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The Differences Between Taiwan’s Government Health Insurance

and Indonesia’s Government Health Insurance in General

芠慧芳110400020 諮人一

Health insurance is needed in every country. Not only as financial protection to

individuals during sudden or urgent health problems but also to enhance and ensure the
quality of clinics and hospitals. The health insurance system in every country is different as
the living system and the facilities' qualities are different.
In Taiwan, anyone who has an ARC can apply for government health insurance,
including foreign students and fixed employees. The registration can be done in the local
national health administration bureau. The documents needed during prepaid medical
expenses are NHI prepaid medical expense refund application form, original copies of
medical expense receipts and an itemized statement of expenses, a signature and a copy of
proof of identity of the authorized agent (if the application is led by a legal representative or
agent), and the diagnosis certificate or documentary proof. Taiwan’s government health
insurance includes both physical and mental health matters. The insurance is provided in the
form of cash or medical treatment (with allowance). All the costs are funded by the
Meanwhile, Indonesia’s government health insurance is still developing. It might not
cover the whole population as Indonesia is overpopulated. So, many people will choose
private health insurance even though they need to pay more. Indonesia’s health insurance is
called as BPJS Kesehatan or Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial Kesehatan. There are 3
classes with a different monthly fee which also offer different facilities. The first-class costs
150.000 IDR per month, the second class costs 100.000 IDR per month, and the third class
costs 42.000 IDR per month. The differences between each class are only the monthly fee
and the room size for an inpatient. There is an app to apply for health and other insurances,
and people only need to submit their citizenship ID number and pay the monthly fee.
Applying to this insurance is a must for all Indonesians and any foreigners who have been
living in Indonesia for 6 months or more.
In conclusion, there are no big differences between Taiwan’s and Indonesia’s
government health insurance systems. It’s only the fee and the facilities’ quality which make
it different.
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