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Coverage Result

Station : AntGye
Position : 79,000000° W 2,899999° S
EIRP : 66,0 dBW

Calculation : Power Flux Density, dBW/m²

Direction : Downlink

Description : AntGye, 23/1/2024, 14:07 / Resolution reduced.

Propagation model : ITU-R P.619

Temperature: 25,0 C
Humidity: 25,0 %
Time availability [%]: 50,0
Atmospheric attenuation: Terrestrial paths
Temperature: 15,0 C
Water vapour density: 7,5 g/m3
No cross polarisation in propagation media
No fixed standard deviation

Statistics :
Min -351,4 dBW/m² 5% -351,1 dBW/m² 90% -349,3 dBW/m²
Max -349,2 dBW/m² 10% -350,9 dBW/m² 95% -349,2 dBW/m²
Mean -350,0 dBW/m² 50% -350,0 dBW/m²

Calculation area information:

-349,2 dBW/m²
Total Area: 31415,9km2 Covered Area: 674,4km2 Covered Area Percent: 2,1%
Total Sum: 0 Covered Sum: 0 Covered Sum Percent: 0,0%

-349,9 dBW/m²
Total Area: 31415,9km2 Covered Area: 14449,8km2 Covered Area Percent: 46,0%
Total Sum: 0 Covered Sum: 0 Covered Sum Percent: 0,0%

-350,8 dBW/m²
Total Area: 31415,9km2 Covered Area: 27405,1km2 Covered Area Percent: 87,2%
Total Sum: 0 Covered Sum: 0 Covered Sum Percent: 0,0%

The result contains a raster and will not be printed.

WRAP Demo Date: 23/1/2024 Page: 1

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