OpenSAP Ea2 Week 1 Transcript

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An Enterprise Architect’s View on SAP Business

Technology Platform
Week 1 Unit 1

00:00:05 Welcome to the openSAP course An Enterprise Architect's View on SAP Business
Technology Platform.
00:00:13 My name is Holger Seubert, and I'm working as a technical architect in SAP's technology
and innovation team.
00:00:21 So, this first week deals with an introduction to enterprise architecture, and we start the
week by taking a look at the purpose of enterprise architecture.
00:00:34 Let's start with a big picture by taking a look at the basic building blocks of every company.
So every company has some sort of vision
00:00:45 and purpose defining why the company is on the market. And it is worth mentioning that
making money is not a vision,
00:00:55 but instead should be a result of the company's vision and purpose. So, for example, SAP's
purpose is to help the world run better and improve people's lives.
00:01:08 Now, how do you realize the vision? For doing this, every company has a business
operating model
00:01:14 defining required roles and responsibilities and defining how those roles act together to
deliver on the purpose.
00:01:25 And also one very basic building block are the so-called business capabilities of every
00:01:32 What do the business capabilities define? So basically, the business capabilities describe
what a company is capable of doing.
00:01:42 And, of course, there are business capabilities that you find basically in every company,
such as human resources or financing and accounting.
00:01:52 There are also business capabilities that can be considered to be more industry specific,
such as research and development, for example.
00:02:02 But now the big question is how do you bring those business capabilities into action? And
this is where the business processes enter the stage.
00:02:12 So it is the business processes that define how the business capabilities are actually
realized in your company.
00:02:21 And this is also the place where some differentiation between two companies can happen.
00:02:27 So one company might have other HR-related business processes than another company.
How do you realize and implement the business processes?
00:02:37 This is done with the help of applications and technology. And here you might decide to buy
a standard product off the shelf,
00:02:46 or you decide to develop your own business processes by a custom development project, or
as a third option, you'd use a combination of both,
00:02:56 you buy a standard product and then adapt and extend it to your individual needs. Now,
your company obviously does not live in isolation,
00:03:07 so there are constant external factors that might require a change or at least an adaptation
of your company's building blocks.
00:03:17 So, for example, you have constantly new IT trends popping up, machine learning, block
chain, IoT.
00:03:25 And what is the technical potential that those IT trends bring along? Do they improve some
business processes
00:03:33 or can they help you to make your customers even happier than today? Now, on the other
hand, there are also constantly changing market
00:03:42 and economic trends, such as mobility or dematerialization being a result of a continuing
00:03:52 And of course, there are your stakeholders, like customers or employees that have a
diverse and changing set of interests and requirements.
00:04:04 Now, mapping these external forces to the building blocks, it is fair to say that your
company's vision and its business operating model
00:04:15 and also its business capabilities can be considered rather stable. There might be market
disruptions or mergers and acquisitions that require a change here,
00:04:27 but this does typically not happen every year. On the other hand, business processes and
also applications and technology
00:04:36 being used to realize the business processes typically require a more frequent adaptation in
the context of the previously mentioned external factors,
00:04:47 such as changing market conditions or changing stakeholder demands. Now the question
is, how does enterprise architecture fit into this picture?
00:04:58 And the answer is quite easy. It is exactly the practice of enterprise architecture
00:05:03 that tries to align the different building blocks of your organization. And one of the very core
concepts of enterprise architecture
00:05:13 is to look holistically at your company by combining the business side with the technology
00:05:22 It is worth emphasizing that over the past, let's say, two decades, a new capability has
become more and more important.
00:05:30 And this is data. Originally, data was just used for powering stateful
00:05:36 transactional applications in the area of logistics or HR, for example. But the importance of
data has changed.
00:05:46 Data has turned into one of the most valuable assets of your company, and you can
suddenly start thinking about scenarios where you can sell data as a product
00:05:57 or use data to sell complementary services to your existing portfolio. Or you can use data to
include more data points,
00:06:08 optimizing existing business processes along your value chain, or supporting decision
taking along your value chain.
00:06:16 Again, this capability of dealing with data is also something that is in scope of enterprise
00:06:26 So, let's quickly summarize the goals of enterprise architecture. What do you want to
achieve by using an enterprise architecture practice?
00:06:35 So first, enterprise architecture helps to align IT investments to your company's business
00:06:44 by taking this holistic view at both business and IT domains. Second, EA helps to manage
the complexity of your IT landscape
00:06:56 by utilizing synergies and executing on an aligned strategy. Third, EA supports the
communication between business and IT
00:07:08 by defining a common vocabulary that can be understood by both business and IT. Fourth,
EA helps with documenting decisions and landscapes
00:07:19 for possible follow up projects and further reference. And last but not least,
00:07:27 EA supports operationalizing innovations and new ideas for improvements by taking your
company's IT strategy and the existing investments into account.
00:07:41 Okay, so much we talked a little bit about the purpose and the goals of enterprise
architecture, but how do you actually do enterprise architecture?
00:07:52 Now, first of all, you always create an architecture for some sort of project. You have
identified a need of action,

00:08:02 a need to improve or change something in your existing business and IT landscape. And
now how do you describe the architecture of that specific project you want to deliver?
00:08:16 And basically you do this by a set of well-defined vocabulary, which is used to describe your
project's architecture,
00:08:25 by taking business and technical aspects into consideration. And what you do is that you
00:08:32 describe some sort of current state of your architecture, which is the so-called base
architecture being relevant for your specific project.
00:08:43 And then you also define a future state, the so-called target architecture that is needed to
execute your proposed solution
00:08:53 to the business requirements you have discovered. Also, you're doing a gap analysis
00:08:58 by comparing the base architecture with the target architecture. And as a result of that gap
00:09:06 you define some action items that need to be delivered. And then you also lay out those
00:09:12 items on a roadmap defining times, sequences, and milestones. Now, the vocabulary you
use for doing all this comes in different so-called work products
00:09:27 that you create when you define your architecture. And these work products basically
00:09:33 your architecture from different viewpoints. And these viewpoints can be easily understood
by business and IT.
00:09:42 So that's important. Now, typical categories of work products are diagrams,
00:09:48 so visual representations, lists, but also catalogues. And we will see more concrete
examples of those work products in later units.
00:10:00 Now, having talked about the goals and how you basically do enterprise architecture, let's
wrap up the definition.
00:10:10 The architecture you define abstractly describes a construction of a solution, such as an
application, for example.
00:10:19 And it is worth emphasizing that one system or one application has exactly one architecture.
And this architecture can be communicated,
00:10:30 presented, and displayed in different views. And these views can have different levels of
detail and different focus areas.
00:10:40 You basically choose a view depending on what you want to communicate and who you are
talking to.
00:10:47 And again, we will discover more examples of those views in later units. Now, creating an
enterprise architecture
00:10:57 from scratch can be really, really time intensive. And this is the reason why so-called
00:11:03 enterprise architecture frameworks were created with the goal to simplify the process of
architecture development and guide you through this process.
00:11:15 Now, what does an enterprise architecture framework typically deliver? So it typically
provides a collection
00:11:21 of best practices, some guidelines and also tools and also templates that help you in order
to create and develop an architecture.
00:11:33 Some examples of enterprise architecture frameworks are the Zachman Enterprise
Framework and The Open Group Architecture Framework.
00:11:42 And also you find some vendor-specific frameworks in the market. Throughout our course,
we will build upon The Open Group Architecture Framework.
00:11:53 And therefore, let's summarize this unit by taking a look at the formal definition of enterprise
architecture as it is being done
00:12:03 by The Open Group Architecture Framework. So, what is the purpose of enterprise
00:12:11 With the enterprise architecture, you describe A, the components,

00:12:16 B, the interrelationship between the components, and C, the principles and guidelines that
are governing the component design
00:12:27 and their evolution over time. So thank you for listening.
00:12:33 In the next unit, we will hear about a methodology to develop your architecture.

Week 1 Unit 2

00:00:05 Welcome to week one unit two, Architecture Development Method.

00:00:12 In this unit, we focus on how architectural work is done and focus on how you create an
00:00:21 And therefore, we take a closer look at a methodology being defined by The Open Group
Architecture Framework.
00:00:30 And this methodology is called Architecture Development Method, or ADM for short. In our
previous unit one,
00:00:40 we briefly touched on The Open Group Architecture Framework and learned that it is one of
many different frameworks helping you to develop an architecture.
00:00:52 And we will continue consulting this architecture framework from The Open Group to better
get an understanding of how we are actually
00:01:01 creating such an enterprise architecture. Now, before we go into the details of the
Architecture Development Method,
00:01:10 let's take a quick look at the background of TOGAF. So, the development of TOGAF started
back in 1995, and the framework itself is
00:01:22 governed by an organization that is called The Open Group. Now, the goal of the
organization is
00:01:29 to develop an open and also vendor-neutral technology standard and also certifications for
developing an enterprise architecture.
00:01:41 The open group consists of a global consortium, that is to say, a diverse membership of
00:01:47 customers, vendors, suppliers from different industries, but also academics. Now, with the
evolution over the past decades, TOGAF got pretty comprehensive.
00:02:01 So you can easily attend a one-week course to obtain more details about the complete
00:02:09 We will only take a small sip of the framework, with a focus on the Architecture
Development Method, ADM for short.
00:02:20 Now, as we have defined enterprise architecture in the previous unit and the way that it
covers both business and IT,
00:02:29 it is not surprising that also the architecture development method picks up this concept and
reflects the necessity of addressing both business and IT.
00:02:44 And this is actually being reflected by the so- called architecture domains that somehow
describe and make the content of the architecture development method.
00:02:55 So we use these architecture domains to basically group or cluster the architecture work
products we create
00:03:05 with the help of the Architecture Development Method. Now, what are those four domains?
00:03:11 They are called business, data, application, and technology. So actually, it was not by
00:03:20 that we also talked about exactly these aspects in our previous unit when we took a look at
the basic building blocks of every company.
00:03:31 Okay, so let's take a closer look at the Architecture Development Method. So we said that
you use the Architecture Development Method
00:03:42 for creating an architecture, and that architecture describes a specific project such as an IT
solution you want to deliver.
00:03:52 And obviously, this IT solution finds at least some motivation in a specific business need.
00:04:00 Now, what exactly is the ADM? In what steps do you exactly develop your architecture?
00:04:08 So let's take a look at the visualization you see here on that slide. The ADM can be divided
into different so-called faces and you see those faces

00:04:19 being represented by the different circles here in the visualization. Now, each of those faces
has a very specific focus.
00:04:30 And that focus is actually also being expressed by the name of the phase, business,
technology, for example.
00:04:39 Now, what are you doing within each phase? So within each phase,
00:04:43 you create either complete new architectural work products or you pick up work products
from the previous phase and add further details.
00:04:55 Now, bearing this in mind, you can understand the ADM to be a kind of sequential method.

00:05:03 So you really walk through the different phases step by step and exactly in the sequence as
it is being defined by the ADM.
00:05:13 However, it is worth emphasizing that you can also iterate between different phases or you
can even iterate within one individual phase.
00:05:25 And this is called an architecture development iteration. Now for the creation of work
products within the different phases,
00:05:36 TOGAF also provides guidelines and best practices. And these guidelines are defined by
the so-called Architecture Content Framework.
00:05:48 And you can understand the Architecture Content Framework as a kind of library of work
products, as a kind of guideline
00:05:57 defining how and what work products you can create within each individual phase. And we
will take a look at this architecture content framework later in this course.
00:06:10 Now, looking at the different phases, we will not cover all of the ADM phases in our course,
but instead we focused on the architecture vision, the business architecture,
00:06:23 the information systems architecture, and also the technology architecture phases. So let's
continue and take a closer look at those four phases.
00:06:36 Sticking to the sequence within the ADM, let's start with phase A, the architecture vision.
00:06:45 What is the goal of the architecture vision phase? Within this phase, you actually
understand and describe
00:06:53 the problem you want to solve with your architecture. You also start thinking about the value
your architecture adds to your company,
00:07:02 a so-called high-level aspirational vision of the business value you want to deliver by your
00:07:13 Now, by defining the business value of your architecture, you also often pick up the strategic
00:07:20 and take a look at the market drivers, as we have previously discussed, as some sort of
guideline for your architecture development.
00:07:30 And a central work product of the architecture vision phase is the so-called statement of
architecture work,
00:07:39 and maybe you can compare the statement of architecture work a little bit to a project
charter, because it is exactly this statement of architecture work where you describe
00:07:50 the reason, the scope, and also the expectations of your architecture work. Now, the second
phase we deal with is the so- called business architecture.
00:08:03 And in this phase, you create work products with a focus on the business aspects and the
business capabilities of your company.
00:08:12 Typically, you revisit business goals, objectives, as well as strategic drivers in your
respective market.
00:08:21 So, typical questions you answer are what is the business motivation behind your
00:08:28 And how can you support your company's business goals with your architecture? You also
take a look at organizational aspects
00:08:38 such as stakeholders having an interest in your architecture work and you decide how to
deal with these stakeholder interests.

00:08:49 The third phase of the architecture development method we deal with is the so-called
information systems architecture phase.
00:08:58 And in fact, this phase combines two of the previously mentioned domains, namely the data
and application domains.
00:09:09 So in this phase, you describe your architecture's IT landscape from a data and also from
an application perspective.
00:09:18 And some typical work products you create are a solution concept diagram outlining the
basic building blocks of your proposed architecture.
00:09:30 You also continue describing the information being processed with the help of a so-called
conceptual data diagram,
00:09:39 just to mention two example work products. Now, especially when describing your
00:09:46 from an applications domain perspective, you also take a look at your existing IT landscape.

00:09:53 So you describe this existing IT landscape in the form of a base architecture, and then,
picking up the ideas of your statement of architecture work,
00:10:04 taking those into consideration, you start defining a target architecture that is supposed to
meet the required business needs.
00:10:14 A fourth phase we deal with is the technology architecture phase. So in this phase, you
describe your architecture
00:10:23 from a deployment perspective, considering hardware and also software components. The
data and application-specific description of the previous phase is being picked up here
00:10:36 and mapped to corresponding technology components like runtime environments or
hardware components.
00:10:44 So, for example, you might consider using some services of an infrastructure-as-a-service
provider or a platform-as-a-service provider
00:10:53 and start mapping and using those technical components here. Now, a typical work product
you create in this phase
00:11:01 is the so-called environment and location diagram. And in this diagram, you map your
architecture building blocks
00:11:09 to specific solution components like runtime or deployment components, also depicting
specific locations of data centers, for example.
00:11:20 Okay, so much about some of the key phases of the architecture development method we
focus on during this course.
00:11:30 The other phases of the ADM, which we will not cover, mostly address the implementation
of your architecture with respect to project planning,
00:11:41 governance, change management, and also requirements management. So for the full
lifecycle of a project, these are also very important phases.
00:11:52 But however, as we are focusing on obtaining an enterprise architect's view on SAP's
Business Technology Platform,
00:12:01 we will put those phases out of scope for this course. If you want to learn more about those
00:12:09 I recommend taking one of the TOGAF trainings. Okay, up to now we looked at the ADM
00:12:17 that actually support and focus on the creation of an architecture. We also said that The
Open Group Architecture Framework divides
00:12:28 the creation of an architecture into the four domains as we can see them here, business,
data, application, and technology, BDAT for short.
00:12:40 Throughout the ADM phases, as we have learned about them, you create respective work
products and those respective work products,
00:12:50 describe your architecture in the context of those four domains. And by doing this, you
create a holistic description of your architecture

00:13:00 by, again, taking both business and technical aspects into consideration. Please remember
that we consider
00:13:09 the identification of a respective IT project as done. So we already know the area of
improvement and what we want to achieve.
00:13:20 We have described this in the statement of architecture work and we now use the ADM to
adequately describe how we want
00:13:30 to realize the improvements using technology. So the work products we create throughout
the ADM support the communication
00:13:39 between business and IT, they support decision taking, and lay the foundation for a
successful implementation and also operation of our proposed architecture.
00:13:52 So, let's summarize those four perspectives, those four domains. In the business
00:13:59 you focus on your company's objectives, goals, and understand business capabilities and
business processes, implementing those business capabilities.
00:14:10 Also, you deal with organizational structures and respective stakeholders. In the application
architecture, you further describe the business processes
00:14:21 and describe individual services and applications supporting or implementing the business
00:14:29 Also, you describe the interaction and dependencies between these services and
00:14:37 In the data architecture domain, you focus on information and corresponding data your
architecture needs to deal with in order to support your company's goal.
00:14:48 You deal with the definition of information entities and describe how those information
entities flow between
00:14:56 the different architecture components, like application components, for example. Last but
not least in, the technology architecture domain,
00:15:05 you take a closer look at technology, infrastructure components, hardware, maybe also
specific software components
00:15:14 that are needed to support the data and application architecture domain. So all four
domains relate to each other
00:15:24 and deliver a complete enterprise picture of your architecture. In the next unit,
00:15:31 you will learn about your playground as an enterprise architect and see how you can use
the architecture development method in this playground.
00:15:43 Thank you for listening.

Week 1 Unit 3

00:00:05 Welcome to week one, unit three, Your Playground as an Enterprise Architect. In this unit,
we take a look at different impulses
00:00:17 that initiate your architectural work and push you on a playground. Furthermore, we start
exploring different areas
00:00:26 and use cases where those impulses can take you to. Let's quickly repeat the scope of your
architectural work.
00:00:35 As we've seen in unit one, you as an enterprise architect are the hinge between business
and technology.
00:00:45 On one side, represented by the color blue on this slide, you deal with requirements that are
rooted in business demands,
00:00:56 such as enhancements to existing business capabilities, maybe based on new data points,
or opening up additional revenue streams
00:01:07 by offering additional digital services to your products. On the other side, represented by the
color orange,
00:01:16 you deal with ideas that are motivated by technology, such as machine learning maybe to
improve the automation of existing business processes
00:01:28 or the use of IoT to obtain additional data points, improving process execution or decision
00:01:39 This can be summarized in two basic impulses that can initiate your architectural work,
business as a driver in blue, and technology as a driver in orange.
00:01:54 now motivated by changing customer expectations or the desire to improve internal
business processes, or the intention to grow in additional
00:02:08 product categories or market segments, the line of business typically formulates
requirements that need to be translated to technology.
00:02:19 So business is one typical driver for initiating your architectural work. Motivated by
evaluating and adopting
00:02:31 emerging technologies and also the new possibilities this technology offers, technology can
also be a driver for initiating your architectural work
00:02:44 and basically leading to the question of how a specific technology can add value to your
00:02:53 Taking a look at the market conditions or stakeholder demands, you can find different
00:03:02 So those two basic impulses originating from different areas in your organization can be
summarized typical triggers for your architectural work.
00:03:16 Now, where do those two impulses, business and technology, push you to? Let's take a
closer look at the two impulses and start defining your playground
00:03:30 as an enterprise architect by picking your CIO as the sample stakeholder. What are typical
questions and concerns your CIO might have?
00:03:43 Again, following the color coding, blue for business and orange for technology, concerns
and questions are rooted in those two basic categories.
00:03:56 Let's take a look at some business-related questions of your CIO. Where can technology
add more business value so that our technology departments
00:04:08 add more strategic value and turn into a business enablement? Or, looking at technology
related questions of your CIO,
00:04:20 how do I avoid shadow IT? And what type of best practices and standards do help here?
00:04:29 Generally, it is fair to say that all those concerns and questions can be mapped to two
00:04:38 Your CIO wants to improve A, strategic excellence and B, operational excellence. We
consider these two categories as basic cornerstones

00:04:53 for categorizing our architectural work that is helping us to understand our playground as an
enterprise architect.
00:05:03 What business relevance do these two categories have? Now, if your architectural work
improves strategic excellence,
00:05:12 your work is increasing the top line growth of your company. By opening up new revenue
channels, for example,
00:05:20 you are increasing the top-line growth. So you spend money to earn more money.
00:05:27 When your architectural work improves operational excellence, you spend money to save
00:05:35 So here your work improves existing processes, powering existing revenue streams.
00:05:44 It is important to emphasize that your architectural work is not digital in a way that you either
improve strategic excellence or you improve operational excellence.
00:05:58 Typically, your enterprise architect use cases support both areas in parallel, but with a
slightly different weighting.
00:06:09 Now, let's continue to further define your playground as an enterprise architect. Besides the
cornerstones of strategic and operational excellence,
00:06:21 there is the dimension of the different architecture domains, defining some best practices,
and giving you guidance on how to act on the playground.
00:06:34 And we learned about those architecture domains in the previous unit. Again, what we see
on the slide are the two impulses, business and technology,
00:06:44 pushing you on the playground and initiating architectural work. So these are the
cornerstones of your playground
00:06:54 before architecture domains and areas of business improvement initiated by business
and/or technology, strategic excellence, and operational excellence.
00:07:08 Okay, let's continue by better understanding how you move and act on this playground. For
acting and moving on the playground,
00:07:19 you basically have two notions, exploration and exploitation. When you are exploring, your
architectural work
00:07:30 supports new business models, for example, with a focus on strategic excellence. This can
also be associated to a disruptive innovation, for example.
00:07:43 When you exploit, on the other hand, your architectural work improves existing business
models with a focus on operational excellence.
00:07:55 And this can be associated with an incremental innovation, for example. Let's further
describe your playground
00:08:04 by adding four typical areas of engagement within your company. One area of engagement
is strategic work.
00:08:15 Here, you are planning your organization's strategy, defining a tactic for execution of the
00:08:22 and finally operationalizing the strategy within your organization. A second area of
engagement as business development.
00:08:33 Generally, here you look for areas of business innovation or business transformation. The
third area is IT management, focusing on operation, cost reduction,
00:08:47 and managing the complexity of the IT landscape. And the fourth area is optimizing the
alignment between business and IT
00:08:58 in a way of improving the daily business. Now, areas of engagement can be associated
00:09:07 with the two cornerstones, strategic excellence and operational excellence. When your
architectural work supports strategy and business development-related goals,
00:09:19 your architecture can be considered as an explorational architecture, supporting strategic
00:09:27 On the other side, when your architectural work improves the alignment between business
and IT or IT management in general, your architecture can be considered to be

00:09:39 an exploitation architecture supporting operational excellence. So, what do you further need
to actually move and play on this playground?
00:09:53 So, far we have defined the cornerstones and four typical areas of engagement. As a good
player, you also need a tactic.
00:10:05 And for executing a tactic, you actually need players. We can understand an actual tactic to
move and act on the described playground
00:10:17 as different enterprise architecture use cases, and we will further explore those use cases in
later units with more details.
00:10:27 So generally you deliver the use cases that are defining your tactic via projects.
00:10:36 And those projects are actually executed with the help of the Architecture Development
Method we learned about in the last unit.
00:10:46 In order to play your tactic, you can get help from different players. Those players, in a form
of, for example, building blocks,
00:10:57 like solution building blocks or architecture building blocks help you to realize your
architecture supporting a specific use case.
00:11:07 Okay, so much about the definition of your playground as an enterprise architect. Let's wrap
up this unit by taking a look at four sample enterprise architecture use cases
00:11:22 that can be linked to the areas of engagement and also their contribution to strategic and
operational excellence, respectively.
00:11:33 Please remember, your EA use cases are not digital in a way that they support exactly one
area of engagement or are either contributing
00:11:43 to the strategic excellence or operational excellence. The spectrum of results is denoted
00:11:50 by the different circles here on that slide, having different sizes. So your architectural work
results in a mix of different levels of improvements.
00:12:01 Let's take the first use case on the slide, technology management: standardization and
00:12:09 Again, the color coding denotes the origin of the impulse for this use case. And again, blue
is for business and orange is for technology as a driver.
00:12:23 So, the technology management use case is triggered by technology and has a clear focus
in the areas of IT management
00:12:32 and optimizing the daily business between IT and business in a certain way with a better
00:12:42 Now, however, when standardizing on specific technology, you might also support strategic
00:12:50 such as cloud computing or improving business agility by making software easier and faster
accessible for the lines of business, for example.
00:13:01 So this is, again, a spectrum of results delivered by this first enterprise architecture use
case. Let's take a second example and take the business capability management use case.

00:13:15 Here indicated by the color coding, this use case is motivated by business.
00:13:22 And looking at the circles, we see a focus on strategy and business development because
we improve what our company is capable of doing.
00:13:33 For example, by introducing a completely new business capability, like experience
management, for example, we help operationalizing our company's strategy
00:13:44 by quantifying brand, product, and customer experience, for example. Also, we support
business development
00:13:52 by these additional insights to product and brand experience. Now, in our next unit, we pick
up one of these four sample use cases
00:14:04 and take a closer look at how to actually develop a respective architecture using different
types of building blocks.
00:14:14 Thanks for listening to this unit.

Week 1 Unit 4

00:00:06 Welcome to week one, unit four, Sample Enterprise Architecture Use Case.
00:00:14 In this unit, we take a look at a specific enterprise architecture use case
00:00:19 to better understand the work you are doing as an enterprise architect. We also start looking
at some typical work products
00:00:29 you create while doing architectural work, that is to say, while using the Architecture
Development Method.
00:00:37 Now, the sample enterprise architecture use case we look at is business optimization and
here we focus on business processes and data processing.
00:00:52 Picking up the definition of your playground from the previous unit, this use case contributes
00:01:00 to optimizing the daily business, but also delivers improvements in the areas of IT
management and business development,
00:01:10 as can be seen by the different circles on the slide here. So a use case supports both
operational excellence and strategic excellence.
00:01:22 Now, what are potential triggers for initiating the use case business optimization
00:01:29 with a focus on processes and data? Again, the color coding indicates the direction
00:01:36 from which a potential impulse for starting your use case can come. Business-motivated
triggers, indicated by the color blue, can be unclear
00:01:49 responsibilities or redundancies along the business process, or inconsistencies when
executing the process, or coverage gaps,
00:02:00 simplification potential, or organizational fractures, for example. Technology might motivate
improvements by adding automation, or by reducing media
00:02:14 and system breaks along the process execution. One methodology to explore and discover

00:02:21 potential areas of improvements for a business process is design thinking, for example.
00:02:29 Picking up our previously defined two impulses, business and technology, which can trigger
architectural work,
00:02:38 we can overlay these impulses with four dimensions that can guide the value discovery
00:02:47 Starting from left to right, that is taking business as a driver, you can start thinking about the
focus area of your business process improvement.
00:03:00 Do you want to deliver customer-focused, product-focused, employee-focused, ecosystem-
focused, or maybe capability-focused improvements?
00:03:12 Next, you can think about the type of value your improvement should deliver. Do you want
to improve the digital experience,
00:03:21 or do you want to improve automation, support the decision taking along the business
00:03:28 or do you want to enhance the process by adding additional steps and increase its end-to-
end reach?
00:03:36 Having identified the focus areas and value, you can start thinking about the approach to
deliver the value.
00:03:45 Do you want to modernize the existing process by refactoring? Do you want to extend the
process by adding new functionality?
00:03:55 Do you want to reduce data silos? Or do you want to improve the self-service ability of
specific aspects of the process?
00:04:06 Last but not least, you start mapping your approach to technical capabilities that are
required to deliver the approach and associated value
00:04:17 in that respective focus area you have identified. And these technical capabilities can range
from chatbots, machine learning,

00:04:27 robotic process automation, workflow management and many other capabilities, maybe also
in the area of integration, analytics, and so on.
00:04:39 Now, what do we want to do? Which business process do we want to improve
00:04:45 and how do we want to improve the process? Let's take a look at a fictitious company,
Rocket Chips.
00:04:54 Rocket Chips is a global semiconductor company, designing and producing units that are
specialized to run machine learning algorithms.
00:05:07 Now, what are the drivers for Rocket Chips? First, they want to become the global market
00:05:15 for these special semiconductors that can run machine learning algorithms.
00:05:21 To become a global market leader, they want to grow into new market segments, that is,
00:05:28 address additional customer segments by new digital services. Their goals are to grow fast
and to grow globally, and to do so,
00:05:39 one strategic goal, which is supported by the CEO, is to offer a fast and also effective
deployment of capital
00:05:49 for new business initiatives and research and development projects. Rocket Chips wants to
innovate organically
00:05:58 instead of founding an incubation or innovation lab. They want to keep their new ideas as
close to business as possible.
00:06:09 So one of the first exercises to understand the current process of requesting and releasing
00:06:17 for new business initiatives and R and D projects is to understand this current process.
00:06:26 And this is what we see here on this slide in the form of a baseline process flow diagram.
00:06:33 Such a process flow diagram is one example of an architectural work product you can
create throughout the usage
00:06:42 of the Architecture Development Method. As we can see in this example, the process flow
diagram shows
00:06:52 the sequential flow of control between activities and typically uses swim lanes
00:06:59 to represent ownership and realization of individual process steps. In addition, the process
flow also shows information about events
00:07:11 that trigger or result from the completion of a process step. Our example shows a process
flow that seems to have a high technical depth.
00:07:23 Different systems are involved and these systems are siloed along the organizations that
participate in the process.
00:07:31 It appears that additional systems and applications need to be consulted to make decisions
along the process.
00:07:39 Also, it looks like data is duplicated between the siloed systems. And yeah, generally there
is a lack
00:07:47 of transparency for the budget requester about the current status of the request. Now,
because of the necessity of involving different organizations,
00:07:59 such as business development, corporate strategy, and finance all using their own way to
review and process the request,
00:08:11 the process duration is rather long and has high associated process costs. Having analyzed
and understood the current process, in the first step,
00:08:24 you continue thinking about how to improve the process. So let's take a look at the value
discovery cheat sheet
00:08:33 we discovered before. Can we identify already some areas of possible improvements?
00:08:40 Again, starting from the business side, we can categorize our business process of
requesting and releasing money
00:08:49 to be quite employee centric and also business capability centric. Our focus is to improve
the way employees request money.

00:09:01 And we want to improve our company's ability to release money for strategic projects
supporting the overall growth strategy.
00:09:12 From a capability perspective, we are touching R and D and financing, for example.
00:09:18 From a value perspective, we intend to improve the usability by enhancing transparency
and reducing technical depth.
00:09:28 Maybe there is automation potential and clearly improvements on decision support along
the approval process.
00:09:37 Potential technical capabilities can be more intuitive user interfaces, a rules engine
supporting the automation,
00:09:46 and also the integration of different systems to improve the decision support and also the
00:09:56 Now, with this in mind, we can start working on our target architecture
00:10:01 by thinking about a pencil sketch, a high-level vision of our proposed solution.
00:10:10 One outcome of our thoughts can be a desired target process flow for requesting, reviewing,
and releasing the budget for those new business cases.
00:10:21 Now, what do we see? To eliminate inefficiencies in communication
00:10:26 and also to increase transparency and to decrease wait times, all the silos are replaced by a
00:10:35 capital request and approval solution, which also integrates the financing system to
automatically release the money once it is approved.
00:10:46 Due to the integration of the financing system, organizational breaks can be reduced from
five to four.
00:10:55 And due to the corporate guidelines, further improvements is not possible here. So all the
remaining organizations need to be kept involved in the approval process.
00:11:06 However, by realizing a central request and approval solution, we can reduce the switch
between IT systems to one.
00:11:16 Now, another very common work product you can create to describe your architecture is a
so-called solution concept diagram.
00:11:26 And the solution concept diagram can be considered as a very rough idea of your
envisioned solution to the business problem.
00:11:36 And in that diagram, you outline basically the high-level building blocks that are making up
your proposed solution.
00:11:46 You also show the relationship and the dependencies between the different building blocks.

00:11:51 And you can also add organizational information, such as user types or roles, for example,
00:11:59 For our example, we can think of the central capital request and approval solution
00:12:05 to be comprised of different building blocks, such as an application for requesting budget
and obtaining status information about the request.
00:12:16 And then there is the necessity to offer functionality for reviewing and approving a request.
00:12:23 And this is also represented by an individual building block here in our diagram.
00:12:28 Corporate rules and guidelines for the review process can be expressed via a workflow
00:12:35 and rules for automating the review can be represented via a rules engine. Again, two
additional building blocks making up our solution architecture.
00:12:48 Yeah, we also need analytics capabilities to actually evaluate the budget request in terms
00:12:55 yeah, the overall financial situation, opportunities, market potential, and more. And this is
represented by a dashboard building block
00:13:05 called Project Budget and Analysis. Last but not least,
00:13:11 we also include the financing system in our solution concept diagram. Now, the different
types of arrows you see

00:13:19 indicate the relationship between the building blocks. We can distinguish between
information flow, represented by a dashed line,
00:13:29 as it can be seen between the financing system and the dashboard, or the Review/Approval
building block, for example.
00:13:38 A second type of relationship, which is expressed by a solid line, is a request and response
relationship between the building blocks.
00:13:49 And so user groups, for example, interacting with specific building blocks can be associated
to those building blocks
00:13:57 with such a request and response type of relationship. So to summarize, we can use this
solution concept diagram to discuss and share our
00:14:10 initial thoughts on solving the business problem. And the diagram can be considered to be
one specific view on our architecture.
00:14:22 And the previously seen business flow diagram is a second view on the same architecture
or solution,
00:14:29 depicting different focus areas and a different angle on the solution proposal. Okay, let's
quickly summarize.
00:14:39 We looked at a sample enterprise architecture use case for requesting and reviewing
budget requests for our fictitious company, Rocket Chips.
00:14:51 And the use case we have touched on falls into the category of business process
00:14:59 with the intention to increase the operational excellence by improving an existing process.
00:15:07 And for doing so, we analyzed the current process, and with the requirements to speed
things up and give more transparency
00:15:16 for the requester, and also better decision support for the reviewer, we came up with a
solution concept and a target process flow diagram.
00:15:27 So we basically did our job. We understood our stakeholder's pains,
00:15:32 did a root cause analysis, and used problem solving techniques, such as value discovery to
directly respond to our stakeholder's concerns.
00:15:42 So we pretty much did everything described, what we see here in the red box on that slide.

00:15:48 However, when designing your architecture, it is worth looking at additional opportunities
00:15:56 that can also be addressed with your architecture as well. So are there any related
unarticulated needs,
00:16:04 and what does your architecture look like when taking these unarticulated needs into
00:16:12 In our example, there are additional request and approval type workflows within Rocket
00:16:20 and all of those request workflows have a high technical depth due to the fast growth during
the past years of the company.
00:16:29 And therefore, there might be future evolutions of our architecture, also taking maybe travel
approvals into account, for example.
00:16:40 So you can think of extending your architecture vision by also taking these potential future
projects into account.
00:16:49 In our example, our solution concept describes a central request and approval solution,
00:16:56 also integrating further transactional back-end systems, such as a travel management
system or a procurement system, for example.
00:17:07 Now, by looking at this sample EA use case, you've got a brief overview of what you are
basically doing when developing an architecture.
00:17:17 We also introduced two architecture work products that you can use to describe your
00:17:24 the process flow diagram and the solution concept diagram. In the next unit, we start taking
a closer look at more architectural work products

00:17:35 you create during the Architecture Development Method. Thank you very much for listening.

Week 1 Unit 5

00:00:05 Welcome to week one, unit five, Architectural Work Products. Creating architecture work
products is one of your primary tasks
00:00:16 when developing an architecture. You use these work products to describe, document, and
discuss your thoughts.
00:00:25 In this unit, we explore a content framework for creating architectural work products.
00:00:32 This content framework is based on TOGAF and should serve as an orientation when we
create work products in later units.
00:00:42 Now, what is the value of a content framework? The idea behind a content framework is
00:00:49 to enable the consistent creation of architecture work products. The framework also gives
you some guidance
00:00:57 on what type of architecture work products can be created. And this is done by the so-called
content metamodel, as can be seen on this slide.
00:01:09 As the name implies, the content metamodel describes how you can create architectural
00:01:19 Now, looking at the color coding of the metamodel, you discover the previously introduced
00:01:25 phases of the TOGAF Architecture Development Method, and also the four domains,
00:01:32 business, data, application, and technology. So the content metamodel gives you some
00:01:41 about different architectural work products you can create for defining your architecture.
00:01:48 One thing to remember is that the framework and its content metamodel do not describe the
exact layout and visualization of the work products.
00:02:00 The metamodel defines core ingredients, but the rest is actually up to you. Also, you are
free to choose which work products you consider as helpful.
00:02:13 TOGAF does not mandate to use all the described work products you're seeing here.
00:02:19 It is more a guidance you tailor to your individual needs and desires. Now, clearly in the
beginning, you don't know what architectural work products
00:02:31 can actually be useful for your architecture development. So this is something we will
continue discovering in this course.
00:02:39 So at the end, you have a handful of work products you can start with, and can continue to
extend over time.
00:02:49 Let's revisit the Architecture Development Method introduced in unit two. In unit two, we
saw that the ADM
00:02:58 consists of different phases. Within each phase,
00:03:03 you either create new work products or update existing work products from the previous
00:03:12 In our course, we focus on phases A to D. These are also the phases where most
architectural work products are created,
00:03:22 the following phases being out of scope for our course, focusing on implementation and
governance-related tasks.
00:03:32 What type of architectural work products now can you distinguish? Again, we're referring to
the definitions
00:03:40 by the TOGAF framework and its content metamodel, as previously mentioned.
00:03:46 There you find work products that are called deliverables, and you can view a deliverable as

00:03:53 a container or a folder including other work products. Deliverables are used during review
00:04:03 and are officially signed off by the stakeholders. Typically, deliverables are living documents

00:04:10 like all the other work products as well, and have multiple versions and evolve while you are
developing your architecture.
00:04:19 Now, what is the actual content of such a deliverable? These are the so-called artifacts or
work products, as we also name them.
00:04:29 Artifacts or work products are basically the core ingredients of your architecture.
00:04:37 And this is actually what you will develop most of the time. And artifacts can come now in
different forms.
00:04:46 There are lists or catalogs of different applications, for example.
00:04:52 We also distinguish matrices or have matrices showing, for example, the version
deployment status and location of applications,
00:05:02 and we also have diagrams that are visually showing, for example, the data flow between
two or more application components.
00:05:12 And there is a third architectural work product, which is called building block.
00:05:18 A building block is generally a component that can be reused and also combined with other
building blocks.
00:05:27 Basically, your architecture consists of different building blocks that are abstracting certain
00:05:35 that is required to meet the identified business need. Most of the time, we will focus on
creating artifacts or work products,
00:05:45 and most of the work products we create are actually diagrams. Now, while creating
00:05:52 we will also make use of the previously mentioned building blocks. So on this slide, we see
a visual representation
00:06:01 of the relationship between the different architectural work products. Often you create a so-
called architecture definition document,
00:06:11 a deliverable which describes your complete architecture with all its views. As mentioned,
the architecture definition document is a deliverable.
00:06:22 It is a container and contains all the artifacts that are actually describing your architecture.
00:06:29 And these artifacts, describing your architecture now can be, for example, a process flow
00:06:36 as we have seen in the previous example in unit four, or a so-called solution realization
00:06:44 which we will cover also in more detail in later units. And also the combination of two and
more artifacts can describe one and the same
00:06:56 building block from different viewpoints, as we can see on this slide as well. Now focusing a
little bit more on the idea of building blocks, it is worth mentioning
00:07:10 that TOGAF defines two categories of building blocks: A, architecture building blocks, ABBs,

00:07:18 and B, solution building blocks, SBBs. Now, generally, a building block is a package
00:07:27 of functionality that addresses a specific business need. The solution your architecture
00:07:36 is built up from several of those building blocks that interoperate with each other.
00:07:43 And obviously building blocks can also be assembled by other building blocks. Now, what is
the difference between
00:07:52 architecture building blocks and solution building blocks? Architecture building blocks
represent and describe a functionality that is
00:08:02 required to realize a specific business capability. You can map ABBs to business units or
organizational units.
00:08:13 We will create ABBs in the context of a specific work product, the so-called solution concept
00:08:22 also later in this course. And ABBs direct and guide also the development and choice of

00:08:31 That's how both relate to each other. Solution building blocks
00:08:36 now define what products and components will implement the functionality, and SBBs are
therefore typically product and vendor aware.
00:08:49 And you can either develop a solution building block on your own or you can procure a
solution building block from a specific vendor.
00:09:00 And yeah, usually there is a relationship between ABBs and SBBs, and looking at our
example of the central request and approval solution,
00:09:11 we have identified several ABBs, such as a review and approval application ABB, for
00:09:19 which addresses the business requirements to review and decide on specific budget
requests for new projects.
00:09:29 Now this ABB can be associated to SBBs that describe vendor or product-specific
components needed for implementing the ABB.
00:09:41 In our example, this could be a workflow management service SBB offered by a specific
vendor, for example.
00:09:51 While you are creating different architectural work products, you are creating different views
on the architecture of your solution,
00:10:01 and by this, you create a holistic picture of your solution, and describe actually what you
want to do.
00:10:10 And these different views on your architecture also help express different aspects that need
to be considered when
00:10:18 implementing, deploying, and operating your solution. And you can choose views that
describe more aesthetic and structural aspects
00:10:29 of your architecture, such as the runtime environments or deployment locations of your
architecture, building blocks, for example.
00:10:38 And also looking at this slide here, you can use more dynamic views for describing the
architecture of your solution, by using, for example,
00:10:49 a process flow diagram or a software collaboration diagram. Important to remember is that
you always
00:10:58 describe exactly one architecture, one system, one solution, using different views, showing
different aspects and details.
00:11:10 Let's look at some sample work products to make the idea of artifacts or work products a
little bit more tangible
00:11:18 at this point. And we have seen a work product called
00:11:24 solution concept diagram already in unit three. So this is a typical work product you create
quite early in your architecture
00:11:34 development process, namely in the architecture vision phase of the TOGAF Architecture
Development Method.
00:11:43 As the name implies, this is a conceptual idea of what the architecture of your solution
00:11:52 to the business problem actually can look like, or looks like. The solution concept diagram
00:11:59 shows the architecture building blocks making up your solution. You might want to use a
separate document describing these building blocks
00:12:08 with respect to their interfaces, further features, and information about maybe scalability,
manageability, and other details.
00:12:18 So the solution concept diagram is an example of a diagram artifact. Another example of an
artifact is
00:12:28 a so-called architecture principles catalog. As the name implies, this artifact is of type
00:12:36 The architecture principle catalog lists all the constraints and guidelines you should consider
when developing your architecture.
00:12:46 Typically, these guidelines, such as technology or engineering guidelines, are centrally

00:12:53 and governed in your company, and reflect strategy and corporate culture. In case you don't
have principles defined yet,
00:13:02 you might want to choose to skip these guidelines or take a look at some of the sample
principles in the TOGAF documentation,
00:13:13 following the link you see on that slide here. Now, generally, the definition of principles is
good practice
00:13:22 as it helps you to validate your architecture. Now, what are typical examples of such
00:13:29 Let's pick some samples from the TOGAF framework. So here you find, for example,
00:13:35 a principle which is called "data is an asset", which basically means that data is treated like
a valuable asset in your enterprise
00:13:45 and it is shared across your enterprise, for example.
00:13:51 Now, another sample artifact is the stakeholder map, which we see here, which is of type
00:14:00 As a good stakeholder management is really vital to make your architecture a success, you
use the stakeholder map to better understand all the stakeholders
00:14:11 of a solution and your architecture, respectively. On the one hand, you classify the
stakeholder position
00:14:20 in terms of ability to disrupt your architecture, the required understanding, current and
required commitment,
00:14:28 and things like required support, for example. Now, based on this classification,
00:14:35 you can derive an appropriate stakeholder management approach for each of the
stakeholders you have identified.
00:14:43 So set up some sort of communication plan, maybe, set up meetings, identify how you want
to stay in touch with the stakeholders.
00:14:51 Now, if the stakeholder has a high level of interest and has high power, let's treat this
stakeholder as a key player.
00:15:00 If the stakeholder has, on the other hand, a low level of interest and a low ability to disrupt
your architecture, keep the efforts on a minimum level.
00:15:11 Okay, so in this unit, we learned some fundamentals about architectural work products
00:15:18 and how TOGAF helps with the content metamodel to create architecture work products
00:15:25 describing your architecture. In the next unit, we discuss some challenges of enterprise
00:15:33 Thank you for listening.

Week 1 Unit 6

00:00:05 Welcome to week one, unit six, The Challenges of Enterprise Architecture. As usual, there
is no methodology that fits all situations.
00:00:19 There are always exceptions or the need to adjust the original idea. And this is also true for
the Architecture Development Method we have discovered so far.
00:00:32 So in this unit, we take a more critical look at the ADM to understand possible pitfalls. Now,
during the last years,
00:00:43 we used several different ways to describe the challenges of IT by taking a look at how the
world is changing.
00:00:52 And for this, trendy terms like volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity were
introduced, for example.
00:01:02 And basically, these are characteristics describing some of our external factors we
previously defined,
00:01:10 external factors that require a change of some of the building blocks making up our
00:01:19 Now, a fifth characteristic we can add is speed. Often associated with digitalization in
00:01:28 the speed of how markets evolve, stakeholder requirements change, customer segments
change has increased a lot.
00:01:38 Now, considering IT-powered business processes as a vital part of the central nervous
system of your company,
00:01:48 these business processes need the ability to react to these external factors. The way they
react is defined and governed by enterprise architecture.
00:02:01 That's why we are here. So it is fair to say that the qualities of enterprise architecture
00:02:08 or the way you are developing an architecture also need to adapt to the changing conditions
around your company.
00:02:18 And this leads to a picture of a bimodal IT, introduced also several years ago, leading to
different speed layers
00:02:28 within your corporate IT landscape. An agile layer, speed layer one,
00:02:35 designed to react quickly to the changing market conditions of a volatile, uncertain,
complex, and ambiguous world,
00:02:44 and a speed layer two, focusing on qualities like stability, governance, reliability, control,
and standardization.
00:02:56 Typically, agile methodologies are associated with speed layer one, whereas enterprise
architecture methodologies, with a focus on operational excellence,
00:03:08 are associated with speed layer two. So this picture of two speed layers describes some
sort of transition phase
00:03:18 in which existing best practices are complemented with new best practices.
Organizationally, this often leads to different departments, or even new spin offs,
00:03:32 focused purely on speed layer one and getting rid of most of the operational aspects
associated with speed layer two that need to be considered by, let's say,
00:03:44 bigger grown companies, but might slow down project execution. Now, one challenge in this
setup is to make sure that
00:03:55 the ideas and projects in speed layer one do not lead to fundamentally different IT sub-
landscapes within your company
00:04:06 that cannot be operated and maintained economically, or one-off projects that have,
obviously, a high degree of innovation
00:04:17 but lack the integration into the existing business processes of your company. Now on the
other hand, looking at the speed layer two,
00:04:28 a challenge is also that you do not just focus on operational excellence, but also embrace
new ideas being incubated by speed layer one.

00:04:40 So the conclusion is to ideally have a methodology for developing an architecture that can
deal with both speed layers,
00:04:50 a methodology that allows you to shift gears in between your architecture development
process. If we try to visualize such a methodology, we can reuse the visualization of
00:05:05 a lean development process shown on this slide. As usual, you start with an idea,
00:05:12 a trigger to improve something motivated by business or maybe a new technology, maybe
you want to improve an existing business process
00:05:22 or want to improve an existing product with a complementary new digital service. You start
exploring and validating your idea.
00:05:32 Does the idea have potential? Is it viable, is it feasible, and is it realizable?
00:05:40 The goal is to test a solution problem fit. And here you are operating clearly in speed layer
one, creating a minimum viable product.
00:05:52 Now, picking up our previous thoughts, it would be ideal to also develop a minimum viable
00:06:00 ensuring that our minimum viable product does not only fit the problem, but is also sort of
compatible to the operating and development and deployment environment
00:06:13 where it should grow after a successful validation. And this minimum viable architecture
00:06:21 can be considered as the entry ticket to speed layer two, which takes care to constantly
improve the idea by taking enterprise requirements
00:06:32 such as the existing IT landscape, security, and more into consideration. Following this
00:06:41 you address the previously described attributes, volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and
ambiguity by the corresponding antipodes,
00:06:52 as we can see them on the slide, vision, understanding, clarity, and agility. Mapping this
approach to our previous picture,
00:07:03 we can conclude that we need different IT strategies to deal with requirements motivated by
external factors.
00:07:13 What we need is a pioneer mode, where we explore new business models and ideas, and
this is the area of strategic excellence
00:07:22 we also defined as a part of our playground as an enterprise architect. Characteristics of
this mode are speed and agility,
00:07:32 creativity, and also an innovation culture. And we also need an enterprise mode,
00:07:39 where we execute our proven business models with excellence. Again, this is also an area
00:07:46 that we have previously identified as a playground for an enterprise architect.
Characteristics of this enterprise mode are stability, sustainability, compliance,
00:07:59 standardization, regulatory and also security demands. And obviously, there is a friction
between these two modes.
00:08:08 The friction between the pioneering mode and an enterprise mode and making sure that
your pioneering idea
00:08:15 is not burned by this friction or gets stuck on its way from pioneering to enterprise operation,
we consider architectural thinking or architecture development method
00:08:28 as a helping methodology to pull your idea over from speed layer one to speed layer two.
Now, this pull over mechanism, realized with the help of enterprise architecture,
00:08:44 is something that can be considered as a characteristic of enterprise architecture that is not
traditionally there,
00:08:53 but needs to be added to the practice. If we think from the direction of speed layer one,
00:09:00 we can say that this characteristic helps us to operationalize innovation. And the other way
00:09:09 if we think from the direction of speed layer two, we can say that this characteristic realizes
a broader approach of enterprise architecture.
00:09:20 The way we look at the required characteristics of enterprise architecture in our course is by
a combination of creative thinking and architectural thinking.

00:09:32 The SAP AppHaus, for example, has defined a methodology called human-centered
innovation approach,
00:09:38 supporting creative thinking for developing new ideas, to derive new business models, or
also to derive optimized business processes.
00:09:50 So, while enterprise architecture and its architecture development method builds a bridge
between business and IT,
00:09:59 the human-centered innovation approach builds a bridge between users and business. And
now, with a combination of both methodologies, we extend the reach of our
00:10:12 architecture development method we have described so far. The goal of this combination is
to extend the architecture development method
00:10:21 with additional services specifically tailored for speed layer one. And, vice versa, we can say
00:10:30 we also enhance the human-centered innovation approach methodology with additional
services, specifically for speed layer two.
00:10:40 This extended view on enterprise architecture and architectural thinking concludes our first
00:10:48 In the next week, we continue elaborating on the idea to combine architectural thinking with
design thinking.
00:10:56 And we also learn more about concrete architectural work products that you create for
describing your architecture.
00:11:05 Thank you for listening.


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