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Narumi, Chini Ann Angel D.

AB Psychology 1

Allison Graham pointed out during TEDx Talks’ episode how social media
makes people unsocial. According to the Social Media historian, Allison, surfing
heavily on one’s phones while using social media can cause negative impacts
on how people communicate and interact with one another, on their self-esteem
and especially their health and safety.

Communicating through social media has a huge difference from

communicating personally. As what Allison have mentioned on her example,
before we picked up our phone, there is already a conversation going on on our
head. We overthink what the other person will say and our answer to them. It
blocks the natural flow of the conversation and it creates an awkward feeling
alongside of overthinking. Socializing is part of the human nature. We cannot
successfully express ourselves. Allison also mentioned that texting while driving
can cause accident. I agreed on this because as a student who commutes, it is
a hazard that I am facing on a daily basis. Five seconds of the driver not paying
attention on the road will be the end of me. Instead of continuously using their
phones while driving, drivers can stop on the side for a while to check if there are
any text messages or to reply to some. Lastly, I kind of disagree on social media
can negatively affect our mental health. There is truly a warm feeling when we
receive notifications that hundreds or even thousands of people liked our picture
or our post. We feel loved by the netizens, we feel appreciated and we feel
beautiful. Posting on social media can boost our self-confidence and can make
us love ourselves even more.
Narumi, Chini Ann Angel D.

AB Psychology 1

Globalization has a huge impact on communication. It made

communication more accessible for the people in different parts of the globe.
Products of globalization such as internet, cellphones and satellites help every
individual to communicate, express themselves, interact with one another and
share ideas and information, also through globalization people developed
communication and socializing skills. Globalization also helped businesses to
expand and open opportunities for them. I must say that globalization affected
communication positively. It is so much easier to share information, to increase
the speed of traveling of products and to slowly remove cultural barriers between
cultures. Improvement of every country’s healthcare and education system was
brought also by globalization.

Technology has contributed to establishing camaraderie. Best example of

this is meeting new acquaintances through social media. During quarantine,
people aren’t allowed to go out of their homes because of the virus. People are
on their phones 24/7 just surfing on the internet. Many meet new friends through
online games or social media apps from the comfort of their homes. Despite of
the distance, people can feel that they’re all together through technology. I can
personally relate to this since my mother was once an OFW back in 2020. Our only
way of communicating is through video call and chats. Technology has a huge
role on it since without technology we will not be able to share stories with each
other, know how the other one was doing or what was going on here and there.
Also, technology helps us to still get in touch with our friends. It is a fact that we
cannot see our friends frequently because of reasons such as different universities
and busy schedule. Another proof that technology has contributed to
establishing camaraderie is people meeting the love of their life online. I watched
several TikTok videos of Filipina women hugging their foreigner partners at the
airport. I realized that through chatting or calling, they are already spending time
with each other and creating memories.

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