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FINAL RESEARCH PROPOSAL DLUP-P299: Research Methods in Planning


JOEL D. PLAZA | Student



The research proposal aims to investigate the significant
relationship between economic sustainability and tourism
development in San Teodoro, Oriental Mindoro. The primary
research question to be addressed is: What is the significant
relationship between economic sustainability and tourism
development in San Teodoro, Oriental Mindoro? Understanding this
relationship is crucial for the development of policies and strategies
that promote sustainable tourism in the region, ensuring the
protection of the environment, cultural heritage, and economic well-
being of the local communities (Buckley, Zhong, Ma, Chen, & Chen,

Tourism is an essential sector for the economic development of

many countries, including the Philippines. The tourism industry
provides employment opportunities, generates revenue, and
contributes to the overall economic growth of a region (Kreag,
2001). However, unplanned and unregulated tourism development
can lead to various negative consequences, such as environmental
degradation, loss of cultural heritage, and strain on local resources
(Mowforth & Munt, 2016).

San Teodoro, Oriental Mindoro, is a one of the municipalities in the

Philippines that has experienced rapid tourism growth in recent
years. The area offers a diverse range of natural and cultural
attractions, which have attracted both domestic and international
tourists (Magsino, 2020). However, there have been concerns
regarding the sustainability of the region's tourism development,
Lumangbayan, San Teodoro, Oriental Mindoro particularly in terms of its economic impact on local communities.

Economic sustainability refers to the ability of a community or region to maintain and improve its economic well-being over time
(Goodwin, 1996). In the context of tourism, economic sustainability involves ensuring that the benefits of tourism are equitably
distributed among local communities, that the tourism sector is resilient to external shocks, and that the development of the industry
does not undermine the natural and cultural resources on which it depends (Bramwell & Lane, 2013).

In order to explore the significant relationship between economic sustainability and tourism development in San Teodoro, Oriental
Mindoro, this research proposal will employ a mixed-methods approach, combining both quantitative and qualitative data collection
and analysis techniques. The study will use a combination of primary and secondary data sources, including surveys, interviews,
focus groups, and relevant literature, to provide a comprehensive understanding of the relationship between economic sustainability
and tourism development in the region (Creswell, 2013).

Understanding the relationship between economic sustainability and tourism development is essential for the formulation of policies
and strategies that promote sustainable tourism in San Teodoro, Oriental Mindoro. By identifying the key factors that contribute to or
detract from economic sustainability in the context of tourism, this research will provide valuable insights for local policymakers,
tourism stakeholders, and community members to develop and implement sustainable tourism initiatives that protect the environment,
preserve cultural heritage, and promote the economic well-being of local communities (Koens, Postma, & Papp, 2018).

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Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro


Existing literature demonstrates a strong link between economic sustainability and tourism development in developing countries, such
as Kenya and the Philippines (Obiero et al., 2019; Guerrero, 2018). These studies provide evidence that sustainable tourism can
contribute to economic growth, job creation, and the development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in these regions.
Additionally, sustainable tourism practices can help reduce poverty, increase income opportunities, and foster economic
empowerment for local communities (Tosun, 2001; Scheyvens, 2007).

Furthermore, research on sustainable tourism in the Philippines highlights the importance of eco-friendly tourism practices, tourism
resilience, and collaboration among stakeholders for successful and sustainable tourism development (Barajas & Dizon, 2018; Sigala,
2016). These studies emphasize the need for a multi-stakeholder approach that includes the government, the private sector, non-
governmental organizations, and local communities in the planning and management of sustainable tourism initiatives (Bramwell &
Lane, 2011). Moreover, studies conducted in the Philippines also underline the significance of preserving and promoting local culture
and traditions, as well as protecting natural resources to ensure the long-term viability of the tourism industry (Alegre & Garau, 2010;
Nepomuceno & Solis, 2016).

However, despite the availability of general research on sustainable tourism and its economic implications in the Philippines, there is
limited research focusing specifically on the case of San Teodoro, Oriental Mindoro. This research gap necessitates further
investigation to explore the unique characteristics and challenges faced by this region in achieving economic sustainability through
tourism development. Moreover, understanding the local context of San Teodoro, Oriental Mindoro, can provide valuable insights
that can be applied to other similar destinations that strive for sustainable tourism development.

As such, the present study aims to address this research gap by exploring the relationship between economic sustainability and
tourism development in San Teodoro, Oriental Mindoro, and identifying the key factors that contribute to or detract from economic
sustainability in the region. By doing so, this research will contribute to the existing body of knowledge on sustainable tourism and
provide valuable information to local policymakers, tourism stakeholders, and community members to develop and implement
sustainable tourism initiatives that protect the environment, preserve cultural heritage, and promote the economic well-being of local

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The primary objective of this research is to examine the impact of sustainable tourism development practices, a collaborative
approach, and tourism resilience on the economic sustainability of San Teodoro, Oriental Mindoro. To achieve this objective, the
study will be guided by the following specific research aims:

a. To assess the current state of sustainable tourism development practices in San Teodoro, Oriental Mindoro, and their impact
on the economic well-being of local communities.

b. To analyze the role of a collaborative approach among various stakeholders, such as government agencies, private sector
entities, non-governmental organizations, and local communities, in fostering sustainable tourism development and
promoting economic sustainability in the region.

c. To investigate the factors that contribute to tourism resilience in San Teodoro, Oriental Mindoro, and their implications for
the region's economic sustainability.

By investigating these factors, this study aims to provide a deeper understanding of the relationship between economic sustainability
and tourism development in San Teodoro. Additionally, it seeks to offer evidence-based recommendations for local authorities, private
stakeholders, and community members to enhance sustainable tourism development and economic sustainability in the region.
These recommendations will be grounded in the unique context of San Teodoro, Oriental Mindoro, and will be tailored to address the
specific challenges and opportunities faced by the region.

Ultimately, this research seeks to contribute to the existing literature on the relationship between economic sustainability and tourism
development in developing countries, with a specific focus on the case of San Teodoro, Oriental Mindoro. By bridging the research
gap in the context of San Teodoro, this study will not only provide valuable insights for the region's stakeholders but will also enhance
the broader understanding of the dynamics between economic sustainability and tourism development, potentially informing policy
and practice in other developing regions with similar tourism potential and challenges.


Calsapa, San Teodoro, Oriental Mindoro



San Teodoro is a municipality located in the province of Oriental Mindoro, Philippines. It is situated on the eastern coast of the island,
approximately 135 kilometers south of the capital city of Manila. The municipality is composed of eight barangays (villages), each
with its own unique characteristics and resources that contribute to the area's tourism potential.

Known for its rich biodiversity, scenic landscapes, and potential for eco-tourism, the area presents a unique opportunity to study the
relationship between economic sustainability and tourism development. San Teodoro boasts pristine beaches, lush forests, and
diverse marine ecosystems, attracting tourists who are interested in nature-based activities such as snorkeling, diving, hiking, and
bird-watching. Additionally, the region is home to several cultural and historical attractions, including indigenous communities,
traditional festivals, and historical landmarks, providing opportunities for cultural tourism.

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The region is predominantly rural, with agriculture and fishing
being the primary sources of livelihood for the local population.
The socio-economic profile of San Teodoro indicates a need for
diversification and growth, which could be achieved through
sustainable tourism development. The tourism sector has the
potential to create employment opportunities, generate income,
and stimulate economic growth in the region, benefiting the local
communities and improving their quality of life (Mitchell & Ashley,

The selection of San Teodoro as the study site provides an

opportunity to explore the unique characteristics and challenges
faced by this region in achieving economic sustainability through
tourism development. By focusing on San Teodoro, Oriental
Mindoro, this research aims to generate valuable insights that
can inform policy and practice not only for the local stakeholders
but also for other developing regions with similar tourism
potential and socio-economic contexts.


To investigate the significant relationship between economic
sustainability and tourism development in San Teodoro, a mixed-
methods approach will be employed, combining both quantitative
and qualitative data collection and analysis. This approach will
provide a comprehensive understanding of the research problem
and offer a more nuanced perspective on the issue.

Quantitative Method:
o A longitudinal analysis using secondary data, such as
tourism statistics, economic indicators, and government
reports, will be conducted. This analysis will examine
key metrics, including the number of tourist arrivals, job
creation, income generation, growth of SMEs, and
foreign currency inflow over time. The aim is to identify
trends and relationships between sustainable tourism
development practices, collaborative approach, tourism
resilience, and economic sustainability indicators.
Descriptive and inferential statistical analyses will be
performed to uncover patterns and associations
between these variables.

Qualitative Method:
o Case study research will be performed, focusing on
specific tourism initiatives, projects, or businesses in
San Teodoro. Multiple case studies will be selected to
ensure the representation of various aspects of
sustainable tourism development, such as eco-tourism,
community-based tourism, and cultural tourism
initiatives. Data collection will involve semi-structured
interviews and focus groups with stakeholders, such as
local community members, government officials, and
private sector representatives, to gain insights into their
perspectives on sustainable tourism development,
collaboration, and resilience efforts. Interview and focus
group questions will be designed to explore
stakeholders' experiences, opinions, and perceptions
regarding the factors that contribute to or detract from
economic sustainability in the context of tourism
development. Ilag/ Poblacion, San Teodoro, Oriental Mindoro

The qualitative data will be analyzed using thematic analysis, which involves identifying, analyzing, and reporting patterns or themes
within the data (Braun & Clarke, 2006). This qualitative data will provide a deeper understanding of the factors influencing the
relationship between economic sustainability and tourism development in the region.

The integration of both quantitative and qualitative methods in this study will allow for triangulation of findings, enhancing the validity
and reliability of the research outcomes. The mixed-methods approach will enable the researchers to address the research question
comprehensively, offering a holistic perspective on the relationship between economic sustainability and tourism development in San
Teodoro, Oriental Mindoro.

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Bigaan, San Teodoro, Oriental Mindoro


The collected data will be analyzed using various methods to answer the research question:

a. Quantitative Analysis:
• Descriptive statistics, such as mean, median, and standard deviation, will be used to summarize and describe the
key features of the quantitative data. This analysis will help in understanding the general trends and patterns in the
• Regression analysis will be employed to identify relationships between the sustainable tourism development
practices, collaborative approach, tourism resilience, and economic sustainability indicators. This analysis will help
establish the extent to which these factors influence the economic sustainability of San Teodoro. The results of the
regression analysis will provide insights into the direction and strength of the relationships between the variables.

b. Qualitative Analysis:
• Thematic analysis will be employed to identify recurring themes, patterns, and insights in the qualitative data
collected from interviews and focus groups (Braun & Clarke, 2006). This analysis involves a rigorous process of
coding and categorizing the qualitative data to identify common themes and patterns that emerge from the
stakeholder perspectives.
• The findings from the thematic analysis will be used to contextualize the quantitative results and provide a more
nuanced understanding of the research problem. These qualitative insights will help in identifying the factors that
contribute to or detract from economic sustainability in the context of tourism development in San Teodoro, as well
as offer potential strategies and interventions for enhancing sustainable tourism development and economic
sustainability in the region.

The integration of both quantitative and qualitative data analysis methods will provide a comprehensive understanding of the research
problem, addressing the research question in a holistic manner. By triangulating the findings from both methods, the study will
increase the validity and reliability of the research outcomes and contribute to a more robust understanding of the relationship
between economic sustainability and tourism development in San Teodoro, Oriental Mindoro.

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Based on the research objectives and the data analysis methods used, the following outputs are expected from this research

a. Identification of the impact of sustainable tourism development practices, a collaborative approach, and tourism resilience
on the economic sustainability of San Teodoro, Oriental Mindoro:
• Through the mixed-methods approach employed in this research, a comprehensive understanding of the
relationship between economic sustainability and tourism development in San Teodoro will be established. The
findings will reveal how various sustainable tourism practices, collaboration among stakeholders, and resilience
efforts influence the region's economic sustainability.

b. Evidence-based recommendations for local authorities, private stakeholders, and community members to enhance
sustainable tourism development and economic sustainability in San Teodoro:
• Based on the research findings, practical and actionable recommendations will be provided to the key stakeholders
involved in tourism development in the area. These suggestions will aim to promote sustainable tourism practices,
enhance collaboration between various stakeholders, and strengthen tourism resilience, thereby contributing to the
region's economic sustainability.

c. Contribution to the existing literature on the relationship between economic sustainability and tourism development in
developing countries:
• The results of this study will add to the current body of knowledge on the topic, particularly in the context of
developing countries. By focusing on San Teodoro, Oriental Mindoro, this research will provide valuable insights
into the unique challenges and opportunities faced by similar regions in the pursuit of sustainable tourism
development and economic sustainability. Moreover, the study will serve as a foundation for future research and
inform policy-making in the field of sustainable tourism and economic development.

d. Development of a framework for sustainable tourism development in San Teodoro, Oriental Mindoro:
• The research findings will contribute to the creation of a framework that integrates sustainable tourism development
practices, collaborative approaches, and resilience strategies tailored to the specific context of San Teodoro. This
framework can be used by local authorities, private stakeholders, and community members as a guide for
implementing and managing sustainable tourism initiatives, ensuring the long-term economic, social, and
environmental well-being of the region.

Bigaan, San Teodoro, Oriental Mindoro

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