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EN8LT-IIIf-2.2.3: Determine tone, mood, technique, and purpose of the author.

Makato and the Cowrie Shell (A Thai Folktale)

by Supanee Khanchanathiti
Pre structural
1. Have you heard of the story 'Makato and the Cowrie Shell' before?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Not Sure
D. I don't remember

Expected Response: The expected response is the learners selecting one of the options (A, B, C, D, or E)
based on their awareness of the story before engaging with it. This question aims to gauge the participant's
prior knowledge or familiarity with the narrative at a basic level.
This question aims to gauge the participant's prior knowledge or awareness of the story before engaging with
it, aligning with the pre-structural level of understanding.

2. What is the name of the main character in the story 'Makato and the Cowrie Shell'?"
A. Kiko
B. Hanah
C. Makato
D. Sora
- The correct answer is B. Makoto.
In this question, participants are required to identify the main character's name from a list of options, testing
their basic understanding of the story.

3. List three significant events that occur in the story 'Makoto and the Cowrie Shell' and briefly explain the
impact of each event on the protagonist's journey.
A. Makato finds the cowrie shell, encounters a mysterious stranger, and discovers a hidden treasure, each
shaping his character and decisions.
B. Makato faces a series of challenges, meets a talking animal, and uncovers a magical portal, with each event
influencing his perspective and choices.
C. Makato overcomes personal fears, encounters a wise elder, and learns a valuable life lesson, contributing to
his growth and development.
D. Makato explores a forbidden forest, encounters supernatural beings, and receives guidance from a mythical
creature, impacting his understanding of the world.

Expected Response: The correct answer is A. Makoto finds the cowrie shell, encounters a mysterious stranger,
and discovers a hidden treasure, each shaping his character and decisions.

4. Explain how the character Makoto's actions contribute to the overall theme of 'Makato and the Cowrie Shell.
A. Makato’s actions highlight the importance of friendship.
B. Makato’s actions emphasize the significance of family bonds.
C. Makato's actions showcase the theme of perseverance.
D. Makato's actions underscore the value of honesty.

Expected Response: The correct answer is C. Makoto's actions showcase the theme of perseverance.
In this question, students are required to explain the relationship between Makoto's actions and the overall
theme of the story, testing their ability to analyze and understand the narrative at a relational level.

Extended Abstract

5. Examine how the symbolic significance of the cowrie shell in 'Makoto and the Cowrie Shell' reflects cultural
themes and influences the protagonist's development. Choose the option that best captures the nuanced
relationship between the cowrie shell, cultural symbolism, and Makoto's character journey.
A. The cowrie shell represents cultural heritage and traditions, serving as a guide for Makoto's moral choices
and personal growth.
B. The cowrie shell acts as a mere plot device, with no deeper cultural significance, influencing Makoto's
decisions randomly.
C. The cowrie shell symbolizes financial prosperity, shaping Makoto's ambitions and desire for wealth
throughout the story.
D. The cowrie shell serves as a superficial element, adding aesthetic value to the narrative but not contributing
to cultural themes or character development.

Expected Response: The correct answer is A. The cowrie shell represents cultural heritage and traditions,
serving as a guide for Makoto's moral choices and personal growth.

In this question, participants are required to provide a detailed examination of the symbolic significance of the
cowrie shell, considering cultural themes and its influence on the protagonist's development. The correct
answer reflects a nuanced understanding of the relationship between the cowrie shell, cultural symbolism, and
Makoto's character journey.

EN8RC-IIIa-12.1: Recognize propaganda techniques used in a given text

Content: "Have you ever heard about propaganda techniques before encountering this text?"

A. Yes

B. No

C. Not Yet

D. I don’t remember

Expected Response: The expected response is either A. Yes or B. No. This question gauges the individual's
prior knowledge or awareness of propaganda techniques before engaging with the specific text.


“In a recent political campaign advertisement, the candidate emphasized the overwhelming
support they have gained from various communities and demographics. Additionally, the ad
featured a satirical portrayal of their opponent's policies.”

2. What is the main purpose of propaganda techniques in the given text?

A. To provide factual information.

B. To entertain the audience.

C. To persuade and influence opinions.

D. To introduce humor and satire.

Expected Response: The correct answer is C. To persuade and influence opinions.

This question focuses on understanding the primary purpose of propaganda techniques in the given text, and
the correct answer emphasizes the role of these techniques in influencing the audience's opinions.


“In a recent political campaign advertisement, the candidate emphasized the overwhelming
support they have gained from various communities and demographics. Additionally, the ad
featured a satirical portrayal of their opponent's policies.”

4. Identify and explain two different propaganda techniques used in the given text. Choose the option that
best represents the techniques you have identified."

A. Testimonial and Hyperbole

B. Allegory and Alliteration

C. Metaphor and Anecdote

D. Bandwagon and Satire

Expected Response: The correct answer is D. Bandwagon and Satire.

“In a recent political campaign advertisement, the candidate emphasized the overwhelming
support they have gained from various communities and demographics. Additionally, the ad
featured a satirical portrayal of their opponent's policies."

4. How do the propaganda techniques used in the given text influence the reader's perception? Select the
option that best describes the impact of these techniques.

A. They enhance the credibility of the information.

B. They create emotional appeal and manipulate opinions.
C. They introduce humor to engage the audience.
D. They provide factual evidence to support claims.

Expected Response: The correct answer is B. They create emotional appeal and manipulate opinions.

This question requires the reader to consider the broader impact of propaganda techniques on the reader's
perception, emphasizing the relationship between the techniques and their influence on opinions.

In this question, the reader is required to identify and choose the correct propaganda technique from the
provided options. The other options serve as distractors to test the reader's understanding of propaganda

Extended abstract

“In a recent media campaign, a controversial issue was presented using persuasive language and emotional
appeals. The content seemed to subtly reinforce existing societal divisions and sway public opinion towards a
particular perspective. “In a recent political campaign advertisement, the candidate emphasized the
overwhelming support they have gained from various communities and demographics. Additionally, the ad
featured a satirical portrayal of their opponent's policies.”

5. Evaluate the ethical implications of the propaganda techniques employed in the given text. Choose the
option that best reflects the potential consequences of these techniques on society and individuals."

A. They contribute to unbiased information dissemination.

B. They promote critical thinking and media literacy.

C. They may manipulate public opinion and compromise informed decision-making.

D. They foster open dialogue and diverse perspectives.

Expected Response: The correct answer is C. They may manipulate public opinion and compromise informed

This question encourages the reader to analyze the broader ethical implications of propaganda techniques,
emphasizing the potential impact on society and individuals.
EN8LT-IIIc-2.2.1 Express appreciation for sensory images used.


"As the first rays of the morning sun gently caressed the dew-kissed petals, a symphony of colors unfolded in
the meadow. The air was filled with the sweet fragrance of blooming wildflowers, and the soft rustle of leaves
whispered secrets only nature could comprehend. The distant melody of a babbling brook added to the
harmony, painting a scene that not only pleased the eyes but also embraced the soul.”

1. How does the use of sensory images contribute to the overall appreciation of the text?

A) It diminishes the impact of the text.

B) It has no effect on the reader's experience.

C) It confuses the readers with unnecessary details.

D) It makes the text less engaging and boring.

E) It enriches the reader's experience by creating a vivid and immersive atmosphere.

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