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A hotel booking system is a vital system which allows various types of customers, such as
tourists, businessmen, and others, to book a hotel room more efficiently. As a result, the focus
of this report is on analyzing, evaluating, designing and developing a full functional hotel
booking system so that external users(customers), and internal users (hotel managers and
employees), can use it, to perform a variety of tasks, such as booking hotel rooms, managing
online booking, managing payments, editing webpage contents, and so on, the total frontend
of the system has been developed by HTML and CSS, and the backend of the system has been
developed using php languages in order to develop few server pages, as well as utilizing the
MySQL database along with php in order to store the relevant data in the database. Moreover,
Identifying the relevant processes, functions, requirements, specifications and system structure
of a hotel booking system will also be covered in this report to fully understand and develop a
proper hotel booking system.

We are grateful that we were able to complete the capstone project within the time frame set
by our supervisor, Mr. Tang Tze Yang, and that our members Fardan Rashidi, Ivan Lee Jin
Rong, Andrea Woon, Nagendra Rao, and Parameswaran A/L Jagatheesan made a significant
contribution to it.
And we'd like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to Mr. Tang Tze Yang, our
capstone project supervisor, for permitting us to partake in this project. Our supervisor has
supported us throughout the semester by providing us all with various assistance and ideas in
order for us to complete every one of the relevant tasks and the project itself. We'd also like to
express our sincere appreciation to our senior friends and classmates for providing us with
valuable advice and suggestions for improving our capstone project.
Finally, we would like to express our gratitude to the hotel manager of the NUSENTRAL hotel
as well as the hotel itself for their willingness to help us become users of the system in order
to evaluate the system and support us by providing information’s regarding the hotel booking

The goal of this capstone project is to allow students to research and develop a fully functional
system in order to improve our knowledge on system development activities and skills while
working in a group. As a result, we've decided to develop a hotel booking system and this
report contains pertinent information about developing a fully functional hotel booking system
for both external (customers) and internal (hotel managers and employees) users to efficiently
perform a variety of operations such as booking rooms, managing bookings, and so on,
Furthermore, we have selected, contacted and requested an hotel called NU-SENTRAL hotel
which is an hotel located in Brickfields KL near NU SENTRAL Mall, in order to support us
for our project by testing the system and developing the system by gathering information’s
from the hotel personnel of NU-SENTRAL hotel, the hotel booking system was developed by
analysing and investigating all of the important processes and functions of the system, and once
all of the relevant processes of a hotel booking system had been identified and gathered, then
we have proceeded to design and develop a fully functional hotel booking system for NU-
SENTRAL hotel in order for the external users (customers) & internal users (hotel personnel)
to test, deploy and utilize the system in the future. The key development tools we used to
develop the system comprised PHP, MYSQL, HTML, and CSS for both front-end and back-
end of the system.
1.1 Project Scope
In order to design and develop a fully functional Online Hotel Room Booking System, various
researches and findings have been performed and gathered by our team on Online Hotel Room
Booking System in order to analyse the relevant characteristics, processes and to obtain a basic
understanding of the system itself, moreover, we have obtained a few pertinent details about a
hotel booking system from the hotel manager of NUSENTRAL hotel through a simple
interview with a few open-ended questions.
Online Hotel Room Booking system would be explained as an approach to the study of
information needs of an organization management at every level in making operational,
bookings, generate receipts, update hotel information such as contact information, about us,
room information and etc. In an online hotel room booking system it enables to help external
users which is the customers to make a booking based on the selection and availability of
desired room by filling up a simple room booking form, and these booking operations
continuously and constantly will guide and updated by the internal users which would be the
Hotel Managers & Hotel Employees, other than that the customers would be also able to reach
out and contact the Hotel employee via contact us page in order to get more detailed
information about the hotel or regarding the booking processes and etc.
Furthermore, the hotel booking system provides internal users with a variety of functions to be
performed, including updating about us information, contact us information, adding rooms,
updating room information, managing login profiles, managing payment details and so on.

1.2 Project Objective
The main objective of this project is to develop a functional hotel room booking system for
NUSENTRAL hotel, so that external users (customers) can book hotel rooms more seamlessly,
as well as internal users (hotel managers and employees) can perform various backend
functions and processes in order to grow their business, therefore, in order to perform any
relevant processes, a good service shall be provided to both the internal users and the external
users in a seamless manner. As a result, the system we develop should be consistent and offer
a positive user experience to both external and internal users to perform their relevant processes
accordingly. The project's other objective is to attain and develop various soft skills, hard skills,
knowledge regarding adequate progress of the system development activities, project
protocols, processes, and the required experience that should be acquired while working as a
team to complete a project and develop a system within the allocated time frame.

According to the European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine (Omar, 2020) the online
hotel reservation system is pivotal in the current ever modernising technological era with the
Fourth Industrial Revolution where it plays a key role in the efficiency of future businesses
with the reduction of human operated errors. According to Kok (Kok. A, 2013) Malaysia is
among one of the top ten countries in the world with the largest number of internet users in the
rapidly developing travel market within the Asia Pacific region. Popular examples of official
hotel website distribution channels used by many major international hotel chains are and (Kok. A, 2013).
According to the Hospitality and Tourism Industry Report (Kok. A, cited in Emarketer 2013)
customers much rather prefer user friendly sites prioritising convenience and ease of use in a
measurement carried out on customer satisfaction. Malaysian consumers are one such that
place an importance on cost saving benefits due to lower standard pricing and the convenience
factors (Haque & Khatibi, 2006). According to (Rahim & Hashim, 2008) due to the competitive
nature of the current business environment requiring a decrease in distribution overhead it is a
necessity for hospitality business to implement an online reservation system to facilitate it.
Customers that use an online reservation system have their behaviours affected by what is
known as the web experience. According to Kotler (Kotler, 2009) this experience comes from
the user’s choice of searching for and selecting purchases to be compared against. This also
leads to their impression being affected by the website design and online features whilst
browsing the internet. According to Constantinides (Kok. A, Constantinides 2004) the factors
which primarily make up the web experience are its content, functionality and psychological
factors. Usability and interactivity are functionalities that allow the customer to interact with
the website in a convenient manner. The psychological factors can be attributed to the security
of a site and the trust they have whereas the content factors are representational of the marketing
of the site to draw in customers to the site.
The literature reviewed implies that there is a significant advantage in implementing an online
reservation system to draw in the ever-increasing traffic of internet users with a focus on
usability, cross comparison savings and aesthetics of the website; and the reduction of costs in
distribution for businesses. There is also an emphasis on implementing it as the latest revolution
taking place will require a more web-based solution to accommodate customers trending to
online reservations.

3.1 External Processes (Customers)
3.1.1 Room & Hotel Viewing Process
The room viewing process would be an important process, as various customers would often
want to view the rooms and suites that are available and the quality of the hotel room before
executing a booking process, therefore external users would be able to view the gallery/pictures
of the entire room suites in the hotel as well as the hotel environment but however if the
customers are impressed with the hotel environment, then they can proceed to book a room in
the hotel by using the system itself.
3.1.2 Room Booking Process
The Customers would be able to perform the online room booking process by entering all
relevant customer information into a form, such as their name, email address, mobile number,
room type, number of rooms, check in date, check in time, check out date and check out time,
And once the user has successfully entered all relevant information, the form would be
submitted and sent to the hotel in order to accept or reject the booking and payment, and on the
day of check in, the customer can visit the hotel to inform the hotel employees their name, and
then the hotel employees can search the customer’s name to review and verify the booking
details and acknowledge the booking and the payment in order to generate a receipt for the
3.1.3 Review Booking Process
Once the customers have selected and booked the desired hotel room by filling up all the
relevant information in the room booking form, the customer will be redirected to another page
which displays all of the customer's relevant booking details, customers can however download
or print the pdf file for reference purposes.
3.1.4 Check Availability Process
The Check availability process would be a process that displays the amount of available hotel
rooms in the rooms page based on the hotel room types to the customers, before the customers
proceed with the room booking process.
3.1.5 Feedback Process
Customer satisfaction is an important process in running a business successfully, therefore
customers of the hotel will also be able to fill out a basic feedback form that can provide their
feedback, suggestions or recommendations about the hotel for further assistance.

3.2 Internal Processes (Hotel Manager & Hotel Employees)
3.2.1 Internal Users
The hotel's internal users have been categorized into two positions: the Hotel Manager and the
Hotel Employees. As a result, the processes for the employees have been limited compared to
a hotel manager depending on their position in this case, hotel managers will be able to execute
more processes unlike the hotel employees.
3.2.2 Manage Rooms Process
The process follows the basic CRUD operations thus allowing for rooms that are displayed to
external users to be changed as necessary. The different types of rooms currently present in the
hotel to be displayed to the customers. New room information can be added, deleted and update
its detail such as its name, price, description and available room amount. only the Hotel
Manager has the authority to execute this process.
3.2.3 Manage Room Booking Process
The manage room booking process is an important process for back - end, which lists all of the
room bookings in the back - end dashboard, and for this process both the hotel employees and
the manager can review the booking details of the customer and review the payment status in
the dashboard, such as payment acknowledged, denied, or standby, and all these payment status
buttons indicate the booking whether it has been acknowledged, rejected, or the booking is
still in progress.
3.2.4 Manage Payment Details Process
The payment process is used to keep track of payments records by displaying the name, email
and phone number associated with the payment status such as payment accepted, rejected, or
standby, then once the booking and the payment has been accepted all the accepted payment
details would be filtered to another page which would be the payment page that shows all the
accepted payments and then a receipt will be generated as a reference to the customers to
indicate that the payment has been settled, The Hotel Manager and Hotel Employees would be
able to handle this process.
3.2.5 Manage User Login Profile Process
This process includes the basic CRUD operations for managing the user login profile credential
access for hotel's back-end framework for internal users (Manager & Hotel Employees). The
user login profile process would store and manage the profile information of ID, Username,
Email Address, Password and Ranking of the person itself whether it’s a manager or employee.
furthermore, new login profile could also be added, and its details can also be modified and
removed only by the hotel manager.

3.2.6 Forgot Password Process
The forgot password process would allow both internal users Hotel Manager & Hotel
Employees to change their password quickly for their user login account. This process would
be useful for internal users to quickly change their password rather than contacting the hotel to
help them change the password. The function runs by redirecting the internal user to another
page when the user clicks the forgot password link in the login page then the user must enter
their assigned login email as well as the new password in order to successfully complete the
password reset operation.
3.2.7 Manage About Us and Contact Us Page Content
The process is handled using CRUD operations, it allows for the about us section and contact
us section displayed to external users to be changed. The details such as the ID, heading,
subheading and description are displayed to the user. And a new heading, subheading and
description can be added, and have its details updated and deleted, and only the Hotel Manager
has the authority to execute this process.

3.3 Fact Finding Techniques Used

3.3.1 Interview
A simple interview has been conducted with the hotel manager in the manager’s office to
identify the relevant processes and the requirements to build a hotel booking system, we have
asked few Open-Ended Questions to the hotel manager to gain some details of the system,
but however the hotel manager did suggest us to go through the current website of the hotel
and view the brochure that has been provided by the manager to successfully build a hotel
booking system, Furthermore, the hotel manager was completely accommodating to the
system's requirements and processes which enable us to build the system successfully and
3.3.2 Research
Apart from the interview technique, we have also conducted various research over the internet
and go through various relevant articles/sample project documentations and etc on the internet,
to identify the relevant processes that is required for an hotel booking system for both internal
users and the external users.

4.1 Analysis Model
The Customer (Internal User), Hotel Employee, and Hotel Manager (External Users) are the
actors involved in the Use Case, which are used to simulate the various processes involved in
the Hotel Booking System.

Figure 1. View of Analysis Model of the Proposed System

4.2 Analysis Model Descriptions
Name: Make Room Booking
Actor: Customer
Description: Describe the process used to book a room in
the hotel.
Successful Completion: 1.Customer performs to book a room by
filling up the booking form using the system
that has been implemented for the hotel.
2.Customer checks in to the hotel and inform
their name in order to complete the room
booking process and the payment.
3.Hotel Employee/Manager Checks and
review the customer booking details in order
to accept or reject the booking.
4.If the Booking is Accepted, then the
payment would be accepted and the customer
would be able to check in successfully.
Alternative: 1.The user should contact the hotel to check
regarding the booking process or to perform
a new room booking.
Precondition: Customer book hotel room
Postcondition: Customer checks in to Hotel and Pay for the
Booking successfully
Assumption: None

Name: Check Availability
Actor: Customer
Description: Describe the process used to check room
Successful Completion: 1.User able to check the amount of available
hotel rooms using the system.
2.User able to proceed to perform the room
booking process on the number of available
rooms successfully.
Alternative: 1.The user should contact the hotel to check
with the number of available rooms.
Precondition: Customer check for available rooms in hotel
Postcondition: Customer book hotel rooms
Assumption: None

Name: Fill Feedback Form
Actor: Customer
Description: Describe the process used to fill up the
feedback form to provide
Successful Completion: 1.Users can provide various feedbacks,
suggestions, and recommendations by filling
out the system's feedback form.
2.Hotel would be able to improve
their service quality according to the
recommendation and suggestions from the
customers in order to provide better service
to customers
Alternative: 1. The user can contact the hotel manually to
provide feedbacks.
2.When the user checks out from the room,
they can provide various suggestions or
feedback to the hotel employees.
Precondition: Customers make recommendations and
suggestions to improve hotel service.
Postcondition: Hotel improve their service quality
Assumption: None

Name: Manage Room Bookings
Actor: Hotel Employees/Hotel Manager
Description: Describe the process used to manage the
room Bookings of the customers
Successful Completion: 1.A hotel employee/manager would be able
to manage and review a list of room bookings
in order to decide whether to accept or reject
the booking.
2.If the booking is accepted by a hotel
employee or manager, the customer can
proceed to pay and check in to the hotel
Alternative: None
Precondition: Hotel Personnel verify and review room
booking details
Postcondition: Customer checks in to Hotel and Pay for the
Booking successfully
Assumption: None

Name: Manage Payment Details
Actor: Hotel Employees/Hotel Manager
Description: Describe the process used to manage the
status and details of the customer payments.
Successful Completion: 1.Hotel is able to manage payment details
and track the status of customer payments,
whether it is accepted, rejected, or in
2.When a customer checks in, they can
provide their name and successfully
complete the booking process and payment;
once the payment is completed, a receipt is
generated for the customer to indicate that
the payment was completed.
Alternative: None
Precondition: The customer checks into the hotel to
complete the booking process and settle the
Postcondition: Hotel will review the status of the booking
and payment, and generate a receipt if the
payment is accepted.
Assumption: None

Name: Manage Hotel Rooms
Actor: Hotel Manager
Description: Describe the process used to manage the
hotel room details in the system
Successful Completion: 1.The hotel manager should be able to update
the details of the room, such as the
description, room name, room price, and so
on, so that external users/customers can
review the rooms that are available at the
2.The customer can book their desired hotel
room after reviewing the room details such
as description, price, and so on.
Alternative: None
Precondition: Hotel Manager Update details of Hotel
Postcondition: Customers can book a suitable room by
reviewing the updated room details provided
by the hotel manager.
Assumption: None

Name: Manage Login Profiles
Actor: Hotel Manager
Description: Describe the process used to manage the user
login profiles for backend of the system
Successful Completion: 1.Hotel manager able to perform CRUD
operations like adding new login accounts,
updating login accounts, and deleting login
accounts for the system's backend.
2.The hotel manager can specify whether a
person is an employee or a manager in order
to limit the functions/processes performed by
employees versus hotel managers.
3.Hotel employees and hotel managers can
successfully login to the system's backend
based on their positions.
Alternative: None
Precondition: The hotel manager adds, update, and delete
user login profiles.
Postcondition: Hotel employees and managers can
successfully login to the hotel system
backend using user login accounts.
Assumption: None

Name: Manage System Pages
Actor: Hotel Manager
Description: Describe the process for managing and
updating the information on the about us and
contact us pages.
Successful Completion: 1.Hotel manager would add, update, and
delete content on the about us and contact us
pages on a regular basis so that customers can
review the hotel's information.
2.Customers can learn more about the hotel
by reading the contents of the about us and
contact us pages.
Alternative: None
Precondition: The hotel manager updates the information
on the about us and contact us pages.
Postcondition: Customers can learn more about the hotel by
visiting the about us and contact us pages.
Assumption: None

4.3 System Requirements
4.3.1 Frontend System Requirements
a) The system should be able to display the following information for every room in the hotel
in order for the customers to view and book it:
• Room Name
• Room Description
• Room Price
• Room Amount - (Number of Available Rooms)
b) Customers should be able to book a room by filling out the room booking form with all of
their details, and the system should be able to record the following information.
• Customer Name
• Customers Email Address
• Customers Phone Number
• Selected Room Type
• Number of Rooms
• Check in Date
• Check in Time
• Checkout Date
• Checkout Time

c) The system should be able to display the customer's Room Booking details once the customer
successfully complete filling up the room booking form so that the customer can review their
booking details.
d) The system should be able to allow customers to provide feedback by filling up a feedback
form in the system, by entering their name, email address, and comments.

4.3.2 Backend System Requirements
a) The system should allow the hotel employees and managers to login and logout to the
system's backend using the credentials created by the manager (email address and password)
in order to perform specific processes and functions.
b) The system should allow internal users to review and verify room bookings by accepting or
rejecting those bookings.
c) The system should have a search field where customers' names can be quickly filtered
and searched in order to review their booking details.
d) The system should provide hotel managers with full access to any changes in room
information, contact us information, about us information, user login profile information, as
well as managing room bookings and payments details.
e) The system should restrict hotel employee access, allowing hotel employees to only manage
room bookings, such as accepting or rejecting them, as well as manage payment details.
f) The system should enable hotel managers and hotel employees to manage customer payment
details, and the system should be able to generate receipts for accepted bookings and payments.
g) The system should allow the hotel manager to add, delete, and update user login profiles for
the system backend, allowing hotel employees and managers to login and access the system's
h) Hotel managers should be able to use the system to add, delete, and update room details
such as description, room name, room price, and room amount.
i) The system should allow hotel managers to add, delete, and update the contents/information
for the system's frontends about us and contact us pages.
j) The system reset password page should enable hotel employees and managers to reset or
change their password for their backend login by entering their email address and their new
password and confirm password.

4.4 Database Model

5.1 System Model

Figure 2. View of Structured Diagram of the Proposed System

5.2 System Specification

a) Home Module: This module would be the hotel booking system's home page, allowing
external users (customers) to review the site and learn more about the hotel itself.
b) Rooms Module: This module contains all the relevant room information, such as room
description, room price, room name, and room amount, for customers to review and execute
the room booking process. All the room information on this page can be edited or deleted by
the hotel manager only.
c) Booking Form Module: This module contains a form that allows customers to complete the
room booking process by filling in all the relevant fields such as Customer Name, Customer
Email Address, Customer Phone Number, Selected Room Type, Number of Rooms, Check in
Date, Check in Time, Checkout Date, and Checkout Time, then this information would be
submitted to the system backend in order for the internal users to review and verify the booking.
d) Thank You Module: This module displays all of the customer's relevant booking
information, whereby once the customer has completed filling up the room booking form, they
can review the information that has been entered in the room booking form and save it for
future reference.
e) Contact Us Module: This module contains all the hotel's contact information, such as phone
numbers, email addresses, and so on, as well as a contact form that allows customers to contact
the hotel directly through the system by entering their name, email address, and comments.
Furthermore, the hotel manager can edit or delete the information on this page to keep their
hotel contact information up to date.

f) About Us Module: This module contains all pertinent information about the hotel, and the
hotel manager only can edit or delete the information on this page to update their about us
g) Backend Login Module: This module includes a login page that allows internal users (hotel
managers and employees) to log in to the system backend using their email address and
password to perform various processes and functions based on their roles.
h) Backend Forgot Password Module: This module contains a form that allows hotel
managers and employees to change their backend login password if they lost it. The form
requires the internal users to input their email, password, and a confirm password to allow
internal users to change their login password successfully.
i) Backend Dashboard Module: This module contains all of the summarised information
about customers' new and old bookings, the payment status for each booking (accepted,
rejected, or standby), a search field for internal users to look up a customer's name to review
and verify their booking details, a summary of the types of hotel rooms, hotel bookings, and
user login profiles, a sidebar that contains various navigation options, such as the dashboard
module, payment module, manage room module, manage login profile module, manage about
us module, and manage contact us module. However, when a hotel employee logs into the
system's backend, their processes have been limited for proper access control, therefore the
hotel employees will only be able to see and access the dashboard module, payment modules,
and a logout option.
j) Manage Room Module: This module includes a table that displays the types of rooms,
descriptions of rooms, room prices, and room amounts. This module is only accessible by the
hotel manager, who can add, update, and delete room information as required.
k) Manage Payment Module: This module contains all relevant information about the
customer's payments, whereby this page contains a table that displays the customer's name,
email, phone number, and full payment, and the internal users would also be able to view the
total accepted payment amount as a summary in the payment module, This module only
exhibits the accepted payment from the customers, and when internal users accept the booking
and payment from the dashboard, the details are shifted to the payment module, which
generates a receipt for the customers.
l) Manage Login Profile Module: This module contains all the user login information for the
backend login of the system, whereby it contains a table which displays the username, email,
password, and status (whether the person is a manager or an employee to restrict access), and
only the hotel managers can add, delete, and update the user login information in order for
the internal users to login to the backend of the system.
m) Manage About Us Module: This module contains a table that enables hotel managers to
manage the about us contents, and permitting them to add new content, delete old content, and
update the about us contents for the frontend of the system.
n) Manage Contact Us Module: This module enables the internal users to manage the hotel's
contact information, such as email, phone number, and so on, furthermore, the hotel managers
only can add, update, and delete this hotel contact information.

o) Backend Logout Module: This logout module allows internal users to logout of the system
backend by choosing the logout option in the sidebar, and once the user confirms to logout of
the system backend, then the logout session is completely destroyed to complete the logout
process successfully.
5.3 User Interfaces of Proposed System

Description Yes No
1. The System able to capture all the relevant customer information
from the booking form.
2. All the buttons in the frontend framework is functional

User Evaluation Form
System: Please evaluate the Hotel Booking System project by circling the one number for
each factor that best represents your assessments.
System Output
Assessment Factors Very Unsatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very
Unsatisfied Satisfied
1. Accuracy of 1 2 3 4 5
2. Completeness of 1 2 3 4 5
3. Ease of Use 1 2 3 4 5

4. Timelines of 1 2 3 4 5

System User Interface

Assessment Very Unsatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very
Factors Unsatisfied Satisfied
5. Clarity of 1 2 3 4 5
6. Ease of Use 1 2 3 4 5
7. Appropriate 1 2 3 4 5
8. Clarity of Error 1 2 3 4 5
9. Prevention of 1 2 3 4 5
input errors

Other Factors
Assessment Factors Very Unsatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very
Unsatisfied Satisfied
10. Overall 1 2 3 4 5
11. Overall 1 2 3 4 5
12. Proper Functions 1 2 3 4 5
13. Completeness of 1 2 3 4 5
14. Proper Access 1 2 3 4 5


Evaluated by:


8.1 Group Challenges
8.1.1 Lack of Skills and Knowledge
The main challenge in implementing the proposed system would be a lack of skills and
knowledge in developing certain functions, Since some system functions were challenging and
necessitated a certain level of knowledge and competence to implement the functions of the
system successfully, but however we have overcome the challenge by progressing as a team to
assist each other in developing the functions of the proposed system by reviewing and studying
various online resources to complete the system according to the specifications.
8.1.2 Time Management
The second problem that our team faced while developing the system was time management,
as the 4 week time period to develop the system was a challenging time period for our team to
construct and develop the system, However, due to the time constraints and a lack of skills and
knowledge, we were unable to fulfil or develop a few system components of the hotel booking
system, but we did manage our time and were able to effectively build most of the components
of the system in order to meet the system's requirements.

At the end of the matter, this research report established the important factors of a hotel booking
system, whereby a number of existing technologies for a hotel booking system are already
being used to determine and book a hotel room according to the customers' preferences, such
as using the Google search engine, social media posts on Facebook, and other hotel booking
sites among many others, Nevertheless, in the this report, an investigation was done and all
relevant processes, functions and structures were studied in order to develop a fully functional
hotel booking system for both external and internal users to use the system to perform various
processes and functions, and as a result, the team able to design and develop a fully functional
hotel booking system with both a web and mobile interface to improve the process of booking
a hotel room as well as execute other internal processes and functions to manage the hotel's
operations, the developed system serves to build public trust by allowing external users
(customers) to review the hotel room quality by verifying all relevant in-room information.
Moreover, the developed hotel booking system would be convenient to use and ideal for
booking hotel rooms more efficiently for external users, as well as executing various operations
for internal users.

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The Development of an Online Hotel Room Booking System for NU-Sentral Hotel.


1. Preparation of the Project Proposal

To Prepare the project proposal for the submission by Week 2 Friday.

2. Preparation for Project Evaluation

Send out emails to the relevant organization for the project evaluation.

3. System Design
To design the conceptual model of the system, which includes the design of the user
interface of the system, and also finalize the design and the system
functions/specification by Week 7.

4. Implementation of the system

To start the development of the system and connect MySQL database function by
Week 8.

5. Testing the system

Conduct the system testing by Week 11. And conduct an end-user testing/evaluation
for the system to obtain various feedbacks by contacting the organization. And by
Week 12, user evaluation is to be complied completely.

6. Documentation
Prepare and produce a complete project report which comprise the softcopy of the
entire Online Hotel Room Booking system and submit the project by Week 14.

7. Project Preparation
Prepare for the presentation by Week 14 and present the system.


In this project we have come up with an idea of creating/developing a web-based Online

Hotel Room Booking system for one specific hotel, whereby this hotel booking system would
serve as a system which allow travelers/customers to schedule the dates and length of stay
for guests, and enable them to choose their preferred rooms at time of booking and take
payments information, Hotel Room Booking systems has been very popular method for
booking hotel rooms flexibly, and these kind of systems would be very useful to travelers who
are able to book rooms from their home by using an online website securely in order to
protect their privacy and payment information, This project would help users/travelers to
easily navigate and use the web-based system to book a hotel room easily and flexibly
without any burden.

An online booking system is just a software that allows a potential customer to book and pay
for a room, activity, or service directly through a website, or through mobile applications,
that means from the moment a customer decides that they want to book by choosing a date,
picking a time, and paying for the booking, everything is handled/processed online, which
greatly reduces the workload and burden of the organization staff and also avoiding the
opportunity for a double booking.

However, this online hotel room booking system can be considered as an B2C e-commerce
system which indicates Business to Consumer system, whereby this B2C refers to selling
products directly to customer, and as for our hotel booking system, the B2C transaction
would be when our consumers which is the travelers book a hotel room by using the system
and the business which is the Hotel would review and accept or decline the booking of the
hotel rooms.

People are able to book directly from an individual hotel's website. An increasing number of
hotels are building their own websites to allow them to market their hotel directly towards
consumers and an advantage to it would be a full control over the hotel’s admin controls.

Therefore, our website is to build an idea that every traveler should be able to book a hotel
room quickly, safely and reliably and we’ll be faced through various challenges in order to
produce and create the best possible system for the users/travelers, but we will strive hard
as a group to produce the best system as possible.

• Checkfront. 2021. What Exactly Is an Online Booking System? - Checkfront. [online]
Available at: <>
[Accessed 28 April 2021].

• 2021. What is B2C eCommerce? - What is the difference between B2C
and B2B?. [online] Available at: <>
[Accessed 28 April 2021].


1. To produce a fully functional Hotel Room Booking system which satisfy and
meets all the relevant requirements of the project.
2. To produce a proper project report documentation which comprise all the
relevant information about the proposed system.
3. To conduct a presentation with the demo of the proposed system itself in
order to expose our system requirements and functions to the supervisor.
4. To produce the meeting minutes documents and all the relevant weekly
information or documents in the weekly discussion forum in order to satisfy the
requirements for Project Management criteria.
5. Improve our soft-skills such as Team Management, Conflict Management,
Problem Solving, Decision Making and etc. by end of the project.


Student Name Student ID

Muhammad Fardan Rashidi J19031752

Ivan Lee Jin Rong J19031119

Andrea Woon Shie Kei J19029741

Nagendra Rao J17024692

Parameswaran A/L Jagatheesan J17025638

Approved / Not Approved

Date: 30-4-2021


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