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Talking about your daily routine

Session 2
Reusable Set

Anna, 31.

“I’m a receptionist for a big company, and I always get up at 6 a.m. I have a shower, and
then I drive to work. At work, I have to answer the phone and talk to people all day. I leave
work at around 5:30 p.m. I have got a dog named Toby. So, in the evening we always go
out for a walk. Then I usually make dinner and eat it in front of the TV. I hardly ever go to
bed late.”

Rachel, 25.

“I’m a singer and I often get home really late. I don’t have shows every night. So,
sometimes I can stay home and get some sleep. I never go out with my friends at the
weekends but we always talk on the phone. I don’t like cooking so I go to a different
restaurant every day. I have a crazy routine but my boyfriend Tom always helps me.”

Jack, 65.

“My name is Jack and I don’t work because I’m retired. I often get up at 7 a.m., get dressed,
have breakfast and go to the gym. My wife Carla usually goes to her yoga classes in the
morning. Carla and I always have lunch together. We sometimes have our two
grandchildren over for dinner. We never go to bed after 10:30 p.m.

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