Wish - Hope

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TwishI were abetter fisherman Using Hope and Wish in English Thope I catch abigger fis! next time #00 You can say'I wish you luck / all the best /a happy birthday’ etc I wish you all the best in the future, | saw Mark before the exam and he wished me luck. We say ‘wish somebody something’ (luck / a happy birthday etc.). But you cannot say ‘I wish that something happens’. We use hope in this situation. For example: I'm sorry you're not well. | hope you feel better soon, (not | wish you feel) Compare | wish and | hope: I wish you a pleasant stay here Uhope you have a pleasant stay here. (not | wish you have) We also use wish to say that we regret something, that something is not as we would like it. When we use wish in this way, we use the past (knew/lived etc,), but the meaning is present: wish | knew what to do about the problem. (| don't know and I regret this) | wish you didn’t have to go so soon, (you have to go) Do you wish you lived near the sea? (you don't live near the sea) Jack’s going on a trip to Mexico soon. | wish | was going too. (I'm not going) To say that we regret something in the past, we use wish + had ... (had known / had said) etc. : | wish I'd known about the party. | would have gone if I'd known. (I didn’t know) It was a stupid thing to say. | wish | hadn't said it. (| said it) I wish I could (do something) =| regret that | cannot do it: I'm sorry | have to go. | wish | could stay longer. (but | can't) I've met that man before. | wish | could remember his name. (but | can't) I wish I could have (done something) = | regret that | could not doit | hear the party was great. | wish | could have gone. (but | couldn't go) You can say "wish (somebody) would (do something). For example: ‘wish it would It's been raining all day. Tanya doesn't lke it. She says: stop raining, {wish it would stop raining. Tanya would like the rain to stop, but this will probably not happen, We use | wish ... would when we would like something to happen or change. Usually, the speaker doesn’t expect this to happen. ‘We often use | wish ... would to complain about a situation: The phone has been ringing for five minutes. | wish somebody would answer it. | wish you'd do (= you would do) something instead of just sitting and doing nothing You can use | wish ... wouldn't ... to complain about things that people do repeatedly: I wish you wouldn't keep interrupting me. (= please don't interrupt me) ‘We use | wish ... would ... to say that we want something to happen. But we do not use | wish... would... to say how we would like things to be. Compare: | wish Sarah would come. (=| want her to come) but {wish Sarah was (or were) here now. (not | wish Sarah would be) | wish somebody would buy me a car, but — | wish |had a car. (not | wish | would have) DP Putin wish(ed) or hoped). 1 2 3 4 i 6 | wish _ youa pleasant stay here. Enjoy your holiday. | you have a great time. Goodbye. | you all the best. We said goodbye to each other and each other luck We're going to have a picnic tomorrow, so | the weather is nice. I ‘you luck in your new job. | it works out well for you. BD what do you say in these situations? Write sentences with I wish ... would .... q z It's raining. You want to go out, but not in the rain. You say: | wish it would, stop raining You're waiting for Jane. She's late and you're getting impatient. You say to yourself: | wish You're looking for a job ~ so far without success. Nobody will give you a job. You say: I wish somebody You can hear a baby crying, It's been crying for a long time and you're trying to study. You say: Brian has been wearing the same clothes for years. You think he needs some new clothes. You say to Brian: DD re these sentences right or wrong? Correct them where necessary 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 wish Sarah would be here now. wish Sarah were here now | wish you would listen to me. wish | would have more free time, wish our flat would be a bit bigger. wish the weather would change. | wish you wouldn't complain all the time. | wish everything wouldn't be so expensive BD Put the verb into the correct form. etauawns 10 " ir twas a stupid thing to say. Iwish| hadn't said it. (I/ not/ say) I'm fed up with this rain. Iwish it would. stop (it / stop) It's a difficult question. | wish the answer. (I/ know) | should have listened to you. I wish your advice. (I/ take) You're lucky to be going away. | wish with you. (I/can / come) I have no energy at the moment. | wish sottired. (| /not /be) ‘Aren't they ready yet? | wish (they / hurry up) It would be nice to stay here longer. | wish to go now. (we / not / have) When we were in London last year, we didn't have time to see all the things we wanted to see. Lwish longer. (we/ can / stay) It's freezing today. | wish so cold, | hate cold weather {it /not / be) Joe still doesn’t know what he wants to do. | wish «= (he / decide) I really didn’t enjoy the party. | wish (we / not / go) Study this example situation: 2 Your car should have a spare wheel because itis. possible you will have a puncture. Your car should have a spare wheel in case you have a puncture, In case you have a puncture = because itis possible you will have a puncture. Some more examples of in case: VlUieave my mobile phone switched on in case Jane calls. call) Vil draw a map for you in case you have problems finding our house. (= because itis possible you will have problems) VIL remind them about the meeting in case they've forgotten. (= because it is possible they have forgotten) because it is possible she will We use just in ease for a smaller possibility I don’t think it will rain, but I'll take an umbrella just in case. (= just in case it rains) Do not use will after in case. Use a present tense for the future (see Unit 25): Vil leave my phone switched on in case Jane calls. (not in case jane will call) In case is not the same as if. We use in case to say why somebody does (or doesn't do) something. You do something now in case something happens later. Compare: incase it We'll buy some more food in case We'll buy some more food if Tom Tom comes, comes. (= Maybe Tom will come. We'll buy (= Maybe Tom will come. If he comes, some more food now, whether he ‘we'll buy some more food; if he doesn't ‘comes or not; then we'll aiready have come, we won't buy any more food.) the food if he comes) I'l give you my phone number in case You can call me on this number if you you need to contact me need to contact me. You should insure your bike in case it You should inform the police if your is stolen, bike is stolen You can use in ease + past to say why somebody did something eft my phone switched on in case Jane called. (= because it was possible that Jane would call) | drew a map for Sarah in case she had problems finding the house. \We rang the doorbell again in case they hadn't heard it the first time. In case of is not the same as in case. In case of ...= if there is ... (especially on notices etc): In case of fire, please leave the building as quickly as possible. (= if there isa fire) In case of emergency, call this number. (=f there is an emergency) Dp sophie is going for a long walk in the country. You think she should take: somechocolate. map ananorak acamera__ some water ‘You think she should take these things because: it’s possible she'll get lost “she might gethungry perhaps she'll be thirsty ‘maybe it will rain she might want to take some pictures What do you say to Sophie? Wite sentences within case 1 Take sme choclate in case yo get hungry 2 Take 3 a 5 D what do you sayin these situations? Use in case 1s pestle that jane wil eed to contact you, so you ages to give her your phone number, Yousay. Il giveyou my phone number un case you need 2 contact me 2. Ailend of yours going away for longtime. Maybe you won't se er agin bore she goes, So you decide to say goodbye now. ousay. Psay goodbye ow 2 You are shopping i supermarket witha riend. You thik you have everything you need bat maybe you forgo something. You friend has thet. You ask er to check Yousay. Cenyou ’ 4 You advise a end about using a compatr. You think he should backup (+ copy) his les because maybe there il be a problem with is compute (and he could ose al his data) You say. You sould backup D) complete the sentences using in case 1. There was a possibilty that Jane would call. So | left my phone switched on, left my phone sivitched on in case Jane called 2 I thought that | might forget the name of the book. So | wrote it down. | wrote down the name of the book 3 I thought my parents might be worried about me. So | phoned them. \ phoned my parents 4 sent an email to Lisa, but she didn’t reply. So | sent another email because maybe she didn't get the first one. I sent her another email 5 met some people when | was on holiday in France. They said they might come to London cone day. | live in London, so | gave them my phone number | gave them my phone number D Putin in case orf. 1 I'lldrawa map for you iM case _ you have problems finding our house. 2 You should tell the police i _ you have any information about the crime. 3 I hope you'll come to Australia sometime. you come, you must visit us. 4 This book belongs to Susan. Can you give it to her you see her? 5. Write your name and phone number on your bag you lose it. 6 Goto the lost property office ‘you lose your bag, 7 The burglar alarm will ring somebody tries to break into the house. 8 You should lock your bike to something somebody tries to steal it. 9 Iwas advised to get insurance I needed medical treatment while | was abroad,

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