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The DNA Data

Storage Model
Dave Landsman , Western Digital Corporation
Karin Strauss , Microsoft Corporation

base. These fundamental capabili-

Reliably storing digital data in synthetic DNA ties make it possible to encode digital
data into a sequence of bases (adenine,
fits naturally into the layered Open Systems guanine, cytosine, and thymine, or
AGCT), write that sequence as a set of
Interconnect model and shares many parallels corresponding DNA molecules (syn-
with reliably storing data using existing storage thesis), store the molecules, prepare
them for reading (retrieval), read them
technologies and interfaces. back as a sequence of bases (sequenc-
ing), and finally, decode the original

digital data (Figure 1). To learn more
about this process, see Preserving Our
NA data storage, or using synthetic DNA as a Digital Legacy: An Introduction to DNA Data Storage.1
data storage medium, is being seriously con- Even though synthetic DNA as a data storage medium
sidered as an archival storage solution due to is similar to traditional storage media in many ways, it is
its volumetric data density potential, data re- worth highlighting some key differences.
tention characteristics, sustainability, and potential for First, in traditional storage, the media is premanufactured
dramatically lower total cost of ownership versus existing (e.g., SSDs use NAND cells, HDD, and tape use magnetic do-
storage technologies. mains on a platter or strip, respectively) and written by mod-
ifying the state of the media. For such devices, capacity and
INTRODUCTION throughput scaling require modifications to both media and
The biotechnology industry has made DNA data storage pos- write/read heads. In contrast, the most common DNA data
sible today due to decades of investment in molecular-level storage method does not employ a premanufactured media
technologies for medical and life sciences applications that substrate. (Note: Methods to attach DNA to a planar substrate,
now enable us to construct and read synthetic DNA, base by to serve as a “memory/storage cell”, are being considered; this
article does not cover these methods.) Instead, the storage
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MC.2023.3272188
media—DNA molecules—are manufactured during write op-
Date of current version: 26 June 2023 erations. In this case, DNA’s universal, fixed, and reader/writer


Coughlin Associates;

independent physical structure enables 1 Electronic Molecular Electronic 1

throughput improvements without me- 0 0
dia changes, or data migration when 0
adopting new writer/reader generations. 0 Encoding Synthesis Retrieval Sequencing Decoding 0
1 1
Second, because DNA media is de- A A
0 0
tached from any array-based substrate, C C
1 1
protocol information such as object iden- 0 0
tifiers and segment indices must be em- 1 1
bedded within each DNA molecule in the 1 1
DNA archive, for locating objects, object FIGURE 1. The DNA data storage system. Encoding and decoding are performed in the
segmentation, etc. Despite this over- electronic domain and translate bits to bases and vice versa. Synthesis and sequencing are
head, DNA can achieve much higher vol- the interfaces to and from the molecular domain, creating and reading DNA sequences.
umetric density as detached media than
as array-based media.
Third, DNA has unique error char- DNA MECHANICS IN BRIEF from them, effectively copying the
acteristics as a medium for end-to-end We are most familiar with DNA as a “dou- cell’s genetic information. Both ssDNA
storage. For example, in addition to sub- ble-helix” (Figure 3), or dual-stranded and dsDNA are used in different parts
stitutions (akin to bit flips), insertions DNA (dsDNA), where the base adenosine and applications of the DNA data stor-
and deletions may also occur. Encoders on one strand has a chemical binding af- age pipeline.
try to avoid certain sequences2,3,4 to re- finity (complementarity) with the base Note that no organisms or cells are
duce interference with the writing and thymine on the other strand, and the used for DNA data storage: synthetic
recovery process. base cytosine has an affinity with the DNA for data storage is constructed
Despite the uniqueness of synthetic base guanine. Complementarity is used and manipulated through well-con-
DNA as a storage medium, there are in nearly all of the techniques employed trolled chemical processes, covered
many parallels with traditional data stor- in DNA data storage, in the process in the section “The DNA Data Storage
age and storage interface mechanisms. called hybridization (Figure 4). Physical Layer.”
In this article, we draw parallels between In organisms, cell division natu-
the DNA data storage model and the rally replicates the genetic code. Cel- APPLICATION,
Open System Interconnection (OSI) model lular mechanisms separate the two PRESENTATION, AND
(Figure 2). Before we begin describing strands of the original dsDNA into two SESSION LAYERS
the DNA data storage layer model, we de- single-stranded DNA strands (ssDNA) The upper three layers of the OSI
scribe a few things about DNA. and create two new dsDNA molecules model map to the DNA data storage

• Network Resource Access Protocols/Services

Application Application • Cataloguing, Archive Management, ...
• HTTP, FTP, SMTP, ...

• Translate, Encrypt, Compress, Serialize, ...

Presentation Presentation • Encryption/Compression
• Ensure Data in Usable Format for Transmission
Session • Establish, Manage and Terminate Sessions Session • Interface for DNA Archive Access (1100...)
• Application Programming Interfaces
• Reliable End-to-End Packet Delivery
Transport • Transformations
• Error Recovery
• Segmentation/Packetization
• Move Packets From Source to Destination DNA Channel • Error Detection/Correction
• Internetworking/Routing (Codec SW)

• Define Format on the Wire; Bits to Frames, ... • Bits-to-Bases

Data Link • Optional Symbol Space Protocol
• Hop-to-Hop Delivery DNA
DNA Physical • Synthesis, Storage, Sequencing
Physical • Transmit Bits Over a Physical Medium (Chemistry) • Retrieval: Primers and Probes
(a) (b)
FIGURE 2. The layers of (a) the OSI model and (b) the DNA data storage model.

J U LY 2 0 2 3  79

THE DNA DATA STORAGE while maintaining sufficient accu-

Phosphate CHANNEL LAYER racy, is around 300 bases. Even if ev-
Backbone The DNA channel layer takes as ery base in a strand could be used for
Base Pair input a bitstream or other digital payload data, a typical strand would
object from the session layer and encode tens of bytes. Thus, like in
Adenine Thymine processes those bits to ensure that the traditional networking, where bit-
DNA sequences written and read by streams must be broken into smaller
the physical layer can be successfully pieces to fit limited-size packets, DNA
Cytosine decoded, enabling recovery of the data storage requires breaking data
or ig i n a l d ig ital source data. The objects into many segments during
DNA channel layer is implemented as encoding to fit limited-size strands.
a software codec.2,3,4,5,6,7,11 Reassembling these segments in the
The DNA channel [Figure 5(b)] shares right order when sequencing requires
conceptual characteristics with a more adding indices to each segment before
FIGURE 3. The DNA double helix. (Source: traditional network/electrical channel synthesis. The need for segment indi-
National Human Genome Research Insti- [Figure 5(a)]. The DNA channel layer ces (and other protocol fields) intro-
tute; used with permission.) roughly incorporates the functionality duces a tradeoff between the number
of the transport through the data link of segments used to represent an ob-
layer in the OSI model. It receives a bit- ject in a DNA pool (that is, maximum
model effectively unchanged in func- stream from the session layer, preparing object size) and the number of bases
tion; at this level of abstraction, DNA it for handoff to the lower layers for the used for the segment index (that is, in-
is simply another storage medium. conceptual equivalent of “transmis- dex overhead).
The application layer is the inter- sion,” which, in the DNA case, means Error correction: In constructing
face closest to users. For example, writing, storing, recovering and read- segments for storage, the DNA codec
since DNA data storage is best matched ing DNA molecules. As there is no must add redundant information for
to long-term storage, the application physical “wire” in DNA data storage, error correction because random er-
layer is likely to define how data are the data link layer functionality is em- rors (base insertions, deletions, and
logically organized for archival pur- bedded in the DNA codec, instead of in substitutions) and erasures (missing
poses, including metadata describing the transmitter/receiver pair (Figure 5, sequences) may affect such segments
the data in the archive. dashed lines). through the DNA physical layer. Er-
The presentation layer maps natu- When the bitstream is presented ror correction can augment segments
rally to the preparation of bitstreams as to the DNA channel layer, the follow- with additional data (inner code) or
input to the lower layers. It may include ing types of operations are performed, add segments that contain additional
transformations such as encryption not necessarily in this order. data (outer code). After the DNA is se-
and compression. Like with other me- Packetization: In a network or fab- quenced, the DNA codec uses this re-
dia, such functions may be accelerated ric, the key function of the transport dundant information to recover lost
by special-purpose (silicon-based) hard- and network layers is packetization, sequences, correct remaining errors,
ware support. routing, and flow control across the and reliably deliver the original bit-
The session layer provides access link. Neither routing nor flow control stream back to the upper layers.
to the DNA data storage interface. are relevant here, but packetization is. Translation: To store digital data in
Various implementations are possible, The longest strand of synthetic DNA DNA, the data must be translated from
but the most commonly discussed is that can currently be constructed digital (0 or 1) to bases (A, T, C, or G).
object based. In this implementation, the base by base with standard chemistry, Although it is possible to simply map
interface provided by the ses- every two bits in a bitstream into
sion layer is basically an object one of the four possible bases,
store with a key-value schema. there are advantages to other
It offers basic primitives such mappings. For example, map-
as read/write of individual objects pings of longer bitstreams to
or all objects, as well as primitives longer base sequences may bet-
with more complex semantics, ter accommodate certain error
such as indexed search. These correction methods and be more
commands translate to logical space efficient.
FIGURE 4. Hybridization: A process in which comple-
and physical storage operations at Transformations: With DNA,
mentary bases bind to each other.
lower layers. pat ter n s of repeated ba ses


Transport Layer Physical and Data Link Layer Transport Layer

Network Stack and Switches Transmitter Receiver Network Stack and Switches

• Packetization Protocol Payload ECC

Bitstream Line Coding (8b10b, etc.) Line Decoding
• Routing
111100.. • Flow Control

Protocol Payload ECC

• Depacketization
• Routing Bitstream
Symbols to Signals Signals to Symbols
• Flow Control 111100..
(D→A, Shaping, ...) (A→D, Shaping, ...)

(a) Electrical

DNA Channel Layer DNA Physical Layer DNA Channel Layer

DNA Codec (Encode) Synthesizer Storage Sequencer DNA Codec (Decode)

• Scramble • ECC Removal

Bitstream • Packetize • Depacketize Bitstream
111100.. • ECC Insertion • Descramble 111100..
Symbols to Molecules Molecular Molecules to Symbols
• Bits-to-Bases • Bases-to-Bits

Protocol Payload ECC Protocol Payload ECC

(b) DNA
FIGURE 5. Comparing (a) the electrical channel model with (b) the DNA channel model.

J U LY 2 0 2 3 

(homopolymers), a high proportion of similar in nature to those used in exist- technology-based implementations that
Gs and Cs (high GC content), and some ing storage systems. In the next section, miniaturize the synthesis device and
other specific patterns can cause er- we discuss the DNA physical layer. can achieve higher write throughput by
rors. For example, some sequencing synthesizing more sequences in paral-
techniques exhibit errors with long THE DNA DATA STORAGE lel (thousands in well plates versus bil-
homopolymers, and high GC content PHYSICAL LAYER lions on chips). For example, chips akin
may affect sequencing preparation The DNA physical layer [Figure 2(b)] in- to static RAM arrays have been used to
protocols. The transformations in the volves the basic chemistry of DNA for synthesize sequences of DNA, one se-
DNA channel layer avoid transforming writing (synthesis), physically preserv- quence per array position8 (Figure 6).
digital bitstreams into such problem- ing (storage), and reading (sequencing) Like other storage technologies,
atic patterns of bases, thereby reducing DNA molecules. It also involves the scaling relies on miniaturization of
downstream errors and associated er- basic chemistry of DNA for retrieval, these positions so that more fit onto
a chip, but instead of increasing
capacity, more positions (synthesis
sites) on a DNA synthesis chip increase
write throughput, as more sequences
In summary, the DNA channel layer encodes an can be synthesized simultaneously.
input bitstream so that the DNA sequences that are
sent to the physical layer can be effectively and Sequencing
successfully decoded after “transmission.” The two main methods of DNA sequenc-
ing considered for DNA data storage to-
day are sequencing-by-synthesis (SBS)
ror correction overhead, and improving which is both a general preparation (Figure 7) and nanopore sequencing
overall data reliability. This is concep- step for sequencing and also an integral (Figure 8). SBS20,21 indirectly ide­ntifies
tually similar to the actions in a net- step in how systems implement DNA the bases in a source ssDNA strand by
work/electrical channel to mitigate an- storage operation requests from the up- reconstructing a dsDNA strand from
alog effects. For example, a serial link per layers. We will first briefly discuss that source. As each complementary
maintains close to an equal number of synthesis, storage, and sequencing and base is attached in building the dsDNA
ones and zeroes on the wire. then cover retrieval as it is central to strand, the attachment event enables
Optional DNA space protocol: In ad- the functioning of logical storage oper- identification of the original source base,
dition to the actions above, the codec ations for DNA data storage. usually by optical means. Nanopore se-
may insert additional base sequences quencing22,23 detects bases directly
into the already transformed digital Synthesis (no dsDNA construction) by measuring
data (process not shown in Figure 3). DNA synthesis has historically been disturbances in ionic current as a DNA
The purposes are use-case specific implemented with large machines, strand is guided through a tiny opening
but generally involve random access using hoses, valves, and plastic contain- (nanopore). Nanopores can be biological
to or search within the DNA archive. ers known in the life sciences as well or, in development, solid state. A main
An example is the addition of an ob- plates. Hoses and valves will not disap- tradeoff between the two methods is
ject ID, assigned by the session layer pear; however, advances in the semi- that SBS offers higher accuracy but typ-
to sequences belonging to the same conductor industry have enabled silicon ically requires a batched process that
object. The section “Retrieval” dis-
cusses this further.
After these steps, the resulting
DNA sequences are handed over to the
DNA physical layer.
In summary, the DNA channel layer
encodes an input bitstream so that the Detection
DNA sequences that are sent to the Event
physical layer can be efficiently and suc-
cessfully decoded after “transmission” 2 µm
(synthesis, storage, retrieval, and se- Strand
quencing). In doing this, the DNA chan-
FIGURE 6. An electrochemical DNA syn- FIGURE 7. SBS sequencing. (Source:
nel uses transformations and process-
thesis array at 2 μm pitch.8 Illumina, Inc.; used with permission.)
ing steps that are well structured and


results in high latency, while nanopore DNA pull-out with magnetic nanoparti- complement the target site of one or
sequencing offers lower latency at typi- cles15 (Figure 9). more objects, attach to the target mol-
cally lower accuracy. Both methods re- PCR requires the session layer to as- ecules (recall that A pairs with T, and C
quire physical retrieval and preparation sign a set of object IDs, which, at encod- with G) and, along with special enzymes
of the molecules for reading that may ing time, the channel layer appends as called polymerases, kickstart the PCR
add to the readout latency. a set of predefined DNA base sequences process. Over multiple PCR cycles, the
As with synthesis, further scal- to both ends of every DNA sequence be- attached probes (called primers when
ing in sequencing is needed to make longing to an object in the archive; these used in PCR), enable the polymerases
DNA data storage practical, but the base sequences are referred to as target to copy only the target DNA molecules,
fundamentals for both synthesis and sites. At retrieval time, probes, that is, making them more abundant than
sequencing are now in place on semi- short DNA sequences that perfectly molecules representing other objects.
conductor-based platforms, and scal-
ing such platforms is something for
which the technology industry has an
impressive track record.

Electrical Current (pA)

After being written and before being
read, the DNA molecules need to be
stored in an environment that prevents
them from degrading.9,10,11 While a Enzyme
wide variety of preservation methods Nanopore
are common in biotechnology broadly, Read Position
DNA used for data storage is typically
stored dry and in a chemically inert en-
vironment to increase storage density
and stability. Significantly, with such
Ionic Current
methods, DNA for data storage shows
potential for extremely long endur-
ance at room temperature, supporting
reliable long-term storage that is low
cost and sustainable. We expect that
FIGURE 8. Nanopore sequencing. (Source: National Human Genome Research Insti-
large pools of DNA molecules (say, tera-
tute,; used with permission.)
bytes of storage) will be organized into
even larger libraries where pools will
be addressed using a physical coordi-
Target Site
nate system,12 like tape libraries today. Magnetic
Retrieval: Probes for Selected
storage operations Object A
Retrieval defines how DNA molecules are Ploymerase
extracted from a DNA archive and pre- Enzyme
pared for sequencing. The most basic
operation is to read the entire archive, Object B
Not Copied Not Selected
which is equivalent to reading all data in
a tape from beginning to end. However,
when a pool of DNA contains multiple ob-
(a) PCR (b) Magnetic Nanoparticle Pull-Out
jects, random access operations (for ex-
ample, “seeking” the location of an object
or searching for sets of objects) need to be
FIGURE 9. Two random access methods: (a) Probe attaches to the target site so that
performed on the pool.
only the DNA sequences with the Object ID are copied during PCR. (b) Probe attaches
There are a variety of methods to
to the target site of sequences with the Object ID, and magnetic nanoparticles used for
implement such operations, but two
molecular pull-out with a magnet.
popular methods are PCR 3,13,14 and

J U LY 2 0 2 3  83

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