Homework 20.1

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Homework: Convert the sentences below from direct to indirect

speech (reported speech).

1. Mother (told/said) her daughter: "Put on your shoes."

. Mother told her daughter to put on her shoes.

2. The teacher (told/said): "Open your notebook."

. The Teacher told the students to open their notebooks.

3. Merry (told/said) her uncle: "Don't be mad at me."

. Merry told her uncle not to be mad at her.

4. Coach (told/said) Jack: "Get on your feet!"

. Coach told Jack to get on his feet.

5. The cashier (told/said): "Give me your receipt."

. The cashier told the customer to give her the receipt.

6. Adan (told/said) his mother: "Help me with my homework."

. Adan told his mother to help him with his homework.

7. The officer (said/told): "Do not park here."

. The officer said not to park there.

8. The ambulance driver (told/said) pedestrians: "Move out of the way!"

. The ambulance driver told pedestrians to move out of the way.

9. Daniel (told/said) his mother: "Wait for me."

. Daniel told his mother to wait for him.

10. Pam (told/said) her husband: "Stop acting like a child.“

.Pam told her husband to stop acting like a child.

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