OpenSAP Hanasql1 Week 2 Transcript en

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A First Step Towards SAP HANA Query

Week 2 Unit 1

00:00:05 Hello and welcome to the course, A First Step Towards SAP HANA Query Optimization.
00:00:11 My name is Helen Shin. Last week we talked about SAP HANA query processing.
00:00:18 In this week, we'll learn about column search and analysis tools. Today, in unit one of week
two, we'll focus on column search.
00:00:31 Let's have a look at an overview of column search. We have discovered that after a plan is
generated, depending on the plan,
00:00:40 the different execution engines take over the job. When generated plan consists of
columnar operators,
00:00:51 column engine handles the plan. Here is one example - T means table, J is JOIN, and G is
GROUP BY in the plan.
00:01:03 Let's say T1, T2, and T3 are all column store tables. Then we can tell the JOIN J12 and
J13s are the JOINs between column store tables.
00:01:18 This is a plan that consists of columnar operator. Therefore, column store engine handles
this generated plan.
00:01:32 When the column engine processes the data, it needs a composite operator. Composite
operator is the one big package that contains one or several operators,
00:01:46 and those operators are executed within one composite operator. And we call these
"column search".
00:01:54 As I mentioned earlier, column search is available only for columnar operators that process
column tables or other columnar operators.
00:02:05 If the plan consists of row store tables, then column search is not made. There is another
important concept
00:02:17 regarding column search, which is pushdown blockers. Pushdown blockers are any reason
that prevents a parent operator
00:02:28 from going down to the column search. For example, if there is a pushdown blocker,
00:02:35 as you can see, the operator B cannot be moved into column search #1. Like the diagram
on the right-hand side,
00:02:48 if there is a part that is processed by the row engine, this is also pushdown blocker.
00:02:57 Let's have a look how the operators are processed if there is pushdown blocker.
00:03:04 If there is pushdown blocker, data materialization occurs. Data materialization is an
00:03:14 where the intermediate result is formed in a physical temporary table. Usually, we can say
the data materialization is expensive.
00:03:25 In many out-of-memory events, it is found that a large part of the memory is allocated
00:03:31 for data materialization during the JOIN. Even for non-OOM performance issues,
00:03:38 materialization of the vast amount of the data normally takes a long time. Column search
processes the natively supported operators
00:03:53 in a predefined order. As the predefined order,
00:03:57 firstly, table is processed, and JOIN and GROUP BY operators are processed.
00:04:04 After that, ORDER BY operator is handled. Let's have a look at the example.
00:04:13 Here's one column search that consists of two JOINs and there is GROUP BY at the top.
00:04:20 And there is another JOIN, J14, where the table T4 tries to be pushed down into column
search #1.
00:04:31 However, due to the predefined order in column search,
00:04:35 JOIN J14 with the table T4 cannot be pushed down into column search #1.
00:04:42 Therefore, here, GROUP BY is a pushdown blocker. Column search can process natively
supported operators,
00:04:55 such as columnar operators. However, there are some operators that the column search
does not support,
00:05:02 for example, outer cyclic joins or window functions. As an example, let's look at the column
00:05:14 In this query plan, there is JOIN J12 between table, T1 and table T2, and there is another
JOIN between J12 and table T3.
00:05:26 On top of this, there is GROUP BY. Here, let's assume the JOIN J13 contains outer cyclic
00:05:36 then the column search is split like on the right- hand side. Let's look at another example.
00:05:47 Here is one column search that consists of the JOIN 12 with the tables T1 and T2,
00:05:55 and there is another JOIN, J13 with J12, with the table T3, and there is a GROUP BY at the
00:06:04 Here, if J13 contains operators that cannot be processed in column searches in any way,
00:06:12 these are processed by the row engine. Now we'll discover the concept of stacked column
00:06:24 Let's suppose that the two logical plans are available during cost-based query optimization.

00:06:31 Let's assume those are all columnar operators. With this plan, we can imagine the following
column search.
00:06:42 Here, as you can see, two column searches are made on the left-hand side
00:06:49 while one big column search is made on the right-hand side. The reason why two column
searches are made on the left-hand side
00:07:00 is because a JOIN, J13, cannot be placed after GROUP BY,
00:07:06 due to column search's predefined order. Therefore, two column searches are made.
00:07:17 Stacked column search is a column search when the column search is split into multiple
00:07:28 Stacked column searches cause data materialization, while single column searches do not
need to process intermediate results.
00:07:41 For example, records from the GROUP BY within column search #1 are materialized.
00:07:51 If the stacked column search is slow because of the data materialization, then we can
consider making it a single column search using SQL hints.
00:08:03 In this example, we can think about SQL hints like A_THRU_B. And among candidates of
00:08:13 we can come up with the SQL hint, JOIN_THRU_AGGR (aggregation). With the hint
JOIN_THRU_AGGR in this example,
00:08:24 we can make the JOIN positioned before GROUP BY and one single column search is
00:08:33 So we can prevent a plan from becoming a stacked column search. On the other hand,
stacked column search has advantage,
00:08:44 it can benefit from pushdown blockers that reduce the intermediate result. Let's assume this
column search generates too many intermediate results,
00:08:57 and if you want to make it split, then you can also think about SQL hints. You make one
single column search into multiple column searches.
00:09:15 So we can summarize the characteristic of stacked column search and single column
search as follows.

00:09:27 In terms of stacked column search, data materialization can occur,
00:09:32 while we can also have benefits from pushdown blockers that reduce the intermediate
00:09:40 On the other hand, there is the advantage that the data materialization is not required for a
single column search.
00:09:51 However, there can be a large intermediate result generated. That's the end of the topic of
column search.
00:10:03 In the next unit, my colleague Jinyeon Lee will present to you the topic of SQL Trace.
00:10:11 Thank you for your attention. Bye.

Week 2 Unit 2

00:00:05 Hello and welcome. I'm Jinyeon Lee.

00:00:08 There are many useful analysis tools in HANA. Depending on your needs and situation,
00:00:13 you can collect traces using various analysis tools. As collecting traces is the first step to
analyze the performance issue,
00:00:22 it is very important to capture the traces correctly. First of all, as a topic for unit two of week
00:00:30 we will focus on SQL trace. The SQL trace captures every single
00:00:39 SQL statement that enters the database. When you work on a performance issue, the most
time-consuming part is
00:00:47 to understand the performance issue and business scenario. From a database point of view,

00:00:55 the very first scenario that we encounter is a query itself. Therefore, it is important to find
00:01:03 which query comes into the database layer in which order, and which part of it makes the
00:01:11 In this case, we can use SQL trace. There can be two use cases for SQL trace.
00:01:22 Let's say that a user runs a report from an application. This is a very simple job from
application perspective.
00:01:32 However, on the HANA side, many statements may come to HANA through the session
layer and be executed as a process of the application job.
00:01:44 At this point, if there is slow performance for running the application job, SQL trace helps us
to find the problematic statements by capturing all its SQL statements.
00:02:01 If you cannot find the SQL statement in SQL trace, there are two possible reasons.
00:02:08 First, the statement never reaches into the database. Second, the statement never goes
through the session layer
00:02:18 because it was executed internally. In this example, the case is when a procedure runs.
00:02:26 Although a procedure is a collection of multiple SQL statements, the statements inside a
procedure body are executed inside HANA SQLScript engine.
00:02:39 When the statement of a procedure body is executed internally, it is not captured by the
default SQL trace setting.
00:02:49 However, this internal statement can be logged when you enable the "internal statement"
configuration setting.
00:02:57 I will explain it more in later slides. There are two ways to collect the SQL trace.
00:03:09 The first one is through HANA studio, and the other one is using SQL commands.
00:03:17 Firstly, we will look into the case using HANA studio. In order to activate SQL trace using
HANA studio,
00:03:25 go to the "Trace Configuration" tab in "Administration editor" in HANA studio. Then you can
find "SQL Trace" on the top right of the Trace Configuration tab.
00:03:39 To collect the SQL trace, you need to click the pencil icon and enter the appropriate context
00:03:48 First, choose the "Active" button to enable the trace, then you can set the trace level and
trace file name.
00:03:59 It is recommended that you use as many filters as possible, because otherwise the trace will
be very long
00:04:07 and it is hard to find the problematic query. So please make sure to use filters in order to get
efficient traces.
00:04:23 To turn off the SQL trace, you need to click the same pencil icon again.
00:04:28 Then set the trace to inactive. You can find the trace file on the "Diagnosis Files" tab.

00:04:38 In the next slides, I will talk about how to collect the SQL trace using SQL commands. There
are SQL commands to collect the SQL trace.
00:04:50 You can run ALTER SYSTEM commands in the SQL console instead of enabling the trace
in the Trace Configuration tab.
00:04:59 As I mentioned earlier, when the statements are executed internally, all the statements are
not captured with the basic trace option.
00:05:10 In this case, we can use the INTERNAL option to collect the statements executed internally.
And when you set the trace level as all_with_results,
00:05:23 we can see all the results of queries. query_plan_trace option shows us the query plan of
each statement as well.
00:05:37 This is an example of a correctly captured SQL Trace. If you'd like to find the specific SQL
00:05:50 It is important to know the time frame when the statement ran. The narrower it is, the easier
it will be.
00:06:01 If you don't know the thread number or the transaction ID associated with the statement,
schema name and table name are also very helpful to find your query.
00:06:16 The SQL trace can be used in reverse, for example, to find the precise timestamp of the
statement execution.
00:06:28 There can also be cases where you already know the thread number and you want to track
down the execution time or a statement string.
00:06:39 By juggling these key pieces of information, you should be able to find the details you are
looking for.
00:06:50 Now I will show you the SQL trace example with query_plan_trace option on. As you can
00:07:03 when you turn on query_plan_trace option by ALTER SYSTEM statement, You can find
each query's plan like this.
00:07:14 This option is useful when you need to check query plan. Let's say you have an issue that
occurs sporadically.
00:07:24 And when you checked M_SQL_PLAN_CACHE, you found out that preparation count
keeps increasing.
00:07:31 That means, the query may be often compiled. In this case, to check whether the plan is
often compiled,
00:07:40 and if you want to know which plan is good or bad, you can turn on the SQL trace with this
00:07:48 until the issue is reproduced. Also, you can set the SQL trace level as all_with_results
00:07:59 by this ALTER SYSTEM statement at the bottom of the screen. You can see all results of
the queries like this.
00:08:10 This is useful when you need to check the query results. In the case of procedure execution,

00:08:20 seeing the result of internal statements is helpful in understanding dataflow. Let's say you
encounter an issue that the application job generates wrong results.
00:08:33 However, when you run the same query in HANA studio, it generates the correct results.
00:08:40 In this case, we need to check the query results from application to HANA. Because there
can be a case that the client or application layer generates wrong results,
00:08:54 even though HANA processed it correctly. Or we can also compare the result between
application and HANA,
00:09:02 whether HANA processed the result incorrectly. That was about the case of simple SQL
00:09:10 Now, we are going to look at the example of SQL trace for the procedure. Here is the
example procedure called PROC_INNER and PROC_OUTER.
00:09:23 The format of this procedure is, the PROC_OUTER is the main procedure. And within the

00:09:32 there is another procedure called PROC_INNER, and there are two additional statements:
00:09:39 SELECT all FROM table variable TV2 and SELECT all FROM table variable T2.
00:09:46 In order to see the individual query within the procedure, I used the NO_INLINE SQL hint
here within the procedure.
00:09:56 When compiling the procedure, the SQLScript optimizer combines two or more statements

00:10:02 if their combined form is considered to be more efficient. This process is called inlining
00:10:10 and it is usually beneficial for most procedures. I will talk about inlining more in week three.

00:10:23 As you can see, all the statements within procedure PROC_OUTER and PROC_INNER are
00:10:31 And since HANA 2.0 SPS04, we can track the memory consumption using "sqltrace".
00:10:39 In order to track the memory consumption, you need to enable "resource_tracking" first.
00:10:44 After that, you can set details as "basic" and "resource_consumption" under "sqltrace". You
can configure this in the Configuration tab in HANA studio
00:10:57 or by executing ALTER SYSTEM ALTER CONFIGURATION commands. Then, as you can
00:11:04 the execution information including CPU time and memory size is collected in SQL trace.
00:11:13 That was about SQL trace. Thank you for your attention.
00:11:20 In the next unit, my colleague Helen Shin will talk about Explain Plan.
00:11:26 Goodbye.

Week 2 Unit 3

00:00:05 Hello and welcome back to unit three. Today we'll focus on explain plan.
00:00:13 Explain plan shows a compiled plan without executing the statement. It creates physical
data in a table called explain plan table,
00:00:24 and it selects the data for display and then deletes everything straight away because the
information does not need to be kept.
00:00:35 In order to capture explain plan in HANA studio, you can select the statement and right-click
and choose Explain Plan.
00:00:50 Then you can see the compiled plan in tabular form. It contains OPERATOR_NAME,
00:01:07 AND LOCATION INFORMATION. When you look at the OPERATOR_NAME, this is the
hierarchy structure.
00:01:18 We'll look at optimized the plan using OPERATOR_NAME in the next slide. With operator
details, we can see each plan's detailed information.
00:01:35 Operator properties contain enumeration information, recompilation information, and
parameter values.
00:01:45 With EXECUTION_ENGINE column, we can check the executed engines for each operator.

00:01:53 Explain plan also shows the table size and its estimated output size. And if the tables are
partitioned or located in different hosts,
00:02:04 we can get the location information as well. Now we are going to draw a query optimizer
plan using OPERATOR_NAME.
00:02:17 As I mentioned earlier, the OPERATOR_NAME column is a hierarchy structure. Based on
this, we can draw a query optimizer plan.
00:02:29 In order to draw a query optimizer plan, we can find out COLUMN SEARCH first. There are
three column searches in total in this example.
00:02:42 As this is the hierarchy structure, let's have a look at column search C first.
00:02:50 Column search C has aggregation at the top, and below the aggregation, there is a JOIN
between tables T2 and T3.
00:03:00 So we can draw the optimizer plan as this. Next, let's look at the column search B.
00:03:10 Column search B is the upper column search of column search C. Under the column search
B, there is a LIMIT,
00:03:18 and below the LIMIT operator, there is table T1 and its data is ORDER BY.
00:03:25 And as the final column search, column search A embraces column search B and column
search C.
00:03:34 When you look at the column search A, there is a JOIN, and after JOIN, ORDER BY
operator is processed.
00:03:43 Therefore, we can draw the optimizer tree like this. Now we are looking to
00:03:56 OPERATOR_PROPERTIES is another useful column in explain plan. When you look at the
00:04:05 you can see the attached hint list. For example, if you specify SQL hint at the end of the
00:04:15 then you can see the hint name in the OPERATOR_PROPERTIES column. This is available
as of HANA 2.0 SPS03.
00:04:27 Also, you can see the logical enumeration rules that are applied to the operator.
00:04:32 Here, the LIMIT_THRU_JOIN enumerator is applied. Also, you can check whether the query
is precompiled

00:04:41 or recompiled plan. From last week's session,
00:04:47 we have checked the parameterized query's compilation through explain plan. And if the
query is parameterized a query,
00:04:57 then we can also see the parameter values. As I mentioned before,
00:05:07 explain plan is deleted from the explain plan table right after it is created.
00:05:13 To revisit it, you need to recreate the explain plan.
00:05:18 In this context, it is more useful to extract the existing explain plan using the SQL plan
00:05:26 because the caches are always stored for later use unless they are evicted. Therefore, I will
introduce how to find
00:05:36 existing explain plans using SQL plan cache. First, we need to search the target query in
00:05:47 Here we need to know PLAN_ID so you can search the query string as well as PLAN_ID.
00:05:55 After that, you can run the simple SQL commands to see the existing explain plan,
00:06:01 which is "EXPLAIN PLAN FOR SQL PLAN CACHE ENTRY <PLAN_ID>;". Here is an
00:06:13 Firstly, we are going to search PLAN_ID for the target query in M_SQL_PLAN_CACHE.
00:06:25 After that, we know the PLAN_ID is 18450530003.
00:06:34 Using this information, we are searching for explain plan. So we use explain plan for SQL
plan cache entry plan ID.
00:06:44 Now we can find the existing explain plan. Through this session,
00:06:51 you know what is explain plan, how to capture, and how to find an existing explain plan.
00:06:59 That's about explain plan as a tool of performance issue analysis. In the next unit,
00:07:05 we'll discover another useful analysis tool, which is visualized plan.
00:07:12 Thank you for your attention. Looking forward to meeting you there. Bye.

Week 2 Unit 4

00:00:05 Hello and welcome to unit four of week two. We will continue to introduce SAP HANA useful
analysis tools.
00:00:14 And today's topic is Visualized Plan. You might be more familiar with PlanViz.
00:00:25 As PlanViz is a tool to create a visualized plan, it creates a visual map of the operators
00:00:32 and their relationships and hierarchies. In order to capture visualized plan,
00:00:42 you need to select the query first, right-click, and choose Visualize Plan,
00:00:46 then click Execute. The executed plan provides actual information
00:00:54 and not only planned information. On the other hand,
00:01:01 the prepared plan only shows the data that is available before the execution,
00:01:07 such as estimated size. Most of the time, you will find the execution plan more useful.
00:01:17 So here, I will show you the case of executed plan. Then you will see this screen when you
execute the plan visualizer
00:01:26 or open a plan visualizer file. As highlighted here, you can see the compilation time and
execution time.
00:01:38 The execution time indicates the significance of the issue. If the execution time is 2
00:01:47 it is considered not very critical. But if it takes 3,000 seconds to run a single SQL statement,

00:01:56 this can be very critical because users need to wait 50 minutes for the result.
00:02:05 Of course, how critical the issue is depends on the business use case and requirements.
00:02:12 Another factor to consider is the compilation time. Most of performance issue is due to slow
00:02:20 but there is a case that the performance issue is because of the slow compilation.
Therefore, you should also consider the compilation time
00:02:31 as well as execution time. And when you hover your mouse on SQL Query in the Context
00:02:46 you can see the full SQL string. Or you can click the small SQL icon to see the full SQL
00:03:00 And PlanViz shows the dominant operators among the visualized plan. The Dominant
Operators section displays the most expensive top three operators
00:03:11 by sorting its execution time. When you click on any operator name displayed in Dominant
00:03:20 it goes to the corresponding visualized operator in the graph. Here, when you click
00:03:30 it shows the operator in the graph as you can see. Here, BW in column search is execution
engine operator.
00:03:41 But for query issue analysis, understanding data flow at column search level
00:03:47 is more helpful than execution engine operator level. Now, let's move on to the Executed
Plan tab.
00:03:58 Then you can see the graphical view of the plan. From unit one of week two,
00:04:05 we learned about the concept of column search. Column search is a composite operator to
process data.
00:04:17 Therefore, understanding the relationship between column searches is very helpful in
understanding data flow.
00:04:29 Both column search and analytical search indicate the column search, but depending on the
execution engine involved,
00:04:37 the column search name is different. When it says column search on PlanViz,

00:04:45 join engines or calculation engines are involved. When it says analytical search,
00:04:52 OLAP engine is used. These are results of the child column searches sent to parent column
00:05:02 And these are visualized for development purposes, so we don't use these operators for
query performance issue analysis.
00:05:16 Now, let's have a look at each column search. Understanding data flow is very important in
terms of performance issue analysis.
00:05:28 Therefore, we are going to draw each column search to understand data flow.
00:05:36 The left-hand side is PlanViz, and we will draw the column search by simplifying it on the
right-hand side.
00:05:46 So as we draw the column search, we recommend you draw the column search
00:05:51 based on the information in PlanViz. We can recognize three column searches from this
00:06:07 Let's look at the time of each column search. Inclusive time is the time taken to execute the
complete operation
00:06:17 including the time of the children operators and excluding compilation time.
00:06:25 On the other hand, exclusive time is the time taken to execute a single operation.
00:06:35 In most cases, we are checking exclusive time to check time for execution of one single
00:06:47 You can also reach to the most dominant operators by following the highlighted orange line

00:06:53 instead of clicking the dominant operator on the Overview page. Now, we will check out how
we could know the data flow in PlanViz.
00:07:10 When you look at the line from the box of the column search, you can see the figures.
00:07:15 The figure in the brackets is the estimated size by the optimizer and this is used during
query compilation.
00:07:24 And the figure without brackets is the actual data size, which is only available after
00:07:35 Actual execution information is only available in PlanViz. Explain Plan does not provide
actual execution information.
00:07:47 However, the actual size displayed in PlanViz is not always applicable to every case.
00:07:54 This is because actual execution information is only available after the plan has been
executed. Let's say there is a query that caused an out-of-memory event
00:08:08 but you don't have any traces. You know that PlanViz could help the issue analysis
00:08:15 but you cannot create it because the system would result in an out-of-memory situation
00:08:23 So you will not get the actual execution information. Instead, you would get the visualized
plan at the cost of OOM.
00:08:36 And now, let's make it in a simple diagram. There are three column searches.
00:08:43 And when you look at it, the column search #1 returns 20 rows and its estimated size is 20
as well.
00:08:53 And column search #2 generates the intermediate size, 1,000,535 rows, and its estimated
size is 10 million.
00:09:05 Those intermediate results go into the column search #3 and are processed. You can see a
more detailed plan when you look inside the column search.
00:09:19 When you right-click on the column search, you can open inner plan as logical or physical.

00:09:27 The logical plan gives you the big picture and an overview of the plan,
00:09:32 but it does not provide detailed information such as execution engine information.
00:09:41 On the other hand, physical plans contain more detailed information, this is including
information that is provided by the execution engines.

00:09:55 Physical plans are usually more complex than logical plans. Since the logical plan shows
the shape of the query optimizer tree
00:10:05 and contains structural information, we recommend you analyze the logical plan first
00:10:12 before you analyze the physical plan. So this is the logical plan of column search #1.
00:10:24 There is a base table called T1 and its result is ordered by T1.A in ascending order.
00:10:32 After that, limit operation is applied. We can simplify its logical plan like this.
00:10:45 Now, let's have a look at the logical plan of column search #2 and column search #3
00:10:56 As you can see, when we look at the logical plan of column search #2, we can see that
there is an INNER JOIN between table T2 and table T3.
00:11:06 Then there is aggregation of GROUP BY. And when we look at the logical plan of column
search #3,
00:11:18 there is a LEFT OUTER JOIN between column search #1 and column search #2. After that,
ORDER BY is processed.
00:11:32 Then we can check out the logical structure like this. There are three column searches.
00:11:39 And column search #3 is the result of the left outer join between column search #1 and
column search #2.
00:11:48 In column search #1, data is extracted from THE table T1 and it is sorted in ascending
00:11:56 After that, limit operator is applied. In column search #2, there is an INNER JOIN between
table T2 and T3,
00:12:06 and it is GROUP BY. Like this example,
00:12:12 using PlanViz, you can understand the logical structure of the query plan and its data flow.
00:12:19 That's the end of the topic of Visualized Plan. In the next unit, my colleague Jinyeon Lee
00:12:26 will present a hands-on session for literal and parameterized queries about collecting traces.

00:12:33 Thank you for your attention. Goodbye.

Week 2 Unit 5

00:00:05 Hello, and welcome to unit five of week two. I'm Jinyeon Lee and I will present to you the
00:00:11 about trace collection for parameterized query and we will have our hands-on exercise to
collect traces
00:00:17 for a literal query and a parameterized query. Okay, we know the characteristics of
parameterized queries,
00:00:31 which is that the parameterized query is compiled twice, precompilation and recompilation.

00:00:37 Precompilation is done without bind variable. On the other hand, recompilation is done with
bind variable.
00:00:45 Here, regarding parameterized query trace collection, it is important to see the recompiled
plan for performance issue analysis.
00:00:59 When you run explain plan and collect PlanViz without plan cache, you are looking at the
precompiled plan.
00:01:07 And you are never going to get the final execution plan that puts the parameter values into
its analysis.
00:01:18 To get a recompiled plan, you need to execute a parameterized query before collecting the
trace. There is one more thing you should know when you run the parameterized query,
00:01:38 which is to make the parameterized query into a single line. This is because different
carriage returns across the interfaces
00:01:47 is likely to interfere with the usage of plan cache. HANA database server can handle that
same query
00:01:55 from Windows and Linux environments differently due to their different carriage returns.
00:02:02 So, in order to avoid plan cache confusion caused by different carriage returns, please
make sure the parameterized query is executed as a single line.
00:02:14 The easiest way to make one single-line parameterized query is just copy the query into the
navigation bar in any Internet browser.
00:02:30 It is very important to see the recompiled plan when you analyze a performance issue.
Because analyzing a precompiled plan can make a big difference in plan analysis.
00:02:43 On the left, we have a precompiled plan. On the right-hand side, there is a recompiled plan.

00:02:54 For the performance issue analysis for parameterized query, it is correct to investigate the
plan on the right-hand side since it is the recompiled plan.
00:03:05 As you can see, the precompiled plan and recompiled plan have different logical plans in
this example.
00:03:16 Let us suppose that you have a performance issue with a parameterized query. In this case,
if you analyze the query with a precompiled plan, like the left-hand side,
00:03:28 it does not give you any help for the root cause analysis. So the safest way is to execute the
parameterized query once
00:03:39 before collecting the trace for the query. Here, you make sure you use exactly the same
query string including carriage returns
00:03:51 and white spaces for query execution. Another thing to check, the PlanViz itself does not
show you
00:04:01 whether the plan is precompiled or recompiled. So for the recompilation check, you need to
check out explain plan.
00:04:15 Collecting HANA traces in the correct way gives a good start to the investigation. So now
you will do a simple trace collection hands on
00:04:26 for the literal query and parameterized query. Firstly, you will collect explain plan and then,
you will also collect visualized plan.
00:04:39 Here is a hands-on query. You can find more information in the hands-on information page.

00:04:46 Let's have a look at the query. There is LEFT OUTER JOIN between table T1 and the
subquery with the JOIN key T1.A=T4.C.
00:05:01 The subquery has another join between table T2 and table T3. And the result is ordered by
T1.A with 20 limits.
00:05:13 Now, let's collect explain plan for this query. This is the result of explain plan.
00:05:23 Since this is a literal query, you can easily collect explain plan. You can select the query and
right click, then chose Explain Plan.
00:05:35 You will see this explain plan. When you look at the operator name, you can imagine the
query structure.
00:05:48 There are three column searches in total. We can tell the INNER JOIN between table T2
and T3 is processed first.
00:05:59 After that, LEFT OUTER JOIN is processed. Also we could find that the execution engine
was done by OLAP engine at the beginning
00:06:08 and it was processed by column engine at the end. Let's collect the PlanViz.
00:06:18 So here, we can check compilation time is 0.56 milliseconds and execution time is 1.7
00:06:28 We can also find the dominant operator is BwPopJoin1 and number of the table used is 3.
And when we move on to executed plan, we can see this diagram.
00:06:44 There are three column searches like explain plan. And as the final result, we could know
that 20 rows are returned.
00:07:00 Here, parameterized query. As I explained previously, it is important to make a
parameterized query
00:07:07 into a single line to avoid plan cache confusion. Here we use bind variable 20.
00:07:17 Let's collect explain plan for the parameterized query. If you are seeing this recompiled
explain plan, you are looking at the correct one.
00:07:28 From the last slides, we learn that we need to execute the parameterized query before
collecting the trace.
00:07:37 Then the plan will be precompiled, and when we collect the trace, we can see the
recompiled plan for the parameterized query.
00:07:49 When you look at the plan, you find the difference from the literal query. Here, there are only
two column searches created.
00:08:04 Let's check out PlanViz. This is a step to enter bind variable for the parameterized query.
00:08:18 So like literal query, you can check the compilation time and execution time. And also check
out the dominant operator, which is BwPopJoin1.
00:08:34 When you move on to the executed plan tab, then you will see this query structure. Unlike
the literal case, there are two column searches,
00:08:44 and joins are processed within the column search. Now we know how to collect traces such
as explain plan and PlanViz
00:08:56 for parameterized query and literal query. In the next unit, my colleague, Helen Shin, will
continue to explain
00:09:03 column searches in trace. Thank you for your attention.
00:09:07 Goodbye.

Week 2 Unit 6

00:00:05 Hello, and welcome to unit six of week two. I'm Helen Shin and I will present to you column
search in the traces today.
00:00:16 As column search is a HANA-specific physical operator, depending on the trace, it has
different shapes and different names.
00:00:27 You can easily check out column search in explain plan since it is explicitly stated as
column search.
00:00:35 However, when you look at the PlanViz, you may find out different names of the column
search for different execution engines.
00:00:47 In PlanViz, column search is a column search sent to JOIN engine, and analytical search is
a column search sent to OLAP engine.
00:00:59 I will explain more details in later slides. If we simplify the column search from the trace,
00:01:09 it looks like this. It is important to check out the relationship between column searches
00:01:16 to understand data flow The best advantage of explain plan compared to the other traces is
it is fast and easy.
00:01:32 It gives you the execution plan without actually executing the statement. When you execute
explain plan, then it will give you a nicely organized table view
00:01:46 right after cache lookup and compilation. In explain plan, column search appears as if there
is a separate physical operator,
00:02:00 but it is a composite operator that embraces the other operators below. In this example, the
yellow column search at the bottom
00:02:13 is comprised of its absorbed operators, FILTER, JOIN, and the two column tables.
00:02:22 This one set of the column search is going to be transmitted to JOIN engine for the
execution, and a more precise execution strategy will be determined
00:02:33 by the local optimizer inside the JOIN engine. Therefore, what we know from this explain
plan is there are three column searches
00:02:48 and therefore, the data materialization is going to be happening three times. Column search
in PlanViz has two different names,
00:03:06 column search and analytical search. Column search in PlanViz is a column search sent to
JOIN engine,
00:03:14 And analytical search is a column search sent to OLAP engine. JOIN and OLAP engines is
one of the most popular topics to be discussed.
00:03:27 In some cases, the hint USE_OLAP_PLAN seems to cure all performance degradations so
00:03:37 However, there are several things you really need to keep in mind. First, it is not always true
that OLAP is faster than JOIN.
00:03:52 Second, OLAP never works without aggregation. That is, it needs aggregation within
column search.
00:04:01 Third, OLAP cannot handle intermediate results bigger than 2 billion records. Lastly,
supported features, size estimation algorithms,
00:04:14 reduction mechanisms, and JOIN strategies are very different between the two engines.
Lastly, there is no fixed answer to the JOIN or OLAP question, but only comprehensive
00:04:33 For example, OLAP could be worth trying when it comes to star schema and heavy
aggregation. But basically, this heavily depends on the situation.
00:04:48 So, we have discovered column search in the traces. That's it for unit six.
00:04:57 Please join in unit seven, my colleague Jinyeon Lee will explore how to analyze out-of-
memory dumps with you.
00:05:05 Thank you for your attention. Goodbye.

Week 2 Unit 7

00:00:05 Hello and welcome to the last unit of week two. I'm Jinyeon Lee.
00:00:11 In this unit, I will present to you how to analyze out-of-memory dump. Let's start.
00:00:20 When SAP HANA requires additional memory and is not able to allocate new memory or
reclaim memory,
00:00:27 then the transaction is aborted with out-of- memory error and out-of-memory dump is
00:00:40 In this unit, we will find out how to analyze out- of-memory dump. First of all, let's look at the
dump structure.
00:00:50 When you look at the out-of-memory dump, it has the following structure.
00:00:56 Under the BUILD section, there is build information of your HANA instance.
00:01:01 And you can find all the running threads including SQLs and query plans under the
THREAD section.
00:01:10 STACK_SHORT shows call stacks and pending exceptions of all threads. you can check
the process information under the PROCESS_INFO section.
00:01:21 There is the OS_MEMORY section and MEMORY_OOM information as well. By default,
SAP HANA creates only one out-of-memory dump within 24 hours.
00:01:38 And sometimes it can be a disadvantage when several OOMs need to be analyzed that
happened within less than 24 hours.
00:01:48 In this case, you can refer to the M_OUT_OF_MEMORY_EVENTS monitoring view.
00:01:55 It shows a list of the last 20 out-of-memory events. Now, let’s discover what composite out
of memory is.
00:02:08 Composite OOM is linked to the statement memory limit. We can set statement memory
limit to prevent single statements
00:02:19 from consuming too much memory. When reaching the certain statement memory limit,
00:02:25 the composite OOM dump is generated and the statement is aborted.
00:02:35 You can set the statement memory limit using the following configuration. You need to turn
on the enable_tracking and memory_tracking configurations
00:02:45 under the resource_tracking section. After that, you can set the statement memory limit.
00:02:54 Of course, you can also create exceptions to statement memory limits for individual users
by setting a different statement memory limit for each individual.
00:03:06 Let’s have a look how to analyze a composite OOM dump. First of all, you can find the
composite limit value and root allocator
00:03:17 under the memory_limit_violation section. Then you check out how much the composite
limit is,
00:03:33 and the problematic query information. Also you can check out the top limited composite
00:03:51 which displays the allocators consuming the most memory in the current system. From the
top allocator in descending order by exclusive size in use,
00:04:10 you can find the root allocator's connection ID and statement ID. Using this information, you
can find the query.
00:04:23 In this example, we found one suspicious query with the connection ID = 300387. And the
query has thread ID as 233230
00:04:37 and its parent thread is 33511. With the given connection ID, we found the thread and its
parent thread.
00:04:52 Let's find the parent thread. So you can search the thread with the value 33511.
00:05:00 As you can see, the parent thread has the same connection ID, but there is no value for its
parent thread.

00:05:09 That means, this thread is the topmost hierarchy. So now, you find the problematic query for
the composite OOM dump.
00:05:37 Once you find the problematic query that caused OOM, you can also see its explain plan.
00:05:45 To see the query plan in a tabular view, you can just copy and paste it from the OOM dump
to MS Excel.
00:05:58 That's the end of unit seven, which is the last unit of week two. Thank you for your attention.

00:06:07 In the following week, we will explore Methods for Query Performance Analysis. Looking
forward to meeting you there.
00:06:17 Goodbye.


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