Internship Agreement LEA

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Republic of the Philippines


Cabagan, Isabela


Bachelor of Science in Law Enforcement and Administration Program


We agree that the actual work experience in the Host Training Establishment (HTEs) is an integral part of
the curriculum of the Bachelor of Science in Law Enforcement Administration.

Thus, by taking the subject, LEA 415 – Internship (On-the-Job Training 1), I the intern agree to:
1. Report on time to my HTE and leave on time specified by my HTE;
2. Follow strictly my internship Plan;
3. Do other tasks that are related to my internship program;
4. Submit required output on the set deadline;
5. Write a daily journal about my internship experiences;
6. Follow HTE policies and other policies as stated in the course syllabus; and
7. Exhibit the highest manifestation of discipline and ethics in the workplace.

As the Host Training Establishments, I agree to accept the intern; to assist him/her in the implementation
and completion of their internship plan. I further agree to provide professional supervision and be
responsible for his/her safety especially in the field and to evaluate him/her based on the key result areas
that will be specified by the Isabela State University.

Lastly, I, as the Internship Coordinator, agree to take on my work and carry-out all the duties and
responsibilities of an internship coordinator among others which are to;
1. Coordinate with HTEs that will accommodate the interns;
2. Ensure that the interns and the HTEs understand their roles in the internship program;
3. Conduct an orientation meeting with the interns;
4. Deploy the interns in their assigned HTEs;
5. Prepare all the documents needed in the internship program; and
6. Conduct regular monitoring of the interns.

Signed this _______day of 0ctober 2023.

Student’s Name and Signature

_____________________________ JAMES G. TICGUE

Host Training Establishment Supervisor Internship Coordinator, BS LEA

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