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Test Booklet Series

T.B. C.: CSP -21/2

Time Allowed:2Hours

Maximum Marks:200
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EC-2A/22 (Turn over)
Direction (Q. Nos. 1-10) Read the Gi) Philosophical inter
following information carefully and then pretations of the nature
answer the questions given below it.
(ii) Scientific infomation and
Nature writing is non-fiction or fiction facts
prose or poetry about the natural Choose the most appropriate
environment. Nature writing encompasses (A) None ofthese
a wide variety of works, ranging from those (8) Only () and (i)
that place primary emphasis on natural CAlTof these
history facts (such as field guides) to those (D) Only (i) and (il)
in which philosophical interpretation
Based on the passage what is period
predominate. It includes natural history
to which the modern nature writing
essays, poetry, essays of solitude or can be traced to ?
escape, as well as travel and adventure
(A) 1850 till 1999
writing. (B) 1850 till 1899
Nature writing often draws heavily on
C1750 til 1899
scientific information and facts about the
(D) 1750till 1900
natural world; at the same time, it is
frequentlywritten in the first person and 3Which statement summarizes the
incorporates personal observations of and above passage?
philosophical reflections.upon nature. (A) The passage talks about the
life and lessons of Gilbert
Modem nature writing traces its roots
White, a profound naturalist and
to the works of natural history that were
of the 18th
popular in the second half (B) The passage talks about how
the 19th. An
century and throughout the nature writing is missing in
important early figure was the "parson- the modern era and needs to
naturalist" Gilbert White (1720-1793), a be revived.
pioneering English naturalist and (C) The passage talks about from
ornithologist. He is best knówn for his where the writers draw
Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne inspiration for nature writing
and how its importance is
diminishing in the modern era.
Read the passage and choose and
(D)Thepassage talks about what
most appropriate option:
nature writing is, the different
Nature writing emphasizes on: types of nature writing, its style,
()Historical facts about the and about the roots and pioneer
nature of modern nature writing.

EC 2A/22 (2) Contd.

4. Which word aptly describes the word
(CNaturalist and ornithologist
"reflections' as used in the passage 7 (D) None of these

(A) Opinion
Nature writing is often written in the
(B) Reproduction

(C) Images AiFst person and with personal

(D) None of these
(B) omniscient and all pervasive
5 According to the passage, what
(C) None of these
kinds of works are written as part of
8. i c k the name of the Parson-
nature writing? naturalist:
() Natural history essays
(A) Salim Ali
and essays of solitude or GtHbert White

escape (C) GilbertAlbert White

(i) Poetry (D). Geofery White

Gii) Travel and adventure The above comprehension passage
' writing contains -paragraphs.
Choose the correct options (A) 5

(A) Only( (B) 2

(B) Only ) and (i)
(D) 1
(C).Only(i) and (ii)
O ) Atof these 10lature writing is .

(A) Non-fiction

6Gllbert White was a (B) Prose fiction

(A) Scientist (C) Poetry

(B) Natural scientist D)AlHef these

EC 2A/22 (3) (Turn over)

their own agendas in the process. In the
Direction (Q. Nos. 11-15) Read the
following passages carefully and then workplace, happy workers are viewed as

answer the questions given below it. a "win-win". Work becomes more

Economists have spent most of the pleasant, and employees, more

20th century ignoring psychology, positive productive. But this is now being pursued

or otherwise. But today there is a great through the use of perfomance-evaluating

wearable technology, such as Humanyze
deal of emphasis on how happiness can
or Virgin Pulse, both of which monitor
shape global economies, or-on a smaller
physical signs of stress and activity
scale successful business practice.
This is driven, in part, by a trend in
towards the goal of increasing productivity.

"measuring" positive emotions, mostly so Cities such as Dubai, which has

to become the "happiest city in
they can be optimized. Neuroscientists, for pledged
example, claim to be able to locate specific the world," dream up ever-more elaborate
and intrusive ways of collecting data on
emotions, such as happiness or
appointment, in particular areas of the well-being-to the point where there is
now talk of using CCTV cameras to
brain. Wearable technologies, such as
monitor facial expressions in public
offer data-driven advice on how to
reduce stress.
spaces. Newways of detecting emotions
are hitting the market all the time. One
We are no longer just dealing with
company, Beyond Verbal, ains to calculate
philosophical or romantic
"happiness" in a
moods conveyed in a phone conversation,
s e n s e i t has become something that
potentially without the knowledge of at least
can be monitored and measured, including
one of the participants. And Facebook
of social media and
by our behaviour, use
has demonstrated.. that it could influence
indicators such as pulse rate and
bodily our emotions through tweaking our news
facial expressions. feeds opening the door to ever-more
There is nothing automatically targeted manipulation in advertising and
about this trend. But it is disquieting influence.
driving the
the businesses and experts As the science grows more
claim to have
quantification of happiness sophisticated and technologies become
our best interests at heart, often concealing more intimate with our thoughts and

EC 2A/22 (4)
bodies, a clear trend is
emerging. Where (B)was a welcome change from
happiness indicators were once used as the earlier view that depression
a basis to reform society, challenging the could be cured by changing
obsession with money that G. D. P. circumstances..
measurement entrenches, they are
(C) put people in touch with their
increasingly used as a basis to transform own feelings rather than
or discipline individuals.
depending on psychologists.
Happiness becomes a personal the emergence of
(D) reflected
project, that each of us must now work on, neuroscience as the authority
like going to the gym. Since the 1970s, on human emotions.
depression has come to be viewed as a
12. The author's view would be
cognitive or neurological defect in the
undemined by which of the following
individual, and never a consequence of
circumstances. All of this simply èscalates researchfindings?
(A) There is a definitive move
the sense of responsibility each of us feels
towards the adoption of
for our own feelings, and with it, the sernse
wearable technology that taps
of failure when things go badly. A society
into emotions.
that deliberately removed certain souroes
of misery, such as precarious and (B) Aproliferation ofgyms that are

exploitative employment, may well be a collecting data on customer

happier one. But we won't get there by well being.

making this single, often fleeting emotion, (C) Individuals worldwide are

the over-arching goal. utilising technologies to

opinion, the shift in monitor and increase their well-

11. In the author's

thinking in the 1970s: being.

(A) introduced greater stress into (D) Stakeholders globally are

moving away from collecting

people's lives as they were

data on the well-being of

expected to be responsible for
their own happiness

EC 2A/22 (5) (Tum over)

13. According to the author, Dubai (C) incorporate psychological
findings into their research
(A) develops sophisticated
technologies to monitor its

inhabitants' states of mind. (D) work closely with

neuroscientists to understand
(B) incentivises companies that
human behaviour.
prioritise worker welfare.

(C) Collaborates with Facebook to 16. Because Sherry is so .

selectively influence its we can never predict what he will do

inhabitants' moods. at any moment.

(D) is on its way to becoming one (A) old

of the world's happiest cities. (8) immature

14. According to the author, wearable (C) inconstant

technologies and social media are (D) lazy

contributing mostto: 17. Identify the best way of writing a

(A) happiness as a "personal

project" Had he realized how close he were

individuals to be
(B) disciplining tofailing, he would not have goneto
happy. the party.

depression as a thing of the (A) Had he realized how close he

past. was to failing, he would not have

individuals aware of gone to the party.

(D) making
stress in their lives. (6) Ifhe had realized how close he
was to failing, he would not have
we can infer that
15. From the passage
gone to the party.
like economists to:
the author would
(C) Had he had realized how closee
correlate measurements of
(A) he was to failing, he would not
happiness with economic
have gone to the party.
(D) When he realized how close he
the effectiveness of
(B) measure
was to failing., he did not go to
Facebook and Social media
the party.

EC 2A/22 (6) Contd.

18. Identify the correct sentences i) He received the sad

She has a fair chance of
He consoled by his
(ii) was
winning the first prize.
(i) Fair weather is fore- (A) (i), (i) and (ii)
casted for tomorrow. (B) 6). Gi) and (i)
(ii) There's a fair on at the (C) (i), (i) and ()

park this very week. (D) (i), Gi) and ()

(iv) Don't forget to wind down Read the

Direction (Q. Nos. 21-25):
your watch. passage and the questions and choose
the correct choice
(A) ) only
Amrit and Don are writers and
(B) () and (i) only
Athletes. Benny is a writer, Cadamus is a

(C) . i)and (i) only politician, writer and social worker. Amrit
is a writer and social worker. Daya and
(D) None of these
Cadamus are actors and social workers.
19. Youare a member of the sports team and
Benny and Elan are politicians
of your college. One day due to athletes.
misunderstanding, other members 21 ro is a writer, social worker an

stop talking to you. You: politician?

(A) Amrit
(A) ask someone to mediate Don
and start (B) Benny n
(B) wait till they come

talking again
CCadamus (adan
(D) Daya
(C) keep to yourself and let things
22. Who is a writer, social worker and
take their time for improving
(D) go fonward and start talking
the following sentence in (B) Benny
20. Arrange
propersequence: (C) Cadamus

) He began to sob. (D) Daya

EC 2A/22 (7) (Turn over)

23. Who is a writer, social worker and orafter school. In scheduling these classes

politician but not an athlete? the Chairperson of the math department

(A) Amrit must follow the following rules

(B) Benny At least two teachers must hold their

VCCadamus classes before school.

(D) Elan At least three teachers must hold their

Who is a writer, athlete and classes after school.

,24. politician
but not a social worker? His not available afterschooland J

(A) Amrit is available only after school.

I always give extra help during her

lunch period.
(C) Cadamus
Gwill give help before school only if
(D) Daya
Fis also scheduled then.
25. Who are politicians, athletes but
If Lgives extra help during lunch,
neither social workers nor writers?
26. Which of the following must be true?
(A) Amrit
A) Fgives help before school x
(B) Benny
(B) Hgives help before school
NC Elan
(C) Jgives help before school
(D) Daya
(D) Kgives help during lunch
Direction (Q. Nos. 26-30) : Read the
27. Which of the
following information carefully and then following could be a

answer the questions given below it.

complete list of the teachers who give
help before school ?
At Bayside High School, each of the
(A) G
seven math teachers-f,GH. JKand L
-are required to give one extra help class (B) GH
each day. These classes can take place (C) F,GI
either before school, during lunch period (D) F,G,K

EC-2A/22 Lunn Onto.

28. All of the
following could be true (B) Kgives help at lunch
except (C) Onlylgives help atlunch
(A) The same number of teachers
() Kgives help after school
give help before school as after
school. 31. Statements .

(B) The same number of teachers Some ropes are walls (*

give help before school as Some walls are sticks.
during lunch.
All sticks are chairs.
(C) Twice as many teachers give
ll chairs are tables.
help after school as before.
Conclusions:I. Some tables are
(D) Twice as many teachers give
help after school as during walls. II. Some chairs are ropes.

lunch. I. Some sticks are ropes.

29. If F is the (A) None follows

only teacher not yet
scheduled and without violating any
B Only Ifollows
of the given conditions he could be (C) Only ll follows
scheduled in any of the three time
(D) Only l follows
slots, then which of the following must
be true? 32. Rashmi goes towards east from a

(A) Ggives help after school point P and then turns left. She walks

some distance and then turns her

(B) Kgives help before school

(C) Hgives help at lunch right. Which direction is she facing

(D) K gives help after school
(A) North
30. IfGand H are both scheduled to give
help before school, which of the B East
following cannot be true? (C) West
(A) Fgives help before school (D) South

EC 2A/22 (9) (Tum over)

33. How much angular distance will be find out the
35. In the following question

covered by the minute hand ofa alternative which will replace the

correct clock in a period of 2 hours question mark:

20 minutes? House: Door:: Compound: ?

(A) 140 degrees

(B840 degrees e
(B) Foundation

(C) 320 degrees (C) Fence

(D) 520 degrees (D) Wall

34. In the following question, two 36. Two sets of 4 consecutive positive
statements numbered I and II are
integers have exactly one integer in
given common. The sum of the integers in

I. The performance of most of the the set with greater numbers is how

students in final exam of class X in much greater than the sum of the

the schools run by the Government

integers in the other set ?
was excellent. (A) 4

II. Many teachers of the Govemment (B) 7

schools left the school and joined
(C)8 P

private schools. A w

cause and
(A) If statement l is the
37. Six years ago, Anita was P times as
statement l is its effect.
old as Ben was. If Anita is now 17
(B) If statement ll is the cause
years old, how old is Ben in terms of
statement lis itseffect.
If both the statements I and l
(C) (A) 11/P +6
are independent causes.
(B) P/11 +6
the statements and III
(D)both Pl
(C) 17/P :

are effects of independent A m


(D) 17-P/6

(10) Contd.
EC 2A/22
Direction (Q. Nos. 38-40):
Read the should be referred to Vice-Chairman
followingpassages carefully and then of House Allotment Committee who
answer the questions
given below it can give concession per payment
Following are the conditions for upto 15 years in such cases: The last
allotment of flats built by Town Council in date for receipt of application was
the newty developed area of city
Gurgaon. 31st December,1996. Conditions set
The applicant must: out in terms of age or duration of stay
A produce domicile certificate of the are to be fulfilled as on 31st

State. December, 1996. Based on these

B. be employed or self employed in criteria and information provided

Gurgaon for minimum of5 years. below, decide the course of action in

C. be ready to pay the entire amount each case. You are not to assume

in 5 years period. anything extra. If the data provided is

not adequate to decide the given
D. not be owner or co-owner (if
spouse is owner) of a residential course of action, your answer will be

accommodation in the city limit of data inadequate'. The cases are

given to you as on 1st January, 1997.
E. not be less than 35 years of age 38. RC Bhargav is a son of an
as on 31st December, 1996. industrialist and from other state who
In case of applicant who satisfies all has set his factory in 1990 and has a
othercriteria except: domicile certificate ofthe state. He
I. atAabove, be refered to President is ready to pay the entire amount in 4
ofTown Council. years if required. He does not own a
Il. at B above, but it ready to produce house in Gurgaon city limits but his

ration card of last five years should wife owns a flat in Gurgaon. His date

bei referred to Vice-Chairman of of birth is 11thi November, 1960.

House Allotment Committee.
(A) Do not allot a flat
Il.AtC aboe, but is a freedom fighter
(B) Referto the Chaiman
or an ex-serviceman or first relation
(C) Allot flat
i.e., son/daughter/husband/wife of
(D) Data inadequate
freedom fighter/ex-serviceman

EC 2A/22 (11) (Tum over)

39. Mrs. Gouri Read the
Dutta, aged 45 years, is Direction (Q. Nos. 41-45) :

information carefully and then

wife of an ex-serviceman. She has following
answer the questions given below it.
been staying in rented house in
A, B, C, D and E are five different
Gurgaon for last 10 years. She is
integer. When written in the ascending
having certificate of domicile of the order of values, the difference between any
State. She is not two adjacent integers is 4. D is the greatest
and Athe least. B is greater than E but less
anywhere. She is ready to pay the
than C. The sum of the integers is
entire amount in 10
years equal to E.
(A) Do not allot a flat 41. The value ofA is :

(B) Refer to the Chairman

(C) Allot flat D
(D) Data inadequate (D) None of these

40. Ms. Rima 42. The sum of A and B is:

Mohanty is daughter of a

renowned freedom fighter from an A-10

(B) 15
another state. She is domiciled in the
c) 10
state and employed in the Town
(D) None of these
Council of Gurgaon for last 6 years.
43. Thegreatest number has the value
She can pay the entire amount in 5
(A) 9 -3 5 9
years. She has completed 34 years (B) -5
on 10th December, 1994. She does (C) 3

not own a house in Gurgaon:

44. The sum

(A) Donot allot a flat of the integers is
(B) Refer to the Chairman A) 25
(B) -6
(C) Allot flat
(C) 15
(D) Data inadequate D)None of these

EC 2A/22 (12) Contd

-2, 6
45. What is the not the
positive difference 49. A is the father ofB. But B is
between the lowest and highest son ofA. What is B toA?

integers? (A) Son

- Not on
(A) 8 (B) Niece

(B) 6
C16 (D) Sister
(D) Noneofthese after
50. If 9th of April falls two days
Direction (Q. Nos. 46 to 48): Two
tomorow, that is Wednesday, the last
numbers given before: : and the two after
day of the month will be
it, are to have the same relationship/
(A) Wednesday

46. 9:18: 13:?

(B) Thursday

(A) 31
(C) Friday

(B) 169 (D) Saturday

(C) 21 51. How many consonants are there

(D) 181 between the second and the fourth

47. 10:101::20:?
vOwel in the alphabet?
(A) 7
(A) 200
(B) 202

(C) 400
C) 9

D401 (D) 10

48. ADCB: EHGF: : ZWXY:?. 52. 5 12 7 14 9 16

(A) 1UKL (A) 8


CVSTU (C) 18

(D) UXW (D) 20

EC 2A/22 (13) (Turn over)

53. If END stands for FOE, how will you (C) 1/2
express the word START ?
(D) 3/10
57. Ashopkeeper marks all his goods at
40% above the cost price and
thinking that he will still make 20%
profit, offer a discount of 20% on the
54. Philanthropists believe in charity. All
marked price. What is the actual
philanthropists do not believe in
charity. If the above two statements profit percentage on the sales?
are taken as true, then (*) all who (A) 20%

believe in charity are philanthropists (B) 16%

(y) some philanthropists do not
(C) 18%
believein charity:
(D) 12%
(A) Statement (x) is valid
(B) Statement (y) is valid 58. Aperson incued 10% loss by selling
(C) Both (x) and (y) are invalid a suitcase for Rs. 1800.Atwhat price
(D) Both( and () are valid should the suitcase be sold to eamn
10% profit ?
55. Thread is to cloth as wire is to :
A) Rope (A) 2200
(B) Mesh (B) 2200
(C) Seive (C) 2160
(D) Radio (D) 2360
56. Agroup of 10 excellent students in a
59. What is the next number in the
college consists of 6 boys and 4 giris.

A team of 4 students is to be selected 36,34,30,28, 24,.

for a quiz program. The probability A22
that 2 are boys and 2 are girls is: (B) 20

(A) 3/7 (C) 23

(B) 9/20
(D) 26

EC 2A/22
(14) Contd.
60 The present time is (C) 2 times
exactly 16: 30
hrs. what will be the time after 120 (D) 3 times

64. The population of a town increased
(A) 18:30 hrs ina
from 1,75,000 to 2,62,500
1 6 : 3 2 hrs decade. The average percent
(C) 17:50 hrs increase of population per year
(D) None of these (A) 7%

61. Aperson will be 53years old in 2019

what was his age in 1998?

(B) 5%
(C) 9%
(A) 32 years (D) 8.75%

(B) 34 years 65. The equation-7x+1=5-3x will be

satisfied for x = ?
(C) 72 years
(D) 74 years (A) 2
- +*3a
62. How many quarter minutes does the (B)
G - 1
second hand of a clock complete to
travel through from 6:15 p.m. to (D) None of these
6:18 p.m. 7?
66. A family spends Rs. 2,400 on
(A) 4
education, Rs. 2,700 on food,
(B) 8 Rs. 2,400 on house rent, Rs. 1,800
(C) 12 on clothing and Rs. 1,500 on other

(D) 18 miscellaneous items. What will be,the

central angle for food in case of
63. Father is aged 3 times more than
representation of data as a pie
his son. After 8 years he would be 2
times of his son's age. After further
8 years, how many times would (A) 90
father be of son's age ? (8) 60
(A) 2 times (C) 80
(B) 2 times (D) 50

EC 2A/22 (15) (Turn over)

be equal
67. Tha bar diagram represents the healthy in the hospital will
expenditure (in proportionate figures) to
on 5 different sports Weight of new born babies (in kg) Frequency
Less than 1.5 3

1.5-2.0 22
Basketball 2.5-3.0 108
Cricket 3.0-3.5
3 . 54.0
More than4

Football (A) 74%

2 3 4 6
(B) 77% 6bI2190
Expenditure (in proportionate figures)
(C) 64%

(D) 67%
If the total expenditure on all the
69. The pie chart below provides the
sports in.a particular year be
marks scored in an exam bya student
Rs. 2,00,000, the amount spent on in diferent subjects. In which subject
did the student score 105 marks if
hockey is 6
the total marks obtained by the
40000 studentwere 540?
(B) 50000

(C) 60000 hindi

mathematics V

(D) None of these

68. The following table represents the science

SC 65
babies in
weights of 340 new bom

hospital. If the children weighing

(A) English
between 2.5 kg to 3.5 kg are
(B) Mathematics
considered healthy, then the (C) Science
percentage of the children
that are (D) Hindi

EC 2A/22 (16) Contd.

70. Which of the following statements is during the last fortnight, I am inclined to
believe that the stream of civil resisters will
true for any given dataset?
flow unbroken.
(A) Mean< Median < Mode But let there be not a semblance of breach
of peace even after all of us have been
(B) Mean = Median = Mode
arrested. We have resolved to utilize all our
resources in the pursuit of an exclusively
(C) Mean > Median> Mode
non-violent struggle. Let no one commit a
(D) None of these wrong in anger. This is my hope and prayer.
Iwish these words of mine reached every
Direction (Q. Nos. 71-75): Read the nook and comer of the land. My task shall
following passages and answer the be done if I perish and so do my
questions that follow the passage. Your comrades. It will then be for the Working
answers to these questions should be Committe of the Congress to showyou the
based on the passages only way and itwill be up to you to follow its lead.
On the 11th of March, 1930, the crowd So long as I have reached Jalalpur, let
swelled to 10,000 at the evening prayer nothing be done in contravention to the
held on the Sabarmati sands at authority vested in me by the Congress. But
Ahmedabad. At the end, Gandhiji once l am arested, the whole responsibility
delivered a memorable speech on the eve shifts to the Congress. No one who
ofhis historic march believes in non-violence, as a creed, need,
In all probabilitythis will be my last speech therefore, sit stil. My compact with the
to you. Evenif the Government allow meto Congress ends as soon as I am arrested.
march tomorrow morning, this will be my In that case volunteers. Wherever possible,
last speech on the sacred banks of the civil disobedience of salt should be started.
Sabarmati. Possibly these may be the last These laws can be violated in three ways.
words of my life here. It is an offence to manufacture salt

Ihave already told you yesterday what I had wherever there are facilities for doing so.
The possession
to say. Today I shall confine myself to what and sale of contraband
you should do after my companions
and salt,whichincludes natural saltorsaltearth,
arrested. The programme of the march
is also an offence. The purchasers of such
salt will be equally guilty. To cary away the
to Jalalpur must be fulfilled as originally
natural salt deposits on the seashore is
settled. The enlistment of the volunteers for
confined to Gujarat likewise violation of law. So is the hawking
this purpose should be
heard of such sat. In short, you may choose any
only. From what I have been and

EC 2A/22 (17) (Turn over )

one or all of these devices to break the salt
servants can resign their posts. In the midst
monopoly. of the despair reigning all round people
We are, however, not to be content with this quake with fear of losing employment.
alone. There is no ban by the Such men are unfit for Swaraj. But why this
and wherever the local workers have self- despair ?
confidence other suitable measures may The number of Government servants in the
be adopted. I stress only one
condition, cOuntry does not exceed a few hundred
namely, let our pledge of truth and non- thousands. What about the rest ? Where
violence as the only means for the are they to go ? Even free India will not be
attainment of Swaraj be faithfully kept. For able to accommodate a greater number
the rest, everyone has a free hand. of public servants.A Collector then will not
But, than
does not give a licence to all and need the number of servants, he has got
carry on their own responsibility. Wherever today. He will be his own servant. Our
there are local leaders, their orders should starving millions can be no means afford
be obeyed by the people. Where the are this enomous expenditure. If, therefore, we

no leaders and only a handful of men have are sensible enough, let us bid good-bye

faith in the programme, they may do what to Government employment, no matter if it

the post of a judge or a peon. Let all who
they can, if they have enough self-
are co-operating with the Government in
confidence. They have a right, nay it is their
one way or another, be it by paying taxes,
duty, to do so. The history of the is ful of
keeping titles, or sending children to official
instances of men who rose to leadership,
schools, etc. withdraw their co-operation
by sheer force of self-confidence, bravery
in all or as many watts as possible. Then
and tenacity. We too, if we sincerely aspire
there are women who can stand shoulder
to Swaraj and are impatient to attain it, to shoulder with men in this struggle.
should have similar self-confidence. Our You may take it as my will. It was the
ranks will swell and our hearts strengthen,
message that I desired to impart to you
as the number of our arrests by the before starting the match
on or for the jail.
Government increases. I wish that there should be no suspension
Much can be done in many other ways or abandonment of the war that
besides these. The Liquor and foreign commences tomorrow morning or earlier
cloth shops can be picketed. We can if I am arrested before that time. I shall

refuse to pay taxes if we have the requisite eagerly await the news that ten batches
are ready as soon as my batch is arested.
strength. The lawyers can give up practice.
I believe there
The public can boycott the law courts by
are men in India to complete
Government the work our begun by me. I have faith in
refraining from litigation.
EC 2A/22 (18) Contd.
the righteousness of our cause and the are
73 ho, according to the passage,
purity of our weapons. And where the
unfit for 'Swaraj?
means are clean, there God is undoubtedly
(A) People who are involved in Civil
present with His blessings. And where
these three combine, there defeat is an Disobedience

impossibility. ASatyagrahi, whether free or (B) People who are employed in

incarcerated, is ever victorious. He is Government services
vanquished only, when he forsakes truth fearful of losing
and non-violence and turns a deaf ear to
Government services
the inner voice. If, therefore, there is such
(D) The leaders of the movement
athing as defeatfor evena Satyagrahi, he
alone is the cause of it. God bless you all
and keep off all obstacles from the path in
74 Who is "Satyagrahi" ?

pledged to
the struggle that begins tomorrow. (A People who are

truth and non-violence for life.

71What according to the given
(B) People who are pledged to
passage, is the most appropriate
Govenment services for life.
definition of "Civil Disobedience"? (C) People seeking liberation

through violence and militari

(A) Adherence to civil laws
(B) Violation of criminal laws
(D) None of these
Peaceful violation of civil laws
75 What does the passage stand for?
(D) Forceful violation of (A) For setting the rights of the
Government orders Congress
(B)Fornon-violentcivic movement
does "contraband salt"' mean ?
72 What, against the colonial govern-
(A) Salt produced in lndia ment

(B) Salt produced in England (C) For violent liberation through

(C) Salt il-legally exported from militarization

India (D) For securing the rights of

None of these Government employees

EC 2A/22 (19) (Tum over)
Direction (Q. Nos. 76-80)
Read the spiritual summit of humanity then I cannot
following passages and answer the but think that it is the special mission of
questions that follow the passage. Your America to fulfil this hope of God and man.
answers to these
questions should be You are the country of expectation, desiring
based on the passages only.
something else than what is. Europe has
During the evolution of the Nation the moral her subtle habits of mind and her
culture of brotherhood was limited conventions. But America, as yet, has
geographical boundaries, because at that come to no conclusions. I realize how much
time those boundaries were true. Now America is untrammelled by the traditions
have become imaginary lines of of the past, and I can appreciate that
divested of the qualities of real obstacles. experimentalism is a sign of America's
So the time has come when man's youth. The foundation of her glory is in the
nature must deal with this great fact with future, rather than in the past; and if one is
all seriousness or perish. The first impulse gifted with the power of clairvoyance, one
of thischange of circumstance has been will be able to love the America that is to
the churning up of man's baser passions be.
of greed and cruel hatred. If this persists America is destined to justify Western
indefinitely, and armaments go on civilization to the East. Europe has lost
exaggerating themselves to unimaginable faith in humanity, and has become
absurdities, and machines and store- distrustful and sickly. America, on the other
houses envelop this fair earth with their dirt hand, is not pessimistic or blase. You know,
and smoke and ugliness, then it willend in as a people, that there is such a thing as a
a conflagration of suicide. Therefore man better and a best; and that knowledge
will have to exert all his power of love and drives you on. There are habits that are not
clarity of vision to make another great merely passive but aggressively arrogant.
moral adjustment which will comprehend They are not like mere walls, but are like

the whole world of men and not merely the hedges of stinging nettles. Europe has
fractional groups of nationality. The call has been cutivating these hedges of habits for
come to every individual in the present age long years, til they have grown round her

to prepare himself and his suroundings for dense and strong and high. The pride of
era, when shall her traditions has sent its roots
this dawn of a new man deep into
discover his soul in the spiritual unity of all. her heart. I do not wish to contend that itis

human beings. unreasonable. But pride in every form

breeds blindness at the end. Like all
It is given at all to the West to struggle out
artificial stimulants its first effect is a
of these tangles of the lower slopes to the
EC-2A/22 (20) Contd
heightening of consciousness, and then according to the passage,
76 What,
with the increasing dose it muddles it and culture of
influenced the moral
brings an exultation that is misleading.
brotherhood the most, during the birth
Europe has gradually grown hardened in
her pride in all her outer and inner habits. evolution of the
and subsequent
She not only cannot forget that she is
Nation ?
Western, but she takes every opportunity
A S e o g r a p h i c a l Boundaries
to hurl this fact against others to humiliate

them. This is why she is growing incapable

(B) Religion
of imparting to the East what is best in
herself, and of accepting in a right spirit (C) Language

the wisdom that the East has stored for (D) Private Property
of this
In America national habits and traditions 77. What, according to the author
have not had time to spread their clutching save man from
passage, can
roots round your hearts. You have constantly
submitting to his baser passions?
felt and complained of your disadvantages
when you compared your (A) Lust for power
restlessness with the settled traditions of
which can show her (B) Quest for wealth
Europe t h e Europe
the best advantage
picture of greatness to (C) Power of love
fix it against the
because she c a n
But in this present (D) Power of Nation
background of the Past.
when a new era of
age of transition, 78. Which according to the passage is
to all
civilization is sending its trumpet-cal
across an unlimited the country of expectation ?
peoples of the world
detachment will
future, this very freedom of (A) The West
enable you to accept its
invitation and to

achieve the goal for which Europe began (B) India

For she
herjoumey but lost herself midway. (C) America
was tempted out of her path by her pride

of power and greed of posséssion. (D) None of these

(21) (Tun over )

EC 2A/22
79. Why, according to the author, is passage, is
80. What, according to the
Europe incapable of giving any hope
to the world? the most primary quality

(A) Because Europe remains youth ?

(A) Pride and power
(B) Because Europe remains
arrogant (B) Expansionism
(C) Because Europe remains
(C) Experimentalism
(D) Because Europe remains
(D) Imperialism
mostly spiritual


EC 2A/22 (22)

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