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F: PR (4)/RM (30) Known Powers

“Hulk Out”: Whenever Banner is injured or angered he

A: TY (6)/GD (10) transforms into The Hulk, his stats changing to those on
S: TY (6)/MN (75) the right. When he is the Hulk any further injury or antag-
onizing causes him to gain 25 points of Strength a turn
E: GD (10)/MN (75) with no known upper limit. He gains Health accordingly,
R: RM (30)/PR (4) injuries seemingly disappearing as he transforms further.
The initial transformation occurs regardless of the dam-
I: EX (20) age he has taken and Banner is reset to his normal health

P: EX (20)/RM (30) upon returning to “normal.”

Body Resistance: Monstrous protection from physical and
energy attacks.
Health: 26/190 Radiation Resistance: Class 1000
Leaping: Class 1000 (several miles)
Karma: 70/54 Astral Detection: Excellent
Initiative: +1/+5
Talents: As Banner: Physics, BioPhysics, Medicine, Ge-
Defense: 0/-1 netics, Engineering. As Hulk: Sonic Slam (-2CS Strength
Resources: PR (4) damage to all in the area in front of him. Automatically re-
quires a Slam(?) check.
Popularity: 10 (sometimes –40) The Hulk
Contacts: Rick Jones, The Avengers, Wolverine, Doc Sam-
Real Name: Robert Banner
Other Aliases: Bruce (his more often used mid-
dle name.)
Base of Operations: mobile Background:
Occupation Physicist, vagabond, sometimes
Bruce Banner was working on an experimental device to
wanted criminal, reluctant hero
use gamma rays to sterilize areas of mass contamination
by biological agents. His work and his service were
forced into the military’s Gamma Bomb project, a device
that would do even more damage to a population than
an H Bomb, while leaving behind infrastructure like a
Neutron Bomb.
Overseeing the first test with General Thaddeus Ross,
Bruce saw a person who had wandered onto the test
sight. Young Rick Jones had entered in a dare. Bruce or-
dered the test aborted and ran out to get Rick to safety.
Ross kept the countdown going, thinking Banner had
enough time to get the boy to a bunker. He was right
about it in part,. Bruce himself was caught in the burst
and transformed for the first time into the Hulk.
Since then Ross has made several attempt to capture
him for study. He has played the roll of hero and of raw,
destructive force. He has been temporarily cured, tem-
porarily given control of the Hulk and all manner of oth-
er transformations of his body and his social status. He
helped found the Avengers and serves now on their
board. He does so remotely. He is not currently being
hunted, but he knows that can always change.

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