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St. Mary’s College of Marinduque, Inc.

(formerly: Immaculate Conception College)

Isok 1, Boac, Marinduque
Tel. No. (042) 332 – 1870
Email Address:




School Intramurals is one of the most exciting and anticipated events of the Junior High

School Students during the school year, which encourages students in the school to participate in

physical activities during non-school time. As a junior high school student, who are going through

critical physical and social development, the inclusion of extracurricular activities like intramural

sports programs could have a significant impact. Balancing academic pressure with the need for

physical activity and social interaction is more likely to be a challenge for some junior high school

students of SMC-Marinduque. As a new generation of students, we are addicted to gadgets rather

than to socializing with others. Intramurals is a keyway to improve social harmony as it tests our

teamwork, solidarity, and fair competitiveness. It is also a way to increase student social

engagement, which is difficult for some students because of social anxiety and shyness. The real

value of having intramurals is not competing, but to recreate and build friendships with your

friends. In addition to fostering greater social harmony, intramural sports offer a variety of sports-

related activities that can help us stay physically fit and improve our athletic abilities.

This study examines how intramural sports programs affect the physical and social

engagement of junior high school students at SMC-Marinduque.

St. Mary’s College of Marinduque, Inc.
(formerly: Immaculate Conception College)
Isok 1, Boac, Marinduque
Tel. No. (042) 332 – 1870
Email Address:

Background of the Study

Junior high school marks a time of significant physical, social, and emotional development,

where promoting healthy habits and positive social interactions becomes crucial. Intramural sports

offer a readily accessible platform for promoting physical activity through diverse sports and

recreational activities (Dishman et al., 2004), fostering social connections through teamwork and

collaboration (Furman & Buhrmester, 2010), and building self-esteem and confidence through

achievable goals and success in a supportive environment (Harter, 1999). Additionally, social

pressures and anxieties often limit junior high students' social engagement and belonging,

contributing to isolation and loneliness (Juvonen & Cohen, 1996).

This study aims by investigating the impact of intramurals on junior high students' physical

and social engagement, contributing valuable insights for designing effective program strategies

and promoting holistic adolescent well-being.

Statement of the Problem

The main objective of this study is to determine the impact of Intramural Sports Program

on the Physical and Social Engagement among Junior High School Students. This study will

answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents?

2. Do the students participate in intramurals? If yes, which sports or activities have they

participated in most often this year? If no, why haven't they participated in intramurals?

3. To what extent do intramurals help students connect with other students?

St. Mary’s College of Marinduque, Inc.
(formerly: Immaculate Conception College)
Isok 1, Boac, Marinduque
Tel. No. (042) 332 – 1870
Email Address:

4. On a scale of 1 to 5 how much do they agree that participating in intramurals has

improved their physical fitness and increased their energy level?

5. On a scale of 1 to 5, how do they rate the impact of intramurals on their physical and

social lives?

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study will be conducted during the Third Quarter of School Year 2023-2024 and

participated by Junior High School Students from St. Mary’s College of Marinduque. The

participants will answer a survey questionnaire. Data gathering is focused on the survey

questionnaire of the respondents.

Significance of the Study

The result of this study will benefit the following:

For the Parents. This study aims to inform parents about the social health of their children

while they are on school premises.

For the Teachers. This study will assist them in developing and enhancing the junior high

school student’s sense of social camaraderie and in coming up with activities that will enhance the

student’s mental and physical well-being.

St. Mary’s College of Marinduque, Inc.
(formerly: Immaculate Conception College)
Isok 1, Boac, Marinduque
Tel. No. (042) 332 – 1870
Email Address:

For the students. As the study's first beneficiaries, they will gain a better understanding

of the social and physical benefits of participating in intramural sports, as well as support in

developing stronger bonds with their fellow students.

For the Researchers. The researchers benefited from learning new information about the

social and physical well-being of junior high school students.

For future researchers. This study will serve as reference material for future research

who wish to conduct the same qualitative research or any related study about the intramural sports


Definition of Terms

Impact. The force of impression of one thing on another a significant or major effect.

Intramurals. Schoolwide involvement of all students in physical activity during non-

instructional times that occur during the school day.

Social Engagement. Refers to one’s degree of participation in a community or society.

Junior High School Students. This refers to students of the K-12 Program referred as the

Grade 7 to Grade 10. These refer to the students involved in the study.

Sports Program. This refers to a program that is organized for intramural or interschool

purposes that include any outdoor and indoor games.

St. Mary’s College of Marinduque, Inc.
(formerly: Immaculate Conception College)
Isok 1, Boac, Marinduque
Tel. No. (042) 332 – 1870
Email Address:



Foreign Literature and Studies

According to Artinger, et al., (2006). Physical activity can also benefit a student’s mental

performance and stability. Living a healthy lifestyle, including getting exercise every day and

eating well, has been shown to decrease the occurrence of depression.

Furthermore, according to (Alexandris & Carroll, 1999) Participation in campus recreation

and intramural sports for international student populations at colleges and universities has proven

in the past to have been both an understudied and complex topic (Alexandris & Carroll, 1999)

Moreover, according to (Morrison,1953) The earliest physical education in American

schools was a transplanted European pattern of strictly formal gymnastics. Means points out that

it was not until the 1860’s that American colleges and universities began to borrow outright the

English idea of sports.

According to (Bocarro, Kanter’s, Casper, & Forrester, 2008, p. 155) The consistent exercise

which can be provided by participating in intramural sports is a good preventative measure for

adult diabetes, obesity, and other health-related illnesses.

Moreover, according to (Cooper et al. 2012) Scholars have also found many benefits

associated with participation in intramural sports it found out that students engage in intramural

St. Mary’s College of Marinduque, Inc.
(formerly: Immaculate Conception College)
Isok 1, Boac, Marinduque
Tel. No. (042) 332 – 1870
Email Address:

programming with the expectation that they will enjoy their experience, improve competence in

the activity, and enhance their physical appearance and fitness levels.

Scholars have also noted that participation in campus recreation can improve physical

fitness (Lower et al., 2013), self-confidence (Artinger et al., 2006; Hall, 2006; Huesman et al.,

2009), stress management (Kimball & Freysinger, 2003), emotional health and overall energy

levels (Ellis et al., 2002), happiness (Struts & Ross, 2013) and self-esteem and physical self-

description (Simmons & Childers, 2013).

According to (Lower, 2013) Participation in intramural sport has also been associated with

intellectual benefits.

(Forrester 2015), Notably, previous research suggests that participation in intramurals

contributes to improved health and physical fitness, greater self-confidence, and improved stress

management among students.

According to (Gleason, 2019) Intramural sports are an important aspect of the college

experience. The program gives students another opportunity to experience college outside of

schoolwork. According to the American College Health Association, the national average of

college students who participate in intramural sports is 17%.

According to (Struts & Ross, 2013) Participation in recreational sport activities,

specifically intramural sports, have countless benefits to college students. Astin’s Theory of

Student Development explores the relationship between the amount and quality of time and energy

that students spend in college activities and the amount of learning and developing students


St. Mary’s College of Marinduque, Inc.
(formerly: Immaculate Conception College)
Isok 1, Boac, Marinduque
Tel. No. (042) 332 – 1870
Email Address:

According to (Coakley,2017) Sports as a social phenomenon, it’s a highly visible kind of

organized activity that has caught the community’s interest. He said it is linked to ideology and

main social spheres like family, economy, media, politics, education, and religion. also, sports can

be simply defined as any physical activity for many individuals, but sports have been elevated to

a far greater level of importance than this conventional definition.

Furthermore, (Lacaba, 2020) Sports Program play a significant role in a man’s whole

development. Essentially, it aids every learner’s psychomotor growth; then, it improves their

interpersonal skills and, as a result, improves not only their physical and social well-being but also

their moral and spiritual development to the highest level possible.

According to (Eime et al., 2013). Intramurals foster social interaction and the development of

relationships among participants, contributing to a sense of belonging and social connectedness.

Moreover, according to (Dorsch et al., 2015) Team-based intramural activities promote teamwork,

cooperation, and communication skills, which are valuable in both social and professional


Local Literature and Studies

According to (Macasil,2015) School intramurals in the Philippines often center on sports,

athletics, games, and other competitive physical activities. Usually a separate and external event,

the beauty pageant has become a popular and integral part of school intramurals. Little is known

about the intramural beauty pageant.

According to (Lemons,2021) Intramurals are an opportunity for students to compete

against their classmates in various sports. The purpose of the intramural program is to provide fun,

St. Mary’s College of Marinduque, Inc.
(formerly: Immaculate Conception College)
Isok 1, Boac, Marinduque
Tel. No. (042) 332 – 1870
Email Address:

safe and structured play experiences that promote the physical, mental and social development of

every child.

Moreover, according to (Salino,2022) Sport promotes good health in students, as athletes

are fitter and healthier than others, and these students are typically more active, self-assured, and


Also, according to (Buerdon,2022) Participation in intramural sports is an opportunity for

all students to compete against their schoolmates in various sports. It encourages school wide

involvement of students in sports activities as extra class programs during school days.

According to (Esguerra,2019) Sports programs have been an integral part of all schools.

They support the academics of the school and therefore foster success in life. These programs are

educational and helpful in producing productive citizenship. They help students experience and

build skills, like interpersonal and time management, that may be beneficial in their future.

Moreover, according to (Merida,2020) sports activities are one of the most important

benefits of playing sports as a part of the school curriculum. Sports experiences can cause varsity

students to become increasingly uninvolved in academics throughout their high school career as

their lives become more focused on playing in the field or court. The evaluation of the sports and

academic priorities of the varsity students can portray the academic gap between sports. Varsity

students experience complex developmental issues that should be addressed in programs and

policies created by the institution.

According to the study of (Montecalbo-Ignacio et. al. 2017), some critics further believed

that there was no possibility that the student-athletes achieve excellence in sports as well as in

academics at the same time.

St. Mary’s College of Marinduque, Inc.
(formerly: Immaculate Conception College)
Isok 1, Boac, Marinduque
Tel. No. (042) 332 – 1870
Email Address:

Moreover, according to (Torrefranca,2018) Sports program is a steppingstone to show the

skills and talent of the students, it is also a key to develop the spirit of sportsmanship, camaraderie,

dedication, and fulfillment among individuals.

St. Mary’s College of Marinduque, Inc.
(formerly: Immaculate Conception College)
Isok 1, Boac, Marinduque
Tel. No. (042) 332 – 1870
Email Address:


This chapter discusses the methods and procedure used by the researchers in conducting

the study.

Research Design

The research study employed a descriptive research methodology, which will be utilized

to present the descriptive operator's frequency.

Descriptive research aims to describe a population, situation, or phenomenon accurately

and systematically. (Mccombes,2019)

The questions posed by the researchers will ultimately dictate the kind of methodology

required to finish an accurate evaluation of the subject at hand; for example, descriptive studies

that focus on determining "what is" could be used to investigate.

Population Sample and Sampling Techniques

The study involved 25 students from the Grade 7-Grade 10 students at St. Mary’s College

of Marinduque for the school year 2023-2024.

Research Instruments

This study uses a survey questionnaire to assess the data required in this study. The survey

questionnaires will be distributed to the respondents of the study.

St. Mary’s College of Marinduque, Inc.
(formerly: Immaculate Conception College)
Isok 1, Boac, Marinduque
Tel. No. (042) 332 – 1870
Email Address:

Data Gathering Procedure

The 25 junior high school students at St. Mary's College of Marinduque will be given

questionnaires as part of the data collection process for this study. The survey questions were given

out by the researchers themselves to ensure that as many respondents as possible responded.

St. Mary’s College of Marinduque, Inc.
(formerly: Immaculate Conception College)
Isok 1, Boac, Marinduque
Tel. No. (042) 332 – 1870
Email Address:

1. Demographic Profile of the respondents
Gender:  Male  Female
Grade Level:  Grade 7  Grade 8  Grade 9  Grade 10

2. Do you participate in the intramurals? If yes, which sports or activities have you
participated in most often this year? If no, why haven't you participated in Intramurals?
 Yes -  team  individual  recreational activities
 No -  lack of interest  time constraints not familiar with the program
 Other (pls. specify) ___________________

3. To what extent do intramurals help you connect with other students?

 It gives opportunities for social interaction between students and their peer.
 Promotes social interaction between students and their fellow students
 Build relationships and friendships during intramurals.
 Enhance their connection skill with fellow students

4. On a scale of 1 to 5 how much do you agree that participating in intramurals has

improved your physical fitness and increased your energy level?
 1 - Poor  4- Very Good
 2 - Fair  5- Excellent
 3- Good

5. On a scale of 1 to 5, how do you rate the impact of intramurals on your physical and
social life?
 1 - Poor  4- Very Good
 2 - Fair  5- Excellent
 3- Good


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