Narrative Report in Brigada Eskwela 2019

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Brigada Eskwela or National Schools Maintenance Week is a nationwide initiative by the Department of Education (DepEd) that
Mobilizes thousands of parents, alumni, civic groups, local businesses, non- government organizations, teachers, students, an individuals who
Volunteer their time and skills to do repairs, maintenance work, and clean – up of public elementary and secondary schools.
At day 1 or the opening day of Brigada Eskwela, I was one of the officer of the day. In charge in the attendance of the volunteers
and visitors and in charge also for snacks do the cooking of arozcaldo. At day 2 May 21, I assisted and joined the volunteers in cleaning and
pulling of grasses at the back of kinder room. At day 3 May 22, I assisted parents and volunteers in cleaning at the front of Kinder room. At day
4 May 23, I do the laundry of the curtains and rags. At day 5 May 24, I re painted my classroom and in the day 6 May 25, I do the general
cleaning of my classroom.

Prepared by:
Teacher I

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