Statement of Problem and Questionnaires Amanda Son

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque
District of Boac



A Quantitative Research

presented to the Faculty of Senior high School Department


Isok, 1 Boac Marinduque

In Partial fulfillment of the requirements in

Practical Research 2


Franciz M. Luz

Amanda L. Son

Roxane J. Oliveroz

Anna Grace M. Malbog


Submitted to:

Mrs. Eileen B. Montiano

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque
District of Boac


Preliminary Pages Pages

Title Page…………………………………………………………………. 1

Table of Contents………………………………………………………… 2



Statement of the Problem……………………………………………... 5

Significance of the study……………………………………………………6

Scope and Delimitation…………………………………………………… 7

Chapter II: Review of the literature and conceptual framework

Related Literature Local……………………………...….………....……...9

Conceptual Framework…………………………………………….…...….13

Chapter III: Methodology and Research Design, Intervention

Research Design…………………...............................................................15

Chapter IV: Presentation and Analysis of Data

Presentation and Analysis of Data………………………………………….19

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque
District of Boac

Chapter V: Summary, Conclusions, Recommendation


Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque
District of Boac



Bread and pastry production is on of the specialized subjects under TVL career tracks. Bread

and pastry production NC II also known as Baking and Pastry NC II is a technical vocational program

that develops the skill of students.

Some student of grade 12 Bread and Pastry production didn`t get their apply the basic skill on

their baking skills because they used to handle it and found there are so many basic skill to apply in

baking skills like measure some ingredients or mixing some ingredients. This paper is about the effect

of basic skill in baking on grade 12 students in Marinduque National High School. Proficiency in

fundamental techniques such as measuring ingredients, kneading dough, and understanding

temperature control directly impacts the quality of their baked goods. These skills not only contribute

to the taste and texture of the final products but also influence overall creativity and presentation. As

foundational elements, basic baking skills serve as the building blocks for students to excel in more

advanced techniques, setting the stage for success in their academic and professional pursuits within

the Bread and Pastry production.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque
District of Boac


1. What is the level of basic baking skill of Grade 12 Bread and Pastry Production students?

2. What is the level of baking skill of the Grade 12 Bread and Pastry Production students?

3. What is the way to improve the basic skill of Grade 12 Bread and Pastry production?
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque
District of Boac

Significance of the study

Basic skill in baking skill have been referred to as the ability and perfect in task related food

preparations including washing peeling and chopping in Basic skill way to improve your skill also

knowing the night tools utensils and equipment by knowing those student can easily identify which

tool and equipment they use to cook and preparation for a dish.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque
District of Boac

Background of the study

The researchers created this study to determine what are the effects of basic skill in baking on

skills of Grade 12 Bread and Pastry production. The researchers determine the effects of basic skill in

the baking skill of Grade 12 the status is some student they don`t get easily develop their skill because

they have no manage of time and on how they used some technique to express their baking skills.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque
District of Boac

Scope and Delimitation

This Research will be conducted by Grade 12 BPP Johnson TVL students to find out

the effects of basic skill in baking enable the researchers to catch or to gather some ideas. Further

knowledge and deep understanding to the mentioned topic of the respondents of this study will be

Grade 12 BREAD AND PASTRY PRODUCTION use limited only to BPP students of Marinduque

National High School.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque
District of Boac


Review of the Literature and Conceptual Framework

This chapter presents the relevant literature and the studies that researcher considered strengthening

the importance of the present of the study. Its also present the synthesis of the art to fully understand

the research for better comprehension of the study.

Related Literature Local

According to indeed Editorial team (2022) these professional require a special set of skills to

perform their duties effectively. Understanding the skills that are essential in baking and how to gain

them can help you prepare appropriately for this career. Bakers’ skill is the technical abilities and soft

skills that qualify you for a baker’s position and help you succeed in the role. You may gain technical

skills trough education or apprenticeship. To become a baker, you need secondary school certification

to be a accepted into a culinary program takes one two year complete. Technical skills are important

for bakers because they help you know how to measure ingredients, understand baking times various

product and decorate dessert. This helps you make quality bake products, which contributes to

increase profitability of your bakery or the establishment where you work. Non-technical or soft skills

are character traits that help you interact well with others and carry out your task efficiently. These

skills help in ensuring excellent customer service and nurturing positive working relationship with

team members. As baker, you may face varied challenges in the course of your duties. Having the

capability to find an effective solution is paramount to ensuring success in service delivery. Some
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque
District of Boac

recipes may come short of ingredients, and this skill help you find suitable solution. Skilled bakers

have the

resourcefulness to make inadequate ingredients work or to identify alternatives that can help them

resolve issues that occur during the baking process.


According to Le Cordon Bleu across the span of the cuisine, pastry and bakery courses in

Malaysia you will equip yourself with a range of practical skills and knowledge related to the food

industry in preparation of a career as chef, pastry chef, baker or foods entrepreneur. From hands-on

experience working in a professional kitchen to learning about the importance of sourcing quality

ingredients, you need this hard earned abilities Diploma in baking, a recipe for success to create a truly

delectable meal. Intuition alone is not enough you must master that art of selecting the right

ingredients and the proper technique of following a recipe with precision. Similarly in the culinary

world., the path to success demand a diverse skill set that goes beyond mere passion and enthusiasm.

Baking and Pastry skills are essential components of any comprehensive culinary education. Students

will better understand how to bake and create a variety of pastry and bakery items, including bread,

cakes and pasties, dessert, and others bakes goods. They will learn how to measure ingredients, mis

and knead the dough use different tools and create various decorative designs with a dash of creativity,

a pinch of precision, and a spoonful of passion, student pursuing this diploma in baking can whip up

some truly amazing treats rom mastering the intestacies of dough rolling to perfecting the art of piping,

these skills can turn anyone into a pastry powerhouse.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque
District of Boac


According to Ècole Ducasse whether you want you pursue a career as baker or simply want to

make professional- level pastries there are many skills needed for baking to learn: from basic kneading

to exquisitely layered Viennoiserie. The main benefit you will see from improving your baking skills

to being able to create impressive delicacies. Developing more enhanced skills will help if you want to

start a career in the baking and pastry arts such as becoming a professional baker or working in a

patisserie. It will also essential if you want start a bakery. Professional baking skills will help you enter

the culinary world in an advanced position rather than having to work your way up from entry- level

role. Types of baking skills and techniques required things to focus on if you want to become

professional baker are generally split into two categories: hard and soft skills. Hard skills for a baker

are technical competencies baking. Soft skills are transferable capabilities that can be helpful in any

role you take one. From baking skills, there are different types of pastry, such as Short crust, choux,

and filo, all of which used in baking. In the bread and pastry industry there are different General skills

like cost control to keeping on top of ingredients cost is important if your are to continue turning a

profit inventory control. You need them, Recipe management you find a system recipe organization

that works well for you need them, Recipe management you should find a system recipe organization

that works well for you. And the role of creativity in baking skills is a vital part of baking and any
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque
District of Boac

culinary career, all of the famous pastry chef are known for their creativity as we’ll as their technical


This can be harder to learn that some of the skills listed above, but you can develop your

creativity by exploring the world of baking and expanding your horizon until you develop your own

idea. For many, this is one of the most we rewarding aspect of baking. And according to Aggiornato il

Bread and Pastry Production is a highly effective vocational skill for students, as it allow them

to develop practical abilities and gain valuable knowledge. Trough this training, students learn How to

use bakery equipment, measure ingredients accurately, and create a variety of bread and pastries. This

skill particularly beneficial for senior high school students, as it help them become responsible citizen

and discipline learner. A study conducted in several school highlighted the effectiveness of Bread and

Pastry Production in enhancing students skills. Overall Bread and Pastry Production is a valuable

vocational skills that equip students with practical abilities and prepare for the career in the baking

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque
District of Boac



Basic Skill Baking Skill

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework

This researcher conducted research to determine the effect of basic skill in baking on the grade

12 Bread and Pastry Production students. To gathered data and information needed in the study the

researcher used questionnaire and survey from the respondents who have the perceptions towards to

the study. The researcher wants to know the level of expectation of the students towards the effect of
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque
District of Boac

basic skill in baking. There are 53 respondents who gave their perceptions regarding to this effect of

basic skill in baking for our Grade-12 BPP student.


There are no significant differences in the profile of the respondents and the effect of basic

skill in baking on the grade 12 Bread and Pastry Production students.

Definition of Terms

Baking the process of food by indirect heat or dry heat in confined space as in heated oven

using gas, electricity, wood, or oil at a temperature from 250° F-45°F

Convection stove in which a fan circulates

Oven heated air through the oven for for fast even cooking

Discard to get rid of being in further use

Dough a flour mixture that can be rolled or kneaded

Duct oven a brick oven

Microwave an oven that utilizes electromagnetic

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque
District of Boac

Oven energy below the magnetic spectrum

Mixing to bring together into uniform mass

Pre- heat to heat (an oven, for example) before hand

Sift separating course particles in the ingredients by passing through a sieve or sifter



(Research Design)

This chapter present the method and procedure that was applied in this study. The survey

method was used to gather data and information from the students of grade 12 Bread an Pastry

Production A set of Questionnaires was designed by the researcher to collect data and information

The Sample

This study used a correlational study also known as the studies utilize non-random criteria

while assigning subject groups.

A correlational study is a type of research design that looks at the relationships between two or

more variables. Correlational study are non-experimental which means that the experimenters has not

manipulate or control any of the variables.

(Population, sample and Sampling techniques)

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque
District of Boac

The participants of the study were the students of Grade 12 Bread and Pastry production in

Marinduque National High School who are currently enrolled for the school year 2023-2024

In measuring the number of sample this study. The researcher used solvin’s formula with

standard error 5% or 0.05 and 95% confidence level. This formula is used to determine the number of

samples from population it was sample techniques which provides equal to be selected as a sample

member with total population 59,53 student from Grade 12 BPP were are use as sample in this study.

Table 1. Distribution of the population of the respondents


Rhowedder 33 56.6% 33

Johnson 26 4.4% 20

TOTAL 59 100% 53

(Research Instrument)

These researchers use a self-made questionnaire as their primary instruments on gather

information and data. In the Questionnaire the researchers provide five choices of respond for the

respondent in answering the Questionnaire: Those contains the profile of the respondents according to

their set, age and average grade in first grading school year 2023-2024 it also contains the items about
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque
District of Boac

the effects of basic skills in baking on the Grade 12 Bread and Pastry Production in Marinduque

National High School. Scale and Verbal Interpretation were made.








(Data collection procedure)

In collecting the data, the researcher distributed questionnaire of Grade 12 Johnson which

consists of 26. Students and Grade 12 Rhowedder which consists of 33. For easy understanding the

researcher will read the direction to the respondents

After the respondents finished answering the questionnaire, the questionnaire was checked

whether all items are completely answered all gathered data to evaluate and analyze for the purpose of

the research.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque
District of Boac

(Validity of The Instrument)

The designed questionnaire was submitted to research adviser for correction and approval

before distributing it to the respondents.

(Statistical Treatment)

The researcher employed a variety of statistical techniques in analyzing the data gathered for

the study frequency counts and percentages distribution was used to describe the effects of basic skills


baking on the Grade 12 Bread and Pastry Production on the Likert scale use to measure the acceptance

and validity of the agreement while the significant differences between the profile of respondents and

the effects of basic skills in baking on the Grade 12 Bread and Pastry Production student were analyze

using anova

(Analysis of Variance)

Table 2 Likert Scale Indicator

Likert scale description Likert scale Likert Scale Internal Indication

Strongly Disagree 1 1.00-1.80 Very Poor

Dis- Agree 2 1.81-2.60 Poor

Agree 3 2.61-3.40 Fair

Moderately Agree 4 3.41-4.20 Average

Strongly Agree 5 4.21-3.00 Out Standing

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque
District of Boac


This chapter provides information about the data gathered from the survey questionnaires. The

data have been analyzed and reported. The results are shown in tables and textual forms to facilitate

better understanding.

Table 1. Population and Sample

Section Population Percentage Sample

Rohwedder 33 55.93% 33

Johnson 26 44.07% 20

TOTAL 59 100% 53

Based on the table above, the population of the respondents has total number of 59(100%), 33

$(55.93%) students coming from the section Rohwedder and 26 (44.07%) students coming from
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Schools Division of Marinduque
District of Boac

Johnson. The sample compose of 33 students coming from Rohwedder and 20 coming from Johnson,

with a total of 53 students.

What is the level of basic skills of Grade 12 BPP students?

Table 2. Level of Basic Baking Skills of Grade 12 Students.

Basic Baking Skills WX I I

Measuring Ingredients 4.11 Average


Follow recipes 4.08 Average


Pre heating the Oven 4.04 Average

Proper way of using 4.04 Average


4.07 Average
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque
District of Boac

Table 2. reveals that the level of Basic Baking Skills of with an average mean of 4.04 Grade 12 BPP

students is Average, Measuring ingredients accurately (4.11), Follow recipe religiously (4.08) and Pre

heating (4.04.

Table 3. level of baking skills of Grade 12 BPP students.

Baking skills WX I I

Mixing Technique 3.94 Average

Temperature Control 4.00 Average

Recipe reading and 4.20 Average


4.05 Average

Table 3 shows the level of baking skills of grade 12 BPP students with a weighted mean of 4.05 which

means that they one on the average level. Mixing techniques with weighted mean of 3.94, temperature

control with weighted mean of 4.00, of recipe reading and adoption with weighted mean of 4.20.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque
District of Boac

Table 4. ways to improve the Basic Skill of Grade 12 BPP.


Take a professional baking 3.83 Average


Focus on the right ingredients 4.00 Average

Will gain knowledge of pastry 4.17 Average

TOTAL 4:00

According to the table above, will gave knowledge of Pastry with a highest weighted mean 4.17 is

most way to improve the basic skill in baking of Grade 12 BPP next is to focus on the right ingredients

with a weighted mean of 4.17 and lastly take a professional baking course with a weighted mean of

3.83. Base on the data, the research concluded that most of the students before to give knowledge

pastry because it was waste to take a professional baking course.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque
District of Boac



The study came out with the following findings it was found out that profile of the respondents

with regards to sex reveals that male are dominated that female with the frequency 33 or while female

had a 45.7% in regard to profile of the respondents according to age it implies that most of the student

in Grade 12 BPP are in the age bracket of 16-20 years old while the general average of the student is

ranging from 70-75%.

There is no significant difference between the profile of the respondent and the effects of basic

skill in baking on the Grade 12 Bread and Pastry Production student in Marinduque National High

School. Thus, The null hypothesis was not rejected.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque
District of Boac

There relationship exists and implies that the effects of basic skill in baking on the Grade 12

Bread and Pastry Production of Marinduque National High School are effected by their profile. In

addition, the above mentioned statement were not indicators that the performance better or poor in



The school may strictly monitor the detail and creativity in presentation can set students apart,

showcasing their skills to potential employer or further educational opportunities.

Having a solid foundation in basic Baking skills is crucial for Grade 12 Bread and Pastry

Production students it enhances their understanding of techniques, ingredient interactions, and overall

ovality of the final products.

Pruriency in basic skills fosters creativity, efficiency, and consistency in baking, positively

impacting both their grades and future careers in the culinary field. Encourage hands-on practice,

emphasize attention to detail, and provide opportunities for experimentation to further home their

skills. To start, ask yourself the following questions?

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