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Pag 39

Exercise 1:

Match the currencies to the contries.

What is your currency?

1. Dollar($) C
2. Pound D
3. Yuan A
4. Rand B
5. Euro E

a. China
b. South Africa
c. The US
d. The UK
e. France

Exercise 2:

Read the magazine article and answer the questions.

 How much do sneakers cost in the Us

 2. In which country is a magazine more expensive than a Burger?
The UK
 3. How many magazines can you buy for the Price of a movie ticket in China?
6 magazines can be purchased
 4. Name two places where you can find out about exchage rates
The Banks and post office

Exercice 3:

Calculate the Price in euros of the ítems from the UK, China and the US in the table in the article.
Use the Exchange rates below
Exchange rates
Pound: 1 Euro: 1.20
Yuan: 1 Euro: 0.10
US$ 1 Euro: 0.75

The UK Euro China Euro The US Euro

Tikect (8.00) 9.60 30.00 3.00 $9.00 6.75
Hamburger 2.64 14.50 1.45 $3.60 2.70
Revista (3.50) 4.20 5.00 0.50 $3.50 2.62
Chues (60.00) 72 388.00 38.80 $55.00 41.25

Exercice 5:

Find out the Price of three ítems in your country and in two other countries with a different
cuerrency. Convert the prices ito your currency.

El Salvador:

 Coca Cola 2.50l ($2.00)

 Sal ($0.25)
 Zapatos ($79.00)


• Coca cola 2.50l (39.70) a dólar: $1.98

• Sal (18.70) a dólar: $0.93
• Zapatos (1400.00) a dólar: $69.78


1. Coca cola2.50l (2.53c) a dólar: $2.00

2. Sal (0.32c) a dólar: $0.25
3. Zapatos (102.00c) a dólar: $80.59

Exercice 6:

Make a poster with the information from Exercise 5. Include a table like the one in the article and
sentences comparing the ítems.

Producto El salvador Canadá México

Cocacola $2.00 2.53c 39.70 pesos
Sal $0.25 0.25c 18.70 pesos
Tenis $79.00 102.00c 1400.00 pesos

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