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Name No.___ Class. English Conversation Tests 1. Bill is very hungry today. GR Bill: , please? a. Iam full. b. Can I have some more? c. Iam very hungry. d. Can I have some water? 2. Student: , may I go to the toilet? Teacher : Yes, be quick. a. Iam happy. b. Excuse me. c. Hello d. I'm sorry. 3. The phone is ringing but Dan’s mother is in the bathroom. Mother: Dan,, a. can you answer the phone? _b. who is calling? c. where is the phone? d. open the phone 4, Sarah : John, this is my new friend, Mary. John: , Mary. a. Nice to meet you b. lam happy c. Hello d. How are you? 5, Steve: I am feeling better today. I can go and watch a movie with you. John: . Let’s meet at 8 o’clock. a. Iam feeling ill today. c. I cannot go with you. b. I’m glad you are better. d. Iam sad you are better. Greeting and introduction Match to finish the sentences. 1. Take . a) from America. 2.1 Tike t0 we b) you do,John? 3. It was nice .... ¢) teacher. & e 4, What do... d) too. a 5. John, this... e) meet you John. 6. See you w... f) care, John. 7. must ws g) morning, John 8. Hi, John, how ..... h) is Helen. 90M wa i) later, John. 10. Pleased to meet you, ... j) meeting you, John. 2 11. Good..... k) about you, John? { MWA 12. rma... I) are you? y 13. | am from m)be off. | have a class saw. 14, Pleased to ..... n) introduce you to Helen. 15. I'ma student. HOW .... ©) Spain, and you? retingtointroduction=-match and fish the sentences ‘Amand Hun, 052020, Let me introduce myself 1) Hi, my name is , what is your name? 2) Tam years old. 3) Tam from____.. (country or region) 4) — live in + (province or city) 5) Tamastudentat school . 6.) My teacher is : 7.) — My favorite color is : 8) My favorite animal is 3 9.) My favorite sport is * 10.) Nice to meet you, havea day. Exercise 8: Answer the questions about yourself: 1, What’ your name? 2. How old are you? 3. Where are you from? 4. What class are you in? 5. What animals do you like? . What’s your favorite color? . When’s your birthday? . What time do you go to school? cers |. What do you do on Sundays? Exercise 9, Match 1, What time dovou eet up? a. To to bed at 10:00 o'clock 2. How do you go to school? Tb. Its Friday. 3. Do you have breakfast every day? Te. It’s nine fifteen. “4. What do you do on Tuesdays? Ta. I visit my grandmother on Saturdays. 5. What time do you go to bed? Te. She's from Malaysia. 6. What do you do on Saturdays? Tgo home at five oblock, 7. What do you like doing ? Ye Ves, Tdo. Thave bread and eggs for breakfast, 8. What time do you go home after school ? | h. I walk to school, 9. Where is she from? Ti Tike dancing 10. What time is it? J]. Tget up at 7:00 o'clock 11. What day is it today? Tk. Tdo housework EF = * 7 ® =p fe Exercise 16. Write the words in the correct order to make sentences: 1. you/sandwich/like/Would /a/? 2. want/ do/ What/ eat/ you/ to/? 3. some/ I/ grapes/ want/ 4. juice/ want/ some/ I/ 5. to/ you/ What/ want/ drink/ do/? 6. some/you/ Would /like/strawberries/? 7. you /chips /some /like /Would/? G6rammor practice: "can" Reorder the words to make correct the sentence. ~ CAN/CAN With Animals! Lions run fast. sing. he tortoise climb trees. eat pizza. PPA Elephants flyin the sky. % The octopus swim in the water. Vv ) ae Dogs te humans. PPA WHAT ARE THEY DOING? He's swimming. She's drawing. They're reading. He's singing. She's swimming, They're painting. [_Jie's dancing. She's reading. They're swimming. He's reading. She's singing. They're dancing. SSLIVEWORKSHEETS nat are you doing? “ep q. She is She is He is STUDYING | | PLAvING TENNIS | | RUNNING GETTING UP | | DRINKING || HAvINGAsHOWER EATING cermesrrese |, UNUMBubers What are you doing? swimming running walking surfing skiing shopping dancing sitting painting sleeping talking climbing tam tam lam tam tam Fed am. WOULD YOU LIKE...? Choose the correct answer. @ Would you tike Fill in the blanks with this/that. What is this? This is a book. What is that? That isa bat. — a, a is an apple. What i z . is an orange. What is ? . is acat, What is ? Ca is a guitar. What is 2 is a bee. eduburahids com © 2013, a1 Righis Reserved LearnEnglish Kids Write the number under the pictures. ten twenty seventy 30/10 100 90 2. Add thern upl Write the numbers and add them up! © 20__ twenty +30___thivty : 30 +50 60. +10 20 +40. 10. +80. 40. +60. ‘www brtisheouncll orgreamengisnias

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