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TOPIC: Scientific Method
SUB-TOPIC: Experimentation
OBJECTIVE: At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
e) Understand the nature of the skills they will develop by doing practical work
f) Plan, design, carry out, record readings and compile reports on practical
g) Plot graphs, interpolate and extrapolate data from the graph and calculate
the gradient.

There are three categories of skills that are assessed for Physics. Understanding these skills will
help you to appreciate what is required of you. These skills are:
1. Knowledge and Comprehension (K/C): This means remembering things and using that
remembered knowledge in familiar situations.
2. Use of knowledge (U/K): This means using facts and procedures in unfamiliar situations;
handling data; making judgements; making predictions; putting ideas together; recognizing
limitations and making seasoned judgements.
3. Experimental skills (X/S): These skills are needed in order to follow instruction in doing
practical work and in deciding what observations to take and how to record them; prepare
tables, draw graphs and diagrams and present reports in an organized manner.

Also included in the X/S group is the ability to design experiments by yourself for a particular
purpose and, in doing so, to realize limitations and dangers and to modify your design, if necessary,
in light of experience. Another skill that might be included in this category is the ability to analyze
results of measurement and to decide on matters such as limits of error and significance.

Let us now look briefly at the experimental skills that you will gain from experiments in Physics.

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Skill Explanation
Analyzing, Using knowledge and understanding of Physics theory and Mathematics skills
interpreting and to help arrive at a conclusion. This may include manipulating equations, drawing
handling graphs and extracting information from the graph (interpolation and
experimental data extrapolation).

Designing an activity Deciding how an experiment or investigation can be conducted to achieve a

stated aim.
Handling apparatus This skill is concerned with the way in which apparatus is used in the
experiment. The results of an experiment or investigation are more reliable when
readings obtained from the observations made show a high degree of accuracy
and precision.
Manipulating This is slightly different from handling apparatus, in that it might involve,
apparatus adjustment of the position of a piece of apparatus to produce a particular result.
Observing and Using one or more of the five senses to obtain a reading or to detect a difference
Observation of condition of some kind e.g. reading a thermometer
Recording This is putting down the observed value of a quantity with its unit and with an
appropriate degree of significance, for example, on a table or in a line graph.
Reporting This means writing a full account of all the equipment used and the steps carried
out in performing a practical activity, together with all the stages used in arriving
at the conclusion, as well as any condition that existed in the course of the
activity, which might have had an adverse effect on the outcome of the activity.
Table 1 showing the skills tested in practical work in Physics

The Report
Just as we narrate a story to our friend or keep a diary of what happened in our lives for a particular
day, scientific experiments must be accompanied by a properly drafted report. This report has a
particular format:
1. The aim: statement of the purpose of the experiment e.g. to determine the density of a small
stone using the displacement method
2. Apparatus: list of all the items used in the experiment. Include specifics where applicable.
3. Diagram: include a labelled diagram of the experimental arrangement that was used
4. Method/Procedure: full, but brief and dated, account (in prose form) of all that was done using
the equipment. The steps should be listed sequentially. There should be no results of
measurement in this account. Precautions taken to improve accuracy and to ensure safety to
any person and equipment must be included.

pg. 67

5. Results: should be given in a table if the value of an independent variable was varied during
the experiment. The columns or rows used for recording the values should be appropriately
headed with the name of the quantity concerned, a capital letter to denote it and the unit being
6. Calculations and Graph: if required
7. Discussion: This is usually the longest section. However, it should not be abused to include
unnecessary details. The discussion explains the results obtained. The observed trends are
explained and justified using theoretical knowledge as well as specific data obtained from the
experiment that indicate significant change. The discussion should NOT be a verbal repetition
of the results, but an attempt to relate theoretical knowledge of the experimental variables to
the results obtained. Here mention is also made of limitations encountered in carrying out the
activity and what steps were taken to minimize their effects. Some teachers, however, would
prefer to have these mentioned under separate headings. Please be guided by your teacher.
8. Conclusion: Must logically answer the aim. It is separate from the discussion and must be used
to show the student understands the relationship between the aim/hypothesis and the results

Points for Plotting Graphs

 The graph should have a title stating the variables being plotted and the purpose of the plot.
 The first variable mentioned in the title or instruction is placed on the 𝑦 − 𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑠, and the other,
on the 𝑥 − 𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑠.
 Each axis is labelled with quantity and unit (if any).
 Scales are selected which are easy to use, simple ratios such as 1:1, 1:2, 1:5 etc
 Suitable scales should utilize at least two-thirds of the graph sheet
 Points are plotted wither as × or ⊙ using a sharp pencil
 Sometimes, if both axes start at zero, the experimental points are all cluttered together in one
small section of the graph paper. In such cases, the scale should be broken.
 A long transparent ruler should be used to draw a line of best fit for straight-line graphs.
pg. 68

 If the graph is not a straight line, the best smooth curve through the points is sketched
 The best fit line will not necessarily pass through all the points. The mean deviation of the
points from either side of the line should balance to reduce the occurrence of a random error.

Scale: 𝒙: 𝟐𝒄𝒎 = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟓𝒎

𝒚: 𝟐𝒄𝒎 = 𝟏𝑵

Finding the Gradient (slope) of a straight-line graph

1. Select two points on the line, (𝑥1 , 𝑦1 ) and (𝑥2 , 𝑦2 ), which are far apart. Each point should be
exactly on a corner of one of the small squares of the graph sheet. Mark these points and used
them to construct a large right-angled triangle as shown on the graph above.
2. Determine the gradient, 𝑚 from the equation
𝑦2 − 𝑦1
𝑥2 − 𝑥1

pg. 69

3. The unit of the slope is the ratio:

𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑦 𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑠
𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑥 𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑠
 Avison, J., & Petheram, L. (2014). Physics for CSEC (2nd ed.). Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes Ltd.

 DeFreitas, P. (2015). Concise Revision Course CSEC Physics. London: Collins.

 Duncan, T. (2013). Physics for CSEC examination (5th ed.). London: Hodder Education.

 Farley, A., & Trotz, C. (2014). Physics for CSEC Examinations (3rd ed.). (M. Taylor, Ed.) London:

pg. 70

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