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To Whom It May Concern:

Dear Sir or Madam,

An investigation of the influence of procurement procedures on the construction project
We would like to invite your participation in this research study which seeks to deepen
understanding of procurement procedures and the role it plays in determining construction
project performance.
We will be very grateful if you can complete the enclosed questionnaire and return it. The
questionnaire will require that you recall your experiences on the most recently completed
construction project and use that as a basis for responding to the questions. Your
contribution will be most invaluable. You are assured that the information obtained from
this survey will be kept strictly CONFIDENTIAL and used for research purposes only.
Upon request, you will receive a copy of a report detailing the results of this research.
If you require any further information or clarification, we will be pleased to answer your
questions. Contact details are provided below. Alternatively, you may wish to make
assumptions on any matters that are unclear to you.
We do appreciate that the questionnaire will take some of your valuable time. However,
without your kind and expert input the ambitions of this research project will not be
realized. It is our hope therefore that you will be able to assist us in this research by
completing and returning the enclosed questionnaire.

Project တခမက များစွာ ိပါက Project အလိက် သီးြခားေြဖ ကားေပးပါရန်

ံ ပ်ပါသည်။

Thanking you in anticipation.

Yours Sincerely,

Myat Khaing Swe

EMBA II – 67
EMBA 19th Batch (Online)
Department of Management Studies
Yangon University of Economics 2022 – 2023

Appendix II: Questionnaire Survey
Questionnaire Survey
Section A General information (Optional)
Please provide a description of the project, which was recently completed, and you were
personally involved, by providing appropriate answers to the questions below.
Name of respondent:
Position of respondent:
Project director
Project Manager
Procurement Manager
Name of Company/Project:
Nos of storey
Telephone: E‐mail:

Have you worked on other construction projects prior to this project?

Please indicate your age (Please tick)
Under 25
Over 50 Years
Please indicate your actual years of experience ___
Under 5
Over 20 Years

Section B Procurement procedures
Project design choice questionnaires
Very Simple Very Complex

1.How would you rate the complexity of this project? 1 2 3 4 5

2.What was the contract price?
3.What was the proposed project duration?
4. Please indicate the procurement approach employed for this project (Please tick)
Traditional lump sum competitive tendering (Design, Bid, Build)
Design & Build
Management Contracting
Construction Management
Other approach (please specify)

5. Please indicate whether you agree that these attributes have a high impact on project
design choice in construction projects using the 5-point Likert scale, ranging from
strongly disagree (1) to strongly agree (5).

ံ ိနး် များတွင ် these attributes များသည် project design choice ေရွ းချယ်မအေပ
် ားေသာ အကျိ းသက်ေရာက်မ ိမ ိကိ 5-point Likert scale ကိ အသံးြပ ၍ ေကျးဇးြပ ၍
a) The project type is a critical factor in determining the success of the chosen
project design choice.
Project type သည် ေရွ းချယ်ထားေသာ project design choice ေရွ းချယ်မ၏ ေအာင်ြမင်မကိ
ဆံးြဖတ်ရာတွင် အေရးပါေသာအချက်တစ်ချက်ြဖစ်သည်။ 1 2 3 4 5
b) The project design choice appropriately considers the client's requirements for
Project design choice ေရွ းချယ် မ သည် client's requirements for schedule ကိ
် လျာ် စွာ ထည့် သွငး် စ းစား သည် ။ 1 2 3 4 5
c) The project design choice effectively addresses the client's requirements for cost.

project design choice ေရွ းချယ် မ သည် the client's requirements for cost များ ကိ
ထိေရာက် စွာ ကိင်တယ
ွ ် ေြဖ င်း သည် ။ 1 2 3 4 5
d) The roles and responsibilities are clearly defined in the project design choice.
The roles and responsibilities များကိ project design choice ေရွ းချယ်မတွင် င်းလင်းစွာ
သတ်မတ်ထားသည်။ 1 2 3 4 5
e) The project design choice allows for adaptability to changes in project
project design choice ေရွ းချယ်မက project requirements ေတွ ေြပာင်းလဲ င်
ိ စွမ်းကိ
ခွငြ့် ပ ပါတယ်။ 1 2 3 4 5
f) The project design choice accounts for and complies with relevant laws and
project design choice ေရွ းချယ်မက သက်ဆင်
ိ ရာ laws and regulations ေတွကိ
လိက်နာတယ်။ 1 2 3 4 5
g) The project design choice includes mechanisms to address and resolve potential
project design choice ေရွ းချယ်မတွင ် ြဖစ် င်
ိ ေြခ ေ
ိ သာ အြငင်းပွားမများကိ ေြဖ င်းရန် င့်
ေြဖ င်းရန် နည်းစနစ်များ ပါဝင်သည်။ 1 2 3 4 5
h) The project design choice considers the availability of necessary materials.
project design choice ေရွ းချယ်မက လိအပ်ေသာပစည်းများရ ိ င်
ိ စွမ်းကိ သံးသပ်သည်။
1 2 3 4 5
i) The client's experience in project management affects project design choice.
Project management တွင ် client's experience သည် project design choice ေရွ းချယ်မကိ
သက်ေရာက်ေစသည်။ 1 2 3 4 5
J) The project design choice leverages available technology effectively.
Project design choice ေရွ းချယ်မက ရ ိ င်
ိ တဲ့ နည်းပညာကိ ထိေရာက်စွာ အကျိ းြပ ပါတယ်။

1 2 3 4 5
j) I believe that the chosen project design choice is likely to contribute to successful
project performance.
ေရွ းချယ်ထားတဲ့ project design choice ေရွ းချယ်မက ေအာင်ြမင်တဲ့ စီ project performance
ကိ အေထာက်အကြပ င်
ိ တယ်လိ က
့ န်ေတာ်ယံ ကည်ပါတယ်။
1 2 3 4 5

Bid Invitation and Evaluation
6. For each of the following factors, indicate how much influence they had on the
evaluation and selection of the bidder on the construction project?
Construction project တွင ် ေလလံဆသ
ွဲ ၏ အကဲြဖတ်မ င့် ေရွ းချယ်မ evaluation and selection
အေပ သတိ မည်
့ မ သဇာလမ်းမိးခဲ့ေ ကာင်း ေအာက်ပါအချက်တစ်ခစီအတွက် ေဖာ်ြပပါသေလာ။

Low Influence High Influence

a) Bid price 1 2 3 4 5
b) Technical competence 1 2 3 4 5
c) Management Capability 1 2 3 4 5
d) Earlier experience 1 2 3 4 5
e) Reference objects 1 2 3 4 5
f) Environmental and quality management system
1 2 3 4 5
g) Financial Stability 1 2 3 4 5
h) Collaborative skills 1 2 3 4 5

Section C Collaborative climate
Trust factors
7.Please indicate whether you agree that these attributes have a high impact on trust in
construction projects using the 5-point Likert scale, ranging from strongly disagree (1) to
strongly agree (5).
ဒီ attributes ေတွက construction projects ေတွမာ ယံ ကည်စိတခ ် ျမအေပ ြမငမ့် ားတဲ့

အကျိ းသက်ေရာက်မ တ
ိ ယ်ဆတာကိ
ိ ေကျးဇးြပ ၍ န်ြပပါ။ strongly disagree (1) to strongly

agree (5)
a) The contractor has a good reputation in the construction industry.
ကန်ထ က်
ိ တာသည် ေဆာက်လပ်ေရးလပ်ငန်းတွင ် နာမည်ေကာင်း ိသည်။

1 2 3 4 5
b) We have confidence in the contractor's competence.
ကန်ထ က်
ိ တာရဲ စွ့ မ်းရည်ကိ က န်ေတာ်တိ ယံ
့ ကည်စိတခ
် ျပါတယ်။ 1 2 3 4 5
c) The contractor is honest regarding execution or changes in construction projects.
ကန်ထ က်
ိ တာ သည် ေဆာက်လပ် ေရး စီမံကိနး် များ တွင် အေြပာင်းအလဲ များ သိမဟတ်

အေကာင်အထည်ေဖာ်ြခင်း ြခင်း င့် ပတ်သက် ၍ ိးသား သည် ။ 1 2 3 4 5

d) The contractor behaves reliably and can meet our expectations.
ကန်ထ က်
ိ တာသည် ယံ ကည်စိတခ ် တိေမ
် ျစွာ ြပ မတတ် ပီး က ပ် ့ ာ်လင့ထ
် ားရာများကိ

ြဖည့်ဆည်းေပး င်
ိ သည်။ 1 2 3 4 5
e) Project goals can be satisfactorily achieved.
စီမံကိနး် ပန်းတိင်များကိ ေကျနပ်စွာ ေအာင်ြမင် င်
ိ သည်။ 1 2 3 4 5
f) The two parties communicate effectively, and each knows the needs of the other.
ပါတီ စ်ခသည် ထိေရာက်စွာ ဆက်သွယေ
် ြပာဆိ က ပီး တစ်ဦးစီ၏ လိအပ်ရာများကိ သိ ိ ကသည်။

1 2 3 4 5
g) The contractor tries his/her best to fulfill his promises.
ိ တာက သရဲ့ ကတိ
ကန်ထ က် ့ ေတွကိ ြပည့စ
် ေအာင်
ံ အတတ် င်
ိ ဆးံ ကိ းစားတယ်။

1 2 3 4 5
h) Problems can be solved through amicable negotiations.
ြပဿနာေတွကိ ေြဖ င်း င်
ိ ပါတယ်။ 1 2 3 4 5
i) Interests and risks are shared fairly and reasonably.
Interests and risks များကိ မ မ တတ င ့် အကျိ းသငအ့် ေ ကာင်းသင ့် ိ ိ မ ေဝခံစား ကရသည်။

1 2 3 4 5
j) The rights and obligations of each party are clearly and completely expressed in a

ပါတီတစ်ခစီ၏ အခွငအ
့် ေရးများ င့် တာဝန်ဝတရားများကိ စာချ ပ်တစ်ခတွင ် င်းလင်းစွာ င့်

လံးဝေဖာ်ြပထားသည်။ 1 2 3 4 5

Section D: Outcome of Project

Construction Project Performance Evaluation
8. What was the final cost of the project?
9. What is the duration of the project?

10. What factors account for the difference between the actual and proposed duration?

Estimation Errors
Poor project management.
Others (Please specify)
11. At the time of handover, to what extent was the project free from apparent defects?
(Please tick)
The project was free from defects.
There were a few defects, but the project handed over on time.
There were one or more defects that delayed handover slightly – by how many
There were major defects which delayed handover substantially ‐ by how many
Don’t know.

12. The following statements assess the ultimate performance of the completed project
which you have recently completed or been involved in. Please give your assessment of
the overall project performance by rating the following factors on a scale of 1 to 5.
Factors Outcome
a) This project has come to an end on schedule. 1 2 3 4 5
b) This project has come in on budget. 1 2 3 4 5
c) This project has met technical specifications. 1 2 3 4 5
d) This project has met corporate missions. 1 2 3 4 5
e) This project has met client satisfaction on service. 1 2 3 4 5
f) This project has met users' product satisfaction. 1 2 3 4 5
g) This project has met project stakeholders' needs and expectations.
1 2 3 4 5
h) This project has met intended goals. 1 2 3 4 5
i) We are confident that the contractors' attributes will have an impact on the success of
this project. 1 2 3 4 5
j) We are confident that the project management success of this project has contributed
towards the overall project success. 1 2 3 4 5

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