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Lesson Planning Template

ED 3501
Fall 2023
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday L.A. Centres

Component One: Organiza onal Informa on

Miss Olechowski Grade Grade 2

Unit(s) /
Art Topic(s) / Drawing, pain ng
Strand (s)

Component Two: Learner Outcomes

General Opportunity should be provided for the child to experience: • pride in achievement •
Learner valuable group ac vi es • a sense of worth • prac ce in making decisions.
(GLOs) Contribute to the child’s development of perceptual awareness in natural and
(or manufactured forms.
B.2 contempla ng possibili es and exploring the imagina on as a source of images
and as problem solving devices
All shapes can be reduced to basic shapes, i.e., circular, triangular,
Specific rectangular C.3 – C.4
Learner -Use a variety of drawing media in an exploratory way to see how each one has its own
Outcome(s) characteris cs.
(SLOs) -Use drawing tools to make a variety of lines—curved, straight, thick, thin, broken,
(or con nuous -Make drawings from direct observa on.
equivalent) -Use drawing media in combina on with other media such as pain ng, print making or
fabric. --
Use drawing to add details and textures, or to create pa ern.
-Use paint in combina on with other media and techniques

Component three: Learning Objec ve(s) and Assessment Evidence

Lesson Planning Template
ED 3501
Fall 2023

Students will use drawing mediums to create textures and details.

Students will explore the characteris cs of different mediums.
Objec ve(s)
Students will create drawings from visual observa on .

Component Four: Pre-Lesson Prepara ons

Curriculum Resources Materials and Equipment

(Books, slides, art supplies provided by TA) • Peacock books (open to the page with a
• Peacock feathers
• Peacock drawings from last week
• Oil pastels
• Water cup
• Paint brushes
• Small plate or bowl
• Paper towel
• Computer

Teacher Tasks
Set up hexagon table with books, peacock feathers, previous drawings, art
supplies. Set up (my) computer to the slides with peacocks

Component Six: Body (introduc on, ac vi es, closure)

Ac vi es Allotment

Lesson Planning Template
ED 3501
Fall 2023
Learning Demonstrate this process as we go through the steps together:
Ac vity #1
 Copy/Paste 1) Observe the peacock feathers and the peacocks in the books. What
specific do we no ce? What colours do we see?
objec ve(s) 2) Start to draw the inside of the feathers using the colours we see
here that (blues, browns, yellows, and green,
most 3) Texture: Start to draw the outer part of the feather (greens and
directly to browns) looking at the feathers as we draw. Are they harsh straight
this ac vity lines, or curved wispy lines? What direc ons are the lines going in?

4) Colour in the body (blue, cyan) do we see texture? Bumpy lines

(add dark blue or green over the blue body)

5) What do we also see (point to behind the body) Colours? Yellow,

green, and brown. Colour behind the body

6) Step by step (this can be tricky with oil pastel) Colour the head: eye
first with black, white around the eye, black on the neck, blue
everywhere else.

7) Details! Add more texture if you think your peacock needs it. Add
some nose and eye details (demo)

8) Paint: You may need to scrape off some of the oil pastel if it is

heavy) Using the paint brush, add gold paint to the feathers where
we see it on the real feather

Lesson Planning Template
ED 3501
Fall 2023
Discussion a er finished (or during if it fits into conversa on):
- Do you want to add anything or leave it to dry?
- What did you find challenging?
- Are you proud of this artwork?

Leave artwork on the drying rack and go to the next center.

(A er lesson)
Component Seven: Teacher Reflec on

Having many previous discussions of the work “proud” made this art project seamless
and very easy to dive into.
Having 4-5 students at a me allowed for conversa ons and observa ons about their
artwork on a deeper and more personal level. I was able to give feedback. Share ps
and tricks for students who were struggling and expanding the discussion to students
who finished early.
Another thing that worked amazing is that I had the opportunity to share this lesson 6
different mes. This made my instruc ons improve over me and allowed for me to
well? Why?
make small adjustments to the students needs.

Lesson Planning Template
ED 3501
Fall 2023
What would
you do
differently Next me, if there was more me, I would have the student’s sketch the peacock
next me to feathers using pencil. Drawing from observa on and not worrying about if their
further drawings were perfect would put less pressure on students who are perfec onists
promote and provide an opportunity for a en on to detail for students who tend to rush
op mum through art projects.
learning for
all students?

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