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 Vocabulary
1. Creeper : a plant that grows very low to the ground or close to a wall
2. Beak: the hard pointed or curved outer part of a bird’s mouth
3. Toucan: a tropical American bird that is black with some areas of very bright feathers, and
that has a very large beak
4. Sloth: an animal that lives in trees and moves very slowly
5. Branch: a part of a tree that grows out from the main stem and on which leaves, flowers
and fruit grow
6. Anaconda: a large South American snake of the boa family, that wraps itself tightly around
other animals to kill them before eating them
7. Pool: a small area of water, especially one that has formed naturally
8. Jaguar: a large animal of the cat family, that has yellow-brown fur with black rings and
9. Anteater: an animal with a long nose and tongue that eats ants

 Structure
“Have to/Has to” is used to express some obligation in the present or future
“Had to” is used to talk about necessity and obligation that existed in the past. Had to is the
past tense form of have to/has to.
Formula : subject + have/has/had to + verb 1
She + has to/had to I + have to/had to
He + has to/had to They + have to/had to
It + has to/had to We + have to/had to
You + have to/had to
a. I have to eat healthy food everyday.
b. We had to be there at 7 o’clock
c. You have to wear a shirt with long sleeves.
d. She has to finish her homework on time.
e. He has to find a good job.
f. I had to wear a shirt and boots.
g. Do we have to bring any food?
=> No, we don’t have to bring any food.
=> Yes, we have to bring some food.

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