Research 2

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The ability to manage one’s time well can actually influence their

overall performance and accomplishments. Students today frequently lament

their lack of time to fulfill all of the assignments given to them. Additionally,

students who lack the ability to manage their time effectively may be hindered

by the flexibility and freedom of a university atmosphere. The purpose of this

study is to ascertain the connection between students’ academic success and

their ability to manage their time. The outcome of the factor analysis identified

three key time management components, which can be categorized as time

planning, time attitudes, and time waste. The outcome also showed that

students’ time management behaviors are not significantly different based on

their gender or race. While the students’ faculty and year of study reflect the

Considerable variations in time management techniques. Although the

relationship is tenuous, all time management techniques are significantly

linked to students’ academic success. The most important correlated predictor

is time management. (Shazia Nasrullah, 2015)

According to (Richelle V Adams and Erik Blair Sage, 2019) This article

investigates how the reported time management behaviors of undergraduate

engineering students, assessed through the Time Management Behavior Scale,

are linked to academic performance and anxiety levels. The study utilizes

correlation analysis, regression analysis, and model reduction to identify the

aspects of time management practiced by students, their correlation with

higher grades, and whether specific time management behaviors correspond to

better academic performance. The research reveals that students’ perceived

control of time significantly correlates with cumulative grade point average.

Additionally, the study finds no significant differences in time management

behaviors based on gender, age, entry qualification, or time spent in the


The current study’s objective is to determine the association on time

management benefits to the academic success of Grade 12 Students of

Cotabato City National High School Rojas. It seeks to assess how effective time

management practices influence Grade 12 students academic performance and

determine the relationship between time management and students’ classroom

engagement and participation. By analyzing attendance records, participation

rates, and interaction in educational settings, it aims to understand how

effective time management affects students’ overall academic engagement. An

essential aspect of this study entails exploring the complex relationship

between time management and the prevalent problem of students delaying

tasks, known as procrastination. The research aims to determine if the

development of excellent time management skills can help reduce the

inclination to procrastinate, ultimately fostering disciplined and productive

study habits. This study also aims to explore the complex world of learning

strategies with an emphasis on how time management techniques influence

students’ learning styles. It tries to clarify if effective time management fosters

the use of more efficient and proactive learning methods through a thorough

review of study approaches, revision techniques, and exam preparation tactics.


1. What are effective time management practices among students?

2. What are the benefits of time management?


Benefits- it pertains to the gain knowledge of students own time

management that results into academic achievement

Time Management- It pertains to students strategy how the manage

their time. Time Management for students in academics’ refers to the practice

of carefully planning and utilizing one’s time and resources in an organized

manner during their educational journey.

Academic Achievement- resulting in improve better comprehension of

subjects, and decreased stress related to academic tasks. In essence, it

provides significant advantages to students in their academic pursuits.


Students- This study can benefit students on organizing their time

properly , this can help them handle and improve more of their attendance ,

performance task and other academic tasks , in addition this study can help

improve and limit their routine like how many hours they can take a rest and

how many hours they can study at home.

Teacher- Through this study, the teacher may able to teach the

students on how to manage time. In addition, teachers may encourage their

students not to be late in the class.

Parents- The parents can benefit this study to assist their children

learning after Cotabato City National High School- Rojas on multiple strategies

and intervention using Time Management for their children's academics.

Researcher- The researcher can benefit this study to gather reference

and more information about their own research related to our study.


Research Design

This study will use a descriptive method because it is done in the

present time, the researchers choose a survey for it serves as the best to

answer the questions and the purposes of the study According to (Nworgu

2015, the survey research is on in which a group of people or items is studied

by collecting and analyzing data from only a few people or items considered to

be representative of the entire group In other words, only a part of the

population is studied, and findings from this are expected to be generalized to

the entire population Similarly, McBurney) defines the survey accessing public

opinion or individual characteristics by the use of questionnaire and sampling


Research instrument
A structured survey questionnaire will be developed to gather

quantitative data on time management habits, study routines, and self-

reported academic performance.

The questionnaire will conduct a Likert-scale questions to capture a range of

responses from respondents. These research instruments are carefully

designed to capture a comprehensive understanding of how time management

practices impact the academic performance of senior high school students in

the chosen locale.

Locale of the study

This study will be conducted in Cotabato City on Sousa Street, R.H 2,

this research focuses on Cotabato City National High School Rojas due to its

diverse student body and academic standards, chosen to represent the broader

context of senior high students. The selected institutions, known for varied

student populations, ensure accessibility for surveys, interviews, and

observations, enhancing the feasibility of gathering comprehensive data. The

study seeks to comprehend the relationship between time management

practices and academic performance among senior high students within the

broader educational landscape.

Respondents Of The Study

The primary participants in this research are Grade 12 HUMSS Senior

High School students currently enrolled at Cotabato City National High School

Rojas in Cotabato City, Mindanao, Philippines.

For this study, the target sample size has been set at 100 students, and the

selection process involves randomly choosing 10 students from each classroom

within the senior high school HUMSS track.

By directing attention specifically to this group of respondents, the study aims

to delve into and extract valuable insights concerning the correlation between

time management practices and academic performance among senior high

school students. This focused approach intends to provide an understanding of

the dynamics between how students manage their time and the resultant

impact on their academic achievements.

Statistical Treatment Of Data

The following Statistical procedures were used to interpret the data

gathered from the respondent of the study. The Percentage, Weighted Mean

and T-test are the tools use to interpret data.

1. Percentage

A frequency and percentage distribution is a display of data that

specifies the percentage of observations that exist for each data point

or grouping of data points , The process of creating frequency and

percentage distribution involves identifying the total number of

observations to be presented and counting the total number of

observations within each data point or grouping of data points

This will employ to determine the frequency counts and percentage

distribution of Personal related variables of the respondents.

Formula: % F/N = × 100

% is the percentage
F is the Frequency
N is the total number of respondents
100 is a constant value

2. Average Weighted Mean

This will be use to determine the assessment of the respondents with

regards to their personal profiles.

Formula: X = Fx/N
X is the weighted mean
F is the frequency
X is the weight of each item
N is the number of cases

3. Analysis Of Variance (ANOVA)

This will helpful in making comparison of two or more means which

enables a researcher to draw various results and predictions about two

or more sets of data.

Steps in ANOVA

1. First step is to compute the total sum of the squares.

2. Second step is to compute the squares between columns.

3. The third step is to compute for the sum of squares within the column

4. To complete the ANOVA table, calculate the mean of sum of squares.

4. Pearson-ris

Likert scale

1. Level of Academic Performance

2. Interpretation table for the psychological factors

Notes of Teacher:
Signature of Teacher


Nasrullah and Khan, (2015)... the impact of time management on the students’

Academic achievements, journal of literature, languages and linguistics 11, 66-

71, 2015, Retrieved of https..

Adams and Sage, (2019)… Impact of Time Management Behaviors on

Undergraduate Engineering Students’ Performance Richelle

V. Adams Richelle.Adams@sta.uwi.ed

u and Erik Blair

Emmanuel Helen (Digital Division, University library, University of Abuja,

Nigeria.) (2015)… Article Number – 886D35569627 Vol.14(1), pp. 1-7 , June

Received: 21 October 2019

Accepted: 11 February 2020

Published: 30 June 2022

Copyright © 2024 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article.

This article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution

License 4.0.

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