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Lesson Planning Template

ED 3501
Fall 2023

Component One: Organizational Information

Miss. Olechowski Grade
Level(s) Grade 2
Unit(s) /
Art Topic(s) / Drawing, health
Strand (s)

Component Two: Description and Rationale

Students will explore and create “scribbles” while listening to music.

Focusing on mental regulation, this activity will allow students to explore where their pen leads
Rationale: them while listening to music. This activity will also demonstrate a tool for students to use to
help regulate their thoughts and feeling.

Component Three: Learner Outcomes

A Creative Experience
• a wide range of experiences with various media and art materials
• drawing from the total curriculum for the purpose of creating
General • expressing feelings and individual messages
Outcomes(s) A Communication Experience
(GLOs) • ability to express through images
(or equivalent)

An Individual Experience
• self-realization
• self-awareness
• creativity

C.3 Unity: Students will create unity though density and rhythm
- C. Repetition of qualities such as colour, texture and tone produce rhythm and balance.
- D. A composition should develop the setting or supporting forms, as well as the subject
Learner C.4 Purpose 4: Students will express a feeling or a message
Outcome(s) - A. Feelings and moods can be interpreted visually
(or equivalent)
C.4 Purpose 5: Students will create an original composition based on supplied motivation
- A. Outside stimulation from sources such as music, literature, photographs, film, creative
movement, drama, television, and computers can be interpreted visually.

C.4 Media and Techniques: Students will use media and techniques, with emphasis on
exploration and direct methods in drawing

Lesson Planning Template
ED 3501
Fall 2023
- Use drawing tools to make a variety of shapes—open, closed forms; straight, curved forms;
geometric (rectangles, squares, circles and triangles) and free form.
- Use drawing to add details and textures, or to create pattern.

Component Four: Learning Objective(s) and Assessment Evidence

Students will use drawing tools to create a composition of rhythmic line forms
Students will visually express moods and feelings
Students will create a composition in tandem with outside stimulation (music)

Component Five: Pre-Lesson Preparations

Curriculum Resources Materials and Equipment
White paper
Black markers
Coloured markers
Mindfulness sheets
Epson board
Word search

Teacher Tasks
Prepare materials
Epson board ready with sound and no ads on video

Component Six: Body (introduction, activities, closure)

Introduction Time
Attention Friday can be a very exciting day. It is the end of the week and the beginning of
Grabber the weekend. Our emotions can be all over the place on days like this! We will be
doing some calming art!

Activities Allotment
Learning Carpet – Sharing Circle
Activity #1 Discussion about mindfulness
 Copy/Paste - What is it? Being in the moment
- Accepting thoughts and feelings
objective(s) - How can we achieve mindfulness? Breathing, yoga, art, music, exercise 9:00 –
here that - It is kind of an escape. Letting yourself go, calming our minds 9:10
pertain most - I do art, listen to music, read, or take my dog for a walk for mindfulness
directly to this
Go around the circle: What things could you do for mindfulness?
- Think for 10 seconds then pass around the sharing circle
Lesson Planning Template
ED 3501
Fall 2023
- If a student gets stuck, come back to them at the end or tell them they
can share with me later

Learning Mindful Scribble

Activity #2
 Copy/Paste While at the carpet, do a quick brain break: Everyone stand up, role neck back
and forth, roll shoulders, touch toes and slowly come up, shake it out
here that Belly circle: Introduce and demo art activity
pertain most - Place the rock on your page
directly to this
- With your black marker, push the rock around the page
- See where it takes you
- Forget what the artwork looks like and just worry about slowly following
where the rock takes you
- If you need to, pick the rock back up and place it back on the page
- We are not scribbling – we are not trying to make anything

We will be listening to some calming music while we do this activity. Let your mind
be clear and empty.

When I say go: Float back to your desks and wait for your materials to be handed
Get the helper to hand out materials
When you get your paper and pen, write your name on the back

During this activity we should not be talking, only in our own heads feeling the
music and watching the glass rock.

Turn on “ Weightless” by Marconi Union

Colour inside of the shapes you made with your scribbles

Closure: 9:45 ish

- Hand in all materials on the hexagon table except for your page (they can
work on this if they need a mindfulness break at lunch or freetime)
- Get a snack and then we will talk about the activity we just did

After students are sitting:

- What feeling came up during that activity?
- Did you feel relaxed?
- Was it challenging? Why?
Activity #3
 Copy/Paste
learning If students finish early, give them the opportunity to do something calming
objective(s) (whiteboards or clay) or the mindfulness wordsearch provided
here that
pertain most
directly to this

Closure/Cliffhanger Time
of Learning: Formative: Circulating while the students are working, group discussion
Lesson Planning Template
ED 3501
Fall 2023

Component Seven: Teacher Reflection

All students were very focused on their drawing and knew exactly what was being asked of
them. They were going very slow, pushing the rock with their pens just like I demonstrated
in our circle. Having the music and the lights turned down made this a very atmospheric
experience and the energy in the room felt calmer! This was a very cool activity, and I am
very pleased with the outcome.

The students were even coloring the shapes they made in the scribbles at lunch and free
What worked
well? Why? time!

I took a moment during the end of the lesson to pause for a teaching opportunity. A few
students were telling me that some of the shapes that they had colored were looking like
things (shark, fish, umbrella). I felt this was an excellent observation and shared their
findings with the whole class.

There were a few “in video” advertisements that came on and disrupted the music. My TA let
me know that if you put a video into google slides, this would not happen. I will use this for
future videos!
What didn’t?
Why not? There was one off task student who was distracting others and being disruptive. I asked this
student a few times to stay on task and me mindful of the people around them who were trying
to stay on task.

What would This was my first time doing a “belly” circle and it worked well, but it was a bit crowded. My TA
you do
differently gave me the feedback to give instructions for the students to stay where they are, go to their
next time to knees, then onto their bellies. This way, the students don’t push closer into the circle leaving
further little room.
learning for all I would move the disruptive student next time after asking 2 times to ensure the people around
students? them could work in a calm environment.

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