Studies

According to the study of Alvarado and Padilla (2022)

entitled “Work Ethics and Job Performance of Employees in

Local Government Unit” to determine the extent of work

ethics and job performance of employees in a Local

Government Unit in the calendar year 2020 using descriptive

correlational research design. This was conducted to 273


respondents composed of 137 permanent employees and 136

nonpermanent employees who were selected through a

stratified-random sampling technique. The Statistical tools

used were the frequency, percentage, mean, standard

deviation for the descriptive problems. T-test,

Mann-Whitney U-test, One-way ANOVA, Kruskal Wallis H-test,

and Pearson Product Moment of Correlation were used to treat

the inferential problems. Using a researcher-made and

validated questionnaire, the findings revealed that the

extent of work ethics of employees was high and the level of

job performance was also high. A significant relationship

existed between the extent of work ethics and job

performance of employees. These findings are necessary for

the Local Government through the Human Resource Management

Office to design programs to enhance the performance of

government employees based on practice of far above

standards work ethics. This study concludes that excellent

work ethics results in outstanding job performance.



V.P. et.al (2021), both the employees and company regarding

the level and significance of performance and job


satisfaction to their work and working area. Job

satisfaction and performance refer to the gratification that

an employee feels when he/she accomplished the job and

appreciated by the superiors. This research discusses the

needs of employees that influence their job satisfaction and

performance level in the workplace. Hence, it is important

to understand why employees get satisfied and dissatisfied

for the reason that he/she will also be uninterested in

performing at his/her full potential in the workplace. The

study used qualitative and quantitative method and data were

obtained from 15 employees of Ajinomoto Philippines

Corporation-Lucena Branch. This was selected for it is

running successfully for years in all aspects. This study

could provide the job satisfaction from the perspective of

employees in the company, to show if it matters in the work

performance and productivity in the company and to manifest

if job satisfaction may contribute to the building of a

loyal and committed workforce. A company can have productive

employees if there is a strong relationship between the

company and its employees. Results of this study indicate

that there is a significant relationship between the factors

of job satisfaction and performance level (working condition

to diligence and professional approach and equipment to


work attitude). The employees are satisfied the way they are

being handled by the management all throughout the company’s

operation. As for the manager, he gave the employees a good

rating in accordance to their job performance referring

to their respective positions. However, the station manager

must hire more helpers to avoid having overload of the task

given to them.

De Leon, C.M., et.al in their study entitled “JOB



development of human resources is one of the most

significant programs in any type of organization for it will

not only contribute to the overall improvement of an

individual but the organization, as a whole. This study

focused on determining the job satisfaction and work values

of government employees in selected municipalities in the

province of Cavite, Philippines. A total of 322 participants

were obtained using Slovin’s formula and a simple random

sampling technique was used. Descriptive and inferential

research designs were utilized for data analysis. Findings

revealed that the majority of the participants were in the

middle-aged bracket; there were more female employees than


male ones. Majority of the participants were married,

college graduates, permanent ones were dominant, and most of

them had been in public service for almost a decade. In

terms of the level of job satisfaction, employees were

highly satisfied, however, the work activity of employees

was only rated as somewhat high. On the other hand, the work

values of the employees were rated as highly valued and

important. A significant relationship was found between job

satisfaction and work values, which indicates that if their

satisfaction increases, their work values increase or vice

versa. Hence, job satisfaction and good work values are

important indicators of attaining the vision and mission of

an organization, especially local government units.

Municipal heads and human resource managers should continue

to cultivate satisfied and good workforce values among

municipal employees. Thus, government policies and programs

should continue to motivate and encourage more employees to

be committed to their profession.

Relevance of the Review of Related Literature and Studies


The related literature and studies herein had published

as series of “exemplars” that illustrate levels of
performances established by researcher which are designed to
help understand the level of life satisfaction and work
performance of government workers.



This chapter presents the research design, respondents

of the study, the data gathering instrument, data gathering
procedure, and the statistical tools and procedures used in
the study.

Research Design

The descriptive research method will be employed using

descriptive – survey research design. According to R Borro

(2015) descriptive studies are of the large value providing

facts on which professional judgment may be based. It

involves some types of comparison and attempts to discover

relationship among existing non-manipulative variables.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study will be randomly selected

using proportionate stratified random sampling from the

total number of the government workers of Buenavista,

Guimaras for the year 2023-2024.

Table 1. Distribution of the respondents of the study

OFFICES No. of Respondents

Municipal Health Office 19

Municipal Accounting Office 7

Municipal Engineers Office 5
Operation of Markets 15
Municipal Treasurer’s Office 10
Office of the Vice Mayor 8
Sangguniang Bayan 10
Municipal Agriculture Office 12
Operation of Ports 12
Municipal Civil Registrars Office 4
Total 102

Sampling Procedure
According to R Borro (2015) the proportionate sampling
design is use by selecting; the most convenient sample of
the population to allocate proportionality of the total
sample of the government workers of Municipality of
Buenavista, Guimaras.

Data Gathering Instrument

The researcher made questionnaire will be used as a
research instrument. It will be composed of two parts. Part
I will be on the Personal Information which consist of name
(optional), age, sex, educational attainment and length of
service. Part 2 will be on the level of life satisfaction
and work performance of government workers.

Data Gathering Procedure

After the research instrument will be established the
researchers sought the concurrence of the Dean of the

Department to administer the research instrument to the

respondents. The researcher will personally distribute the
instrument to the respondents after which they will gather
the accomplished or finished instruments. The respondents
responses will be tabulated using the Statistical Package
for Social Sciences (SPSS).

Validity of Instrument
The researcher made instrument will be submitted to the
researcher’s adviser for correction and suggestion before it
submission to the thesis committee for content validation.
They will be given a copy of a questionnaire and content
related evidence of validity that will serve as their
criteria for validation. Comments and suggestions of
validators regarding the items of the questionnaire will be
test the reliability of the study. The instrument is in two
considered as final draft before the reliability testing.
Pilot testing will be conducted

Reliability of the Instrument

After the questionnaire is found valid the researchers
sought the approval of the Municipal mayor to conduct the
the questionnaire for final administration. The
questionnaire will be reproduced according to the number of
respondents for this study. The retrieval of the will then
be after all the respondents finished answering. After the
retrieved accomplished questionnaire, the data will be
organized and tabulated. Computation analysis and
interpretation will be done using Statistical package for
Social Sciences (SPSS) software.

Statistical Tools
The statistical tools used for this study will be the
frequency count, mean, ANOVA.

The Frequency Count. It will be used in determining

the distribution of respondents as variables.
Mean. It will be used to determine the extent of life
satisfaction and work performance as perceived by the
respondents when taken as a whole group and classified
according to categories of variables.
One-Way Analysis of variance (ANOVA). It will be used
to determine the significant difference as perceived by the
workers and when classified according to educational

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