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Date of Meeting: October 10th (Tuesday)

Time of Meeting: 6:00 PM
Place of Meeting: Leroy Collins Branch,
Leon County Library located at 5513 Thomasville Rd.


The order of business of the meeting of the

Board of Directot s shall be as follows:

1. Approval of minutes fnom lune 22nd

meeting. Minutes approved, 4 votes yes.
2. Restablish ARB. To be checked in By-Laws
for Tiebreaker.
3. Security Cameras. Meet aften finst of
the year for dues adjustments if needed. $fSeZ in budget cutnently,
$48? for lawn service, roughly $5OO for
HOA insunance. Check security camera monitoring service, do-it-yourself
installation quote, service provider(?)
4. Overvi.ew of Website and new functions.
Add Zoom link and security camera footage.
5. Zoom for homeowners not able to attend.
Set a date fon nominations, commitee and 2 homeowners. Get digital
information posted on webste. Email or
wnitten ballot fonmat(sealed envelope), printed ballot.
6. Future vote/balIot mail-in. Establish
nominations committee and homeowners committee.
7. Financial Update: $3562 left in budget,
$11-13,OOA coming in at the end of the year.
8. Review of watering new plants, and
homeowners being reimbunsed for water useage. Bring in Proposal.
9. Ballots not yet opened fnom the last
election. HOA meeting to see sealed votes for January Ba11ots.
LO. Discuss when to meet for the annual
Homeownens meeting. 17/7/23, at the Library. (Tuesday)

Motion to Adjourn the meeting at 5:4A pn,

all said yes.
Mailed Date: tO/L7/23
HOA board member signature of consent:

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