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A Method and a Tool for Commercial Performance

Evaluation of a Company: The case of a “Mobile

Telephony Operator”
Computer Science Department Computer Science Department Computer Science Department
USTHB, Algiers, Algeria USTHB, Algiers, Algeria USTHB, Algiers, Algeria

In a mature and globalized economy, competition is putting margins
of companies to the test, and customers are becoming increasingly
expensive to conquer and keep. The easiest way to grow is to acquire
more customers and retain them by offering them the highest possible 1. INTRODUCTION
level of satisfaction. Companies are then, forced to establish Nowadays, the current economic context is highly changing and
customer-centric strategies. In this paper, we are interested to the companies are facing sharp competition and saturated markets. This
company performance through its customers (also called commercial situation leads decision-makers to gradually, consider operational
performance). We propose a generic method for commercial criteria other than direct productivity in order to evaluate effectively,
performance evaluation; directed by the decision-makers needs and their company's performance. Being competitive is no longer just
focused on three main axes relative to the customer perspective: about offering customers, products with competitive prices. It is also
customer’s attraction, satisfaction and loyalty. These axes are about offering them, services that meet their quality, safety and time
defined by specific indicators, and are linked to increased revenue of requirements.
the company and/or its market share. The evaluation of these The performance of any company has both an endogenous and an
indicators allows the estimation of the good (or bad) financial health exogenous component. Endogenous or internal performance
of the company. We implemented the proposed method in a essentially concerns the efficiency of the resources used and is
performance evaluation tool and applied it on the case study of a controlled by the company through the mechanism of objectives to
"Mobile Operator". be achieved.
The exogenous or external performance is declined through, the
CCS CONCEPTS judgment of the customer regarding the product / service that he
• Information Systems → Tracking; Information Systems → receives (according to the time of taking order, the quality of the
Data Management Systems; Information Systems → product, etc.) and the judgment of the upstream supplier (according
Information Systems Applications to the number of returns, the speed at which the invoices are paid, ...)
The performing company is not only the one that realizes its turnover
and generates profits. It must satisfy its customers, in a long-term
Performance, Commercial Performance, Customer-centric Business relationship. The single-criteria model of performance focused on
Strategy, Performance Indicator System (PIS), Business Intelligence reducing costs is then, replaced by a multi-criteria and global vision
(BI), Attraction, Satisfaction, Loyalty. of performance. This latter is perceived as « the aggregation of
economic, financial, social and environmental performance»; it is a
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for
multidimensional concept that is difficult to measure technically [2].
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are In this article, we focus on commercial performance (also called
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies marketing performance) which is a specific axis of economic
bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for performance. Commercial performance is particularly, attached to
components of this work owned by others than ACM must be honored.
the customers‟ satisfaction. It seems difficult to clearly separate
Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to
post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission commercial performance from the others types of performance; the
and/or a fee. Request permissions from reason is that these different types of performance fit into the core of
ICIST’2020 4-5 June 2020, Lecce, Italy. Copyright 2020 ACM any business enterprise, focused on customer satisfaction [3].
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-7655-6/20/06…$15.00 Multiple researches on company performance such as [4; 5; 6; 7] take into account the different stakeholders of the company (employees,
customers, community, suppliers, etc...) and their role in the
performance of the company. Recent researches [8; 9; 10] in the field
of performance is increasingly interested in the role of customer as a
stakeholder in the company and his impact on its performance,
specifically on commercial performance.
Several models and/or methods such as those described in [11; 12; 4; degree of its achievement, decision variables attached to it and the
13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18] have been proposed for evaluating companies existence of actors using it.
performance, through different aspects and criteria. These According to [21], "A performance indicator is a quantified relevant
approaches differ from each other, in the type of performance, the variable for decision-making and management ".
tools used, performance measurement/evaluation The performance indicator consists of the triplet (see Fig. 1): an
aspects, the evolution of the performance model or the prediction of objective “O”, a measure of effectiveness “M” and an essential
performance; this is well detailed in Section 6 of the paper. variable “V” (action variable)[22].
The objective of this paper is to define a generic approach for design,
implementation and exploitation of a customer-centric PIS
(Performance Indicator System). The proposed approach could help
to define and evaluate commercial performance according to three
main aspects: attraction, satisfaction and loyalty of customers.
Our method consists of several steps. It starts by analyzing the
decision–makers requirements and focuses on the definition of a
performance indicator system (PIS). This latter contains several steps Figure 1: Triplet « Objective, Action variable, Measure ».
and is defined around three essential axes that are the attraction, the The objective represents the desired state, the measure represents the
satisfaction and the loyalty of the customers; each of them is defined real state and the action variables are the levers on which decision-
by a set of performance indicators. These axes are linked to increased makers can act to improve the gap between the objective and the
revenue of the company and make it possible to determine the good measure.
(or bad) financial health of the company. For the objective, we use the «SMART» definition [23] which states
For the implementation of our approach, we consider the commercial that an objective has the following characteristics: Specific,
activity of a “Mobile Phone Operator” for which we define the Measurable, Acceptable, Realizable and Temporarily defined.
appropriate performance indicators related to the three axes The measure represents the third parameter of the performance
previously identified (attraction, satisfaction, loyalty of subscribers). indicator. The acquisition of this measure represents the first step in
We illustrate the proposed method by the development of a tool that the process of expressing performance. Voyer P. defines the measure
allows a decision-maker to set his objectives (setting step), measure as "significant information: definition, index or indication, status,
the different indicators by making a projection on one of the three classification and categorization relative to a characteristic, or an
analysis axes, evaluate the performance on each axis by examining illustration" [24].
the differences between the objectives set and the measured values.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows: Section 2 sets out the
2.3 Performance Indicator System “PIS”
context of the work and the main concepts related to it. Section 3 A performance Indicator System (PIS) can be defined as "A tool that
presents our approach (the generic method) for commercial provides a comprehensive framework for expressing performance; it
performance evaluation of a company through its clients. Section 4 brings together a set of indicators and provides decision support"
describes the case study of “Mobile telephony operator”. Section 5 [18].
presents some technical aspects of our approach. Section 6 presents A PIS is a multi-step process; in [16], the author proposes to break
some related works and situates our approach among the others down a PIS into seven steps representing its lifecycle as shown on
proposed in the literature. The conclusion is presented in Section 7; Fig. 2.
it summarizes our current thinking and outlines the perspectives
In this section, we set out the main definitions of basic concepts:
performance, performance indicator (PI), performance indicator Figure 2: Lifecycle of a PIS.
system (PIS) and performance evaluation.
The seven steps of PIS are: (i) determine the perimeter of the PIS that
2.1 The concept of performance may be the whole business or a process (or function) that constitutes
Several definitions of company performance were proposed. In [19], its external environment. (2i) The definition of its objectives which
we find the following definition: "Performance is reflected through constitute the mission of the PIS. (3i) The definition of its
the company's ability to produce and control its costs". requirements, the means which must contribute to its proper
This definition focuses more on the financial aspect of the company; functioning. (4i) The design of the PIS that describes all performance
a more complete definition that considers the financial, indicators. (5i) The implementation of the PIS, which is the physical
Commercial and environmental aspects is given in [20], realization of PIS and its integration into the company’s information
"Performance is the company's ability to generate profits and benefits system. (6i) The operation of the PIS for measurement, evaluation
for its various stakeholders, by offering products or services that can and decision-making. (7i) The revision of the PIS for corrective or
satisfy customers". evolutive actions.
2.2 Performance indicator (PI) As part of our approach, the scope or perimeter of our PIS is the
The concept of a performance indicator is attached to the objective commercial activity of the company, the life cycle of our PIS starts
term, which is the fundamental element of performance reflecting the with the definition of objectives and then the design of PIS (definition
of indicators for each axis of commercial performance).
Subsequently, the implementation and integration of the PIS into the Currently, customer satisfaction is at the heart of the company's
company’s information system. Finally, the operation of the PIS: strategy; hence its interest in companies in terms of sustainability and
setting the indicators by giving the desired values of indicators, competitiveness. The customer is a major source of income that
measurement of indicators and evaluation of performance. obliges the company to maintain and satisfy it. Satisfied customers
2.4 Performance evaluation favor the recruitment of new customers through the positive "word of
mouth" technique [28].
Performance evaluation is essentially, based on methods and tools
measurement. Measurement provides a list of indicators values,
3.1.3 Customer loyalty
while evaluation consists of making decisions to achieve the For companies, the cost of recruiting new customers is enormous:
objectives based on measured indicators. There is a strong link advertising, discounts, promotions, demonstrations, trial costs, sales
between measurement and performance evaluation. Indeed, expenses, etc. The only solution is to plant the loyalty effect among
performance evaluation consists in comparing the gap between the customers to compensate these investments, so the term customer
measure and the objective. loyalty was born. A loyal customer is defined as: "a customer who
wants to keep the same supplier regardless of the competition's
proposals, sometimes in an irrational way" [29].
3. OUR APPROACH FOR COMMERCIAL The loyalty process generally consists of three steps: data collection,
PERFORMANCE data analysis and implementation of loyalty programs. Customers’
Commercial performance is obviously customer-centered. loyalty ensures the company's sustainability by establishing a long-
Customers must be at the heart of commercial strategies aimed at term relationship with customers, and increases profits by improving
achieving good commercial performance which is defined as: "The purchasing behavior and repetitive purchasing actions. Loyalty has
ability of the company to satisfy its customers by offering quality an impact on the company's innovation by perfecting its R&D
products and services that meet the expectations of consumers." [25]. (research and development) policy. Loyalty optimizes the
Companies are using different strategies to create a good relationship effectiveness of commercial and advertising investments through
with their customers, as it is not just about selling them products, but "word of mouth" (better reputation).
creating a sense of commitment to the company brand. Thus, we The following table (Table 1) provides an overview of the main
believe that the customer-centered commercial strategy follows the performance indicators related to the three axes: attraction,
chain of three main objectives: attraction, satisfaction and loyalty of satisfaction and loyalty.
customers. These objectives are the three axes we consider for Table 1. Benchmarks of indicators for the three axes (attraction,
measuring and evaluating commercial performance (see Fig. 3). satisfaction, loyalty)
Performance Indicators Description
Effectiveness Measures the effectiveness
of of an advertising campaign,
Attraction prospecting for example
axis Transformation Rate Measures sales
Figure 3: Commercial performance axes. effectiveness of an
3.1 The three axes of commercial performance advertising campaign, for
3.1.1 Customer attraction
Conquest rate Measures commercial
Prospecting or attracting new customers is at the heart of companies'
concerns, prospecting customers is a difficult task in the face of
intense competition and the rapid evolution of technology, companies cost of Measure the cost of
moved from traditional marketing to digital marketing. The acquiring a new acquiring a new client
acquisition of new customers requires an approach based on a market
study and customer expectations. So, customer attraction is defined Level of Brand recommendation
by a set of methods and tools dedicated to marketing such as: satisfaction with rate
Satisfaction the brand
advertising, trial period, communication... etc., in order to attract the
most customers [26]. axis Total satisfaction Are you satisfied?
Attracting customers has an impact on the growth rate resulting from The courtesy of Were you welcomed
profits increase. Winning new customers reflects the company's state employees well?
of health. Claims Measures customer’s
3.1.2 Customer Satisfaction dissatisfaction with a
Acquiring new customers is only the first step in the process, service or offer.
companies must satisfy their customers by playing on several factors: Processing rate Measures the ability of
attractive prices, variety of offers, quality of product/service, staff to process claims.
listening...etc. For a company, satisfaction is the agreement of the Customer churn Measures the lost of
products or services offered by the company to the needs and customers
expectations of the customers [27].
Recency, The RFM method [30] is Figure 4: Process for design, implementation and exploitation of
frequency, the best known of the the PIS.
axis amount of scoring segmentation
purchase “RFM” methods. It is mainly, used Step 1: Analysis of the business activity
in distance sales This step consists of analyzing the context of commercial activity,
companies. defining the missions of the company to his customers, the processes
Customer lifetime Difference between the of commercial activity (purchasing, sales and marketing), analyzing
accession date and the existing indicators and business intelligence system.
rupture date Step 2: Identification of objectives
Segmentation by Distinguish customer The development of clear and realistic business objectives is one of
value types according to the the prerequisites for a company‟s commercial success. The
revenue value principle. formulation of the business objectives takes into account the three
Customer Classify clients according performance axes (attraction, satisfaction and loyalty). The quality of
Segmentati to criteria such as age PIS depends on the objectives set.
on groups, gender type… etc. Step 3: PIS Model Design
3.2 Process for defining and implementing the This step consists of defining a PIS model based on the objectives
defined in Step 2. The PIS model is designed around the three axes.
PIS Each analysis axis has a set of indicators.
In this section, we describe the process we propose for defining and Step 4: PIS implementation
implementing the PIS for commercial performance evaluation. This This is the step of projecting the company's commercial activity data
process consists of six main steps: (i) Analysis of commercial onto the PIS (each indicator is calculated from a data set). If we
activity, (2i) Identification of objectives, (3i) Design of the PIS, (4i) consider a BI, it is the process of extraction, processing and loading
Implementation of the PIS, (5i) Performance measurement and (6i) data. The implementation of the PIS has another functionality,
Performance evaluation. namely "Setting" that consists in setting the desired values of the
indicators by the decision-maker.
Step 5: Performance measurement
In this step, a value will be calculated for each indicator defined using
data collected from the commercial activity.
Step 6: Performance evaluation
For each indicator, the gap (difference) between the actual
measurement (using the real data recorded in the database) and the
estimated value (the objective set by the decision-maker) is
calculated to evaluate commercial performance. At the end, the
decision-maker makes an eventual decision to reduce the gap as
much as possible.


A “Mobile telephony operator” or simply a “Mobile Operator” is a
company that offers telecommunication services (calls,
messaging,...) by mobile phone as well as Internet access. The
operator provides to customers a SIM card (classic, micro-SIM or
nano SIM) that gives access to the operator's network and all services
provided. These services range from traditional voice calls to text
messaging by SMS, internet connection and other services (MMS,...).
Telephony operators face a competitive and dynamic environment
that forces them to innovate and adapt constantly to succeed and even
survive. Consequently, these operators are forced to develop a system
for measuring and evaluating their performance, continually.
4.1 Performance for a Mobile Operator
For a mobile operator, performance results in: "being the market
leader", we can extend this vision on several axes: commercial,
technical, societal, social, environmental, etc.
Commercial performance for mobile operators focuses on
subscribers. These latter must be at the heart of commercial strategies
aimed to achieve a good commercial performance. The common
point among all strategies is that they all follow a sequence schema
in the order shown in Fig. 3. (Population subscribers satisfied
subscribers  loyal subscribers).
4.2 Design of PIS
Table 2 describes the indicators we have identified for the three
performance axes (attraction, satisfaction and loyalty) for a mobile
Table 2. Benchmarks of indicators for the three axes of a "Mobile
Performance Indicators Description Example of calculation formula
Number of Measures the number of EX: Number of subscribers in a region
subscribers subscribers
Number of Measures the number of EX : Number of subscriber memberships per
membership memberships package
Growth rates Measures the evolution of the ((Number of subscribers (t) - Number of subscribers
number of subscribers over a (t-1)) / (Number of subscribers (t-1))
given period. *100
Turnover Measures the turnover EX : Turnover per month
Call Failure Rates Measure the success of calls Number of failed calls / total number of calls
Claims Measures customer Number of claims
Satisfaction dissatisfaction with
axis a service or offer.
Processing rate Measures the ability of the staff Number of claims processed / Total number of
to claims
process claims.
Subscriber churn Measures the lost of subscribers Number of subscribers registered in a period (t) -
the number of subscribers who had cancelled in the
Loyalty same period.
axis Subscriber lifetime Subscriber lifetime Date of membership - date of cancellation
Segmentation by Distinguish subscriber types Takes into account the subscriber‟s turnover
value according to the revenue value
Subscriber Classify subscribers according Define thresholds against which these classes are
segmentation to their defined.
activity on the operator
network: for example, passive,
active, medium, etc.

blocked for a given reason. Claims of subscribers are recorded by one

4.3 Design of the data model supporting the of the call centers of the operator. The operator performs continually,
a quality control of its different services where the subscriber is
analysis expected to answer a questionnaire (opinion form) regarding his
To evaluate commercial performance, we rely on data collected from perception of the quality of services provided. Fig. 5 shows the
the company's commercial activity. constellation model of our application.
We considered two types of subscribers: physical persons and The analyzed facts are: subscriber memberships, subscriber trunover,
corporations (companies, enterprises). The mobile operator implants subscriber cancellation, subscriber blocking, claims, subscriber
several BTS antennas and has multiple call centers. The phone opinion, pertaining to the three axes of analysis (attraction,
operator offers several services, several types of subscriptions and satisfaction, loyalty). The dimensions of analysis are: period (date),
several promotional offers. Each subscriber can have multiple types subscriber type, subscriber category,…etc. The measures are for
of subscriptions (pre-paid, post-paid or fleet) and uses several example subscriber number, rate of claims processing, rate of
services. At each time, a given subscriber may subscribe to a new satisfaction per service, …etc.
subscription form, make a claim, terminate his contract, he may be
Figure 5: The constellation model of our application "Mobile Phone Operator".
The data loaded into the views are encapsulated in the “Managed
5. TECHNICAL ASPECTS Beans” that constitute our models. Fig. 6 describes the UML
component diagram of our system.
To demonstrate the feasibility of our approach of performance
measurement and evaluation, we have developed a system consisting
of two modules. The first module is for data collection and updating
relative to the commercial activity of the mobile operator. The second
module is for the PIS (Multidimensional schemas design, setting of
indicators values by the decision- makers, measurement and
The system was deployed according to a client/server architecture
using JEE technologies. For the client level, we developed a website
using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and BootStrap tools. For the
application server level, we used the GlassFish server and for data
management, we used the Oracle 11g DBMS.
The "commercial activity" module collects data from the telephony
operator transactional system. It includes a tool for importing and Figure 6: UML Component diagram of our system.
visualizing data.
The "PIS" module allows the configuration of the indicators values Some features of our system
relative to the three performance axes. The second functionality of Setting of indicator thresholds: For each axe of performance, the
PIS is to measure the values of the indicators using data collected. decision-maker enters the thresholds he wants to reach for each
The third functionality calculates the difference (the gap) between the indicator. For example, Fig. 7 shows for the satisfaction axis, the
actual measurement and the estimated value. threshold of claims not to be exceeded during the current year; the
The software architecture of our application obeys to the MVC decision-maker enters a value as a percentage and records this
pattern that separates data from processing and user interfaces. This configuration.
architecture allows easy maintainability and scalability. The MVC
pattern as implemented in our system includes the "Server Faces"
representing the controller that is responsible of capturing customer
requests and delegating the appropriate view and model(s). “JSF
Pages” is the view that appears to the user; it is sent to the client part.
Figure 9: Performance evaluation for the “Loyalty axis”.


Figure 7: Configuration of thresholds for the “satisfaction axis”.
The evaluation of companies‟ performance is recognized as an
essential factor in the management of companies. To measure this
Performance measurement: For each performance axis, the user
performance, decision-makers are required to set up performance
can measure the performance indicators. Fig. 8 shows the values of
indicator systems (PIS). Existing PIS can be classified into two
the satisfaction axis indicators. On one of the graphs (Histogram) in
categories: (i) generic PIS which can be applied to any company such
Fig. 8, we have the distribution of claims (total claims in blue color,
as BSC [4] and SCOR[15], (ii) specific PIS dedicated specifically for
processed claims in orange color and not processed claims in pink
a particular company, according to its general context such as
To better understand the concept of PIS, it is necessary to synthesize
the main performance indicator systems defined in the literature.
The ABC/ABM method [11] seeks to identify processes and
activities that generate value. The principle of activity-based
management covers the calculation of the actual cost of a product or
service and its components, global and detailed budgetary control, the
identification of malfunctions between activities, the simulation of
costs of launching any new product, and the identification of the steps
take in order to achieve a target in terms of profitability.
ECOGRAI [12] is the result of researches that aim to define for an
industrial company, a method of design and implementation of
performance measurement systems, based on the formulation of
GRAI grids. ECOGRAI is based on a top-down analysis of the
Figure 8: Measurement of indicators for the “Satisfaction axis”. organization in order to decompose strategic objectives into tactical
and operational objectives, with a participatory approach that
Performance evaluation: For each performance axis, the user can involves future users in the definition of indicators at all levels. The
check whether or not the objectives set are achieved, by evaluating ECOGRAI method is based on the triplet “objective, measure,
the differences between the measurements and the values of the variable”. In [17], the author proposed an approach, called
parameters (objectives) previously set. Fig. 9 shows the performance ECOGRAISIM, for evaluating the performance of a port supply
evaluation for the satisfaction axis. For example, we can see that for chain using the ECOGRAI method.
the year 2014, the target set for the satisfaction rate was 85% and the In [16], a general framework of methods is proposed for the
value calculated for the same year is 94%, which gives a positive development of Performance Indicator Systems (CGMEPIS). This
difference of 9%; it means that the objective is largely met. framework first defines all modules that should be included in the
Other aspects of satisfaction are assessed using questionnaires definition and implementation of a PIS. Secondly, improvements
(online) completed by subscribers with their opinions on calls quality, were made to the ECOGRAI method.
Internet connection quality, bid prices, etc. Balanced Scorecard (BSC) [4] was introduced by Kaplan and Norton
For customer attraction, we analyse the facts: "the evolution of in 1992, in a context of challenging performance measurement
subscribers number", "the turnover generated by a subscriber", …etc. systems, exclusively focused on financial results tracking. The BSC
For customer loyalty, we focused our analysis on the facts: is organized around four axes of analysis: the customer perspective,
"subscriber non-activity", "breach of suscribers contracts", "inactive the internal process perspective, the innovation and learning
subscribers rate", "active subscribers rate",...etc. perspective, and the financial perspective.
In [15], the authors propose a SCOR standard used by many tendentious and predictive for a production company. The author
companies. It recommends reference indicators for the supply chain considers that an objective is defined by a trajectory of so-called
process that are adaptable for any company. SCOR allows all intermediate objectives over a given time horizon. A qualitative
stakeholders to speak the same language, provides a methodology formalization of these performances is based on the use of the theory
that helps companies compare themselves within their organization, of fuzzy subsets.
supports them to identify their current performance and explains how In [7], the authors described a method for assessing societal
to achieve the supply chain's performance objectives. performance. The methodology is based on a model that describes
GIMSI [13] is a method that offers seven performance dimensions: the links between human resources practices (recruitment and
(i) the customer; (ii) the shareholders; (3i) the partners; (4i) the staff; selection of employees, training and development of employees,
(5i) the public; (6i) internal processes and quality system; (7i) the employee performance evaluation and reward) and employee
information system (IS). performance.
PRISM [14] is an innovative performance model because it takes into To compare the different PIS models and methods mentioned above,
account all stakeholders such as investors, clients, intermediaries, we propose eight criteria described as follows (see Table 3): (i)
employees, regulators and communities. The method allows the Purpose of the PIS that defines the objective of the method or model.
formulation of strategies by considering the needs and requirements (2i) Type of performance (financial, logistical, societal,...). (3i) Client
of all stakeholders, in such a way that there is a reciprocal relationship presence: specifies the consideration of the client axis, (4i)
between them and the company. Measurement, (5i) Evaluation, (6i) Tools: describes the tool(s) used
In [8], the authors proposed an approach for measuring commercial for the design and implementation of the PIS (the rules for deriving
performance for the automotive industry company. The approach indicators from objectives and the calculation methods used for
considers both satisfaction and loyalty of customers. The approach is measurement, evaluation, evolution and prediction). (7i) Evolution of
based on the Net Promoter Score (NPS) tool. NPS is a tool for the PIS. (8i) Prediction for the support or not of predictive
assessing customer loyalty and satisfaction. performance.
The author of [18] introduced a definition of temporal performance,
deployed according to three performances, instantaneous,
Table 3. Comparison between methods and models of performance evaluation
Method or Goal Type of performance Presence of Measure Evaluation Tool Evolution Prediction
Model Customer
ABC/ABM [11] Allocation of charges Financial Performance No Yes No - No No
ECOGRAI [12] Design a PIS Global performance No Yes Yes Graphical No No
(economic, financial, notation
social and GRAI Grid
BSC [4] Design a dashboard Financial Performance Customer Yes No Strategic map No No
SCOR [15] Design a PIS for Global performance No Yes Yes BI tools No No
supply chain for supply chain
GIMSI [13] Design a dashboard Financial Performance Partner Yes No - No No
for company
PRISM [14] Design a dashboard Financial Performance Partner Yes No - No No
for company
ECOGRAISIM Design a PIS for Global performance No Yes Yes Graphical No No
[17] supply chain for supply chain notation
CGMEPIS [16] Generic framework for Global performance No Yes Yes Framework Yes No
designing a PIS (economic, financial,
social and
[31] Design model Societal Performance No Yes Yes - No No
for Societal
[18] Design a method for Predictive No Yes Yes Fuzzy subset No Yes
performance performance theory
(economic, financial) (economic, financial)
Our approach Generic method Commercial Customer Yes Yes Multi- No No
for commercial performance centric dimensiona
performance approach l analysis
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