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Observa la imagen y completa las oraciones con la forma correcta del verbo que está entre paréntesis. Elige la opción correcta para cada
espacio en blanco.

1. The girl _____ (sit) on the bench and _____ (read) a book.

A) sits, reads
B) is sitting, is reading
C) sit, read
2. A boy _____ (play) football in the park.

A) plays
B) is playing
C) play
3. There _____ (be) an empty coffee cup on the ground.

A) is
B) are
C) be

Lee la breve historia de abajo y elige la opción correcta para cada espacio en blanco.

Story: "Lucy _____ (4) up early every morning. She _____ (5) breakfast and _____ (6) a cup of coffee. After breakfast, she _____ (7) to school.
She always _____ (8) her books in her bag. Lucy's younger brother, Tom, doesn't _____ (9) to school yet. He usually _____ (10) with his toys.
Their dog, Buddy, often _____ (11) under the table. In the evening, their parents _____ (12) home late. Lucy and Tom _____ (13) dinner at 7 pm."

(4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

A) get A) has A) drink A) go A) put
B) gets B) have B) drinks B) goes B) puts
C) getting C) having C) drinking C) going C) putting
(9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
A) go A) play A) sit A) come A) eat
B) goes B) plays B) sits B) comes B) eats
C) going C) playing C) sitting C) coming C) eating

Lee el plan de abajo y selecciona las opciones que completarían correctamente el escrito.

Plan: "Next week, my class (14) ______ go on a trip to the city museum. I need to remember to bring (15) ______ notebook and (16) ______ for
notes. My (17) ______ camera is going to be very useful for capturing photos of the exhibits. There (18) ______ lots of interesting things to see at
the museum."

14. Future Plans with "Be 15.Using Articles: 16.Forming Plurals: 17.Possessives: 18.Forming Plurals:
Going To": A) a A) pens A) friend A) is
A) is going to B) an B) pen B) friends B) are
B) are going to C) the C) pen's C) friend's C) be
C) am going to
Pedro y Juan están planeando una aventura de senderismo. Completa el diálogo eligiendo las opciones correctas.

Pedro: "Hey, I'm so excited about our hike next weekend. We (19) ______ see some amazing views from the top of the hill!"
Juan: "Yeah, it's going to be awesome! Remember, we need to bring (20) ______ backpack. I'll also bring (21) ______ water bottles. Can you
bring the snacks?"
Pedro: "Sure, I'll pack (22) ______ sandwiches and some fruit. And don't forget your (23) ______ camera for photos."
Juan: "Good idea. Let's hope the weather stays nice. (24) ______ pack some sunscreen (25) ______ hats, just in case."
Pedro: "(26) ______ time do you think we should start the hike?"
Juan: "Let's start early. We can hike for (27) ______ hours in the morning and then relax near the lake."
Pedro: "Sounds like a plan. (28) ______ have (29) ______ extra jackets in case it gets cold."

19. Future plans with “be going to”: 20. Using articles: 21. Using numbers, dates, and times:
A) are going to A) a A) two
B) is going to B) an B) second

C) am going to C) the C) twice

22.Using articles and plurals: 23. Possessives: 24. Imperatives for suggestions:
A) some A) sister A) Let’s
B) a B) sisters B) You should
C) an C) sister’s C) Must

25. Using basic conjunctions 26. Wh- Questions and Yes/No Questions: 27. Using Numbers, Dates, and Time:
A) and A) What A) Two
B) but B) How B) Second
C) or C) Why C) Twice

28. Personal Pronouns 29. Personal pronouns and demonstratives

A) We A) This
B) They B) That
C) You C) These

Past Simple
El fin de semana pasado, fuiste de viaje a una ciudad cercana con tu familia. Piensa en lo que hiciste y responde a la pregunta.
30. Question: What did you do last weekend in the city? Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.
"Last weekend, I _____."
A) visited the museum and ate at a nice restaurant.
B) visits the museum and eats at a nice restaurant.
C) visiting the museum and eating at a nice restaurant.

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