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Packages Group

Supplier Code of Conduct

Signature & Company Stamp ___________________________________

Name of Business ___________________________________

Person Name ___________________________________
Date ___________________________________


Packages Group (“PG”) aims for a world class supply chain operation - working in partnership with
vendors, contractors, transporters, service providers (“Suppliers”) who provide high quality innovative
products and services. We expect that suppliers will act to make their own operations more sustainable
through a focus on managing their environmental, human rights and ethical business performance.

Our goal is to develop relationships with Suppliers that share similar corporate values as PG, and
conduct business in an ethical manner.

This Code sets out our minimum compliance standards for our Suppliers.


Suppliers are expected to comply with all applicable laws, regulations and standards.

Where the provisions of applicable local laws and the Code address the same subject, and are not in
conflict, the highest standard shall be applied. Should any of the requirements in the Code conflict with
applicable local laws in the sense that it would represent a breach of applicable local laws if the Code
were applied, the highest standards consistent with applicable local laws shall be applied.


2.1 Safe and Healthy Work Environment
In accordance with international standards and national laws the Supplier shall provide a healthy and
safe working environment for employees and contractors and should also mitigate health & safety risks
for third parties where these arise due to the Supplier’s activities. Suppliers shall document all accidents
occurred and corrective actions taken by the Supplier. Health and safety obligations should be
communicated and applied to parties under the Supplier’s control, including employees and contractors
working on the Supplier’s premises.

2.2 Discrimination
The Supplier shall not discriminate, either positively (unless required by applicable law) or negatively,
based on race, age, religion, disability, sex or marital status in its workplace.

2.3 Human Rights

The Supplier shall support and respect the protection of internationally recognized human rights. PG
expects suppliers to respect the rights of their employees and to comply with all relevant legislations,
regulations and directives in the country in which they operate.

2.4 Forced and Child Labour

The Supplier shall not employ any involuntary labour and children under the legal working age and shall
not support child labour in any form. At no time shall the Supplier engage any child in any occupation or
employment which would prejudice his/her health or education, or interfere with his/her physical, mental
or moral development. The Supplier shall always abide by the UN Declaration on the Rights of the Child
and comply with all other applicable child labour laws.

2.5 Social Security

The Supplier shall comply with and make necessary contributions in conformance with the laws relating
to Employees Old Age Benefits, Minimum Wages, Social Security Payments and the relevant rules and
regulations (as amended from time to time) thereunder for the benefit of the Suppliers

2.6 Freedom of Association

The Supplier shall endorse the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining for its
employees as per the prevalent applicable legislation.

2.7 Working Hours and Wages

The Supplier shall comply with applicable laws, regulations and industry standards on working hours,
including overtime. The Supplier’s employees shall be provided with wages that at least meet minimum
standards and are enough to meet basic human needs in the applicable community in compliance with
applicable minimum wages legislation (provincial/federal).

2.8 Anti-Harassment and Abuse

Supplier shall commit to a workplace free of harassment and abuse. Supplier shall not threaten workers
with, or subject them to, harsh or inhumane treatment, including but not limited to verbal abuse and
harassment, psychological harassment, mental and physical coercion, and sexual harassment.


3.1 Conflict of interest
PG expects its Suppliers to immediately disclose and address situations where there is an actual,
potential or perceived conflict of interest, or even the appearance of a conflict of interest.

3.2 Bribery & Corruption

PG expect its Suppliers to uphold the highest standards of business ethics, to respect local laws and not
to engage in any form of corruption, bribery, fraud, facilitation payments, kickbacks, illegal gratuities or

3.3 Business Gifts and Hospitality

PG’s main rule is that we prefer not to give or receive gifts. PG employees cannot give or accept gifts
over the value of PKR 5,000 without express written approval from their Line manager. PG employees
will not seek to influence others or be influenced by others by giving or receiving gifts and/or hospitality.
3.4 Confidentiality and Disclosure of Information
Suppliers shall keep confidential any information relating to PG customers, business activities, contracts,
projects, structure, financial situation or performances unless specific prior written permission is obtained.
Supplier shall not appear and represent PG on media unless specific prior written permission is obtained.

3.5 Protection of Intellectual Property

Suppliers shall respect and not infringe any intellectual property rights of PG.

3.6 Money Laundering

The Supplier shall be firmly opposed to all forms of money laundering and shall take all steps to prevent
its financial transactions from being used by others to launder money.

3.7 Anti-competitive Behavior

The Supplier shall not cause or be part of any anti-competitive practices and breach of competition
laws/rule/regulations. The Supplier shall timely report any relevant actual or potential conflicts of interest.

3.8 Protection of the Environment

Supplier shall be encouraged to develop and implement an environmental policy and to operate in
compliance with all applicable laws and regulations addressing environmental protection. PG shall
encourage Suppliers to develop and use environmentally friendly technologies, products and services.
Suppliers shall ensure that their staff has received appropriate environmental related trainings.


4.1 Reporting
It is the duty of the Suppliers to report dishonesty, corruption, fraud, labour and human rights concerns,
environmental damage or any other unethical behaviour. PG commits to protect the confidentiality of
whistle-blowers who may raise concerns about any ethical or legal issues.

4.2 Monitoring and Audit

The Supplier shall implement monitoring and enforcement procedures to check conformance with the
requirements above.

PG reserves the right to verify the Supplier’s and/or its respective supplier’s sub-contractor compliance
with this CoC provided they are involved in work related to PG. This compliance can be carried out
through one or a combination of several assurance processes. These can also include a requirement for
the Supplier to report relevant data into PG’s database system and/or pre-announced inspections by PG
or third-party auditors. Reporting and/or inspections shall be requested and performed in such a manner
as to avoid unrestricted disclosure of Supplier’s confidential information and without disrupting Supplier’s
work unduly.

Failure to comply with this Code of Conduct may result in discontinuance of business relationships with
immediate termination rights.

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