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Written Analysis for Case Study 1: Therac-25 -

When Code Meets Human Lives

Abstract — The tragic string of events the surrounds the breach [1]. Another case was the Y2K bug of 2000. The
Therac-25 between 1985 and 1987 lead to the loss of at least six primary cause behind this was the fact that computer storage
lives. Only holding the programmer responsible for this would was expensive, so only the last two digits were used to store
be a misjudgment since multiple people, directly or indirectly, the year. The concern was that when the year 2000 would be
contributed to the resulting tragedy. The tragedy is a prime reached, computers would read that as 1900 [2]. This
example that demonstrates three important ideas: firstly, the affected banks, businesses, power plants, among others. In
manufacturer is ultimately responsible for the quality and both cases, blaming the programmers would be arguably
reliability of the software in their products; secondly, end-users
wrong since they were limited by hardware capacities. As
also contribute to software and hardware failure; and lastly,
user feedback is an essential part of software improvement.
for the data breach, developers of both Facebook and
Cambridge Analytica are largely bound by the tasks
Keywords —Therac-25, Sociotechnical system, corporate assigned to them by others who are higher up in the chain.
decisions, cutting corners Corporate decisions like cost-cutting or business malpractice
are not taken by developers or engineers, they are taken by
I. INTRODUCTION owners and board members of said company. Thus, as the
Cancer treatment, just like the deadly disease itself, must owners and manufacturers of the Therac-25, AECL must
be treated with utmost importance. Given that the treatment bear the brunt of responsibility.
involves exposure to radiation, the room for error is slim to B. End-users also contribute to software and hardware
none. Therac-25 was meant to be a revolutionary method of failure
treatment that utilised a “double-pass” concept for electron
acceleration. Due to manufacturer neglect and design flaws The Therac-25 was a terribly designed tool that was also
in software and hardware, the technology ended up taking used carelessly by its users. The most harrowing example of
the lives of at least 6 people by administering lethal doses to this is the fact that error messages were ignored by the
patients between 1985 and 1987. This analysis of the events, operators on a regular basis. Upon seeing the “H-tilt” and
based on the subsequent investigation published by Nancy “no dose” on the system display, the operator simply
Leveson and Clark Turner, expands on three ideas that proceeded with the treatment. Another account led to the
attempt to support the theory that only holding the machine shutting down after displaying “Malfunction 54”.
programmer responsible for this would be a Prior to this, the operator has mistakenly typed “x” instead
misjudgment since multiple people, directly or indirectly, of “e” for the required treatment. According to the
contributed to the resulting tragedy. investigation, the operator had become accustomed to typing
“x” for administering X rays, but it is not unreasonable to
II. SUPPORTING ARGUMENTS expect that an operator in charge of such machine would pay
more attention to what they type, rather than what they are
A. The manufacturer is ultimately responsible for the used to typing. Furthermore, the only way the patient in the
quality and reliability of the software in their products. shielded room could communicate with the operator was
A company like AECL hires engineers, programmers, through a video and audio monitor, both of which were out
medical specialists, and various other people to work for non-functional at the time. This is completely out of the
them, and while they are given the responsibility of control of both the programmer and even the manufacturer.
producing certain results, they are not responsible for the The hospital, being the end-user in a sense, is responsible for
final product. The Therac-25 was built over many years and the video and audio monitors being in working order.
iterations by a multitude of people working at AECL. Those
C. User feedback is essential and must not be neglected
who worked on it indeed developed the puzzle pieces that
ultimately built the Therac-25, but the final product, with all The Sociotechnical theory states that social practices,
its flaws, belongs to AECL. As a programmer myself, the social relationships, and social institutions are required to
fact that only one programmer was hired was an instant bad design, produce, distribute, and use technology [4]. One
idea. As the sole programmer, they would have no interpretation of this could be that technology can only be
colleagues to bounce ideas off of, or to verify each other’s developed and improved based on the people that use it, and
existing code. Assembly language being an inherently more how they use it. In the context of the Therac 25, it had
difficult, with more opportunity for errors, would almost people using it and it also had people who found it useful,
force programmers to generate documentation for their but that was it. AECL made no attempts to investigate the
colleagues’ and their own use. The decision to hire only one concerns of the very people who made the technology useful
programmer to write all the code, from the Therac-6 to the in the first place. Multiple times, AECL blatantly refused to
Therac-20, and finally to the Therac-25, was not the acknowledge or investigate reports of possible overdoses.
programmer’s decision. Neither was the decision to remove They simply claimed that it was impossible. We now know
the hardware locks on the Therac-25. It could even be that the amount of testing done during development was
argued that AECL was to blame for very little nowhere near adequate, so AECL’s confidence on the
documentation being made during development as the ones Therac-25 was grossly unfounded. This was not a form of
in charge, they are to set guidelines for software technology that served a relatively harmless use, like a
development and enforce them. This could be compared to calculator or an office computer. This was a machine that
the data breach of Facebook and Cambridge Analytica. At had already taken lives by the time any semblance of an
least 87 million accounts had been affected during the investigation took place. Both the FDA and AECL were
extremely slow to act, and worse yet, kept the machines
operational and continued treating patients. This can be
interpreted as a form of corporate greed, prioritizing sales,
and cutting costs above the lives of the patients. The
programmer could definitely be held responsible for the lack ACKNOWLEDGMENT (Heading 5)
of testing and documentation, but without AECL’s approval,
they could not have acted on user feedback if they wanted to I’d like to thank Professor Christina Penner for
fix the flaws in his software. introducing me to this case study and ethics regarding
computer science as a whole. Furthermore, I’d also like to
III. CONCLUSION thank my group members from Group #7 who offered
invaluable ideas during the peer review phase. Finally, I’d
The tragedy was series of events in which the
like to thank John from the YouTube channel Plainly
operators, manufacturer and the programmer all carry
Difficult, who humorously but accurately portrayed the
the blame, and thus, the programmer cannot be the only
events surrounding the Therac-25 in an animated short
one held responsible. They are definitely to blame for the
lack of documentation, testing and safety oversights in his
software. Despite his faults, had AECL enforced more rigid REFERENCES
software development practices, hired more programmers, [1] I. Sherr, “Facebook, Cambridge Analytica, Data Mining and trump:
not cut corners when developing the machine, it could be What you need to know,” CNET, 18-Apr-2018. [Online]. Available:
argued that none of this would have happened. The decision mining-and-trump-what-you-need-to-know/. [Accessed: 17-Feb-
to refute any reports of overdose was also in the hands of 2022].
AECL, not the programmer. The analysis of this case [2] National Geographic Society, “Y2K Bug,” National Geographic
Society, 09-Oct-2012. [Online]. Available:
hopefully conveys the message that being overly cautious,
[Accessed: 17-Feb-2022].
especially when dealing with the life-saving treatments, is [3] N. G. Leveson and C. S. Turner, "An investigation of the Therac-25
far more important than being overly concerned with accidents," in Computer, vol. 26, no. 7, pp. 18-41, July 1993,
revenues and margins.
[4] D. G. Johnson, “Democracy, technology, and Information Societies,”
The Information Society: Innovation, Legitimacy, Ethics and
Democracy In honor of Professor Jacques Berleur s.j., pp. 5–16, 2007,

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