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Pollution is one of the greatest challenges the world is facing today.

It is the introduction of harmful

pollutants in the environment that degrades the quality of air, water, and soil. As human civilization
progressed, we invented machines and products that can ease our life. During this process, we
exploited nature, and started polluting it. We are in a time of crisis where the glaciers in Antarctica
are melting due to global warming.

Pollution not only affects the environment but also introduces diseases that could kill all living
organisms. Toxic chemicals released in water have killed aquatic life and also reduced the quality of
water. Toxic gasses released in the air cause different lung diseases such as asthma etc. More and
more legislative acts are passed to control pollution and it has been adopted by governments all
around the world. However, only legislative acts and protocols cannot help in controlling the
pollution as it is the duty of every individual to act on his or her own to control pollution. It is also
very important that children from an early age should be educated about pollution and the effect it
has on the environment and their future.

Here we have provided a long and short speech on pollution and along with that we have also given
10 line pointers about the pollution speech in English.

Long Speech on Pollution

Good evening everyone present over here today. I feel honored to be selected to give a speech on
pollution. In this speech, I will try my best to explain to you all what pollution is, its effects, and how
it can be controlled.

Pollution is the presence of harmful contaminants in the natural environment that cause harm and
damage and leads to adverse changes. Before blaming someone else for the pollution let us as a
generation self analyze ourselves. There is no one, in particular, we can blame for the increase in
pollution except humankind. We, humans, are responsible for the exponential increase of pollution
in the environment. Throughout centuries as our civilization progressed and found new ways to earn,
learn and develop we have exploited mother nature in a bigger way. The harmful substances and the
effluents released into the atmosphere by the factories, industries, and household waste have made
an impact in contaminating the environment.

As we all know there are three kinds of pollution and those are air, water, and soil pollution. Air
pollution is mostly caused due to the presence of harmful substances and contaminants in the air.
These harmful gasses are released by vehicles, dust, dirt, and poisonous gasses from the
manufacturing factories. The use of vehicles or the products made at factories may make our lives
easy but it also has caused a lot of effects on the environment. The harmful gasses released from
vehicles and factories cause a lot of respiratory diseases such as asthma, bronchitis, etc. The harmful
pollutants in the air can cause the ozone layer to deplete which leads to the ultraviolet rays entering
the earth’s atmosphere which can cause serious health problems, even cancer. Radioactive pollution
is a product of air pollution that has a serious effect on living organisms. Some of the harmful effects
of Radioactive pollution are skin cancer, burning of the skin, etc.
Water pollution is caused when toxic substances get mixed in water bodies such as rivers, lakes, and
oceans. The toxic substances could be chemical fertilizers from the agricultural field or the poisonous
Industrial waste, sewage water. marine dumping etc. This waste generated from different sources is
directly drained into the large water bodies which get mixed in the drinking water and causes water
pollution. The toxics that get mixed with water bodies have bacteria, germs, etc that can be life-
threatening to all living organisms. Due to water pollution, the amount of drinking water is reducing
every day which is causing a lot of problems for everyone. Similarly, soil pollution is the
contamination of the soil with toxic pollutants. The toxic substances could be the chemicals present
in fertilizers, pesticides, and industrial chemicals.

Though we receive the benefits of using the products from industries knowingly and unknowingly we
are the reason for exploiting the earth. We overuse the resources provided by mother nature and
then are so careless to not think about the future. One example of overuse of the resources of
nature is the use of fertilizers to increase the production of crops. Though there is an increase in the
production of crops due to fertilizers it has also become the reason for land and water pollution due
to the presence of the chemicals in the fertilizers. We can also give the example of Industries to get
us products that ease our life but the toxic gasses released from the factories are destroying the

So how can we correct things? how can we make sure that we don’t exploit nature?.

As a community, it is our sole responsibility to fight against pollution by using eco-friendly things
instead of using the non-biodegradable substances. Pollution of any kind cannot be eliminated
completely but it can be controlled. We can overcome pollution by taking small measures in our day-
to-day lives. We should be aware of small preventive measures that could help in controlling
pollution. Do not throw domestic waste near the water bodies, instead throw the garbage at the
garbage disposal site. Avoid using vehicles as it causes pollution. Carpooling and bike pooling are the
best methods of reducing the usage of many vehicles, electric cars and bikes could be used instead of
the vehicles which run on petrol and diesel.

To conclude this speech I want to say that every kind of pollution has a negative impact on the
environment, animals and human lives. We as humans should take important steps for a better
future. A lot of innocent lives are put in danger because of pollution so we should take part in an
initiative to fight and control this problem. Together we can control pollution. Thank you for listening.

Short Speech on Pollution

Good evening to everyone present here today. I am honored to be here and to be given the
opportunity to speak about the rising problem of our generation which has been a concern for many
for over a decade, that is pollution. Pollution is the contamination of the environment by the
introduction of harmful pollutants in it. Pollution has three types which are air pollution, water
pollution, and soil pollution. We all know what these types of pollutants are and the pollutants that
cause it so I will keep the speech short and not take much of anyone’s time. Thus I will not go into a
detailed explanation about all the types of pollution and their effects because by this time I assume
everyone knows about it.

In this speech on pollution, I will talk about our responsibility to save the environment and how we
can save the future. Firstly I want to make it clear that pollution of any type cannot be completely
eliminated but it can be controlled. It is our responsibility to take small steps to control pollution
such as not throwing domestic waste near water bodies such as rivers, lakes, etc. Domestic waste is
considered to be the major reason for water pollution so it is your sole responsibility to take care of
the domestic waste. Throw it to the nearest garbage disposal site. Secondly, it is very important to
use electric vehicles instead of the usual ones which consume petrol and diesel. Carpooling and bike
pooling options could be considered to reduce the use of vehicles which will, in turn, reduce air
pollution. All parents should educate children about pollution and its effect on the environment. This
step is very important as it creates a sense of care and awareness in the mind of children to take care
of the environment. It is high time to take any action and put a ban on the usage of a different
carcinogenic compound such as polymers. To conclude I want to say that it is our responsibility to
control the pollution and save the future or else we all are going to pay for it. Thank you for listening.

10 Lines Pollution Speech in English

1. Pollution can be defined as the introduction of harmful substances in the environment.

2. The harmful substances are called pollutants. Pollutants could be natural such as gasses
released from volcanic eruptions.
3. Pollutants could also be man-made such as the trash from the domestic waste or the harmful
chemicals from the industries.
4. Pollutants damage the quality of air, water, and soil and thus it causes water, air, and soil
5. Water pollution can decrease the quality of drinking water which in modern times has
caused a lot of problems for everyone as there is very less drinking water available.
6. Air pollution can cause many respiratory diseases such as asthma, bronchitis, etc. Air
pollution also causes smog which is not good for anyone.
7. It is the responsibility of every parent to teach their child about pollution and the effect it
can have on the environment.
8. Pollution of any type cannot be completely eliminated but it can be controlled if we take
important steps.
9. Pollution was created by the human race so it is our responsibility to control it.
10. The use of Electric vehicles instead of the usual vehicles that run on fuel could help in
reducing air pollution. Taking small steps slowly is better than not taking any steps at all to
control pollution.

Key points to remember about pollution

Pollution is caused by many harmful things in the environment. It contaminated our earth and
because of it, there are other global problems that are increasing. Because of pollution, people are
also affected with many illnesses and this can stop only if we take some measures to stop pollution
or atleast to put some effort into reducing it. Many harmful usage of products like plastic and
thermocol are also the causes of pollution.

The types of pollution are:

 Air pollution.
 Water pollution.
 Soil pollution.
 Radioactive pollution.
 Noise pollution.

Air pollution is caused by the release of harmful chemicals, contaminants like toxic gasses in the
earth environment. These harmful gasses cause dangerous health issues. Water pollution occurs
when these harmful chemicals or contaminants are released in the water body. Because of these
water animals like fishes and sharks lose their life very frequently and lead to a biological imbalance.
Soil pollution is the degradation of land because of harmful chemicals that are released into the soil
for reasons like gardening and so on. Some causes of soil pollution are: -

Industrial Activity, Agricultural Activities, Waste Disposal.

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