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Designing the Operations System

Process: Customization of product to be order or to be stock

This somehow deals with the demand of the product. Knowing what’s the trend and the
customer’s needs at any time is important to properly produce a product that will meet the
demand in the marketplace. For example, when the pandemic strikes our country or the world.
Our normal way of buying goods turns virtual and now it's the new normal. We buy the goods on
pre-order. It became convenient for the customers to just click the check out and just wait for the
item to arrive at their house.

Quality: Choosing a high standard materials for a high standard quality product or
choose a cheap or alternative raw materials.
This concerns the quality of the goods that can be based on the customers' need for the
durability of the product. No one wants to spend a lot of money on cheap products that can't
satisfy your needs, right? So putting yourself in the shoes of the customers, what would you
choose: a high quality product that will last or a cheap product that would cost you more when
it's not functional anymore.

Capacity: Observing the demand in the present times.

Producing a product must align to the current demand and to the customers desires to have
it. Simply, demand is a primary reason in producing either a high volume or low volume
production. Let’s talk about the demand and supply, just for a quick understanding. You cannot
produce a lot of goods then just put a price that you want without looking or checking for the
demand of that product. According to, Business Management Ideas, written by Manvi Sharma.
The capacity decision is truly a high-risk one, because of the uncertainties of future
product demand and the large monetary stakes involved. If we want sufficient capacity
to meet market demand, we must make some estimates of future demand.

Inventory: Looking for good suppliers for raw materials or for trade.
As a business organization, the flow of the operation doesn’t just evolve internally but also
externally. So choosing the right suppliers that you can negotiate easily and you can trust all the
time is necessary for you to survive.

Human Resources: Setting up the internal people.

There’s no operation when there’s no employees. Having the right qualifications and
choosing the right persons will also contribute to the organization’s success.

Remember that this planning stage or the designing stage is guided by the organization's goals.
Managing the Operations System
Process: Analyze what you need to implement in order to meet the demand and
expectations of the employees
Since management must have an outline on how or what is the first step an operation
manager must do.

Quality: Implementing work ethics

As we all know work ethics is a vital factor in any organization. To be able to produce a high
quality product, the standard must first start with the people behind the production.

Capacity: The duration of the operation based on man power

The designing stage is all about the product itself. Managing will now center on the two
factors which are the product and the makers of the product. The duration or sometimes can be
called a quota in an organization is a must in order for the employees to know the direction of
their work. Slow production might have a negative impact on the organization's success. In this
part work ethics can be seen since if the employees are not properly doing their tasks well then
it will be the downfall of the organization.

Inventory: Treatments in raw materials

The production won’t work if there’s no inventory or the raw materials needed to produce a
product. Managing the right treatment for raw materials is needed since these materials have
different kinds of needs in order to maintain its durability.

Human Resources: Disseminating the responsibilities

After the selection for the positions behind the production, it is now for appointing which one
is one. Which one can strive in different fields of work and which one can handle the work well.

Improving the Operations System.

Process: Knowing the disadvantages and advantages of the previous system
After the operation cycle has been done, the weaknesses and its strengths can now be
classified and taken as a step for new planning. Classifying the disadvantages of the previous
system or the well formed operation system will guide the organization for new opportunities to
change and reflect on the things that must have been done in the first place.

Quality: Must upgrade or stay neutral?

The question is compact with the idea that after a certain period does the customer's
satisfaction rate is high or low? This will give us the ideas whether which product or what kind of
upgrades we can do in accordance with their feedback. Since businesses aren't just about
earning or rendering a profit but also building a reputation that will lead the business entity on its
top point which is its success.
Capacity: The volume and duration
Volume and duration is what we particularly see in this classification under the kinds of
decisions. Since this is improving the operations system. We will now know whether the demand
of the product is highly liquid or not. This can also serve as an input whether we must speed up
the work and of course it will also require a new set of human resources.

Inventory: Quality, Trustworthy, and Affordability

We’re operating a business so having a change of hearts and decisions are not new to us.
After the operation cycle, we can now say our relationship to the suppliers, if it is good or bad.
How this factor can affect our quality products and the money we will giveaway is worth it.

Human Resources: Observation of work ethics

People who work behind the success of the organization can also now be classified if their
behaviors are aligned to the job descriptions when they applied. Consistency is also the matter
under human resources. Being consistent on your performance level or rate is disturbing once
that it marks down since it will also reflect on the organization's performance.

Overall, analyzing the role of an operations manager is not easy. Since there are also situations
that an operation manager can't do alone such as the production flow or process. But being
mindful of your movements will guide you to the organization's success.

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