Phrasal Verb c1

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o back down – yield in an argument
o break down – lose control of the emotions
o come down to – be in the end a matter of
o get down to – begin to seriously deal with
2. FOR
o bargain for – take into account
o fall for – be deceived by; fall in love with
o settle for – accept something, although it’s not exactly what you want
3. IN
o come in for – receive, esp. criticism
o drop in – pay a visit
o break in – train somebody to do a new job, or an animal to behave in an obedient
4. OFF
o carry off – complete successfully despite a problem
o come off – take place successfully
o break off – stop talking
o bring off – succeed in doing something
o drop off – fall asleep
o get off – avoid punishment, injury or harm
5. ON
o bring sth on – make something happen, usually bad, cause the onset of an illness
o catch on – become popular
o count on – rely on
o get on – make progress
6. OUT
o bear out – confirm the truth, support the truth of something
o carry out – complete a plan
o come out – appear
o fall out with – quarrel with
o get over – be surprised
o get over with – come to an end of something, usually unpleasant
o bring round – influence someone to your point of view
o get round to – find time to do
9. UP
o add up – make sense
o break up – come to an end
o bring up – mention
o call up – mobilize for military service
o come up – occur, happen
o come up against – meet a difficulty
o crop up – happen or appear unexpectedly
o do up – decorate
o draw up – prepare or organize something in writing (esp. a document)
o end up – finish in a certain way
o face up to – have courage to deal with (esp. responsibilities)
o feel up to – feel capable of doing, have the energy to do something
o follow up – take further action connected to something
o get up to – do something, usually bad when about children
o turn up – arrive somewhere unexpectedly
10. Other prepositions:
o ask after/about – enquire about
o bring about – cause to happen
o come about – happen
o do away with – get rid of or destroy something
o fall through – fail to come to completion
o get across – be understood
o get at – imply

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