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A plate 100 mm wide and 10 mm thick is to be welded to another plate by

means of double parallel fillets. The plates are subjected to a sta c load of
80 kN. Find the length of weld if the permissible shear stress in the weld
does not exceed 55 MPa
2. Write short note on nut locking devices covering the necessity and various
types. Your answer should be illustrated with neat sketches.
3 i). Derive the expression torque required to raise the load in power screws.
ii). A ver cal screw with single start square threads of 50 mm mean diameter and
12.5 mm pitch is raised against a load of 10 kN by means of a hand wheel, the
boss of which is threaded to act as a nut. The axial load is taken up by a thrust
collar which supports the wheel boss and has a mean diameter of 60 mm. The
coefficient of fric on is 0.15 for the screw and 0.18 for the collar. If the tangen al
force applied by each hand to the wheel is 100 N, find suitable diameter of the
hand wheel.
4. A double threaded power screw, used for li ing the load, has a nominal
diameter of 32mm and pitch of 6mm. The coefficient of fric on at the screw
threads is 0.12. Neglec ng collar fric on, determine (a) Efficiency of the screw
with square threads, (b) Efficiency with the ACME threads.
5. The nominal diameter of a triple threaded square is 50mm, while the pitch is
8mm. It is used with a collar having outer diameter of 100mm and inner diameter
65mm. The coefficient of fric on at the thread surface as well as collar surface
can be taken as 0.15. The screw is used to raise a load of 15kN. Using uniform
wear theory for collar fric on, calculate i) torque required to raise the load ii)
torque required to lowering the load
6.Discuss on bolts of uniform strength giving examples of prac cal applica ons
of such bolts. Derive an expression for the maxim load in a bolt when a bracket
with a circular base is bolted to a wall by means of four bolts.
7. A helical compression spring is used to absorb the shock. The ini al
compression of the spring is 30 mm and it is further compressed by 50 mm
while absorbing the shock. The spring is to absorb 250 J of energy during the
process. The spring index can be taken as 6. The spring is made of cold drawn
steel wire with ul mate tensile strength 1500 N/mm2 and modulus of rigidity
of 81370 N/mm2. The permissible shear stress for the spring wire should be
taken as 30% of the ul mate tensile strength. Calculate i. Wire diameter ii.
Mean coil diameter iii. Number of ac ve turns iv. Free length v. Pitch of the
8. Derive the expression for Load shared by outer spring and inner spring
(W1/W2) in terms of diameter of spring wire of outer spring and inner spring
in concentric springs.

 The springs are used to obtain the greater spring force with in a given
 Ensure the opera on of a mechanism in the event of failure of the one
9. A concentric spring for an aircra engine valve is to exert a maximum force
of 5000 N under an axial deflec on of 40 mm. Both the springs have same free
length, same solid length and are subjected to equal maximum shear stress of
850 MPa. If the spring index for both the springs is 6, find (a) the load shared
by each spring, (b) the main dimensions of both the springs, and (c) the
number of ac ve coils in each spring. Assume G = 80 kN/mm2 and diametral
clearance to be equal to the difference between the wire diameters.
10.A helical compression spring of a cam-mechanism is subjected to an ini al
preload of 50N. the maximum opera ng force during the load cycle is 150N.
the wire diameter is 3mm, while the mean coil diameter is 18 mm. the spring
is made up of oil-hardened and tempered valve spring wire of grade-VW
(σut=1430 N/mm2). Determine the factor of safety used in the design on the
basis of fluctua ng stress.

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