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Excel Test

Copyright © PT Amber Solusi Internasional 2021

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1. Download the file from email
2. Rename the Kanomax HJ File to this format EXC_(Position)_(Full Name). If you have finished the test, please
send it to and put information in subject email using the same format as the file name.
3. Please do the exercise below.
4. Any question regarding the test please contact through Whatsapp to this number: 08119687891

Price List Update Exercise:

The purpose of this exercise is to update our inventory prices. Typically, we receive price lists from our vendors in an excel
sheet, which we use to look up items and update them in our database called HighJump.
You will have 2 Ms. Excel files:
1. Our HighJump file that has our inventory list. We will refer to this file as HJ File from here on. This file will contain
our items, their description, numbers, manufacturer, vendor, technical information, pricing information and more.
2. A Price List file sent to us from the vendor. We will refer to this file as Price List from here on. This file will
contain the items that the vendor sent to us. The information in this file will not necessarily be the same in different
Price Lists. Every vendor is different and will send the information in different formats.
Please follow the instructions below to complete this exercise:

Preparing the HJ file:

1. Open the HJ File and insert new Sheet.
2. Open the Price List and copy everything in it.
3. Paste as Values in the second sheet that you created in HJ file in step 1 above.
4. Rename the second sheet to “Source List”.
5. Color the column headers with style
6. You must identify the Cost/Purchase Price column in the Source List, which will be different from list to list. This
is the cost of the item to us. It will have different labels but typically look for labels like Cost, PSC Price, Net,
Discounted Price… If no sure, please as your supervisor. Once done, Round the result to 2 decimals. Once you
Identify it, color it with style.

We now have all the data we need in one file, the HJ File which we will continue to work on for the rest of this exercise.
7. Insert 2 new columns after the “Purchase Unit” column Rename the first column’s header to “New UOM” and the
second to “Match old UOM”.
8. Insert 8 new columns after “Price Level 6 0” and copy over the old labels (Headers) from column “Purchase Price”
to “Price Level 6”. In these new columns, we will calculate the new pricing for our items. The calculation formulas

are on the next page. IMPORTANT: Color these 8 columns with the style

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Excel Test
Copyright © PT Amber Solusi Internasional 2021

9. After the above 8 columns, insert new column and name it “MAP Price” IF the Source List contains a
MAP Price.
10. Then Insert another column and name it “LIST/MSRP” IF the Source List contains a MAP Price.
11. Insert another column and name it “% increase”: Formula should be (New Purchase Price – Old Purchase Price) /
Old Purchase Price. Choose data format as Percentage %

12. Insert another column for “Old Margin”: Formula should be (Old Price Level 1 – Old Purchase Price) / Old Purchase
Price. Choose data format as Percentage %
13. Insert another column for “New Margin”: Formula should be (New Price Level 1 – New Purchase Price) / New
Purchase Price. Choose data format as Percentage %
14. Insert column for “Margin Difference”: Formula should be (New Margin – Old Marge) Choose data format as
Percentage %

15. Color the columns from in steps 9-14 with style

New Pricing Calculations and Formulas

1. New Purchase Price: VLOOKUP the items in HJ in the Source List table using the MPN (Manufacturing Part
Number) column as a VLOOKUP value. The VLOOKUP index should be the Cost in the Source List that you have
identified during the preparation of the HJ file.
2. New Retail Price: Default this column to the value of 1 for all items.
3. GSA Price: use the old GSA Price.
4. Price Level 1:
a. If MAP is available at the Price List: Please use MAP.
b. If the purchase price is:
i. $0-$10 Then Price 1 = Purchase Price x 2
ii. $10.01-$25 Then Price 1 = Purchase Price x 1.8
iii. $25.01-$100 Then Price 1 = Purchase Price x 1.7
iv. $100.01-$300 Then Price 1 = Purchase Price x 1.6
v. $300.01-$1000 Then Price 1 = Purchase Price x 1.5
vi. $1000.01-$10,000 Then Price 1 = Purchase Price x 1.4
vii. >$10,000 Then Price 1 = Purchase Price x 1.3

5. Price Level 2:
a. If the purchase price is:
i. $0-$10 Then Price 2 = Purchase Price x 1.5
ii. $10.01-$25 Then Price 2 = Purchase Price x 1.35
iii. $25.01-$100 Then Price 2 = Purchase Price x 1.3
iv. $100.01-$300 Then Price 2 = Purchase Price x 1.3
v. $300.01-$1000 Then Price 2 = Purchase Price x 1.2
vi. $1000.01-$10,000 Then Price 2 = Purchase Price x 1.2
vii. >$10,000 Then Price 2 = Purchase Price x 1.2

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Excel Test
Copyright © PT Amber Solusi Internasional 2021

6. Price Level 3: Use result from New Price Level 2

7. COH Price: Use result from New Price Level 1
8. Price Level 6: leave it empty.

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Excel Test
Copyright © PT Amber Solusi Internasional 2021

New Items
Price Lists may contain new items that are not in our High Jump catalog. To find these items:
1. Inset a new column at the end of the Source List.
2. Insert a new formula: vLookUp the MPN (Manufacturing Part Number) from the Source List, in the HighJump
Data, selecting the MPN column in the HighJump data and return the same MPN column (Index 1). Set the
approximate match to FALSE
3. If the vLookUp formula returns #N/A, it means we have a new Item. If it returns an MPN, then it’s an existing item.
4. Filter out the non #N/A results
5. Copy the following:
a. MPN from Source List to HJ Data
b. Copy whatever data we have available from the Source List to the HJ Data, for example Country of Origin,
Weight, Item Description and so on
c. NOTE: Any Item Description in the Source List, should be copied to Purchase Description in the HJ Data
d. The Sales Description in the HJ Data sheet should be a concatenation of: Manufacturer Name + MPN +
Purchase Description
e. Complete the New Items data such as Purchase price, Price Level 1, Price Level 2, Price Level 3… etc…

g. Format New Items with

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Excel Test
Copyright © PT Amber Solusi Internasional 2021

Unit Of Measure
Each Vendor sends us a different Price List. The format isn’t constant. One example is the Unit Of Measure (UOM).
Some lists will have a dedicated column for UOM, others are mentioned in the item description. In this case, you have to
extract the UOM from the description cell. Common patterns to look for are: pk=pack, bx=boxes, cs=case, with numbers
next to them (Left or Right) to indicate the quantity. Sometimes you will find them unabbreviated such as Pack, Case, Box
and so on!
You must extract that number into a new column, to compare with the HJ Data and see if the UOM has changed. Vendors
may or may not change the UOM.

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