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Whats your reaction to this presentation?

Whats your reaction to this presentation?

Whats your story? How do you tell it?

Need structure, stickiness, and delivery

Understand the rhetorical situation Understand your core message Have a clear communication objective Frame story in a meaningful structure and make it stick Get it right

(Logos) Content

Rhetorical Stance
Entertainer Advertiser

(Ethos) Communicator

(Pathos) Audience

understand, care, believe and act

Get the audience to

ABC delivers network and systems management solutions that assist companies in cost-effectively maximizing the performance and availability of their network infrastructures.


Youre at work, your system is slow; you cant send or receive email, and you have to reboot your computer every 5 minutes?

We x those problems for businesses.

Understand your simple, core message

In a 3 year period, 3000 bikes were stolen in Eugene, and the UO campus has more bikes than any other place in Eugene.

Everything in your story goes to support the core message, which in turn propels your audience to your communication objective.

Have a clear communication objective

As a result of this presentation, our audience will

Agree that bike theft on campus seriously impacts students and that addressing this problem meets the criteria set forth for this proposal.

The communication objective sets the direction of your presentation - without it, you and the audience are lost.

S i m p l e

U n e x p e c t e d
C o n c re t e

Credible E m o t i o n a l
You Make it Stick and help your audience understand, care about and believe your core message by:
-Keeping ideas clear and Simple -Using Concrete language -Appealing to Emotion -Using Stories -Effectively presenting data

Keep it Simple and Concrete

Pomelo A large citrus fruit. The rind is very thick but soft and easy to peel away. The resulting fruit has a light yellow to coral pink esh and can vary from juicy to slightly dry and from seductively spicy-sweet to tangy and tart.

Pomelo Basically a supersized grapefruit with a very thick and soft rind.

Each white ag = 6 dead Iraqis

Each red ag = 1 dead American

More than 100,000 White Flags More than 3,000 Red Flags

Diarrhea is one of the leading killers of young children in developing countries, causing over 1.5 million deaths annually. Diarrhea itself is not the cause of death, but rather dehydration, the loss of body uid. Approximately of the body is composed of water, and if uid loss exceeds 10% of total body uid, organs begin to fail. To prevent life-threatening dehydration, it is necessary to increase liquid intake in quantities sufcient to replenish uids and electrolytes lost with diarrhea. The best liquid for this purpose is a blend of electrolytes, sugar and water, known as oral rehydration salts.

Costs less that a cup of tea and can save hundreds of thousands of childrens lives

Use Emotion

Food shortages in Malawai affect more than 3

million children.

In Zambia, severe rainfall decits have created a

42% drop in crops. As a result, 3 million Zambians face hunger. have been forced to ee their homes. immediate food assistance

4 million Angolans 1/3 of the population More than 11 million people in Ethiopia need

Any money you donate will go to Rokia, a seven-year old girl from Africa. Rokia is desperately poor and faces the threat of starvation. Her life will be changed for the better as a result of your nancial gift. With your support, Save the Children will work to help feed, educate and provide medical care to Rokia

Who gave more?

Litter decreased by 72%

Relate the Story

7 Under 6


This is Jared. He used to weigh 425 pounds, but today he weighs 180 thanks to what he calls the Subway diet.



Body Roadmap
CORE MESSAGE - THEME Rhetorical analysis

Communication Objective

Set the Story in a Clear Structure

1. Hook and Roadmap - arouse interest and preview contents (state core message) Body - explain and convince Conclusion - leave audience with something memorable

2. 3.

Presentation Structure for 5A

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Opening (Hook, Pitch, Preview) Body (Situation Analysis, Pathway, Project Team) Recap Q&A Final Conclusion

5 min. (max.) 5 min. 30 sec. 10 min. (approx.)

1. Hook - Give life and clarity to your idea in the rst minute

The Hook

What does a successful hook look like?

! ! ! !

Sticky (creates interest, draws listener in: unexpected, concrete, emotional, story) Relevant Exigent (makes audience care) Invisible

What does an unsuccessful hook look like?

! ! ! ! !

Absent Irrelevant Gimmicky Melodramatic Clich

One Every 30 minutes

The Pitch

Your whole presentation in a nutshell Core idea, packaged If you only had 30 seconds for your whole presentation, what would you say? Don t rush this

! !

Roadmap - Tell your audience where you are taking them

! ! ! ! ! ! !

Situation Analysis Objectives Solution Stakeholder and Impact Analysis Technical Plan Costs Conclusion


Greener Light
! ! !

Problem: reluctance to switch Solution: free samples Implementation: EWEB

Today well show

What cultural development is Why cultural development is


Ways in which one becomes culturally


What is the body of a presentation supposed to do?

Tell a story.

This is not a story. This is information.

This is a story.

Where will you go from here for a successful project?

Brief Summary
1. Briey recap core message and why it has merit: As we have demonstrated, bike theft at UO is a serious problem that impacts the student experience here. We plan to provide a simple, but effective, solution to this problem. 2. Ask for their support to continue investigating We ask for your support to continue our investigation so that we can help solve this problem. 3. Solicit questions: Thank you for your attention today. We would now like to hear your questions and comments.

Q &A

1. Be prepared 2. Have a plan 3. DONt get defensive 4. Know that it is ok to say, We dont know.

Structure: Conclusion
Conclude strongly and give the audience something to take away: Reinforce core message Describe a vision for the future, something to think about, and a call to action

3 bikes were stolen as we spoke today. For every bike that is stolen, a UO student is late to class, or work, or stuck on campus after dark. This is preventable. With your support, we can solve this problem. Thank You

Your audience is the ASUO. Your communication objective is to convince the granting committee that you have identied a need or opportunity that ts the criteria and that you have a plan to develop a promising proposal.

What is your core message? What one thing do you want your audience to understand and remember?

Introduction hook us and give roadmap Body Demonstrate understanding of issue, plan for moving forward. Convince us that your direction makes sense and is worthwhile. Brief Summary recap your idea, ask for support, solicit questions/suggestions for improvement Q&A Closing Statement - Inspire and call to action

Assign 2-3 presenters Time limit is 10 minutes (with Q&A)

Presentation Learning Objectives:

Implement basic structure of an effective presentation Implement some of the basic concepts of Made to Stick Practice presenting in a natural style (without memorizing or reading)

Problem-Solving Proposal: Next Steps Continue research on topic to solidify idea Develop prototype and presentation Practice presentation

Next Class

Prepare and practice Situation Analysis presentation Each member: Print and bring 3 Audience Response forms and cut them in half before bringing to class (for a total of 6)

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