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Climate change and corporate responsibility

Climate change is one of the most critical issues in terms of sustainability debates and its
relationship with corporate social responsibility (CSR). Cooperations with initiatives aimed
at practicing social responsibility play a crucial role in promoting sustainable development
in society by applying various standards, and making part of its agenda achieving a
business balance with the environment, since its activities directly and indirectly impact on
These effects are leading to the ecological collapse of many terrestrial and marine
ecosystems, along with the unsustainable economic growth and development of nations;
therefore, if serious measures are not taken by the main actors such as governments,
society and companies, the damage will be greater by not being able to adapt to this
phenomenon since a point of no return has been reached.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change concludes that the warnings of changes in
the climate system are evident and there is a high probability, practically 100%, that the
global warming observed since the 20th century has been predominantly caused by the
activity of the human. But while human industrial activities have triggered the current
state of global ecological systems; from eras like the Paleolithic where our species began to
create its first tools to modify its environment, it began to leave a mark on the history of
this planet, affecting the ecosystems where it migrated. Human migratory movements
genetically traced, by analyzing fossils with which it has been discovered so far, the
existence of a Mitochondrial Eve from which all human beings descend, but it is known
that other types of hominids existed which probably became extinct due to competing
with our ancestors as well as many other animal species. These findings in relation to
human migration, and the geological changes that have been detected when studying the
ice sheets, which hold evidence of climatic and geological cataclysms in different ages.

In conclusion, the impacts of climate change are increasingly noticeable, and the taking of
responsibility by society's agents to mitigate and confront its effects is increasingly
inevitable. Regarding corporate social responsibility, it is one of the fundamental activities
that every organization must adopt in modern times to improve the living conditions, both
economic and quality of the habitat of society, applying the various existing standards and
policies. If profits continue to be put above the environment, without taking into account
the consequences of current capitalism and globalization, the future of our planet and our
civilization will be increasingly full of uncertainty and danger due to the irreversible
environmental degradation that is progressing and getting worse and worse.

Jonathan Uriel chaga madrigal


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