Immerse Education 2

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What tips and advice would you give to younger students when studying for exams?

Studying can be demanding, especially under a packed schedule. However, with a few tips
and a positive mindset, you can make the most of your time and achieve your goals
efficiently. Below are some tips that would help you maximize your efforts:

Why cramming IS NOT effective

When it comes to exams, it is evident that most students struggle with time management. I
still remember studying for the economics exam the night before, and though I had managed
to pass, the stress and pressure I put myself through was horrendous. This is when I
reassured myself the importance of time management:

1. Planning

Using calendars and to-do lists allows you to have an overview of plans and that you are on
track. Start with your least confident subject and break down the topics into smaller sections.
Then, according to the amount of content and understanding you have for each topic, divide
them amongst different days.

2. Taking breaks

During the break, you could stretch, drink sips of water, go for a quick walk etc. Try to avoid
using social media as evidence has proved that more than 80% of students have been
distracted by using phones which lowers productivity afterwards. To tackle this issue, you
could put your phone in airplane mode or put it in another room.

3. Create a study space

A comfortable study space helps with focusing as it reduces the distractions and allows you
to have a clear mind before absorbing new content.

4. Memorising content

For me, using mind maps helps me memorize content quickly. Using mind maps identifies
key areas of the topic and the connections which are effective for visual learners.

I would also recommend using spaced repetition to revise. According to the Forgetting
Curve, after 1 day, 20% of the original content would be forgotten and therefore, content
should be revised on days 1,3,6 in order to retain the information being studied on the first

If you find the above two methods ineffective, you could also try blurting. After studying the
topic, close the textbook and write down the information on a blank sheet of paper. Then,
use a red pen to add on the missing information and review it using the pattern mentioned
5. Sleep Soothes!

Despite studying, it is vital to get at least 7 hours of sleep every night as it helps improve
concentration. Studies have shown students who sleep 7-8 hours a day achieve a higher
GPA (3.78) than those who sleep for on average 4-5 hours a day compared to a GPA of

By following these tips, you can make the most of your time and effort. Remember, studying
is a tedious process and requires time and effort to achieve your goals. However, with the
right mindset, you are bound to succeed!

(481 words)

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