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Write about 150 words about the advantages and disadvantages of living in the

Living in the countryside has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. One of
the most significant benefits of living in rural areas is the fresh and clean air, which is
free from pollution. Additionally, people living in the countryside tend to enjoy a
more relaxed and peaceful lifestyle, away from the hustle and bustle of urban centers.
Another significant advantage of living in the countryside is the sense of community
and neighborliness that exists in rural areas.

However, there are also some drawbacks to living in the countryside. One of the most
notable disadvantages is the lack of access to certain amenities (cơ sở vật chất) such
as public transportation, entertainment options, and medical facilities. Additionally,
job opportunities may be limited in rural areas, which could make it difficult for some
people to find employment. Another potential drawback is the isolation that some
people may feel, as rural communities tend to be more spread out and less densely
populated than urban areas.

Overall, the decision to live in the countryside versus an urban area will depend on
individual preferences and priorities.

Write a passage about 150 words to tell how to learn English well.

Learning English can be a challenging but rewarding undertaking. To learn English

effectively, it is essential to establish realistic goals and work towards them
consistently. Daily practice is crucial, encompassing activities such as reading, writing,
speaking, and listening. It is also vital to immerse oneself in the language by
engaging in activities such as listening to English music, watching English-language
movies or TV shows, and conversing with native speakers. Participating in language
exchange programs can provide valuable opportunities to practice English skills while
also helping others learn one's native language. Additionally, seeking the guidance of
a tutor can provide personalized feedback and support in achieving language-
learning goals. It is essential to keep in mind that acquiring a new language takes
time and effort, but with persistence and a comprehensive approach, one can attain
fluency and proficiency in English.

Write a paragraph around 140 words about one of the most common natural
disaster in Vietnam and how to prepare for it.

Vietnam is a country that is prone to various types of natural disasters, including

floods, landslides, typhoons, droughts, and earthquakes. Among these, floods are the
most common natural disaster that affect Vietnam. Floods usually occur during the
rainy season, which typically runs from May to October.

To get ready for a flood, it's important to have a plan. This includes staying up-to-
date on the weather, being ready to evacuate if necessary, and having an emergency
kit with things like food, water, and medicine. It's also a good idea to protect your
property by raising it up high, putting up barriers to keep the water out, and keeping
important things like documents safe in waterproof containers. Having good
insurance is also important, because it can help cover the cost of any damage. By
being prepared and taking precautions, people and communities can reduce the
harm caused by floods and make it easier to deal with other natural disasters too.


Write a paragraph about a festival in your country

Vietnam is a country that is steeped in rich cultural traditions, and one of the most
significant celebrations is the Tet Nguyen Dan, commonly known as Tet. Tet is the
Vietnamese New Year and is celebrated in late January or early February based on
the lunar calendar. The festival is marked by several customs and practices, including
cleaning the house to get rid of bad luck and preparing traditional foods like Banh
Chung, a sticky rice cake with pork filling. Another important aspect of Tet is the
practice of giving "Lucky Money" in red envelopes to children and elders. During the
festival, people often visit their families and friends, and there are numerous street
fairs, parades, and dragon dances. Tet is a time of renewal and is seen as a time to
forget the troubles of the past and start fresh. The festival is a reflection of Vietnam's
rich culture and is celebrated with great joy and enthusiasm by people throughout
the country.

Write a short paragraph (100-120 words) about what you do to protect the environment

Protecting the environment is crucial to ensure a sustainable future for our planet
and its inhabitants. There are various ways we can contribute to this goal. One way is
to reduce our carbon footprint by using energy-efficient appliances, walking, biking
or using public transport instead of driving a car, and reducing our meat
consumption. We can also minimize waste by recycling, composting, and avoiding
single-use plastics. Conserving water by taking shorter showers, fixing leaks, and
using drought-resistant plants can also help. It's essential to support environmentally
friendly products and companies and advocate for policies that promote
sustainability. Finally, we can educate ourselves and others about environmental
issues and take actions to protect the environment for future generations.

TOPIC 6: Write a passage about “The importance of learning English and suggest
some effective ways that help us learn English well’’

English is an essential language to learn, as it is spoken in many parts of the world

and used in various industries such as business, travel, and education. Learning
English can provide many opportunities for personal and professional growth.
Moreover, English provides access to a vast amount of information, including books,
movies, and research that are only available in English.

There are several effective ways to learn English. One of the most effective ways is
immersion, where you surround yourself with an English-speaking environment. This
can be achieved by traveling to an English-speaking country or engaging in activities
like watching English movies or TV shows, listening to English music, and
participating in English conversation groups. Structured learning programs, such as
English courses, online tutorials, and language exchange programs, are also effective
ways to improve English proficiency.

In summary, learning English is crucial in today's globalized world, and there are
many effective ways to learn it. By utilizing these methods and consistently practicing,
anyone can learn English and reap the benefits it brings.


Three customs or traditions in your family

In my family, we have several traditions and customs that we follow to maintain a

strong sense of unity and connection. One of the most important traditions is
celebrating birthdays. We always make sure to have a special meal and cake, along
with gifts and decorations to make the day feel extra special. Another tradition is
gathering for dinner on Sunday evenings. It's a time for everyone to catch up on the
week's events, share stories, and just enjoy each other's company. Finally, we have is
celebrating our cultural heritage by cooking traditional dishes on special occasions.
For example, during Lunar New Year, we make banh chung and other dishes to share
with our family and friends. Out of all of these traditions, I particularly enjoy our
Sunday dinners because it allows us to connect and bond as a family while enjoying
delicious food.

III. Write a paragraph about 100-150 words on the following topic. (2ms)

Some people say “Secondary school students shouldn’t use smart phones at school.” Do you agree or disagree
with this saying? Write a paragraph to present your ideas about this.

There are several reasons why students should not use smartphones in class. Firstly,
smartphones are a major distraction for students, with social media, messaging apps,
and online games all competing for attention with the lesson being taught. This can
lead to students missing important information or falling behind in their studies.
Secondly, the use of smartphones can be disruptive to other students and the
teacher, creating a noisy and chaotic classroom environment. This can make it
difficult for students to focus and for the teacher to effectively communicate the
lesson material. Finally, smartphones can be used for cheating, with students able to
access answers or information online during tests or exams. Overall, the use of
smartphones in class can have a negative impact on students' academic performance,
as well as on the learning experience of others in the classroom.

TOPIC 9: How to reduce water pollution

Water pollution is a serious problem that can have negative impacts on our health
and the environment. (1) To reduce water pollution, household families should not
throw trash or harmful chemicals to the environment. Some chemicals like pesticides
or herbicides can make water sources polluted. (2) In addition, businesses and
industries should practice sustainability by reducing waste and properly treating
wastewater. (3) Governments can also enforce laws that limit the amount of
pollutants released into waterways and invest in infrastructure to treat wastewater. (4)
Finally, everyone in the community should join hands to clean up trash along the
river or the beach to make water bodies clean and unpolluted. In conclusion, by
taking these steps, we can work together to achieve cleaner water and a healthier
environment for all.

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