Assignment #1

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1,What are the sensory events that the child is processing?

Please organize your answers into

tactile, proprioceptive, and vestibular sensory events and only list or describe the types of raw
sensory data. Do not provide interpretation of how sensory events are impacting the child's
skills in this question.

The child is processing tactile sensory events, as they are processing information about the
textures and shapes of the rocks on the climbing wall, vestibular information, which processes
information about the position of the head, and proprioceptive information in relation to the
active movement of the joints.

2. Do you believe that the child is having difficulty modulating these sensory events? Why or
why not? He is having difficulty processing tactile information, as he uses visual sensory
stimulation to position his foot.

3. Do you believe that the child is having difficulty using sensory information to assist with
their motor responses? Why or why not? Yes, to perform the range of motion necessary to
position the foot properly to move on the climbing wall.

4. What additional assessment data do you need to collect? Organize your answers into the
following categories: a) parental report and sensory history; b) structured and unstructured
clinical observations; c) standardized assessments.

Parent report: Sensory processing measure would be needed, b) unstructured and structured
clinical observations: Touch Response Observation Scale (TOR) or the Tactile Reactivity Scale
(TRS). C, ) standardized assessments: this one of Sensory Integration and Praxis.

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