The City Al - Andalus BB

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Cities in AL- ANDALUS

In Andalusia we have many examples of the muslim presence and the Al- Andalus
government you just have to look around and you will find lots of monuments and
building of this time
ALCÁZAR : The first muslim
palace in Sevilla.
The giralda and the
ancient mosque,
the giralda was
used as a tower to
call to prayer.
Mosque in cordoba, nowadays is the
cathedral in town.
The streets were narow and winding,
this was useful because of the climate
This tower was built in the XIII century, is near
the river because it main function was to defend
de the commerce taking place along the river
Guadalquivir. Also the river used to be a very
critical defensive point, that’s why it had to be
After the christian conquer, the tower would be
used to store the gold and all the goods coming
from America.
Economical activities in the cities of Al- Andalus

• The economic activities in the islamic world

was concentrated in cities.
• They were centers of manufacturing and
trade, were agricultural and artisan products
were exchanged.
• Cities also connected international trade
• Cities in Al- Andalus were over populated in
some cases, for example, Cordoba had over
300.000 inhabitants
Main places in a typical Andalusian city
Medina Neigbourghood
Alcázar Souk

Palace that was surrounded by a

Alquería wall and is useful to defend the
Alhondiga city

Centre of the city, there we can

Arrabal find the souk and the mosque
Litle hotels inside the city

Near the walls of the Vegetable garden outside the Important and luxury objects were
city, it was a defensive Medina store here.
• Rezo- prayer

• Mezquita - mosque

• Winding- serpenteante

• Narrow- estrecho

• Conquer- conquista

• Goods- bienes/ mercancia

• Exchange- intercambio

• Populated- poblado

• Souk- Zoco/mercado

• Vecindario- neighborhood.

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