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In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, this book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. No part of this
publication may be reproduced without prior written permission of the publisher. While the publisher and author have used their
best efforts in preparing this book, they make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the
contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied guarantees, warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular
purpose. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for you. You should consult with a professional where
appropriate. Neither the publisher nor the author shall be liable for any profit or any other commercial damages, including but not
limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other Damages. Trademarks, service marks, product names or names featured in
this publication are assumed the property of their owners and are used as reference only. The publisher and author do not give
medical or legal advice. Although the information contained in this book provide preventative steps to increase your knowledge of
self-governance, there are no guarantees.

Trust the process / anne smith

1. Law, research 2. Self-governance, global.
smith, anne, 1968-

© 2019 anne smith

First Edition: March 2019

Iron Sharpens Iron Council is a division of Joy 55 Trust. Name and logo are trademarks of Joy 55 Trust. The publisher is not responsible for
websites or their content that are not owned by the publisher.

Printed in the United States of America

Cover design by anne smith

#untilthecity PAGE 1
WITH LOVE to my family in Iron Sharpens Iron Council.

WITH GRATITUDE to Rex Eldon, Rome L. Fortune, Freedom Bound,

Teroyn Brown and Sui Juris Wilkinson whose wisdom and kindness restored my faith in humanity.

WITH HOPE to all the children whom I entrust my dream

of a kinder world.

WITH INTROSPECTION to agents and sellers of the half-truths ...what a bunch of assholes!

Iron Sharpens Iron Council

#untilthecity PAGE 2





















#untilthecity PAGE 3
This information is to be SHARED FREELY and NOT SOLD or FOR SALE. Anyone
caught selling this guide without express permission of Anne Smith will be sued
to the fullest extent of the law.

The purpose of this guide is to share knowledge on how to farm - not how to pull
up a carrot.

The information in this guide is organized content curated from online resources.

The content of this guide is provided for educational purposes, omissions and
errors excepted, and is not legal/lawful advice.

I am not a subject-matter expert on the content of this guide. The content herein
is not legal advice. These are my opinions which are intended for entertainment
purposes only.

It is best to add your own writing style and substance, instead of simple ‘copy and

I have no idea why agents and gatekeepers do what they do. Time reveals all
about them. Meanwhile, keep moving forward.

Use the information herein for the benefit of yourself and to uplift your
community. Not rob them of the little they have.

Go easy, but go.

#untilthecity PAGE 4

Until the city, trust the process.

Until the City i​ s a reference to my vision to living in a new, advanced city that is safe for all people. This
short guide is a blueprint to help eliminate some of the mass fraud, deceit and deception perpetrated
against us.

The so-called "elitists" here on earth, all the way back to the Pharisees have had their way with us for
eons which is why I'm happy more people are taking an interest in increasing their knowledge. The
sooner people learn that we live in a fraudulent system of tacit agreements, where they don't disclose the
contract they're approaching you upon, the sooner we can return to living peaceful lives.

This guidebook is one instrument toward restoring free will. We are called to be architects of the future,
not its victims. For our tomorrow, we plan today.​ Until the City.


All court events are tax events. In court it’s all about the bond. The court operators don’t want you to
know that they operate in trust law. A citation is a contract, an agreement to appear in court, and to submit
to the courts jurisdiction. The contract is fraudulent because a man with a gun compelling (duress) you to
sign it (enter a contract) under the threat of imprisonment and bodily harm. Any contract signed under
threat, duress, coercion is fraudulent and is voidable by the injured party at any time. Send citations back,
with void written across them, along with a notice of refusal stating it was signed under duress. But
remember, I'm not a lawyer and this is not legal advice.


You are the enforcement! You just have to clarify it to them by making sure your proceedings are "on and
for the record” because the jurisdiction of the court comes from the injured party; and since you am the
"only" injured party, you move to vacate/void in the matter of such and such by the plaintiff and bring
your claim of loss before the court. You sir; (addressing "judge") are assigned as article iii judge in these
common law matters for a court of record.... You sir (addressing prosecutor) are surety and I expect you
to have your checkbook with you as required by law...."

There is no judge until the jurisdiction of the court has been invoked by “sufficient pleadings” which can
only come from an injured party in either civil or criminal matters. The prosecutor can not provide this
and it’s in your best interest to remind the judge of Tinsley v Pagliaro; “Statements of council in brief or

#untilthecity PAGE 5
oral arguments are not facts before the court, nor sufficient for a summary or default judgement.” Why?
It’s hearsay which is fraud. You and your court wouldn’t openly be engaged in fraud would you? If you
do not have anyone else here it appears that I am the only man being harmed by the fraud being attempted
here today that has firsthand knowledge to invoke the jurisdiction of the court. So would you like to admit
to engaging in fraud or move this case to private?

Response for In Court Appearances

If you know how to go into court and use court procedures in your favor, then file a motion to dismiss.
When you appear state the following…. “Kindly show me the claim and bond for me to accept because
whoever is making a claim (complaint) on me in Admiralty must bond the case. Does the accuser
(prosecutor) have a bond? A bid bond is needed in the event the accused man/woman does not settle (pay)
the claim. Is this a tort action or a commercial crime? A tort requires an injured party. A commercial
crime requires a contract. Is there an injured party or contract?

Hold them to their "code" by enforcing your own jurisdiction. Once standing, remain standing! Before
court can proceed it has to show the moving party has standing. This standing consists of a real party that
has been injured or taken a loss.... they have neither.... Where is the injured party so I may address them
appropriately at a trial by jury! Stick to it and don’t budge.

Response through the Mail

The word “appearance" does not mean your physical appearance in a courtroom. Every valid response is
an appearance. If you enter a courtroom, you are granting personal jurisdiction and making a general
appearance which waives your right to raise non-subject matter jurisdictional challenges. The solution is
to weaponize those same code violations and contracts in defense of your life.

“If the consumer is an extension of the United States, than that means the consumer has exclusive
and original jurisdiction over any and all matters, Claims, or rights that arise under the laws of
the United States. This is why the consumers private right of action is so damn powerful! This is
why the consumer is the court. So if an attempt to collect a debt is a matter of federal question, as
it is governed under the laws of the United States ie 15 usc 1692, then the consumer has the
authority to adjudicate the matter from home.”

If you wish, you can handle court in private, via administrative process, with affidavits. Always keep your
originals. That is your original work with your signature paid with your valuable time, energy, and
currency for the notary public. The originals are your proof of claim. If they have the original, they can
destroy your evidence. Get your paperwork recognized on the Record. When you have another notary
Certify/Verify your process. When you have copies of your notarized notice as affidavits, have a Notary
mail them for you. Your return address on all your documents will be "First Last", c/o John Doe, Notary,
123 main St, etc.

Party in interest may become liable for fraud by mere silent acquiescence and partaking of
benefits of fraud. Bransom v. Standard Hardware, Inc., 874 S.W.2d 919, 1994.

#untilthecity PAGE 6
You can use the same notary on the docs to serve process, but personally, I prefer separate notaries.
More public stamps is less likely to look like a corrupt Notary. The Notary sends out your notices
/affidavits, certified mail, return receipt, along with a "Presentment of Notice", and a "Proof of Mailing".
When the time has elapsed for them to respond, s/he issue a "Verification of Non-Response". You can
then take copies of the affidavits, notary documents, mail receipts, and signed return receipt from the
recipient, and it can be entered into the Record as Evidence. I'm working on a felony fraud case in
Wyoming. The podunk judge hates us, but still allows our docs into the Record.

You send them 3 notices, in order to get a default judgment against them. Each one takes 30 days. So it's a
90 process, and involves paying for not just your acknowledgement on your affidavits, but notaries who
Certify "process" can charge whatever they want, because fees for that are not generally set by the state.
You have to send the first Notice, then a notice if fault, then a notice of default. Each one needs process.

You can't default the court. It's just the playing field. It is simply a "venue" for your "contest". All cases
are dismissed once you get your adversary to agree to drop the charges. Most think court is about arguing.
Treat it as a place to come to a binding agreement. On YOUR terms. Courts have no jurisdiction over
agreement, only over dispute. So if you go, get your adversary to agree with you.


Using legalese / UCC / Code / Statutory languages, is just asking for them to screw you over. Our
strength in the common law is as men and women. The legal system is set up to use laws to protect itself
from individuals. Courts dismiss people even if they know all the laws because the courts serve the
greater good of the court only so they ignore individuals no matter what they bring to court. They all
operate under presumption. Arguing is controversy. Controversy is contract. They issue orders but their
orders and judgement are simply opinions.

You can reject their opinions. It is because courts are private corporations bringing a claim against you.
However, you are the beneficial holder to the name, FIRST MIDDLE LAST whether it is your name or
the name or your offspring/progeny. By giving notice that you are the beneficial holder in due course, it
removes the court as the custodian. It’s all based on ​legal​ system.

File a ​Declaration of Status​ with the clerk of court that you are a Pre-1933 Private American citizen.
When you use statutes and their own game against them, they can eventually change the rules to the game
and then you are back to the beginning without a remedy because it's their Statutes and their Codes.
However, Equity cannot change and there is no defense for it, as it is the correction of the Law. Trust Law
is Equitable by nature. Only Private citizens can plead equity.

Why? Because every claim presented by a legal person actor to a living man or woman is an offer of
contract into legal fiction commerce through “joinder” to the legal fiction NAME.

#untilthecity PAGE 7
If you are going to use a court for remedy, it appears obtaining a "Default Judgement" using the "Notarial
Dishonor Method" is the right path, then submitting the case to the federal court of claims. The first
sentence of your document must state "Statement of a Claim for which remedy shall be granted."

U.S. Court of Federal Claims

℅ 717 Madison Place NW
Washington DC [RFD 20439]

Send your Equity Claim as Registered Mail because Registered Mail is the only mail that is on the public
and private side and it makes the PostMaster a third party witness to your claim. Certified mail can be
used for all other Notices.

How do you keep the government from stealing your assets? Private Trust!
How do you keep the government from stealing your children? Private Trust!
It's the same principle. Accepting the Children as Grantee and making them Trust Property!

Declaring yourself to be a Private Civilian is effective when coupled with a Private Trust because the
definition of civilian is "without military" and a trust is private.

Short Response with Questions

“I specifically deny and object your opinion upon proper proof of claim.” “I move the court to dismiss
this case for failure to provide proof of claim for abrogating my substantial and natural rights. I’m the
beneficial title holder of the name(s) [FIRST MIDDLE LAST], and you are ordered to release them to
me. I respectfully ask for your Bond, FARA statement, Oath of Office, and Anti-Bribery statement on the

Notice as an Affidavit

Who are you? Who is the claim against? Who is the injured party? I don't consent to your contract offer.
For and on the record, I am a living man/woman, and that is my only capacity in this matter. I reserve all
my rights waiving none, including my right to remain silent, without prejudice. I accept your Oath of
Office and bind you to it. I remind you of your fiduciary duty, and I extend to you my sovereign
immunity while you carry out my orders. For and on the record, I, a living man/woman, hereby serve
Notice that if you do not now provide me with 'articulable probable cause' that I am a party to a crime
against a potential or actual living victim, you agree that in fact you do not have standing in this matter,
and that you are liable in your private capacity, under penalty of perjury, accepting your full commercial
liability, for any false claims made against me, and any resulting damages, whatsoever. Can you show me
the evidence of your jurisdiction over me, a private man/woman?” As the Director and Beneficiary of my
legal person/corporation/trust, I give you 21 days to respond in writing providing proof of claim as to
your legal or lawful jurisdiction over me, failing which you will become liable for any damages I may

#untilthecity PAGE 8

U.S. Citizens have privileges. Private Americans have natural, unalienable rights. To keep the
government from stealing your children, create a private trust then add the children’s authenticated birth
certificate into the trust as trust property.


Do you know why cops stop you then ask "Do you know why I pulled you over?" It is to hide the fact that
they just violated your rights. You were not simply stopped. You are seized without a warrant! We have
long acknowledged that "traveling in an automobile and detaining its occupants constitutes a "seizure."
Delaware v McCarty, 468 U.S. 420 (1984).

When they ask for a “valid ID”, they are really asking for your U.S. PERSON. Do not speak. Hand them
your paper with the following questions:

What is the emergency?

What’s your Bond Number and Bonding company?
Where’s your Oath of Office?
Where’s your Certificate of Registration authorizing you to be a peace officer?
Can I have your FARA statement?
Can I have your Anti-Bribery statement?

If you do not provide these requested items I will file a claim against you for deprivation of honest
services per 18 USC 1346.


The only lawful money in America is gold and silver. Therefore, there is no money. No money = no loan.
Don’t argue. You abandon your claim of the security interest by arguing. Print your UCC-11 to show the
“debt presenter” there are no claims against you. Next, you may respond with this short letter with or
without a copy of your UCC-11.

"It is evident by your unlawful communication, to which this response is directed, you think that I am one
of the serfs you prey upon by acting as a debt collector in the name of my Estate without an expressed,
written agreement for you to act in my stead and makes you subject to criminal prosecution. Violations

#untilthecity PAGE 9
pursuant to the FDCPA are 15 USC 1692c(c), 1692d, 1692e, TCPA, Title 18. You have 10 days to rebut
by affidavit signed by a man or woman. Enjoy your week and I look forward to your response."


The VIN is the lifetime registration. That is the benefit for FDR bankrupting the country and taking the
gold. If you get the state registration and licensing you lose the benefit of the permanent VIN registration.
I have been doing it since I found out about it about 1 1/2 years ago. Cops seem to already know about it.
I would say there would be an easier and safer way of going about this.
Simply do all the normal stuff that sheeple do when they fill out their paperwork to get whatever it is they
want for a vehicle. Then when the bill comes in the mail, write to them and ask if you owe them any
money. how much it was at the beginning, how much is it now? And please include a verified bill with
the signature of the man/woman that claims I owe them money. Then when they don't provide a verified
response, ask again to make sure they got your notice and that they haven't satisfied the inquiry.

Then make a claim against them for harming you financially with a claim for a debt that they are
collecting from you unlawfully. Realistically, we are the creditors, the moment we sign/autograph the
papers, we are creating something of value. We just never come back to collect our investment or the
interest on it. It gets sold on the stock market as a security. Move a common law court of record, require a
Trial by Jury.

When you meet 'them' 'in' your court, they will have an attorney present. The moment the attorney decides
he's going to speak, simply ask him if he's there to verify the debt, or whatever instrument he's going to be
carrying with him to prove you owe 'them' something.

Say, “pressed upon the common law record, viva voce, that all that I want is truth of your own first hand
knowledge”. Oh, what? You don't have any first hand knowledge of this? Is the affidavit you're carrying
that 'someone' signed is standing there? No? Well without a living voice attached to it present to 'make the
paper stand' you have diddly squat. “judge/magistrate, tell this man/woman to shut up, he doesn't have
first hand knowledge, and the papers he brought are unverified and do not stand. And if there's anything
the judge/magistrate feels he's going to do, simply press for a trial by jury to decide the hazards of the
facts and the law that apply to this case. Bip. Bam. Boom. Done. Free and clear.

This can be done in the reverse too, probably easier, because you can simply wait for a collection issue,
and let them sue you. Attorney still can't speak of 1st hand knowledge. So you get him shut down in a
matter of 3 seconds. Then you say the 'Plaintiff' hasn't shown up to verify his claim is true, that i owe a
man or woman any money. It's an ancient rule, the Plaintiff must show up. In roman law, if a plaintiff
brought a claim for an obligation, and then didn't show up, they'd cut off the plaintiffs head instead, for
bringing a false claim. All this UCC crap is honestly designed for persons/in personam.

#untilthecity PAGE 10
This applies to the mortgage or car loan because they are the same. They receive the Promissory note
from you as cash and then turn around and give it back to you in the form of a loan. They take the
promissory note and put it into a pooling and service agreement and securitize the note. It is traded as a
security on the market as a collateralized debt obligation. In reality your loan was paid at closing. The
only way you can win in court is by invoking a court of equity due to constructive fraud. If you file as
Plaintiff, you are waiving juris. Therefore, you file a response as a counterclaim. You invoke a court of
equity and a court of law cannot recognize equity. When you file your response after they file, use the
header NOTICE OF DEMURRER which is a counterclaim to invoke court of equity.


Respondent First-Middle:Family of Last is before this Court of Record by Special Appearance and as the
Executor of the Legal and Equitable Estate of the Decedent FIRST MIDDLE LAST, to invoke this
Court’s Special Equity Jurisdiction as a Court of Chancery, due to the fact there exists by operation of law
a Constructive Trust with the Movants as Constructive Trustees, due to their acts of Fraud in Transferring,
Conveying and Conversion of Respondent’s Estate, Real Estate and Loan Documents including but not
limited to the Deed of Trust and Promissory Note, acts of undue influence, breach of fiduciary duty,
failure to disclose, fraudulent and negligent misrepresentation, tortious interference with inheritance
rights, abuse of process, tortuous misfeasance and nonfeasance, and Conspiracy to defraud. Such causes
of action also will support a claim for equitable relief.

Notice is hereby given to the Movants and this Court as a Court of Special Equity in Chancery, that this
Motion for a 30 day continuance is being made by Special Deposit to maintain Legal and Equitable title
of Respondent as the Beneficiary of the Deed of Trust and Estate by the merging of Legal and Equitable
title by the re- recording of the Deed of Trust as the Donor-Grantor-Beneficiary and as a Special Deposit.
As it was not the intent or purpose of the Respondent to enter into an unconscionable or fraudulent
transaction or contract with the Movants.

Respondent alleges that there is no Plain, Speedy or Adequate Remedy at law and that these proceedings
are counter to equity and that this proceeding could irreparably damage His rights to title, land, property
and interest on a Private Trust now established by Special Deposit before this court. Because Courts of
Special Equity or Chancery Courts have exclusive jurisdiction over Private Trusts and Special Deposits,
Respondents are moving this Special Court of Equity in Chancery to impose a Constructive Trust on
Movants which may necessitate the filing of an adversarial proceeding under Bankruptcy Rule 7001 of
Part VII, which will necessitate a 30 day extension on the July 13, 2011 hearing for the lifting of the
automatic stay.

This Motion or Application is being made on the following grounds and is supported by the attached
Declaration and Memorandum of Points & Authorities in support thereof: I. Movants are not the Lenders
or Beneficiaries of record as Movants treated Respondent’s Promissory Note as a Draft and not a liability
instrument and used it to pay the seller for the property as evidenced by their indorsement of the Note as
an Order to Pay and did not give Respondent any consideration to support contract as evidenced by their

#untilthecity PAGE 11
lack of signature on any of the Loan Documents, including but not limited to the Deed of Trust and
Promissory Note.

The United States Bankruptcy Court for Northern District of California has the power and authority as a
Special Court of Equity in Chancery by Special Deposit and upon a proper showing by the Respondent to
impose a Constructive Trust under §105(a) of 11 U.S.C.A.

“Constructive trust” is equitable remedy to prevent unjust enrichment and enforce restitution, under which
one who wrongfully acquires property of another holds it involuntarily as constructive trustee, and trust
extends to property acquired in exchange for that wrongfully taken. Coppinger v. Superior Court of
Orange County (App. 4 Dist. 1982) 185 Cal. Rptr. 24, 14 Cal. App.3d 883.

Mortgage Insurance

Mortgage companies foreclosure on property then collect insurance but that’s illegal. They can’t take the
property and the insurance claim. Contact the mortgage insurance company to request the abstract of title.
The abstract of title will indicate owner’s name and if the mortgage company received the insurance
payout. If they did, you take them to court for defrauding the government.


Declare your property use is for religious and/or education by filing with the county assessor. Go to the
“Exemptions” Forms for your state. Here are examples for Oklahoma.


Send the following question to the IRS.

1. What is the Law requiring Americans to pay income tax?
2. What is the Regulatory authority and delegated authority to address you?
3. What Law which made the IRS part of the Constitution?
4. May I have a copy of your oath of office?
5. Do you have a contract with both signatures on it?

All answers must be made under penalty of perjury signed by a man or woman. Thank you and I look
forward to your response.

#untilthecity PAGE 12

The only good lawyer is one who signs a co-counsel agreement which require them to act in your best
interest at all times, which is the same as a fiduciary agreement.

Here’s what happens when you hire an attorney... you waive jurisdiction and the court will view you as a
ward of the court and a minor because you haven't taken control of your estate and trust. This is because
all attorneys have a first duty to the courts.

#untilthecity PAGE 13

Copyright/Trademark your name then start sending a fee schedule for any unlawful use of your name.
Minnesota Assumed Name Certificate works for all 50 states or file in your state.

#untilthecity PAGE 14

Grow your own food. Seriously, you can make it happen in any home, including apartments where you
can grow things hanging from a window. You can explore this further with free lessons about this subject
on YouTube. In the meantime, here are a few biohacks I’ve learned on my own journey to detox and
restore balance and health.

Drink: Make homemade sea moss gel by blending sea moss with distilled water. Refrigerate the mixture,
then add a few spoonfuls of the sea moss gel to your foods and drinks.

Eat: Raw or dried Rosemary and Parsley every day.

Skin Care / Hair Care: Mix 20 drops of Bergamot (or Sweet Orange) and Rosemary essential oils into 8
ounces of Macadamia Nut Oil.

Toothpaste: 1/4 cup coconut oil, 1 tablespoons of baking soda, 10 drops of peppermint or cinnamon
essential oil.

Mouthwash: coconut oil with peppermint essential oil


I am not an expert, guru, teacher or trainer and I haven’t tried everything found in this guide. I am simply
a fellow student and researcher, far from perfect and I’m still learning. I am simply sharing information
information that I came across on my own journey as a way to help others on their journey. If you don’t
understand a process found here, you can and should ask follow-up questions in Iron Sharpens Iron
Council. Posting a question is free and you never know who else your question will help. We’re stronger
together and this is how we learn and grow. Trust the process. It works!

This bears repeating, if you have any follow-up questions about anything found in this guide, it is BEST
to share your question as a post in the Iron Sharpens Iron Council Facebook group. This is the group
where I hang out while on Facebook. As an alternative, you can perform a search in the same group,
which was the source for some of the information found in this guide. Please do not send questions to me
through Facebook Messenger. It is tedious and time consuming, plus no one else will learn from our
private chat.

If you’re new to researching remedy in law, take heart. It’s like a marathon, not a sprint. Mastery of any
new study is said to take 10,000 hours so it is going to take time and dedication to find what you’re
searching for and you can not do it with a quick glance.

#untilthecity PAGE 15
Finally, this is not about going to war. It's about self-governance, peaceful enforcement and educating
yourself with the law which is one path to gaining peace of mind and freedom. As you have read, there’s
no shortage of opinions on how to accomplish your goals. But only you can decide who you are and how
you want to live.


I ask for a favor with the expectation that this request will be granted. However, if you feel like I’m
putting you out by asking for this favor, please disregard. So what’s the favor? I ask you to share this
guide far and wide for FREE.

#untilthecity PAGE 16
Minister Anne Smith is on a mission to share knowledge and freedom through
peaceful, non-violent methodologies. She is an active member of over 25
research groups and the Founder and Managing Director of JOY 55 TRUST
D/B/A IRON Sharpens IRON Ministries PMA (Private Membership
Association), a self-sustained association. She compiled a list of 15 articles that
you’ve probably never heard of that can alter your worldview, and may help you
to accelerate your path to freedom. To review the articles, join her with the
Executive Members in the IRON Sharpens IRON Council group on Facebook.

Throughout the ancient world, the vibrant yellow mane of the Lion represent the
sun, a natural solar symbol. As such this King of Beasts comes roaring into our
spiritual journey with raw power, wisdom, and magnificence. In the Bible, the
Lion of Judah is symbolic of the blessing Jacob gave to his fourth son Judah as
found in the Book of Genesis. Inspired by this, Bert the Lion is the mascot to
symbolize strength, courage and excellence in leadership. ​Legal Notice: ​Bert
the lion,​ ​Iron Sharpens Iron Council, Iron Sharpens Iron Ministries PMA
and ​IRONPMA​ are trademarks of Joy 55 Trust.


Your donations make it possible for Anne to continue research, writing and building the Bert Mobile App - an app to
keep us all safe while we exercise our right to travel on the highways and byways in the United States. If you’re
willing to support this mission with a gift donation, here are two ways you may donate for securely and for free.

Cash App ID: $joytv

Enter $joytv → then enter $100 → then click “pay”
New to Cash App? Try Cash App using ​​ and we’ll each
get $5!

PayPal Email​:​ ​



Facebook Group:

Email: ​

#untilthecity PAGE 17
I made every effort to create a guidebook that included everything you need to succeed. However, if you
desire additional support, I am at your service for a donation of $100 FRN for one hour. And/or you are
welcome to send donations and contributions with reckless abandon. I can assure you, it will be put to
good use for the good of all. I am not motivated by money, however it is needed to do the work and offset
ongoing monthly expenses. Also, donations contribute to the IRON Sharpens IRON Ministries PMA
Emergency Fund and Building Fund to build the new advanced city.

Here’s How to Donate to any/all of the above listed in the order of preference:

Cash App ID: $joytv

Enter $joytv → enter $100 or ANY amount→ click “pay”
New to Cash App? Try Cash App using​ ​​ ​and we’ll each get $5!

PayPal Email​: ​

Check in the Mail:​ send a money order Payable to Joy 55 Trust.

Iron Sharpens Iron Ministries, PMA

℅ Joy 55 Trust
4423 Lehigh Road #248
College Park, Maryland [near 20740]

#untilthecity PAGE 18
IRON Sharpens IRON Ministries PMA​ - you must receive at least two recommendations from current members to be
approved. If you have wronged anyone, go and make it right.

IRON Sharpens IRON Council Facebook Group

It is free to join this amazing study group if you wish to surround yourself with well-intentioned,
knowledgeable leaders. There is no infighting tolerated. Indeed, a single personal attack will grant your
removal. ​

Jurisdictionary Course by Dr. Frederick Graves, JD

This practical course will teach you how to win in court without a lawyer, saving you thousands of dollars
and years of trial and error. You will learn everything to win in court everytime in 2 Days! Any/all
affiliate earnings I may earn will go toward writing more guides like this one.

#untilthecity PAGE 19
A young girl was walking along a beach upon where thousands of starfish washed up during a terrible storm. When
she came to a starfish, she would pick it up and throw it back into the ocean. Many people watched her with

She repeated this for some time when a man approached her and said, “Little girl, why are you doing this? Look at
this beach! You can’t save all of these starfish. It won’t make a difference!”

The girl seemed crushed and suddenly deflated. But after a few moments, she bent down, picked up another starfish,
and hurled it as far as she could into the ocean. Then she looked up at the man and replied, “Well, I made a
difference to that one!”

The old man looked at the girl inquisitively and thought about what she had said. Inspired, he joined the little girl in
throwing starfish back into the ocean. Soon others joined, and all of the starfish were saved.

— Adapted from The Star Thrower by Loren C. Eiseley

#untilthecity PAGE 20
“Appreciation is a wonderful thing. It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.”
― Voltaire

[Space for your notes]

#untilthecity PAGE 21
“Kindness is a gift everyone can afford to give.”
― Buddha

[Space for your notes]

#untilthecity PAGE 22
In like a lion, out like a lamb.​
Until we meet again, walk softly but carry a big stick.​

~ f​ in​ ~

*xoxo is a term of endearment used for expressing sincerity, faith, love, or good friendship at the end of a written
letter, email or SMS text message -- or a guidebook, in this instance.

#untilthecity PAGE 23

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