PolicyCenter9 0PracticalExercise

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PolicyCenter 9.

0 practical exercise
This document describes the final certification exercise for Guidewire PolicyCenter. It is not intended
to be unnecessarily difficult, but is instead meant to expose you to common situations that might be
encountered by a sales consultant or functional consultant on a PolicyCenter implementation project.

This exercise covers a wide range of skills that will be encountered on an actual customer project. You
should complete this exercise in the exact same manner as you would if you were actually on board
a customer site. The requirements outlined here are meant to simulate customer business
requirements ‐ it is up to you to decide the best way to address the customer's needs. You are
demonstrating that the PolicyCenter software can fulfill the business requirements, and also how the
requirements are accomplished. When choosing your approach, consider how you will present your
chosen solution to the customer audience.

Business Requirements data

You will be configuring PolicyCenter for Maverick Insurance Company. Maverick Insurance Company
is a personal lines carrier that currently writes business in Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York,
Florida, California, Washington, and Texas. Maverick sells policies exclusively through a producer
network. Like many customers, they have planned for a phased rollout of PolicyCenter.

At this time, Maverick Insurance Company has invited Guidewire to come in to do some proof of
concept work which will aid them in scoping their next release. The company is not yet convinced
PolicyCenter can meet some of their advanced requirements, and this proof of concept will determine
how Maverick Insurance Company will proceed forward. This proof of concept effort needs to be done
in 1 week so that Maverick Insurance Company executives can have all of the information they need
for an enterprise wide planning meeting coming up in the near future.

High Level Requirements

Maverick Insurance Company wants to see evidence that PolicyCenter can be configured to meet the
following requirements:
• Modify the Personal Auto Line and provide new rating information.
• Enablement of new Contacts called “Authorized Contacts” on the Personal Auto line of business,
with the ability to have an “Authorization Date” field be unique on each policy period
• Gather Accident and Violation data during the creation of a Personal Auto policy
• Implement a framework to prevent quoting and binding of policies under specific situations
• Enable new Producers for a new Agency that will sell insurance policies for Maverick Insurance
• Create a new Activity when a policy is created, and also when the policy is changed (endorsed)
• Add logic that will warn and/or prevent the user from continuing when specific data fields are
not handled appropriately

Requirement Specifications
The detailed specifications for Maverick Insurance Company’s requirements are listed in this section.
You should use only these specifications in configuring the solution in PolicyCenter. If something is not
listed here it should be considered out of scope for the proof of concept.
Initial setup
Before starting with training exercises you should import ratings in your local environment. Folow
instructions from the link below.

1. In config.xml add line:

<param name="EnableRatingModule" value="2810"/>

Change gosu class in IRatingPlugin.gwp to: gw.plugin.policyperiod.impl.PCRatingPlugin

and add parameter 'RatingLevel' with value:
a. On test environment: 'Stage'
b. On production env: 'Active'

2. Restart server and go to Internal Tools (Alt+Shift+T) go to PC Sample Data and load Small data.

Part 1 - Modify the Personal Auto Line PolicyCenter

The Personal Auto line should be setup as follows:
• Policy Terms: 6 Month (Default), 1 Year
• Availability Logic:
o Massachusetts, Connecticut: Available on or after 11/1/2011
o New York, California, Florida: Available for only new business on or after 10/1/2012
o Texas: Available for new business on or after 1/1/2011, and for Renewals on or after
• The Personal Auto policy line should have the following additional Coverages, Coverage Terms,
and Rates added to it. If nothing is stated regarding Availability of the Coverage, Coverage Term,
or Rating, you may assume it is available to all the States where they write business (MA, CT, NY,
CA, FL, TX).
o Personal Auto Liability Package (Limits are Per Person Liability/Per Accident Liability/Per
Accident Property Damage)
• 25/50/100
• 25/50/250
• 25/50/500
• 50/100/100
• 50/100/250
• 50/100/500
• 100/300/100
• 100/300/500
• 100/300/1M (Available in all States after 7/1/2012)
• 250/500/1M (MA and CT only)
• 250/500/5M (MA and CT only)
o Physical Damage Coverage (Suggested)
• Agreed Value (Decimal Value)
• Navigational Area (0 to 25 Miles, 26 to 50 Miles, 50 to 100 Miles, 100+ Miles). ‘100+
Miles’ option only available in California and Florida
o Operator’s Liability Coverage (Required)
• Line Level Coverage
o Unattached Equipment Coverage (Suggested)
• Line Level Coverage
• Deductible ($100, $500, $1K, $5K) and is a required term,
• Limit ($10K, $25K, $50K, $100K, $500K): The ‘$500K’ option is available only
in California and New York
o Fuel Spill Liability & Wreckage Removal (Electable)
• Line Level Coverage
• Accept or Deny the Coverage
• Available only in TX, FL, and CA
o Emergency Assistance (Electable)
• Line Level CoveragePhysical
• Accept or Deny the Coverage

Part 2 - Gather Accident and Violation data when creating a new Personal Auto
PolicyCenter 9 contains entities that were designed to hold data received from external reporting
services. For example, these entities may hold MVR or CLUE data to record information about
a potential insured’s Accidents and Violations history. For purposes of this exercise, you should NOT
use these OOTB entities. You should design your own entities to hold Accident & Violation data,
as Maverick Insurance Company desires the ability to manually enter this data and has no plans
toutilize any 3rd party data provider services.

• A new screen needs to be created that will gather accident and violation information. It should
appear after the “Driver” information is entered
o Users should have the ability to "Add" and "Remove" accidents and violations.
o Accidents should appear separate from Violations, and contain the following fields for
each Driver:
o An "Accident Date"
o An "At Fault" indicatorviolations
o A "Claim Amount" field that holds a monetary value
o A "Description" field to hold up to 1500 characters

• Violations should appear separate from Accidents, and contain the following fields for each
o A "Violation Date" field
o A "Violation Type" field that contains values for in Speeding >15 Over Limit, DUI, Misc.
Moving Violation, and Distracted Driving
o A flag to denote the Driver disputes the Violation
o A "Description" field to hold up to 1500 characters

Part 3 - Create a framework to raise notifications that block quote or binding

You should be able to do this exercise without writing any Gosu code.

• The framework to be enabled will be for a “Certified Agent” – A user that is designated
as a “Certified Agent” will be able to approve any UWIssues that are raised from the scenarios
listed belowblock quote or binding actions

• The scenarios that need to be restricted in PolicyCenter are:

o If there are 2 or more Accidents per driver, a notification should be :
• Raised as part of the Quote process
• Blocks Binding
o If there is a violation of type “DUI”, a notification should be:
• Raised as part of the Quote process
• Blocks Quote

• Add the business logic to create notifications for the above scenarios for Personal Auto
Submissions only. Any notification description text should clearly notify the user what the issue
is on the policy

• The new notifications should contain the following approval logic:

o 2+ Accidents:
• Not Auto‐Approvable
• Approval removed if policy is edited prior to binding
• Lasts until the End of Term
o DUI Violation‐contingency
• Not Auto‐Approvable
• Lasts until rescinded

Part 4 - Add a new Agency to PolicyCenterUW

• Add administrative data to PolicyCenter that achieves the following (HINT: The order listed
below may not be the correct way to input data into PolicyCenter):
o Add a new Agency called “Fabulous Freddie’s Insurance Agency”. Fabulous Freddie’s
Insurance Agency is at 3450 Oceanside Blvd, Miami, Florida p. It can be assigned to the
“Eastern Region” security zone
o Fabulous Freddie’s Insurance Agency should be assigned the Producer Code of “FL‐12345”.
The Producer Code can be given the existing role of “Producer”
o Add two new agents:
• Freddie Fontana
• Fiona Fontana
o Add a group called “Producers” to the Fabulous Freddie’s Insurance Agency
o Set Freddie Fontana as the Supervisor for Fabulous Freddie’s Insurance Agency as well
as the Producers group

• Assign the following Authority Profiles to Freddie Fontana

o Agent 2
o The “Certified Agent” framework from Part 3

• Assign the following Authority Profile to Fiona Fontana

o Agent 1

• Set up a structure in addition to the work you’ve done above and without deleting anything
you’ve set up that will allow Fiona Fontana to manage her own book of business (i.e., only Fiona
can see her Accounts/Policies)

Part 5 - Create Activities when a policy is created or when it is changed

You may not meet this requirement by appending any Gosu code on the ‘Action’ attribute of the job
wizard “Quote” button. You should follow the job logic from the UI side to the proper Gosu class,
and add your code to the appropriate Gosu class

• A new Activity should be created when a new policy is quoted (i.e., when the ‘Quote’ button
is invoked via the Job Wizard). Simply create a new activity with a subject of “Notice
of Submission Quote” – You can create an Activity Pattern and fill out fields as you see fit. The
activity should be assigned to the Producer role
• A new Activity should be created when a policy change is quoted (i.e., when the ‘Quote’ button
is invoked via the Job Wizard). Simply create a new activity with a subject of “Notice of Policy
Change Quote” – You can create an Activity Pattern and fill out fields as you see fit. The activity
should be assigned to the Producer role

Part 6 - Adding UI messages when fields are not handled appropriately

• On a Personal Auto Policy, a new policy can't be quoted if any Policy Driver does not have a Date
of Birth listed, however such a policy may be saved. In this scenario, a Warning Message should
appear when leaving Policy Driver screen and an Error Message should appear at Quote

• On a Personal Auto Policy, a change to an existing policy should not be quoted if the Effective
Date of the change is within 90 days of the Policy Expiration Date. An Error Message should
appear when the user attempts to quote such a transaction

Part 7 - Create new version of Personal Line Auto Rate Book

In first exercise, you created new coverages. Create new version of Persona l Line Auto Rate Book
and create new routine for Unattached Equipment Coverage to calculate Premium as follow:

Basis = Limit

IF Limit > 100,000 THEN

addntionalFactor = 15
addntionalFactor = 10
AdjustedRate = (BaseRate * DeductibleFactor * addntionalFactor) R0.001
TermAmount = AdjustedRate * 2 R 1

Use existing Rate Tables to set up:

BaseRate = 10 (for California 15)
DeductibleFactor is dependent on Deductible option (which was added to this coverage in first
exercise) as follow:
Deductible DeductibleFactor

100 1

500 2

1000 3

5000 4
• You need to:
a. Enable
b. in Policy Center.
c. Load Sample Data – Large
You need to do it in this order, otherwise sample Rate Books will not be loaded.

• While writing Rate Routine there are two ways to get access to Terms on Coverage in Policy Line:
o Create DTO in Studio and add it to Parameters in Parameter Sets (preferable solution)
o Add Coverage to Parameters in Parameter Sets and use Wrapper/Coverage
(OPTIONAL) Part 8 - Create “Authorized Contacts” on the Account & Policy
• Create a new Contact Role for the Personal Auto Line that is named “Authorized Contacts”. This
new role should be held by only Persons

• The new “Authorized Contacts” role should contain a new “revised” field called “Authorization
Date”. The “Authorization Date” should be copied from the current value as listed on the
Account Contact Role

• “Authorized Contacts” should appear on the “Policy Info” step of the Submission Wizard
immediately below the “Secondary Named Insured” field

• “Authorized Contacts” should also appear in the Account File Contacts Screen

• The UI display of this role should allow for multiple Authorized Contacts to be entered
on a Policy. The UI should allow for an Authorized Contact to be created with the following
options: “New Person”, “New Person from Address Book”, and “Add Existing”.

• A user should not be able to add the same contact twice to a Policy’s set of Authorized Contacts.

The Presentation
Scenario #1:
An Underwriter at Maverick Insurance Company (you may use Bruce Baker or similar Sample Data user)
will log into PolicyCenter to determine if the “Personal Auto” policy is available for:
• Customer in Massachusetts for new policy starting 2/1/12
• Customer in Texas policy renewing 2/1/12
• Customer in Illinois for new policy starting 1/15/12
• Customer in California for new policy starting 10/15/12

Scenario #2:
An Underwriter (you may use Bruce Baker or similar Sample Data user) will log into PolicyCenter
and create a new Submission (or use the one from Scenario #7):
• Navigate to the new Submission Wizard step where Accidents & Violation data are gathered
• Demonstrate adding an Accident to the Submission
• Demonstrate adding a Violation to the Submission
• Demonstrate adding an Accident OR a Violation against different policy drivers (you may need
to ensure multiple drivers are set up on the Submission)
• Explain how the Accident & Violation data is modeled in the system, and explain the rationale
for your approach

Scenario #3:
Log into PolicyCenter as ‘su’:
• Search for “Freddie Fontana”
o What Organization is Freddie Fontana in?
o What is Freddie Fontana’s producer code, and what role(s) does Freddie have?
• Log in as “Fiona Fontana”
o What is different with Fiona in relation to Freddie?
o Explain the structure that should be in place to allow Fiona to only create Submissions

Scenario #4:
Create new Personal Auto submissions as outlined below to facilitate review of the system notification
• As Fiona Fontana, create a new submission for a Florida policy that has a DUI violation. What do
you see in the Risk Analysis/UWIssues screen when you quote this policy? Due to out of box
configuration, you may need to populate other data elements to get the policy to quote
• Log in as Freddie Fontana and navigate to the Risk Analysis/UWIssues screen. If there
is an UWIssue present, is Freddie able to approve it?
• As Freddie Fontana, create a new submission for a Florida policy that has 2 accidents. What do
you see in the Risk Analysis/UWIssues screen when you quote this policy? Due to out of box
configuration, you may need to populate other data elements to get the policy to quote
• Using the Submission from ‘B’, continue through the entire wizard and enter payment details.
Now, attempt to bind this policy. What do you see in the Risk Analysis/UWIssues screen? Due to
out of box configuration, you may need to populate other data elements to get the policy to bind
• If an Underwriting Issue was raised from the submission you used in ‘B’ and ‘C’, approve it. You
will need to log in as the proper user to approve any underwriting issue(s) that are raised
• Once the underwriting issue is approved, go back to the Submission you used in ‘B’ and ‘C’
and edit the submission by removing one of the accident records
• What do you see in the Risk Analysis/UWIssues screen when you attempt to quote?
• What do you see in the Risk Analysis/UWIssues screen when you attempt to bind?

Scenario #5:
Using the Submission you created in Scenario #4 Step A:
• Show evidence that the “Notice of Submission Quote” activity is present
• The customer has members of the technical team present for this demonstration – Show them
how you were able to meet this requirement to create the activity each time a Submission
is quoted

Scenario #6:
Using any Personal Auto Submission that is BOUND and has at least 90 days remaining in the policy
term (Note you may need to create this Submission and back‐date the Effective Date, and then bind
it to get such a policy):
• Note the expiration date of the policy
• Start a Policy Change transaction against this policy that has an effective date 20 days prior to
its expiration date. What happens if you try to quote this policy change?
• Start a Policy Change transaction against this policy that has an effective date of today. What
happens if you try to quote the policy change now?

Scenario #7
Create three Submissions. You should get following premium calculated:

Unattached Equipment Coverage = $300.00 for:

Deductible: 100
Limit: 500,000

Unattached Equipment Coverage = $400.00 for:

Deductible: 500
Limit: 100,000

Unattached Equipment Coverage = $600.00 for:

Deductible: 500
Limit: 500,000
Scenario #8:
An Underwriter (you may use Bruce Baker or similar Sample Data user) will log into PolicyCenter
and create a new Submission:
• In the “Policy Info” step, demonstrate how you would add a new “Authorized Contacts” to
the Policy
• Demonstrate how the “Authorization Date” field works on the policy contract and the Account

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